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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

"Come on Savannah wake up! Don't be a wuse!" Brendan yelled at Savannah as he stood back up on his barstool.
Brendan then turned and noticed Ara still dancing, "Didn't I tell you to get off the stage?!" Brendan yelled, "I'll punish you for your crimes!!" Brendan exclaimed as another giant blade appeared in his hands.
Cat was shocked, and her bush grew even deeper. She was definitely hesitant. Luckily, her brother came up with an idea. Marcus knew his sister's alcohol intolerance was almost as bad as Savannah's. She'd definitely be up for it after a drink. "I'll be right back." Marcus said to viper. The taller of the Drake Twins grabbed a filled mug from the counter and handed it to his sister. "Just do it." He whispered. Still in a half-dazed state, Cat' complied and chugged the whole mug. Within a few seconds, she was almost as tipsy as Savannah was after her first mug and gladly complied with Ara's request. Marcus sat back down next to Viper. "Aren't I the best brother on the planet?"

He pulled Brendan back into his seat. "No, you sit down."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Whelp," Orion said staring at his roommate in embarrassment. "There she goes again." There really was no reason to be embarrassed though, stripping is a habit of hers. The embarrassing thing was that she was drunk and slandering all over the place. "Do I have to drag her home...." Orion mumbled to himself while pinching his forehead. "Next thing you know, she's going to become a prostitute..." Orion said aloud. "Too late." Angela told Orion pointing to the stage. Orion stared at Ara aghast at her actions. Meanwhile Sabrina was staring at unconscious member one. "Whelp there's one down," Sabrina said referring to Savannah.
"Helped build her confidence. That's what brothers are supposed to do. Well, most brothers..." Viper said as he finished his latest drink and asked for another.
Ara was now dancing with Catherine, when suddenly Brendan took out a sword, and wanted a fight.

Ara looked at Brendan, and exclaimed, "Heyheyhey! If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're going to get!"

Ara then turned her arms into ice blades, and charged at Brendan. Even though she was drunk, fighting came to her like an instinct.
"HAHA, let's go streaker!" Brendan yelled as he got up once again, ignoring Marcus's orders. The two drunk mage's blades clashed, causing everyone to stare for a moment before bursting out in laughter. While they clashed blades, Brendan destroyed many tables and chairs.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah remained oblivious to everything around her. Her light snores were only interrupted by the occasional sleep talking bits.

"Um...yeah...I'd like some cream pie..." Savannah mumbled before she went back to snoring.
The now-tipsy Catherine raised her arms and shot a torrent of purple flames at Brendan. "P- *hic* Purple Flare: Fire Torrent!" She shouted as the magic attack was sent at Brendan. One of the other mages called out: "MAGIC FIGHT!" And just like that, a bunch of the mages in the guild hall began fighting each other. Marcus chuckled as he downed another drink.
The attack pushed Ara back a little. "Ah, looks like you really are Erza Scarlet's son," Ara said. Catherine then shot a fire attack, which Ara barely dodged.

But what Ara didn't notice, was that her underwear was destroyed from the Purple Flare Attack, and now she was completely naked!

Ara then charged at Brendan once more, and kept attacking him!
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Marcus had to put his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from spitting out his drink. "Oh my lord, this is glorious. Best first day ever!" Marcus declared. Catherine would have had a serious nose bleed if she was sober, but she wasn't. Her first instinct was to continue the fight. Her arms became cloaked in fire, and she charged at Brendan, aiming a swing at the Requip Mage's face.
Brendan jumped above the purple flames, "Ha, foolish!" Brendan exclaimed as he landed back on the ground, "So, you still want a piece of me?!" Brendan yelled as he pulled out two katanas and continued to clash with Ara, "Let's see how your ice handles this!" Brendan yelled as he requiped one of the blades for a Flame Emperor Blade which would melt Ara's ice.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Angela gave a huge sigh and created a wall of vines around the bar. It protected everyone within it including Sabrina, Orion, herself, Angela, and some of the more sober fellows. "So, any drink requests?" Angela asked the sane people within the vines. "Tequila Sunrise please." Orion said. "It's still a party after all." Sabrina toyed around with one of the flowers using her Doll-Play magic. "How long until the party ends?" Sabrina asked the two older teens. "Hmm probably about 1-2?" Orion said sipping his drink Angela made. "Maybe even 3..." The plant mage said while making herself a Pina Colada. "Safer in here than out there." Sabrina said hearing everything that's going outside of the wall of vines.
Amber slammed her fourth empty bottle down on the table and gave Liam a crooked, drunken grin. "Imma go talk to those guys over there," she said, slurring her words and giggling a little at the end. She staggered over to the group with the jar and threw her last thirty in. "Y'all are goin' down," she told them. Liam shook his head and went to the group that looked sober, throwing down what he had left in his shot glass. His alcohol tolerence was quite high. The electricity Mage nodded at the others as he sat down.
"The more the merrier I always say." Viper said to the newest additions to his game. Viper began to drink from his latest mug.

Gotta say, didn't expect this many people to be part of this...
Marcus finished gulping down his current mug. "We might actually have to watch out for this one." Marcus stated, pointing his mug at Liam. He brought his attention back to the fight of his sister and Ara against Brendan. It was definitely amusing to watch. Marcus chuckled. Catherine aimed another flame-enveloped punch going straight toward's Brendan's gut, in an attempt to hopefully double him over.
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Liam just rolled his eyes, which widened when he heard his sister give a loud screech. She copied Catherine's move and tried to use it against the other Mage, but completely missed and went flying ass-over-teakettle over the bar. She got up and laughed. "Guys, there's more in here!"
Brendan's body glew with a golden hue as he speed away from Catherine's attack, "Ha! You'll never be able to catch me at this rate of speed!" Brendan exclaimed as he sped around the guild hall, knocking things over. "Oh god, moving this fast is making me want to hurl..." Brendan mumbled.
Catherine's failed attack made her tumble over and land right in front of Ara. She let out a groan. Marcus rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back. Again." Marcus stated as he slid off his jacket and left it on his seat. "Beast Arm: Metal Bear Arm!" Marcus chanted, before he outstretched the arm right in front of where Brendan was about to run. With how fast he was going, it would hopefully trip up the drunken mage and knock him out.
Ara just looked on at how all of the action was ensuing. "Brendan," she said, "It doesn't even matter if you used your Fire Emperor on me. Don't you remember that I'm a Water Manipulator as well?"

Ara then jumped over Marcus' beast arm, and got behind Brendan. "Devastating Tsunami!" Ara exclaimed as she made a giant wave that was aimed towards Brendan.
Viper began to laugh loudly at this point. This party had done one heck of a job to lighten his spirits. Viper took another drink as he watched the battle through the vines.

Oh Zara, if you were here you'd be having a riot. Actually given the current state of Ara it's a good thing you're not here...
Brendan swiftly avoided Marcus's arm, "Foolish!" Brendan called out as he requiped into his Sea Emperor armor and pulled continued to fly around the guild hall, crashing into things. Brendan somehow managed to shoot a couple of sword slashes at Ara through his drunken fury.
Ara was able to make an ice shield thick enough to stop the blows from Brendan's attack.

"I'm not a weakling, Brendan!" Ara exclaimed. "Ice Make: Multiple Lances!" Ara shouted as a bunch of ice lances were aimed towards Brendan at high speeds.
In an unintentional act of cooperation, Catherine also readied her next attack. "Purple Flare: Flaming Tornado!" She shouted. She shot a tornado towards Brendan. While Ara's lances went straight towards Brendan, Catherine's tornado was meant to trap him. Marcus sat back down after getting rid of his metal bear arm and sliding on his jacket. He chugged down another drink.
"This is great, man." Marcus chuckled. "It always like this?"
Brendan avoided the tornado with his Meteor spell, but was hit by the lances. "Ha, perfect timing!" Brendan called out as seven magic circles appeared on the ceiling in the guild hall. "Get ready for this you striper!" Brendan exclaimed, his face with still bright red from being drunk. Brendan placed his right hand, showing two fingers onto his left hand which showed five fingers, each finger tip glowed a bright yellow. The whole guild hall began to shake... "May seven of these *hic* stars judge *hic* you. Or how ever the hell it goes!" Brendan yelled
Suddenly, Catherine wasn't where she had been before. Marcus chuckled as he continued to watch, since he could see his sister just fine from where he was. Even in her drunken state, the female of the Drake Twins managed to sneak up behind Brendan. She readied an arm to strike him in the back of the head, which should effectively knock him out. "Hey, can people still be in the contest if they wake back up before it's over?" Marcus asked as Cat' struck her arm in the direction of Brendan's head.
As Brendan was charging his attack Cat struck Brendan in the head, which broke what little concentration he had, causing the Grand Chariot spell to not active, "Ow man, that f*cking hurt." Brendan said as he rubbed his head and walked back toward the vined area. Brendan ripped the vines opened, went inside of the area and sat down. The drunk teen then laid his head down and passed out just as Savannah did.
Viper thought it over for a moment.

"That would be an interesting rule. On one hand, it would keep people like Savannah in the running. On the other hand, just feels weird that someone passed out is still "in the running" in a drinking endurance contest. Defiantly something to consider." Viper said to Marcus as Brendan passed out.
Ara smirked as Brendan was powering up his attack, and she was going to power up her own attack, but Brendan then passed out.

"Aw, man," Ara said, "I wanted the fight to continue. Whatever! Let's go back to dancing!"

Ara then started dancing back on the stage, taking some more shots of alcohol.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Number 2 is down...." Sabrina said boredly. Orion and Angela were still enjoying their drinks calmly. But everyone could hear how it was a rampage and a mad house outside. Angela with a motion of her hand closed up the vines again before anything shot through.
Still willing as ever, Catherine followed Ara back on stage, the drunk teen enjoying every moment of it. While most people wouldn't be able to tell, Marcus knew how his sister was feeling just by a slight difference in her face. The way her eyes were, the look in her eyes, et cetera. And it was clear the violet-eyed girl was having the time of her life. It caused Marcus to crack a smile and lean against the counter as he downed yet another drink.
Viper saw the smile Marcus gave his sister and let out a frown. Having turned away to down another drink.

It's been so long, I've all but forgotten the feeling is having a family moment that I'm not ashamed of...
Brendan lifted his head, "I'm not out... I'm just taking a break..." Brendan gently mumble, he didn't even open his eyes before his head fell back on the table.

"Get off the stage you stupid stripper." Brendan mumbled in his sleep as he gently snored. He actually looked quite peaceful.
"Wooh!" Ara exclaimed as she was still dancing, paying no attention to Brendan.

She then looked at Catherine, and shouted, "Yeah, that's the spirit girl! But you gotta show more energy!"

Ara then intensified her dancing, but because she was naked, it made things a bit more...seductive.
To the best of her ability, Catherine tried to imitate the way Ara was dancing at the moment, and managed to pull it off for the most part. "Like this?" She shout/asked. Marcus couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's behavior. He downed another drink. He looked over to see most of the fights that had broken out were entirely gone now.
"Woohoo!" Ara exclaimed, "That's it!"

Ara took some more shots, but she was still standing. She then looked at Viper, and said, "Those jewels are mine!"

Ara then stopped dancing. She then shouted, "Woo, if I go on any longer, I think I might pass out! And there's no way I'm going to let that happen!"
Viper let out a grin.

"You sure know the life of the party. I'm impressed." Viper said as he downed another drink while he gave Ara a compliment, putting his resentment with Marcus' much better family life on hold for the moment.

Even drunk she's playing it smart. She's had more to drink than me so she's taking it easy now. This has been more fun that I could have guessed.
"So, which one of them do you think is gonna cave first? Ara's gonna keep drinking until she passes out, and I don't think Cat' plans on drinking anymore." Marcus asked as he downed yet another mug himself. "But, Cat' usually passes out after one drink. I'm pretty sure it's pure adrenaline keeping her up. I'm willing to bet if Ara passes out first, Cat'll pass out right along with her." Marcus reasoned as he took a sip from yet another drink.
Ara looked at Viper, and said, "Why thank you, my friend. But the party isn't over tonight!" Ara then took another shot.

Ara was completely drunk, and she walked up to Catherine. "Let's make this a night no one will ever forget," Ara said to Catherine.

Ara then went up to Viper, and said, "Do you have any empty bottles?"
Viper turned to Marcus and said. "Ara is a fighter. Girl can handle her liquor." Before he handed Ara a pair of empty bottles, being forced to sneak them through the defensive vines.

"What do you aim to do with them?" Viper asked Ara.
"Daaaaammmn riiiight we willll." Catherine slurred, stumbling after the Fullbuster. Marcus could tell the alcohol was starting to effect his sister. He chuckled. Marcus nodded to Viper's statement. Ara definitely seemed to be the fighting-type, and her skills demonstrated during her little fight with Brendan helped prove that even more.