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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

"You and Ara got in a big drunk fight. It was glorious." Viper said as he turned to Angela.

"Get me some strong stuff." Viper said to Angela before he turned to Brendan.

"Now the group is playing King, where we all do whatever the king says. Reason why I'm shirtless." Viper explained, while he still had the ability to explain to Brendan.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion had just finished his drink when Ara called him over as King. "What?" Orion asked confused but went along with it anyways. "Hmm alright then." Not knowing what each person's number was, Orion had to just assume. "Viper get back in here! You're still part of the game." Orion called out to the topless Dragon Slayer

"Let's do this. Number 1, chug half a barrel of beer." Orion said to whoever that was. Rest in pieces to whoever.

"Numbers 2 and 5. Y'all lucky and just have to do a simple hug." Orion said feeling generous.

"Here's where the real fun begins." Orion said aloud. "Numbers 3 and 4, you two have to play Seven Minutes in Heaven!"

All these were fairly easy enough after Ara's maniacal tactics during the first game. Hopefully, most of them were going to be relieved from the pain Ara had given them.
"You gotta be kidding me! How is this place not destroyed?" Brendan asked, he did notice a bunch of destroyed tables and chairs.

"You're playing that game? That's the devil's game!" Brendan exclaimed as he looked over to the group how was playing, he was glad he didn't partake in any of that.
Ara just smiled at Orion's request, and exclaimed, "That's the best thing ever!"

Ara then grabbed a random barrel out of nowhere, and started chugging it. Ara finished it in no time. She then exclaimed, "You're telling the girl who faces off with Cana to drink half a barrel! That's nothing!"

Ara then looked back at Orion, and said, "I thought you would've been a funny king, but your requests are nothing!"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Sorry dictator." Orion said. "But everyone's going to need to take a break from your extreme requests." Orion paused for a moment. "Well, except for Cat of course. You gave her the easiest thing ever."
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "You can say whatever you want, but you're still boring."

Ara then grabbed another barrel, and started chugging it.

Ara shivered, and then said, "I'm getting cold." She then looked at Orion, and said, "Do you have anything I could wear?"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Now you're cold? Aren't you an ice Mage too?" Orion called out to Ara as she already finished his 'easy order.' Ara was practically naked the whole time, no wonder it would've been cold. Orion went behind the bar counter, where he placed down his bag containing his and Ara's original clothing. "Here are your clothes." Orion said giving Ara her original clothes back, now that her silver gown is practically maybe burned or town apart within the fight. Orion added in his blazer as well. "That's for when you're really cold"
Ara pouted at Orion, and said, "Yeah, I'm an Ice Mage, but you try being completely naked in this guild hall. Besides, I'm able to have warmth when I have at least one pair of clothing on, but I have nothing."

Ara grabbed her clothing, and put them on.
Cat' groaned as she looked at her number. Four. "Shit." She muttered and stood up from the floor. "Okay..." She started. "Who here is number three?" She asked. Catherine really wanted to just get the seven minutes over with.

Marcus decided that perhaps now was the best time to return to the Guild Hall. With any luck, they would be done playing spin the bottle and whoever was there wouldn't make him join in on whatever the new game was. He opened the doors and walked in. "I'm back." He announced. He walked over and sat on a bar stool by the counter. "Angela, can I get a water?"
"Alright, let's just get it over with." Catherine sighed. Marcus took a water from the counter and sipped it. He walked over to Orion and asked,
"What'd I miss, my man? Are y'all playin' 'the King' now?"
Ara completely ignored that Marcus was talking to Orion, and exclaimed, "Yeah, we're playing King! But Orion is the worst King out there!"

Ara took another shot.

Ara then looked at Cat, and said, "You got this girl! Woo!"
Viper walked over to the nearby closet door and opened it, as he signaled for Cat to join him inside. The sooner that finished the seven minutes, the better Viper reasoned.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion got offended and made a sharp dramatic gasp. "Excuse me," Orion got up in Ara's face. "But I'm trying to ease everything down after you made everything go sexual." Orion snapped his fingers. "Honey, excuse you but I'm not into that kinky bs." Orion said with sass. "If you want, I can make you do something worse ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)." Orion claimed to Ara. "C'mon you wanted something hard right? I got something for you."
Catherine stepped in. "Let's try and make this quick." Catherine muttered. Marcus sighed.
"I feel bad for those two. You, Orion my friend, are one sadistic person." Marcus chuckled. "So, who's keeping track of the seven minutes for those two?" He inquired, pointing to Viper and Catherine.
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "Oh, really? What 'horrible' thing are you going to do to me?"

Ara, for some reason, was now excited. Ara then looked at Orion, and said, "So, what are you waiting for?"
Viper closed the door behind him and Cat as they sat alone in the closet.

Eliza would probably find this amusing...damn it forget her for now.

"So, since they don't have any way to prove what we're doing in here we could just sit here for the seven minutes." Viper suggested to Cat.
Cat nodded. "Words don't express how much I agree with that." She chuckled. Marcus sipped from a glass of water.
"So, what all did I miss? And what did Ara make everyone do when she was King?" Marcus inquired, curious about what happened while he was gone. Hopefully he didn't miss anything he actually would've liked to see.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion challenged Ara with a fierce glare. "I have a couple of things in mind, but I'll just name two."

"Challenge 1: Go into Master Ed's office and get rowdy, naked."
"OR Challenge 2: Seduce Sabrina, naked."

"Should be simple enough for you as the stripper you are Fullbuster. Should be entertaining for at least most of us. You should be thoroughly entertained too, as you love these sort of challenges after all."
Ara looked at Marcus, and said, "Oh ho ho, it was hilarious! I won't go into too much detail, but there was a lot of stripping!"

Ara then looked at Orion, and said, "You're on!"

Ara took off all of her clothes, again, and ran into Master Ed's room. "Woohoo!" Ara exclaimed, "Master! You are missing the biggest party your guild has ever had!" Ara then started dancing, and drinking out of her shot glass.
"So, you and your brothers are new members? What magic can you guys use?" Viper asked, wanting to get some small talk in with Cat. Not like he had anything better to do.
Catherine nodded. "Yeah, we just joined earlier today. I'm a master of the- uh, the, what's it called? The purple stuff that's hot! Purple Flare! That was it!" Catherine stated, obviously still feeling the effects of the alcohol. "And Marcus, he can turn himself into monsters! What'd he call it? Right, Beast Soul. That was it." She informed. Marcus couldn't help but laugh at Ara's actions.
"Wait, Ara's a Fullbuster?" Marcus asked. "Shit, her habit makes a lot of sense, now."
Ed was throwing dart through a fire hoop for some reason when Ara barged in naked. "Huh what?" He said extremely confused as he threw a dart that hit the side of the fire hoop making it fall into a box of dynamites nearby. Ed looked at the lit dynamites. "Seriously, why do I have so many explosives in my office?" He said before the dynamites exploded and a lot of black smoke flew out of his office.
Viper chuckled, thinking asking a drunk a question like that was not the smartest decision. Still Cat did reasonably well to answer in spite of the alcohol in her system.

.....(Seven minutes later).....

Viper checked his watch as he let out a sigh.

"Seven minutes are up. I hope this wasn't too awkward." Viper said to Cat as he opened the closet door.
"This has really gotten out of hand." Brendan said as he began drinking his fourth glass of water. Brendan was beginning to feel better, but he wasn't going to touch anymore alcohol as he feared he would end up just like his friends.

"I can only imagine what else I did under the influence." Brendan said with a sigh.
"Could've been much more awkward." Catherine agreed as she stepped out. Marcus looked at Brendan and chuckled.
"The fight you had with Ara was freaking hilarious, my man. You were about to summon some sorta Chariot, you said, before Cat hit you in the back of the head. You also called Savannah a wuss and Ara a stripper." He stated.
Ara stood still after she felt the impact of the explosion. She then said, "That...was...AWESOME!"

Ara then got out of Master Ed's office, covered in black smoke. She then shouted in excitement.

She then went up to Sabrina, and said, "Hey~ there. How are you doing on this fine night we're having?"


Previously Sarah316
"Heh...big fluffy clouds..." Savannah said, still asleep as her snores were only interrupted with occasional sleep talk bits such as that. Savannah still had that big dumb grin on her face as she enjoyed pleasant dreams; oblivious to what had happened around her.
"Did you just say Chariot?!" Brendan asked, "My god, I'm glad she stopped me! That spell would've destroyed the whole guild and probably kill some people!" Brendan exclaimed, as he went to set his glass down, but it feel through a hole in the counter top, "Who put that hole there?" Brendan asked, there was also a broken mug next to the hole.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina was simply cleaning up the broken pieces of wood that the drunks had destroyed until she was interrupted by a drunk herself. "Oh hey Ara." Sabrina greeted. "Good I guess." Sabrina said and walked away completely ignoring the drunk. God how much she hated drunks. Their breath reeks, face is a mess, no control of their action. Sabrina could only hope that doesn't happen when she grows up.

Orion was definitely enjoying himself at Ara's challenges. He was pretty sure Ara was enjoying them herself. If only a person that wasn't stuck in Seven Minutes in Heaven could see Ara now.
Viper went over and sat by the sleeping Savannah, an amused grin on his face as he listened in to her dreams while he took another shot.

This is the most fun I've had in a long, long time...
Ara then said, "Aw, come on, Sabrina. Eh, whatever. She's too young, anways."

Ara then walked up to Orion, and said, "There, I completed your challenges. Unless~, you want me to do more?"
Cat walked over wobbily towards her brother. "Heyyyy Maaaaaarrrrrc." She slurred. Marcus chuckled and gave his sister a wave. "What'd I miiiss?" She asked as she leaned against the counter. Marcus shrugged.
"Nothing out of the usual that's happened today. Ara took her clothes off and ran into the Guild Master's quarters. Speaking of, isn't there supposed to be a new king now?"
Ara heard Marcus, and then looked back at Orion. "Yeah," Ara said, "Orion, who is going to be the next King?"

Ara was curious to see who the next King was going to be.
"The king should probably be a sober person." Brendan said as he helped clean up his glass that feel through the broken countertop, "Who did this anyway?" Brendan asked, being completely oblivious to the fact that he actually did it.
Brendan sat back down, "How are we going to get all these drunks home?" Brendan asked, thinking out loud.
"One, it's not as fun if it's a sober person." Marcus began. "Two, leave me out of it. I'm not participating." He stated, facing his palm towards the others. He then put his hand town. "Three, you broke it, my man. Four, you also broke the counter. Five, I think the Guild has rooms we can use. That's where Cat' and I were gonna stay anyways."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"You did well Ara." Orion clapped for his roommate, actually impressed that she did it. Well, kind of because of the influence of alcohol but whatever.
"Alright, the new king shall be Viper, as the closest sane and sober person within the game." Orion said aloud.
"I'm so ashamed..." Brendan mumbled. The teen then looked toward the mage's playing the game as it was quite entertaining.
"Did I destroy anything else?" Brendan asked Marcus, "I can assume those few tables, but I'm not worried about those." Brendan added, the tables could be easily remade.
"From what I saw, you just destroyed a few tables and got in a fight with Cat' and Ara. I also tried to trip you up when you were running around the place." Marcus answered, giving Brendan a pat on the back. "Far as I know, though, no one got seriously hurt, so it's all good."
Viper let out a grin as he assigned the participants their numbers before making his orders.

"Alright. Number 5 must forfeit the drinking game. Number 1 has to be my personal servant for the next 10 minutes and Number 2, 3 & 4 just go dance on stage." Viper said with a grin.