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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Ara smirked, and told Viper, "The answers simple my friend, we're going to play....SPIN THE BOTTLE!"

Ara then found in an opened space, and she sat down. She then exclaimed, "Anyone want to join me!?" She also took another shot.
Viper grinned, using some of his poison to rot the vines around him as he walked over to Ara. A new mug in his hand as he sat next to her.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." Viper said as he took a shot.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Shoot I'll join this one." Orion called out to the drunks as he made his way to the crew, with Angela allowing a passage for him to go through. Well, Angela actually put down all the vines as there weren't any more chaos and fighting anymore. "I'll clean up." Angela called out. "I'll help you out." Sabrina replied as she got her newly found dolls to help clean the place while everyone else played Spin the Bottle.
Catherine eagerly wobbled over and plopped herself down next to Ara. "Ya' know I'm iiinnn!" She stated, slurring the last word a tad bit.
"Ah, What the hell, I might as well." Marcus stated as he stood up from his seat and walked over, drink in hand. He sat down and waited for the game to commence. He could bring the matter of Ara's current apparel (or lack thereof) to her attention, but he wasn't about to ruin that for his sister.
Ara smiled, and then exclaimed, "Alright, I'll go first!"

Ara then spanned the bottle, and after a while....it landed on Marcus.

Ara then looked at Marcus seductively (mostly because she was drunk), and she said, "Well, come on, let's do it."
"Yeah Marcus, do it. She's waiting." Viper said with a grin as he took another shot. Viper was truly starting to enjoy himself now. Viper could only guess he'd change that view once it landed on him, but he put that thought aside for the moment.
'Ah, shit. Cat's not gonna like this.' Marcus thought to himself. Even while she was drunk, it was clear Catherine was jealous, and a blush was quickly growing on her face. Marcus gave his sister an apologetic-looking shrug. Marcus extended his face towards Ara. He might as well get it over with. Actually, what had he been thinking? At the moment, there was no possible way this could turn out good for him. "Alright, I'm ready."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion stared at the two "chosen ones" while chanting "kiss." After all this was spin the bottle. Already it was entertaining, but probably not if it lands on him. Kissing anyone is nerve wrecking for Orion in general. He should quit while he's at it, but it would make him a wuss. It took his will to stay down and play the game.
Ara strolled up to Marcus, and said, "Ah, don't be so modest!"

Ara then gave Marcus a kiss, a passionate one at that!

"Owee, you're a terrible kisser!" Ara exclaimed, "But now it's your turn, Marcus." Ara then handed Marcus the bottle, and got back to her spot.
"Yeah, yeah. Believe it or not, that kinda stuff doesn't happen to me a lot." Marcus responded before spinning the bottle himself. He knew he was gonna groan no matter who it landed on, so he just groaned before it stopped. It landed on Orion. "Alright, c'mon, my dude. Let's get this over with."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion groaned when it landed on him. 'Great....' He thought to himself. "Sorry! If I offended you or anything." Orion told Marc from his massive groan. Orion then patted Marc's back and whispered to him. "Don't worry I don't want to do this either." Orion said quietly so that only the two males could hear. Orion then put a quick peck on Marc's lips before heading back to his seat.

"Alright! My turn!" Orion said a bit to enthusiastically for his taste. Spinning the bottle, the glass gave a nice sound as it's friction rolled along the smoothe surface of the table. A few moments after, it landed on an all too familiar face: Ara Fullbuster. Orion didn't say anything but kept quiet. Hopefully the water/ice mate would be drunk enough to forget about all this.
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "Oh, so you're next? This might be interesting."

Ara bit her lips, and strolled up to Orion seductively (it didn't help that she was naked, however!).

"I wonder how good you are?" Ara said, before ultimately giving Orion a kiss.

"Wowie! You were better than I thought! Why aren't you in a relationship!?" Ara exclaimed.

"Welp, looks like it's my turn!" Ara said as she spinned the bottle. The bottle landed at Viper. Ara then looked at Viper like she did everyone else, and said, "If I think that you're a good kisser, then I'll add 30,000 jewels into your little challenge."
That got Viper interested as he moved over to the naked girl and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. A possible increase in profits could motivate a man, so he did his best to please her.

"Pretty good kiss if I'd say so myself. Whether it is a 30,000 jewel kiss I'll leave for you to decide." Viper said to Ara with a wink before he took his turn to spin the bottle. It landed on Orion. Viper let out a groan before he turned.

"Make it quick." Viper said matter of factly. Though his mind was focused on other matters...

I wonder what Eliza is gonna think about this? Wait why do I even care?

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Oh for f***s sakes" Orion shouted. He then paused for a moment. "I am so sorry if I offended you in anyway at all." He might despise this game but he cared for his friends more. With another sigh, Orion reached over and gave Viper a decent peck before going back to his seat.

Orion gave a huge sigh. "Whose next...." Orion said aloud. The bottle spun with the addicting sound of glass on a smooth surface. The bottle tip soon landed on Cat. "Well, let's get it over with." Orion said to the wizard.
Ara then pouted, and said, "That kiss wasn't what I expected whatsoever! Definitely not worth 30,000 jewels, buuut I will give you 3000 jewels for effort." Ara then handed Viper the 3000 jewels.
Viper grinned, taking the jewels and putting them in the jar as he waited for the latest kiss to unfold. Still...

Weird I'd think of Eliza in that situation. I'll have to ask somebody why I would. Not like we're an item or anything.
Cat' nodded and gave Orion a quick peck on the lips. Thankful that that was over, Catherine spun the bottle herself. She literally almost jumped out of joy, but held it back. She didn't hold back her smile, though, since it had landed on Ara. "Puckuh' up, hun." She said with a slur.
Ara looked at Cat, and said, "Oooh, a feisty one, huh? I like it."

Ara walked up to Cat, and gave her a passionate kiss. This kiss, however, was more passionate then the other ones, and lasted much longer as well.

Ara then moved her lips away from Cat's. Ara then said, "Wow. You're good. I like that."
Catherine practically melted in the kiss, and she sure as hell enjoyed every moment of it. Meanwhile, Marcus was reminding himself at how bad of a decision he made by deciding to join in this trivial game of spin the bottle. He might have to walk.
Ara then got the bottle, and exclaimed, "Looks like it's my turn!"

Ara spun the bottle, and who would've guessed that it would land on Cat!

Ara then smiled seductively, and said, "Are you ready for round two with me?"

Ara then gave Cat the same kiss from before.

After the kiss was done, Ara then said, "It's your turn, again." Ara handed Cat the bottle.
"Damn right I'm ready for round two." Cat' replied, before going in to share the kiss with Ara. Cat' spun the bottle. And needless to say, both Catherine and the victim were heavily disappointed. In fact, she really wanted to drop out now. However, the thought of having the chance to have another kiss with Ara made her stay seated. She looked over to the person the bottle landed on, Marcus, who was nodding slowly. He finally said something.
"Yeah.... Nope." Marcus said, before he dashed out of the Guild Hall out into Opium. "I forfeit the drinking challenge!" He called out.
Viper let out a laugh as Marcus ran away.

Excellent. He was a real pain to deal with. The odds are now much more in my favor. Still I haven't won yet, and there are some strong spirits remaining...
Ara pouted, and said, "Aw...Marc didn't stay. I guess I'm going to end the game now."

Ara looked around to see that most of the guild members are unconscious. Ara then looked at the group, and said, "Do you guys have any ideas?"
Fabian gave a chuckle as he watched the game from his table, a slight hint of redness in his pale cheeks. In front of him, he had two bottles of wine (one of which was half emptied), his goblet, and set up at his side was a picture of his late wife and son. Giving a tender smile to the picture, he raised his refilled cup. "Here's to us, my love. If only you could see the beauties of this new era." he said softly. He then took out a pouch of 5,000 Jewel and tossed it with the drinking pot. "I suppose I'll sign up for some of that action." he called out. Just after that, the doors burst open.

"Heads up, Ender Eye! Cyrus and Jeanne are back in the house!" Cyrus announced, walking in with a confident stride, then pausing when he noticed the scene. "Awww, dang it, we're late!" Then his eyes fell to the group, and he noticed Ara. "W-wh-whuh...A-am I dreaming?! A pretty girl right there...n-no clothes..." His smile widened as blood gushed from his nostrils.

"Well, then, better make the most of what we've got." Jeanne piped happily "Hey pass me an ale, please, and make some room for me!" She took a seat with the members playing spin the bottle, Cyrus reluctantly joining her, though not grabbing a drink.

(I know I'm a bit late, but I hope not too late for my characters to join the festivities.)
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Ara looked at Cyrus and Jeanne when they arrived. "Hey, guys!" Ara exclaimed, "You made it just on time! We're starting our new game, King!" Ara then gave each member, that was playing, a stick which each had a number to correspond with each player.

Ara then stood up, and said, "And I'm going to be the King!"

Ara then looked at Cat', and said, "You, number one! Curve your hand into a paw, and say 'nya!"'

Ara looked at Viper and Orion, and said, "Number two and three, you must strip the clothes off of each other!"

And finally, Ara looked at Cyrus and Jeanne, "And I have something special planned for you two!" Ara had a devilish grin on her face, and she then said, "Number four, you must lift up Number five's skirt! And Number five, as soon as Number four does so, you must also take off your shirt!"

Ara then started laughing menacingly.
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Catherine complied with what the 'King' demanded, and cupped her hands. It hadn't even occurred to her that it was probably supposed to be a pun based on the shortened variation of her name. She cupped her hands like Ara said. "Nya!" She exclaimed.

Marcus walked down the streets of Opium, hands in his pockets. He still mentally scolded himself for even joining the game. And now he also lost one thousand Jewel. "Well, I suppose that's what I get." He muttered.
"Wait, WHAT!?" Jeanne shouted, her face becoming redder than any of the drunks around her in sheer embarrassment. "Hang on, if he lifts my skirt, I'm gonna kick his face in!"

"Come now, fair Lady Jeanne," Cyrus purred, a look on his face as devilish as Ara's. "Surely, you won't simply allow yourself to lose." He laughed at the reaction his childhood friend gave him as she growled, knowing full well he was playing to one of her biggest weaknesses: her almost unfathomable drive to win. Cyrus, on the other hand, was internally having mixed feelings about this. I don't know I should be feeling overjoyed or awkward at this moment, and the fact that I skipped on the booze and as a result will be able to remember this for the rest of my life isn't helping either. After hesitating, he gave Jeanne a pat on the back, making her flinch slightly. "Look, if it helps any, I promise I'll look away when I do it."

Jeanne wasn't sure how to react to this. She stared at Cyrus as if he were some alien, not knowing him to shrug off a perverted opportunity like this. "W-well..." she hesitated, then sighed. "Fine. If you break that promise though, they're gonna have to ship you out of this building in a hearse." She then removed her armor, with Cyrus's assistance, and began unbuttoning her shirt (her face getting even redder as she did so) as Cyrus rolled up her skirt, looking away.

Fabian looked away as well, downing another goblet of wine as he gave the youths some privacy. He was used to having a lot of alcohol in his bloodstream, but even so, was beginning to feel a bit light-headed.
Brendan lifted his head once again, "My head..." He mumbled as he opened his a bit and rubbed his head, his hair was super crazy. "When did I- What is going on? What time is it?" Brendan asked as he looked around to see most of his friends wasted and Ara completely naked, people stripping each other. "Nevermind, I don't need to know." Brendan said as he set his head back down and feel back asleep.
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Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion gaped his mouth as Ara commanded numbers 2 and 3 to strip clothes off each other. Looking at who was number 3, Orion sees that it was none other than the infamous Viper. "I'm sorry about this." Orion practically whimpered. He felt responsible for Ara and it felt as if every action she did affected him in some sort of way.

(Permission gained from @Godjacob )
Viper on the other hand was practically calm. 'At least it isn't a girl.' Viper looked at Orion worried face and though up of something. "Wait let's think about this." Viper told Orion. He leaned over to the celestial mage and whispered, "She never said all our clothes. She only said strip clothes off of each other."

Orion then got the idea. "Oh!" Orion whispered loudly. "So we just need to strip two or more clothes from each other right?"
Viper nodded at Orion's mutual agreement. Both Orion and Viper looked at each other's body to see what clothings they should take off. "You fine with upper body exposition?" Orion asked. Viper simply nodded. "Since I'm simply just wearing a tux, you can just take off the blazer and vest.

As simple as that both young males got to work on stripping the other. Viper allowed Orion to strip him first. Orion took off Viper's signature mage coat. Pretty simple, just like taking off a jacket from a person. Now came the shirt. Orion leaned over to Viper's eat. "Do we have to make it sexualized?" Orion whispered. "I believe the King would like us to do so." Viper replied quietly. "Sorry in advance." Orion mumbled. To make seem more sexual, Orion felt Viper's body from top to bottom, ending at his hips. Orion slowly removed his shirt revealing a topless Viper.

"Alright my turn." Viper said. Viper simply removed the blazer which was an article of clothing. But Ara the King specifically said "Clothes." Which would mean multiple articles. Viper looked at what else can he strip from Orion's silver tuxedo. Best way to go was vest. 'How the heck do I sexualize taking off a vest?' Viper thought to himself.

"Sorry bout this." Viper said ahead of time not to offend his friend or anything. Doing what Orion did, he felt up the mage's body and dragged his hand across Orion's chest. Viper started unbuttoning the vest, adding slowness for that dramatic and sexual effect. He even added some 'closeness' to the effect by a simple bare chested back hug.

Soon both boys were done, avoided of being humiliated by being stark naked. Viper was left with his lower body clothing on and topless. Orion was left in his tuxedo, minus the vest and the blazer. But they had actually fulfilled the King's order, so Ara had nothing to complain.
Amber had long since passed out, and Liam gad carried her to their dorm. The sober Mage now sat on the couch, having put Amber on the bed. He was reading, as it would be impossible to sleep with all the commotion in the bar.
Viper shrugged off the feeling of minor humilation as he walked over towards Sabrina. Viper felt Ara would be busy going mad with power to notice Viper walk off for a brief moment. The shirtless Dragon Slayer turned to the young mage.

"I know talking with a drinker isn't what you had in mind, but do you mind if I asked you something." Viper asked, wanting to talk to somebody about his experience during the spin the bottle game. Other candidates were either too drunk, passed out or left by now and Viper liked Sabrina so he felt she was good to talk with about this.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina lifted up her head when someone called out to her. "Uhhhh you okay there buddy?" Sabrina asked Viper, talking about his topless body. Sabrina then controlled her magic to let her dolls clean up the rest of the mess. "Anyways," Sabrina said finally. "What do you need Viper?" Viper isn't usually the one to be asking questions to a young girl, so Sabrina was thinking about what wrong. 'Is he drunk?' Sabrina thought. 'Is he trying to harass a little girl?' Sabrina thought a bit shaken. 'Is that why he's shirtless?!' Sabrina slowly backed away from the possibly assumed drunk, not taking any chances.
"I'm not drunk. This was just part of a stupid game I'm a part of. Ara's going mad with power as our "king" for now." Viper explained, trying to reassure the rightly suspicious girl before he let out a sigh.

"During the game of spin the bottle. I kissed Ara....and Orion. Didn't think much of it when I agreed to the game, thought it was a stupid game. Surprisingly kissing Orion was the least awkward. Guess I was just able to write it off as "I'm straight and this is a dumb game so who cares" and not worry about it. But when I kissed Ara however, my mind thought of what Eliza would think. That's the part that confused me. Why would I think of Eliza in that situation? Got any theories?" Viper asked Sabrina.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"The Thunder Dragon Slayer huh?" Sabrina thought as Viper told her his issues. "What I say is that your mind just wondered to different places at different times." Sabrina theorized. "Like when your mind wonders off to somewhere random." Sabrina gave a pause for dramatic effect and more thinking time. "I mean you only kissed Orion and Ara so far, so don't think too much about it." Sabrina smiled at Cobra's son.

Meanwhile, Sabrina within her head had already made a theory of their own. 'Hmm Slayer X Slayer huh?' Sabrina thought to her own accord. 'Interesting pairing alright...'
Brendan lifted his head once again, "Damnit. Not again." Brendan mumbled as he rubbed his temples with his fingers. "Can I have some water or something Angela?" Brendan managed to say as he squinted at her, his head hurt so bad that even the slight bit of light increased the pain.
Brendan looked around as he continued to squint, "Why is she? What are they?" Brendan asked, very confused.
Viper gave a nod. That sounded reasonable even if he felt Sabrina wasn't telling him all the details. Viper would quell these thoughts for now and just move on.

"Thank you. And between me and you, don't pick up drinking. You'll end up with more regrets than pleasure." Viper said as advice before he walked off to go sit next to Brendan.

"You alive?" Viper asked as he took another shot while making an aim to pat Brendan's back.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Angela heard Brendan's plea. "Coming!" Angela stopped mopping the floor and came back to the bar. She prepped a glass of iced water for Brendan to drink. "You want anything?" The plant mage asked Viper who came along to greet Brendan. Orion, on the other hand, had walked out of that game. Ara had became a madman and dictator. Better leave before anything happens. Orion walked over to where some of the sober people are, plus Brendan. "Angela, anything to cure a good hangover?" Orion asked the bartender. "Yeah, but I'll give it to them in the morning. Don't want to ruin the fun now do we?" Angela said as she slid over a glass of Tequila to Orion. "Second drink of the night." Orion said as he sipped the brightly colored drink.
"I'm getting there I guess." Brendan said to Viper as he sighed, "What did I miss? And what did I do?" Brendan asked Viper, he felt like he had battle someone and he noticed a sword sticking out of the front door.

Brendan took the water from Angela, "Thank you." Brendan said as he drank the water quickly, "Man, my throat was so dry." Brendan added between a drink.
Ara then started laughing more maniacally.

She then grinned at Orion. She then said, "You're the king, now! What are you going to make us do?"

Ara just stared at Orion, now that he was the king. She wanted to see what he had in store.