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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Name(First and last): Mira Chant
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Unnamed(Same as Chaung)
Appearance: Mira has blue eyes and long strait black hair, she wears a black suit shoes and pants with a red undershirt. She is relatively tall(6'4).
Abilities and Powers:
-Of no body: Since Chaung has no body, she does not require food or drink, though she can still enjoy food. She does not require sleep, and can change shape, and she can flow through the smallest spaces. Though her apparent form is not actually her true form, it is still apart of her, and she will still be hurt if it is damaged. She is way more experienced than Chaung.
-Pure power: As an adult version of Chaung, she is able to do far more, really easier to list what she cant do, however this does not seem to interest her to her own benefit, rather using them in deals to receive things from others(Though she wont really do this with the students or teachers of the grounds, as she considers her employment deal enough with them all).
Personality: It varies, but she will be polite to the others in the school, both teachers and students, but would not hesitate to punish rule breakers or perpetrators.
Way of Application(Teacher): She used her incredible intellect and power to properly sign up for and become a teacher, though more for her daughter.
Relationships: Chaung Chant(Daughter)
Other: During her off time, Mira will vanish for periods of time, unable to be found.

I put this together quickly, I heard you needed teachers?

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Holly looked at Tara a moment, before looking back at Porco, advancing swiftly to give them time to take down Tara after they took care of Porco, if she could. She got close, standing with her feet spread, awaiting Porcos move, though if he took to long she would advance and take a strike, throwing a punch with her right arm.
@MarcelGalliard790 She did throw a punch

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
She drew back a fist, and launched it forward, sending a shockwave of energy, like a ranged punch, straight toward Holly. One of her favorite attacks- "Lengthless Fist!”
@Crystal1302 again lol

Bit the shockwave is not a normal sound shockwave, it’s one of energy it appears. I’ll just assume it is from here in out.

@MarcelGalliard790, Is the telepathy two way?


Previously SlicertheGallade890
i know the generals are, like, serious, but i find it way more fun to imagine them as just a group of modern day teenage boys

"Sheeeeesh," grinned the Death General.
"add me on snapchat," hollered the War General.
"Your mom," whispered the Necromancer General.
"Literally who asked?" said the Mage General.
Well. When they aren’t in their General mode then they will act like teenagers. Primarily Vine age teenagers.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
i know the generals are, like, serious, but i find it way more fun to imagine them as just a group of modern day teenage boys

"Sheeeeesh," grinned the Death General.
"add me on snapchat," hollered the War General.
"Your mom," whispered the Necromancer General.
"Literally who asked?" said the Mage General.
Vine Age.

Soul is Vine age.

I really didn't want that revelation.
Well for two things.
1. @wintersolstice They actually have names. They just have the little codenames in the fronts.
Samael - Death General.
Judas - War General
Sampson - Mage General
Nix - Necromancer General

2. @Cryronn the Mudkip The group of five would get along well with Soul


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Ok so from two perspectives. Here is how the order of generals will appear.
People seeing Marcel:
Sampson - Close to Samael.
Samael - Closest left
Marcel - in the middle
Judas - Closest right.
Nix - Close to Judas

Marcel’s perspective:
Judas - Closest left
Marcel - In the middle
Samael - closest right
Sampson - next to Judas
Nix - Next to Samael


Previously SlicertheGallade890
@MarcelGalliard790, Wasn't Porco attacking the shields, leaving him open? And how did he wrap a whip around her leg in such close quarters?

And where did he get that line from? He doesn’t know her power set
Ok. Clarification.
1. I would have assumed that the whips didn’t do much against Seth’s barriers.
2. He wrapped it near the lower end so it didn’t fully encompass her entire
3. I made up that line because Porco is good with numbers and stuff.
Kay, here it is...

Eight Conciousness- Jude due to great effort in his studies, gathering knowledge and meditation gained another sense that could be called by simple people like 'future-vision'. He can see a possible futures of outcomes of events that involves him as a person, however he can see only 24 seconds into the future and he can't hear the future, for example he can foresee someone gonna approach and talk with him, but he won't know what conversation will be about, he also can't see future of people that events won't be directly connected to him by the seen time period.

The reason how he gained power will be in 90% changed, I think.