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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Fredrick was silent as Ara explained, and when she finished, he looked downward. "I...I see..." he said, still not fully understanding. "I know it seems like a rather petty reason to bother you, but..." After a moment's pause, he let out a sigh. "N-never mind. I'll go now." He hopped off the taxi once it had stopped, and began to walk away before stopping short. "...I'm sorry about our last encounter...and..." he felt a tightness in his throat as he hesitated, then muttered: "Thank you." Before he could walk far from the taxi, however, he found himself surrounded by Opium's guards and citizens, all with a mixed look of fear and anger in their faces.

"There he is! The liquid nightmare!" a citizen shouted, holding up a pitchfork and pointing it at Fredrick's throat. "What gives you the gall to come here, monster?! Hasn't Ender Eye taught you what they do to your kind?!"

"Do you honestly think we'd welcome you here after all you've done?!" A guard added in, "After you've slain countless civilians to slake your blood lust?!" Fredrick didn't respond. He just gritted his teeth and began to liquify, planning to simply phase through the crowd and leave.
Ara glared at the crowd, and made a wall made of ice that separated the crowd and Fredrick. She then exclaimed, "Let him be! He's just a kid! Yeah, he's done messed up things in the past! But can we really judge him!?"

Ara then made her attention towards Fredrick, "But if he does try something, I'll be the one who stops him! Now go, and if you're ever in need to talk to someone...I'll be right here in Opium."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion backed out as he could obviously see this was something between Ara and this kid. Suddenly though, a mob with cliche torches and pitchforks surrounded the area deeming the creature to be evil. After Ara built a wall of ice to help the creature escape, Orion turned to her. "Ara, we may have to go now....." Orion mumbled as he saw the glares of the mob piercing through both the creature and he mages. "They do not like what you just did there." Orion, on instinct, summoned Mercury. "Take us back to our house Mercury."
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "I'm sorry. But... for some reason, I want to help this kid."

Mercury then grabbed onto Orion and Ara, and said, "As you command, master."

In a sudden flash, the three of them made it to the inside of their house. "May I partake to the Spirit World, master?" asked Mercury.

Ara quickly jumped unto a couch. Man...today was the worst.

"Quite complaining and talk!"

Viper stood in a room with a dozen guards unconscious, and one on the brink of unconsciousness being held by the collar as Viper had been trying to get him to tell him where his leader was. Despite the pain, the guard proved to be quite loyal.

"I...I ain't...telling you...nothin..." The guard mumbled as Viper, without thinking twice, pulled his other hand back into generating a Poison Dragon Claw.

"Let's see if you still have that view with a missing leg." Viper said with no emotion, but then he felt his communication lacrima go off as he dropped the guard to answer it.

"Anything?" Viper asked as he heard Zara's familiar giggle on the other end.

"Yep, big boy's in some underground chamber. Meet me in the main hall and I'll show you the way." Zara said as Viper gave a nod before he set his lacrima aside and headed to meet Zara in the main hall.
Fredrick gave Ara a look of mild gratitude, then melted into the shadows cast by the (probably) setting sun. Once he had escaped the town, he made his way to an abandoned shack in the outskirts and laid down on the dirt floor. It wasn't all that comfortable, but hey, it beat sleeping out in the open. Unsure of what to do next, he let out a sigh and closed his eyes, reluctantly allowing sleep to come over him.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Yes you may....." Orion responded to Mercury. "Aye boss!" The spirit saluted before disappearing in thin air. Orion turned to Ara where she slumped on the couch. "Get some rest, it's been a long day. We still have 6 more days before our modeling career is over." Orion said trying to enlighten the mood a bit, after that fiasco. "Wash up, I'll prep dinner." Orion calmly said as he scavenged through the kitchen to start cooking. 'This is going to be an interesting week...' Orion thought.
Viper and Zara made their way through the underground chamber, much more elaborate than either expected. Once more, they had worn gas masks, though Viper couldn't help but wonder something...

"Why do you wear one? I figure your own gas wouldn't effect you?" Viper asked, surprised he only now had asked that question given he'd known Zara for years. Zara turned to Viper with a grin.

"Because they are quite stylish, don't you agree?" Zara said, as if that reason made perfect sense. Viper let out a groan as they continued down the underground chamber.

Why did I bother asking?
Ara groaned, and got up from the couch. She was really tired.

Ara headed straight towards the shower. After a few minutes, she was done, and she headed towards the dining room, waiting for Orion's meal to be prepared.

Ara then exclaimed, "Hey, Orion, we have to be at Sorcerer Weekly HQ at 2:00! Do you think we can stop at the guild just to relax?"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Yeah we can!" Orion called out as he set the table with a simple creamy pasta dinner. "We can probably visit the bank to pay the bills as well." Orion chimed in. "Get it over with you know."

Orion finished his meal first and decided to shower and freshen up. Finishing his hygienic cleaning, and noticing the water was weaker than usual, Orion called it an early night. "I'll be sleeping first! Night!" Orion called out to Ara, readying himself for tomorrow.
Viper and Zara arrived at their destination. The only thing keeping them from the target was a large steel door.

"Poison Dragon Claw!"

"Smoke Magic: Sleeping Gas!"

That Viper had quickly disposed of. The second Viper cut a hole through the door Zara had released a wave of sleep inducing gas into the room with the aim to knock the target out.


Without warning the steel door had been knocked off the hinges and sent flying towards Viper and Zara, both were able to dodge it as it flew behind them through the hallway. At the same time the sleeping gas had been blown back by some strong wind current. Both Viper and Zara turned and saw their target; a obese giant of a human with a third eye on his forehead. In his hands was a large fan, which he had used to blow the gas away. The door being knocked off had been a result of sheer brute strength.
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "Uh...you we don't have to go to the bank tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll pay the bills."

Ara then went into her room, and fell asleep.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good job. Decent pay just for clearing out some stupid monkeys." Brendan said, looking at the flyer. "Hey Sabrina!" Brendan called out, "You want to go on this job with us?" Brendan asked the little girl as he took another sip of his water and ran his hand through his blue hair.
Bolt finally bought the milk and exited the store. He looked at the sky. "Wow its already this late? Better hurry home." He said to himself before flying towards his house, he arrived a short while after.
"Thanks!" Amber said, then headed to where she had been directed to. Liam followed his sister. Amber knocked on the door, incredibly excited and also trying to squash her nervous butterflies. Liam, despite not saying anything, fidgeted, obviously echoing his sister'semotions.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina perked her ears up to see she was invited to go on a mission. "Sure! Why not?" Sabrina chimed. "Seems easy enough to do so." Sabrina got up from her seat and went to her room within the guild. She packed a couple of things, before coming out to the crew. "I'm ready!" Sabrina shouted.
"Zara the Bounty Hunter. I knew you'd come for me one of these days. So I had my battle fan on hand in preparation to counter that smoke of yours. And I see you brought a friend. Based off his appearance I can only guess he is the seed of Cobra." The man known as the Three-Eyed Beast said which caused Viper to frown.

"My mother. Our sources said you spoken with her in the past. What do you know?" Viper asked as the Three-Eyed Beast let out a a laugh.

"Like I'd tell you two a damn thing. But enough talk, time for some bloodshed!" The Three-Eyed Beast yelled as he charged Viper and Zara.
"Nice going, Shamsiel!" Zane called out to a large, pompadoured white haired Angel. It hovered in the air, its two broad white wings spread, and the Angel held two bandits tightly in both stubby hands.

They were in a cave on the outskirts of Opium, being sent on a mission to recover a band of crooks who had begun stealing magical energy from cities and towns in order to form their own illegal lacrima weapons. Luckily, none of the criminals were actual magic users, so when Zane's angels had been able to destroy the weapons, the bandits themselves were powerless - and now they sat being near-suffocated by the eager grasps of Shamsiel. Perhaps this mission would have been a lot harder if Zane hadn't come so early. He walked towards the exit of the cave as his stone-like angel followed behind, rapidly giggling at the faces of the bandits.

"I'm a bit disappointed," the blonde wizard said. "This didn't really seem like a top tier job, but then again it pays decent and I needed to make ends meet. So good job Shamsiel, thanks for helping!"

"No problem at all, Master Zander!!" The child-like cherub replied enthusiastically.

As they exited the cave, Rune Knights sat awaiting.

"They're all yours, fellas!" Zane spoke upon seeing them. Shamsiel then dropped the four bandits to the ground, allowing the Knights to contain and arrest them. Zane was then given the reward of 300k Jewels, and hopped inside of the magical vehicle as Shamsiel disappeared in a puff of smoke. The driver then started up the vehicle and headed back towards Opium town.
Ara had finally woken up. The sun shining as she looked out of the window. Ara got her clothes ready, and she headed towards Orion's room.

Ugh...Orion, for the love of god, can you not bring up any bills, today.

She knocked on the door of Orion's room, and exclaimed, "Come on, let's go to the guild!"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Alright I'm up!" Orion called back to his roommate. With heave and ho, the blonde mage got up from his bed and started walking out of his room. With his regular morning routine of brushing his teeth, some hair products, and skin products, he was ready to attack the day. "Alright to the guild we go!" Orion walked out of their household, technically his, and began walking towards the guild of Ender Eye. It was a nice morning to walk, no need for a taxi or whatever. "Hopefully, they won't make us do any excessive stuff for the magazine." Orion told Ara during their walk.
Rubble was all that had remained of the castle. The battle between Viper/Zara and the Three-Eyed Beast was quite fierce, but in the end Viper and Zara emerged victorious. Now the Three-Eyed Beast was unconscious and restrained on the ground. Zara wiped away some sweat as she placed a boot on his chest to pose.

"That was fun. Now then since I want to bring him back for the bounty you can question him back at Opium Town. The sleepy smoke should keep him for the ride." Zara suggested as Viper gave a nod before he would pick the obese opponent up and carry him to the train station, Zara right behind him all the while.
Ed was once again throwing darts inside his office when he was interrupted and the dart he threw derailed and hit a bomb he put below the target. "Oh darn." He said before the bomb exploded. Ed opened the door as smoke filled the guild hall once again. "Hello how can I help you?" He asked.
"Alright, let's go then. According to this the town isn't far away." Catherine informed. Since the Drake Siblings - or the Drake Twins, whichever - had just arrived at the Guild, Marcus and Catherine already had everything they needed. "Alright, then," the male of the siblings started. "Let's go kick some Vulcan ass." Marcus finished, cracking his knuckles. He was definitely excited for his first official job. Catherine led the way out of the Guild and into the direction of the village.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Brendan said as the newly formed team exited the guild hall. "This job should be easy, Vulcans usually aren't too strong. Unless we run into some Vulcan King." Brendan said as the group walked down the road, he felt great going on a job such as this one. In the past Master Ed usually sent him on special one man missions that occasionally got very dangerous.
"Oh god I hate life..."

Viper and Zara had been making their way back to the guild, Viper was naturally motion sick from the train ride but still had the strength to carry the large obese target on his shoulders. Zara had insisted they do the questioning in the guild hall despite her not being a member and having no desire to join. Viper was too sick to protest as he and Zara continued to walk to the guild hall.

"Some friends I presume?" Zara asked, having seen Brendan and others walk out of the guild hall to go on an apparent mission. Viper glanced up...only to then puke on the ground. Zara giggled.
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"According to cliches, now some sort of Vulcan King is exactly what we're going to find." Marcus stated with a chuckle. Despite the chuckle, it was an entirely serious comment. He now expected to find a Vulcan King there. He turned to Catherine. "Yo, Cat', does the request state anything about that?" He inquired. Catherine pulled the paper out of her pocket and looked at it.
"No, it just says that there are Vulcans there and that they're causing trouble for the villagers." Catherine replied. "Besides, I'd think they would include something like that." Marcus nodded. It made sense.
"There's the village." Marcus pointed to the village, not too far away now. "The request said the Vulcans had managed to take over half the village, right?" He inquired, to which Catherine nodded. "Alright, let's pick up the pace."
"Half the village? Dang, these are some civilized monkeys." Brendan said as the village come to view, he could already hear the cry of vulcans in the distance. "These Vulcans may actually have a king that calls the shots considering they're coordinated enough to take and keep ahold of half the village." Brendan said as he picked up his pace.
Ara sighed, and said to Orion, "Yeah. Who ever knew that making multiple poses could be exhausting?"

As Ara was heading towards the guild, she noticed two people, and Ara could recognize one of them, Viper. There was a woman with him, but Ara didn't recognize her.

Ara ran up to Viper. She waved at him, smiled, and said, "Hi, there!"
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"My my, why haven't you told me your guild is filled with such cuties." Zara said with a grin as she eyed Ara. Viper, his face still green turned to Ara.

"I-Ignore her. She's a...oh god..." Viper said as he puked once more. The train ride had been rather bumpy and he still haden't recovered. Carrying their large target on his shoulder did not make it easier.
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Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina followed along the crew in silence, not sure how to jump into the conversation. After all, she is quite younger than most of the guild actually. Although more powerful among the irrelevant of the guild. As they arrived to the Vulcan Village, Sabrina had jumped into the conversation. "Wow half the village?" Sabrina pondered aloud. "Of monkeys?" She then turned to Brendan. "You would fit in just fine!" Sabrina said comparing Brendan to a nearby Vulcan. Looks like her annoyance and teasing hasn't stopped.
Orion was walking with Ara when they bumped into Viper and an unfamiliar face. Orion almost coughed but instead choked on his words. "Uhhh I'll ignore that....." Orion mumbled to himself about the strange woman. "Anyways, Viper who's this?" Orion asked the Poison Dragon Slayer. "A new member perhaps?" The lady was fairly older than him maybe, and she looked....rogue? But better not to judge their appearances.
Viper took a moment to shake the cobwebs as he faced Orion.

"This is Zara. A bounty hunter and friend I made during my years as a mercenary for hire. She doesn't like the idea of being in a guild but..." Viper said before Zara held a finger over Viper's mouth to cut him off.

"...but I am happy to help. Friends of Viper are friends of mine." Zara said, giving a seductive wink to Orion.
"That's what I was thinking." Marcus stated as they neared the village. Upon entering, they had to walk past the half of the town inhabited by humans. It didn't take long for them to be greeted by a horde of Vulcans, both mountain and forest Vulcans. On a nearby wooden chair, being held up by two Vulcans, was an even larger mountain Vulcan. On his head was a paper crown, like the kind you would get for going to a fast food place on your birthday.
"You two ready?" Catherine asked as she conjured a purple flame around her arms. Marcus smirked and removed his jacket, letting it fall to the ground. He slammed his fists together.
"Beast Soul: Metal Bear Arm!" Marcus shouted. Upon doing so, his right arm turned into that of a bear's, but it was made of metal. "This is going to be fun."
Brendan tilted his head down a bit, "Ouch.. My pride." Brendan mumbled as he followed Marcus into the village of Vulcans. Brendan's spirits were immediately upon viewing the King Vulcan "That must be the king." Brendan said, trying to hold back his laughter, "He could have at least gotten a better crown." Brendan said looking at his paper crown, cracking up a bit.
"Alright, let's do this!" Brendan exclaimed with a smirk. "Requip! Explosive Armor!" Brendan yelled, a tan armor appeared around Brendan that looked like it was made out of the armor on a tank. Brendan then raised his arms, which turned into duel magic rocket launchers. "Take this!" Brendan yelled as a series of rockets were shot at the Vulcans, causing huge explosions that wiped out a lot of Vulcans and a handful of houses.
"We were wondering if we could join the guild," Amber told Ed. Liam nodded silently. "I'm Amber, and this is Liam," the Copycat introduced them, mentally kicking herself for the awkwardness.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina then followed on cue of the mages attack. The one she was aiming for was the Vulcan King. The one with the flimsy paper crown upon it's head. "Doll-Play: Tree Doll!" Soon, almost like an earthquake, a giant tree came to life, with the use of Sabrina's magic. First thing she controlled it to do was give a giant punch to the Vulcan King. Downfall of it though was that the bigger the control, the less mobility it has. The incoming punch came in really slow, which of course the king avoided, but it did hit the idiotic minions that weren't paying attention. Majority of the minions were wiped out due to the mages efforts, but the Vulcan King was still on the loose.
Ed smiled. "The numbers of members in this guild is rising rapidly heh." He thought to himself before looking at Amber and Liam. "Our guild is always welcome to new members." He said.
"Purple Flare: Typhoon"! Catherine shouted. A glyph appeared in front of her, before it shout out a typhoon of purple fire. It engulfed a decent amount of the Vulcan minions, as well as some of the houses. Marcus went after the Vulcan King. The large Vulcan was leaping over buildings.
"Cat', boost!" Marcus called. He leapt up into the air and landed on his sister's hands. Somehow, his sister had the upper body strength to push her brother up and onto the roof of one of the houses. Marcus chased after the Vulcan King, swinging his metal bear arm, which left a few holes in the buildings. Finally, Marcus was able to swat the Vulcan King and make him tumble off the building.
Ara awkwardly smiled when Zara commented in how she was "cute", and she said, "Uh...thank you?"

Ara then looked at Viper, and said, "Why should Zara ignore me? I'm what?" Ara smirked while she said this.
"Nice one!" Brendan called out as he requiped into his Flight Armor. Brendan used a nearby building as a springboard and shot himself at the King Vulcan. To his surprise, the monkey had extraordinary reaction speed andlanded a hit on Brendan, causing him to go through a building. Brendan then jumped onto the same building, "You asked for it!" Brendan yelled. A yellow magic circle with a star in the center appeared in his hands. The teen then shot golden beams of light out of his palms at the King Vulcan, causing even more numerous explosions.
Viper gave a look to Ara that screamed Don't ask.

Darn it, if Zara finds out about Ara's habit...I don't even want to think of the endless annoyance Zara would bring upon me.

"Yeah Viper. why should I ignore her?" Zara said with a smirk as well, Viper let out a groan.

I hate all of you.

Soon the large man Viper had on his shoulders began to stir, which indicated he was waking up. Viper let out a grin as she set the man down.

"Good, you're awake. Now talk or else." Viper said as he held the man by the collar and readied a Poison Dragon Claw. The man faced Viper with his eyes widened out of fear.