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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion

I mean I was planning on slowly revealing it over time in the form of distorted black space snapshots but hey, life goes on.

When Soul was about, I believe 5, he had to get surgery on his left radius, one of the two arm bones connected to the wrist. The reason for this was due in part to his power, and it was an emergency to say the least. The memories are fuzzy, and Soul's parents don't like to talk about it, but from what he and Tara remember it was an entire broken bone. So now for a quick lesson on how anesthetic works.

So basically when they put you under for anesthetic, they actually test you to make sure they have a correct amount determinate to each individual's body. The issue is, these measurements are very hard to read in young children, and also during an emergency there isn't much time, so sometimes surgeons simply have to guess. The issue is, Soul in that situation got too little anesthetic, and ended up somewhat conscious during the entire surgery of his left arm bone. Fair to say that could be scarring. Note that nobody *knows* this, and Soul doesn't link those sort of flashbacks to that time when he got surgery.

Basically, bright white circular lights trigger a sort of dissociative-amnesia like trigger within his brain, a calling-back stimuli to the trauma. He also hates hospitals, can't stand the sound of electronic beeping, hence why his alarm is bell chimes, and he also really hates medical cutting instruments. This is because his brain kind of blocked out any references to the incident, an amnesia of sorts, and now whenever he receives certain "triggers" be it bright lights, hospitals, or beeping in enough abundance, he may force himself to remember the exact things.

Of course, this is minor and can be treated compared to worse cases of DA, but either way Soul can't put two and two together involving his rather unsettling and sensory-overloading "blackouts" whenever he is shown too much of the "triggers," and the time he was hospitalized.

You know, just some minor fun stuff to throw in there. Listen, okay, all romantic relationships are just therapy but with kissing. I'm sure whoever Soul ends up with, and even his friends, could probably work through this, seeing as it is minor. Minor doesn't mean it can't manifest in some horrific ways though. I plan to write some really fucked up shit for these "blackouts" because I'm so fun and really just want this to be a fun rp with NO horrific trauma.

Oh and if you were wondering, as a suppressed memory, Nero or other mind readers could not access it, they probably wouldn't even be aware of any content involving the incident besides learning about the content and circumstances of his "blackouts"

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
I love how this is suppose to be romance based, yet a lot of these characters have a surprising amount of lore.

Well my friend, personal lore exists. Basically Soul is one of three things in terms of design-

Flustered Goofy Mess Boyo
Galactic Lore
and Trauma Lore

I personally like the thinking behind this bit of writing vomit. I mean... like, is it cheesy? Be honest. Bc I fucking thought I was so cool when I thought of this >:]
SHOOT I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH OF A BACKSTORY FOR SETH AND MIRA. (Though I am workshopping it some tidbits about Seth)
  • Seth's love for puns came from his father. Like most fathers, he told a lot of dad jokes and Seth picked up on it.
  • Seth usually had his headphones in as a way to help control his third eye when he was younger as the third eye also increased his hearing he just wears them now out of habit
  • Seth and Mira's parents died via train crash (I know cliche) so Mira has mild fear of trains
  • Seth's desire to become a doctor derives from his personal wanting to protect people adding to his power to create barriers. unfortunately. since the barriers don't do much damage he's a tad self conscious. The wisecracks during the fight with Tara was just him lying to stoke her
And that's all I got for now


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Well in my case. When the old roleplay was going on. I wrote a mini backstory (Still incomplete.) for Marcel. Some aspects will still be applied from that. Meanwhile adding new stuff about Marcel’s character.
One will also be a suppressed memory. The day he went out of control.

Whenever he was around 9 or 10. Marcel was against Samael in a one on one match. Which at the time he still had no control over Zalthereon. Unlike currently in the roleplay, Marcel had no clue about Zalthereon. He was losing. Bad. And that is when “It” happened
Marcel tapped into Zalthereon. But having no grip over his powers. He lost control. As you know. In my refrerences for Samael out of general form. He wears an eyepatch. It’s because when Marcel fought back. He tore out Samael’s eye. Multiple binds had to be put in place on Marcel to keep him from causing further harm to others

Which in turn causes what happens in my second chapter of the backstory to happen. In which he was put on trial with the punishment being execution, His father challenged the end result, etc.

As for afterwards. That is when people started to claim that Marcel was a “God” because of the amount of strength he possessed as a youngin. But as I said in one of my earliest posts on the roleplay. He doesn’t believe them.

As for triggers for this. I don’t really know I would love some ideas.

*EDIT* I may scrap triggers for him and have it just be a suppressed memory
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
It'll take me another month until mud summer, and I'll be busy with work sometimes, but I'll be really consistent when the time comes.

Oh, and... I'll get the super time achievement on charms soon~ Just under 10 days now!
Also because of Soul’s trauma thing going on right now in the roleplay. That is why the Scythesman is near soul. Is to like make sure he doesn’t fully pass out
I realized that. He wasn't going to pass out either way, but I'm sure Soul appreciates the thought.

He probably won't start passing out until the symptoms of the Dissociative Amnesia begin to reach somewhat near their Apex. I suppose you could call it that, an Apex.

It will most likely start as simple dazes. Then collapse. Then lots of headaches and probably a generally nastier mood, and then it will get to passing out and complete panic attacks. And then... resolution. However that ends up happening is up to the future me.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
I realized that. He wasn't going to pass out either way, but I'm sure Soul appreciates the thought.

He probably won't start passing out until the symptoms of the Dissociative Amnesia begin to reach somewhat near their Apex. I suppose you could call it that, an Apex.

It will most likely start as simple dazes. Then collapse. Then lots of headaches and probably a generally nastier mood, and then it will get to passing out and complete panic attacks. And then... resolution. However that ends up happening is up to the future me.
The good old rule of comradery.
Also 700 on the discussion!!!


Previously SlicertheGallade890
The generals Circa who knows


Plus a bonus image of Nix
I made a lil response to Porco!

Depending on how things go, this could be interpreted as either old Tara or new Tara responding to their current counterpart, but hey, is still cute and gives me nostalgia.

Initial Response (Add some fear, she isn't used to... people taking the first step in a relationship. She'd also be on her... I think 6th romantic partner if we're talking New Tara, so... paranoia/romantic inadequacy might have taken hold.)

And then her Calming Down and Accepting the Offer.

Oh ye you're gonna have to deal with baggage when you date her, and FYI to anyone who wishes to attempt such a feat.

I apologize, all three of my characters are baggage vessels. You either put up or uh...
d-don't interact with them I suppose