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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alright Here we go! First Side characters! The Four Horsemen Generals!
Name(First and last): Samael Petrikov
Code names: Reaper, Scythesman, or Death
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Reaper human hybrid
Sexuality: Straight
He also has chains wrapped around his outfit as well.
(Credit: Gacha Club: Lunime
Abilities and Powers:
Scythearts: By using his Obsidian Scythes he can perform many different “arts” on his scythes. He can make them have two ended scythes, Sharpen them even further for more damage, or even turn them into Buzzsaw Scythes.
Brimshift: When he is needed in a stealth mission. Samael can rely on this technique to blend in as someone else. This takes a lot of focus in order to keep the form for a long time.
Lava Scythes: By infusing some flame into his scythes. He can have the obsidian break and be swapped for Lava scythes. Causing fiery damage and can unfortunately even singe himself at somepoints while using them.
Personality: The cold and sometimes ruthless Samael only follows orders from either his higher ups or a certain Crimson individual. He listens well and can cooperate with others exceptionally well. So making synergies in battle would not be that hard with Samael.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Only summoned by the “Crimson Prince”
Relationships: Nix, Judas, and Sampson (Fellow Generals). Marcel (Leading General)
Other: He is Russian. Like can speak English but has a thick Russian accent.
Themes for the General

I’ll introduce one Thunder Quack General at a time in order to keep my Sanity.
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alright. Another day another General.
Name(First and last): Judas Lial
Code name: Beast, or War
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Shadow Demon
Sexuality: Straight
(Credit: Gacha Club by Lunime)
Also his shadow arms are based of the shadow walker from creepypasta.
Abilities and Powers:

Shadow Claws: Using the shadow arms with claws out of his back. He can use it to get more decent range in close quarters combat. The reach is limited to a certain extent. However this makes up for itself by allowing him to make more whenever he needs to.

Dark Arts: Using a shadow sneak, Judas can attack any projectile and deflect it back. When it comes to a person, it does moderate damage. Not to much and not too little.
Personality: Judas can be described as a savage person when engaged in an enemy not afraid to take cheap shots to win. But when out of combat he is cool and collected.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Also summoned by the “Crimson Prince”
Relationships: Nix, Sampson, Samael (Fellow Generals), Marcel (Leading General)
Other: Themes are below. Thunder Quack
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Time for the third and important general for the situation going on in the roleplay.
Name(First and last): Sampson Hermocoles
Codenames: Brimness, Famine, and Mage
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human demon hybrid but more on the human side
Sexuality: Striaght

(Credit: Gacha Club by Lunime)
Abilities and Powers:

Tomes: Using many different books. He can swap between different spells. Some can be fire based, Some can use electricity, Etc.

Healing Aura:
Sampson casts an aura around a person he wants to heal. It can take a lot of energy from him and his tomes. It takes a long time to recharge his Healing Aura spell.
Personality: Sampson is usually a perky and always upbeat person. But when he is in his General mode he stays serious and is sharp on listening and strategizing. Strategizing is one of Sampson’s benefits as a general.
Way of Application(Completedtest/Recommendation/Etc.): Summoned by the “Crimson Prince”
Relationships: Nix, Samael, Judas (Fellow Generals), Marcel (Assistant General)
Other: He is Scottish. Not to heavy of a Scottish accent but still can be heard. Thunder Quackstrom


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Sorry I've been a little spotty with my responses lifes been a little hectic.
Well to catch you up. Donald attempted to attack Zack after some 7 minute time thing (I’ll have to ask @Cryronn the Mudkip about it.) He got himself hurt and Marcel brought him back and revealed to Seth and Mira about his royalty secret.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alrighty! Last General on the Menu.
Name(First and last): Nix
Code name: Pestilence
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Demon human hybrid
Sexuality: Straight
General (Two References):
(Credit: Gacha Club by Lunime)
Also with some design aspects from this skin in Brawlhalla
Abilities and Powers:

Necromancy: Nix’s main and defining power is his control over the dead. He can summon Zombies and skeletons when he needs to. Some can be modified via the other generals. However this is limited to certain bunches. After a while it can put a strain on his body.

Personality: The usually silent Nix can pose a threat when approached. But he is quite the opposite of his appearance. Being quite the softy and helping others when necessary. But when someone hurts his friends he gets furious.
Way of Application(Completedtest/Recommendation/Etc.): Summoned by the “crimson prince”
Relationships: Samael, Judas, and Sampson (Fellow Generals), Marcel (Assistant General)
Other: Thunder Quackstrom. He is German. Not to heavy of an accent while speaking. But can still be noticed

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Name(First and last): Chaung Chant
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Unnamed (Pure energy)
Sexuality: Striate
Appearance: She can change her appearance, though she will generally look like a girl her age, with blue eyes, striate blond hair coming down to her neck, with a pair of black framed glasses and a blue button up shirt and a black dress from the waist down.
Abilities and Powers:
-Of no body: Since Chaung has no body, she does not require food or drink, though she can still enjoy food. She does not require sleep, and can change shape, and she can flow through the smallest spaces. Though her apparent form is not actually her true form, it is still apart of her, and she will still be hurt if it is damaged, and she does not have the experience to change shape instantaneously, meaning she can not simply change into anything she wants in any given moment. Though she does not need to eat food, she does require the emotions of others to survive (Skimmed off the top, though the easiest, and most efficient way of collecting this is to make deals[Her mother would help her out though, since she is young])
-Pure power: Due to her pure composition of energy, she is able to use it to manipulate the world in unique ways, though she is not very well trained in it.
-Independent: She can on her own: Teleport, float/fly, create shields, create darkness or emit energy as well as create simple small things. She can select a target, and for the two time will apparently stop, allowing Chaung to talk with them. No other thing can be affected, and they can not leave the area, when this effect stops, all effected partys go back to where they were, as if nothing happened. She is not skilled enough to keep this effect running for more than a minute or so.
-A deal: When a deal with Chaung is made, it allows her to do much more, from Chaung being able to summon larger, more complex things, as well as other large effects like changing the landscape, or altering a room or features of a person. With her powers, shes not really interested in using them directly for herself, but instead using them to get things from others. Shes not as skilled as she would be when she grows up, and while she probably will learn things here, she wont learn anything to earth shattering in the course of this RP(Probably).
Personality: Selfish, other than her mother, she is not really concerned about other people.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Though she is smart, her mother paid a very large sum to get her in.
Relationships: (Can range anywhere from family to friends to crushes, go wild) She has a mother(I wan to put her in as a teacher, to be made after.). Nothing other than that really.

Yay! another bio!
Is this all good?
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
To specify something that will be in my post. Porco will have three “Modes”. They will be accessed via a hard drive. He has arm things that have slots for Hard drives. It will affect a suit he is making (This will appear later on so keep that in mind).

Overdrive: Increases Defense at the cost of speed.

Flashpoint: Speed and strength increase at the cost of Defense

Hyperpoint: The combination of the two increasing Defense balancing out the speed up from Flashpoint and the speed down from Overdrive. The cost is that it can cause overheating and can even short circuit when used too much.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Double post but it is about my Generals and Heights of my characters.
From the shortest to the tallest. (So then @wintersolstice can begin to get height measurements of my characters in comparison to Maia.)
Sampson - 5’5
Nix - 5’8
Samael and Judas - 6’0
Marcel and Porco - 6’1
Zalthereon- Giant (To say the least. I’ll make his height up later on.)
Ah there we are, good old document coming in handy. Nero is 6'2". But yeah, Mister Principal is... tall.

Like, real tall.

But I digress, because hey, I mean, The Boys(TM) are back in town!
Soul's out here getting flustered
Tara is being a sassy brutalist
Maya- or- Maia- is being a ginger
Marcel is EDGE
Porco is C A L C U L A T O R Y
Nero still hates everyone
and Christian-boyo is still a Cowboy (I mean He's in the rp I just think he's in the oblivion void rn)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Ah there we are, good old document coming in handy. Nero is 6'2". But yeah, Mister Principal is... tall.

Like, real tall.

But I digress, because hey, I mean, The Boys(TM) are back in town!
Soul's out here getting flustered
Tara is being a sassy brutalist
Maya- or- Maia- is being a ginger
Marcel is EDGE
Porco is C A L C U L A T O R Y
Nero still hates everyone
and Christian-boyo is still a Cowboy (I mean He's in the rp I just think he's in the oblivion void rn)
I mean you aren’t wrong about either of them. Porco knows his stuff. Marcel is....eh.