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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)


Previously Sarah316
Savannah heard something at the door and opened it to see Bolt and the milk in hand.

"Finally you're here! I've been worried sick." Savannah said as she grabbed the milk from Bolt.

"Now we're together again." Savannah said with a smile to the milk before she went to the kitchen to pour a glass for herself.
Ara looked at the big fat man that Viper had let down, and she asked, "Who is this guy?"

Ara still wanted to know what Viper was going to say about her, though.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion peered at the awoken man on Viper's shoulders. "Uhhh, you guys seem busy...." Orion said referring to their 'friend' there. "Umm, Ara.... we should go for now, they seem busy." Orion stated, clearly really awkward and tense with the lady and their conscious friendly over Viper's shoulder. Checking the clock that was hung up on a shop window, Orion sees that it was almost time for them to move on anyways. "It's almost time." Orion told Ara, to let her know they had a job to complete for the whole week.
Sabrina let the others deal with the Vulcan King while she stayed back to deal with the irrelevant Vulcans. She released her control of the Tree Golem and used her magic for another possession. "Doll-Play: Earth Golem!" A giant monster soon grew from the earth beneath her. "Blast 'em!" Sabrina called as she controlled the golem to throw rubble at the Vulcans finish them off.
"This guy is known as the Three-Eyed Beast." Viper said, pointing at the third eye on the man's forehead to explain the nickname.

"Supposedly he'd been seen with my mother a few weeks ago. Now then, tell me what you know!" Viper yelled as the man began to mumble out of fear.

"I-I know nothing!" The man said as Viper used a single finger claw to stab the man's knee, the man yelled in pain.

"Liar! Tell me something of use or else!" Viper threatened.
Ara pouted at Orion, but then said, "You can go on in the guild, and relax for a while. I want to see what this guy's about."

I promised Viper I would help him find his mother, and that's what I'm going to do.

Ara then glared at the Three-Eyed Beast. She turned her right arm into an ice blade, and put it really close to the man's neck. Ara then said in an intimidating voice, "Hey, Fatso! You better tell us what you know, unless you want me to chop your head off clean!" Ara was still glaring at the man intimidatingly.
Marcus sent his metal bear arm into the King Vulcan's face, which sent him tumbling to the ground. "Well, that was fun!" Marcus stated. Meanwhile, Catherine was helping Sabrina with the Vulcan minions. They were clearing most of them out.
"Marcus!" Catherine shouted. "You gonna do your thing or what?" She inquired. Marcus snapped his fingers.
"Oh, yeah. I need to do the thing." He stated. He spread out his arms and looked at the King Vulcan. "Beast Soul: Take Over!" Marcus shouted as a purple glyph appeared. Soon enough, Marcus turned into the King Vulcan, and the original disappeared.
Barry walked up to Bolt. "What took you so long? How does buying milk take up a hole day." He asked. "The store was packed and then an angry mob appeared. So that why." Bolt explained. Barry glanced at Bolt. "Well alright." He said before walking back.
Brendan breathed heavily as Marcus took over the King Vulcan. "That's crazy. I've never seen someone take over a beast directly." Brendan said as he hopped off the building, which conveniently collapsed behind him. Brendan took and deep breath and looked around, horror filled his face... The whole half of town was completely demolished, a wooden shack remained, but it soon collapsed as small breeze hit it. "Oh no.. We really over did this." Brendan said, "I really don't want to deal with the cops... Again." Brendan mumbled.
"FINE FINE I'LL TALK! She came and asked for some money. Didn't tell me where she was going, or why of anything else. That's all I know about the bitch I sw..."

The man began to explain before Viper cut the man off with a punch to the face. Viper did not take kindly to that comment about his mother. Viper let out a sigh.

"Damn it, another dead end. Where the hell are you?" Viper said to himself, before he opened his locket to view the picture of his mother. A sad expression on his face as he did.
Marcus gave a smirk before returning back to his normal self. He looked over to see Catherine finish off the last of the Vulcans. "I'm just gonna collect the Jewel, then we can bounce." Marcus stated, after looking around at the destruction the group had caused. He quickly ran to the village chief, told them of their job completion, and received the reward. He sprinted back to the others. "Okay, got the Jewel. Let's get out of here. Now." Marus grabbed his jacket and slid it back on.
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Ara reverted her hand back to normal, and she crossed her arms. "Looks like he was completely useless," Ara said. She then looked at Viper and Zara, and said, "Alright, I'll see you guys later."

And without noticing, Ara had already stripped, and started walking towards the guild.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina stared at the demolished town. "Even your mother and father didn't go overboard." Sabrina told Brendan. "Hey Marcus? Can you take over Brendan? I'm pretty sure he's a beast too." Sabrina called out to the Take-Over user. She remembered quite clearly with all the explosions Brendan had made. "Why explosions god damn it?" Sabrina asked Brendan. "It was just a Vulcan!"
Orion stayed put with Ara, until she finally broke the man. At least they were done with whatever. Orion casually followed the now practically naked Ara back to the guild, with Ara's clothes making a trail leading to the guild. Right when they made it to the guild entrance, Orion spoke up. "Ara," Orion began. "Your clothes."
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "What do you mea..." She then looked down to see that she was only in her underwear.

She jumped in shock, and looked back at the trail of clothes she left behind. She quickly went and grabbed every pair of clothing, and put them on.

She then looked back at Orion, and said, "Thank you." She had tears of disappointment on her face.
"Oh my..."

Zara had a seductive grin as she watched Ara walk away without her clothing. Viper looked on in pure horror.

Damn it why damn it why damn it why damn it...

"Does she do this often?" Zara grinned as Viper let out a groan.

Damn it why.
"I'm not sure take that as an insult or compliment." Brendan said to Sabrina as she called him a beast.
"Hey, I was just letting loose you know. Plus, you can never go wrong with explosions." Brendan said with a laugh as the group began to flee from the city.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion practically rolled his eyes at Ara's habit. God damn it Fullbusters. "Anyways, we still have about an good half hour to an hour until we go back to the studio." Orion explained to the stripper. "Anything you want to do as of right now?" Orion said as he opened the door to let both of them in.
The moment Brendan said that there was nothing wrong with explosions, Sabrina dropped her jaw. She literally showed him the mess he had made. At least Marcus and Catherine were sane enough to keep there powers in check. "Anyways, how are we splitting this." Sabrina asked. She did need jewels to buy personal stuff and her monthly rental after all.
"The reward was forty-thousand Jewel." Catherine informed as they walked. They should've been far away enough. She looked to Marcus. "They paid us in full, correct?" She asked her brother. Marcus nodded before replying.
"I counted it. A full forty-thousand Jewel. There's forty-thousand here, and there's four of us. So, we split it four ways." The Take-Over mage reasoned. "Ten thousand between each of us. Sound fair?" Marcus asked.


Previously Sarah316
"So Barry, what do you want to do? I say we go to the guild hall. See what the others are up to. Maybe get a mission." Savannah suggested as she enjoyed her glass of milk.
"A beauty like that would make a great model for Sorcerer Weekly, perhaps I could send a letter of recommendation and.."

"Don't start. Just take the guy and go get your bounty. Thanks for the help."

"Of course. Always happy to lend a hand. I'll be sure to see you, and your guild, more often in the future."

Zara walked off, dragging the guy behind her with a whip around his ankle as Viper let out a sigh and went to the guild hall. Having failed to learn anything, he went to the guild bar and requested a drink.


Previously Sarah316
"Good, then let's hit it." Savannah said as she walked out the door and began to head to the guild hall. During the walk Savannah had one thought on her mind.

I wonder what everyone else did while Bolt had his milk misadventure?
"I wasn't the only person who destroyed stuff you know." Brendan said as the group walked down the road. "Phft, I bet it comes from my mother. She's been arrested more than dad." Brendan mumbled realizing he had caused most of the destruction.
"Yeah, 10,000 sounds good. That was really easy money." Brendan said, looking toward Marcus.
"Definitely. Wasn't expecting the job to be that easy." Marcus agreed as he handed each member of the group their share of Jewel. "After we get back to the Guild, I'll probably just lounge around for a bit." He added.
"I'll probably just look through the jobs and see if we can find anything for tomorrow or something." Catherine informed.
"Right, yeah, for tomorrow. But for today, we shall casually celebrate our first job's success at Ender Eye!" Marcus cheered.
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "Ah....not really. I just really want to relax, and be around the company of fellow guild members before we go off modeling."

Ara sat down next to Viper, and got herself a drink.
Viper glanced at Ara who sat next to him before he took a sip of his drink.

"So, what have you been up to since I left?" Viper asked Ara, in an aim to try and exchange small talk to get his mind off his failure at getting any closer to finding his mother.
Ara looked at Viper, and said, "Ah, nothing much really. Except that I've been working as a model for Sorcerer Weekly."

Ara then took a sip of her drink.
Viper did a spit take the second those words left Ara's mouth.

"S-seriously?" Viper asked Ara, eyes widened as he clearly did not believe what Ara just said. More importantly...

Damn this. Zara is gonna see she's a model and is NEVER gonna let me live this down. After the trouble I went through to tell her Ender Eye would never pose for that magazine...
Ara backed away as Viper spat. She then said, "What's the big fuss all about? I'm only doing it for a week, so I can get the money."

What the hell is his deal!?
Viper let out a sigh, cleaning his mess with a napkin before he ordered another drink.

"Just got done telling Zara nobody in Ender Eye would ever pose for Sorcerer Weekly. Between that and her seeing your little habit moments ago she is NEVER going to let you or I live this down. Ever." Viper said before he took another sip.
Ara looked at Viper, and said, "I don't really get what you're going on about, but....I'm sorry?"

Ara took another sip of her drink, and started patting Viper's back.
Viper let out a sigh.

"Not your fault. That's just Zara's nature. Just expect her to visit this guild and eye you quite often when she does the moment that issue comes out." Viper warned as he took another sip. Viper took a moment to open his locket and stare at the picture of his mother.

"Besides I'm just not in a good mood anyway. Sorry about my behavior, you didn't deserve that." Viper said in a low voice, never taking his eyes off the picture. It was obvious that finding yet another dead end in his search for his mother had put him in a sour mood.
Brendan happily strolled along with the group down the road and Opium was coming into view. "That village really wasn't that far away. We didn't even have to take a train." Brendan commented, requiping back into his casual clothing. "I wonder if we'll have another guild party tonight considering how many new members joined today." Brendan said, they hadn't had one of those in a while and they were always a great time.
"That sounds like it would be freaking amazing." Marcus commented as the group made their way into Opium. "And yeah, it really wasn't too far." He added. After a couple minutes of walking, they made it back into the Ender Eye Guild Hall. The first thing Marcus did was head towards the bar. There were two other people there. The man he saw talking with Brendan earlier and the woman who had walked into the guild in her undergarments. Upon seeing her, Marcus smirked and glanced back at his little sister. She hadn't noticed Ara yet. Apparently Catherine was too busy thinking about their next job. Marcus sat down on the free side of Viper and ordered a drink.
Brendan sat next Ara, "How's it going guys?" Brendan asked Ara and Viper, he then turned to the bartender and ordered a relatively strong drink without realizing it. "What do you guys say, let's have an awesome guild party!" Brendan exclaimed with a grin, many other guild members cheered in agreement and began drinking and partying.
Ara looked at Viper, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't really care about you lashing out at me. But, I know how much finding your mother means to you. I've been searching for clues as well, but no luck here too."

As Ara was drinking her beverage, she noticed a guy who she never had seen. She looked at him, and said, "Hey, you there! Are you a new member? If so, welcome to the guild!" She had a smiled on her face.

Ara noticed Brendan, and said something about a party. Ara wanted to go, but she had to do the modelling gig. She then said, "Hey, make sure the party lasts a long time! I want to come celebrate after my job!"


Previously Sarah316
Savannah entered the guild hall and saw Brendan, Ara, Viper and some new members among others by the bar. She overheard the party suggestion which caused her eyes to lit up.

"A party? That sounds great!" Savannah said with a grin as she sat in an open seat next to the others.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Party sound great!" Orion jumped into the conversation finally. "But, we have to get going, right Ara?" Orion said looking at the Water Manipulator. He didn't want to model, but definitely the money would be great. Orion looked at the hanging clock and saw it was only a few minutes until 2:00 PM. "Be sure to save some for us!" Orion called to the rest of the mages.
"Yeah, my sister and I just joined up." Marcus responded. "The name's Marcus Drake, Take Over Mage specializing in Best Soul at your service. My sister, Catherine Drake, a Purple Flare Mage, is over there by the request board." stated Marcus, pointing at his sister. "With me around, I'd say the party'll be goin' on for a good long time!" Marcus added as he chugged his drink down. "Another!"
Barry walked into the guild as he saw Orion and Ara leave. He walked to the guild bar and sat down on the stool next to Savannah. "Hey euh, where are those two going?" He asked referring to Ara and Orion.
Brendan grabbed his drink and basically downed it in less than ten seconds. "Eh, I don't know." Brendan said slowly as the alcohol began to kick in. "Holy shiiii." Brendan said as he shook his head like a dog trying to dry itself. "Bring me some more of this! Now!!" Brendan yelled at the bartender.