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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion

I'll post when I can, here's all my themes for my characters

Damon's normal entry Theme:
Damon's battle entry theme:

Damon's intense battle theme/regular transformation theme:

Dragon transformation, if someone close to him is hurt by villains or other situations like that:

Ariana's encounter Theme:

Ariana's healing theme (picked by tempo due to her having to work as quickly as possble):

Cylia's encounter theme:

Cylia's Hawk Theme:

Cylia's Emu Theme (This one is perfect!):

Cylia's regular Elementals (not void)/Mandatum Flora:
Void Elemental Summoning:
Asuna's encounter theme:

Asuna's battle theme:

Burnout theme:

Mr. Monaghan's Encounter theme:

Mr Monaghan's Battle (defending the school) Theme:
Azrael (sword use, Identity revealed) Theme:
Name(First and last): Aura Cotton

Age: 15 soon to be 16

Gender: Male

Species: Water nymph

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Unlike his whole species he is one of the fe that are more human like. Aura doesn’t have the ear fins, Gills, or tail. But he does have a liquid form, in this form he can look like a Lardner or small puddle of water. In his human form he have piercing blue eyes, that look like diamond underwater. Hair the color of a soft pastel brown color, with pale skin with a touch of peach freckles on his face.

Abilities and Powers: Water manipulation. ( Your a water bender Aura )
Ability 1: Hot & Cold-
He can freeze or boil water. In small amounts it will barely effect him, but in large amounts it takes a strong tool on his body. To use this ability it takes a lot of mental concentration, and can lead to stress and strain on his body
Ability 2: Water Control- Aura can control water very simple, but it takes a lot of concentration and a relaxed mind( Katara: No Ang you need to relax and move with the water )
Ability 3: Wave Wall- With a large amount of water near him he can manipulate it to form a wall of sorts, as it’s a defensive skill. But in current cases he can form the wall and after blocking hits, use the wall like a wave on
his attacker or opponent. This skill takes a lot of stamina and concentration to use, due to the large amount of water and risks that could happen if he were to loss focus.

Personality: Aura is a simple child, cheerful but also blissfully ignorant. Even tho he can act like a small child he has a caring and kind side. He’ll try and protect those in need of help or even put them above himself. With this attitude it’s easier to manipulate him, tho he does have a way of spotting this. He’s also very respectful towards his peers, whither it’s his parents or teachers. Treat him with respect and hill treat you with respect.

Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): It was a weird way that he got accepted, he was acutely was at his families lake practicing his powers when he was approached. Due to him being a water nymph he can exactly take a quiz or go check his mail miles away in the town. Yes, he can leave water for a bit but it won’t last long. The stranger that approached him gave him a letter, it was strange but then when he opened it he was shocked. He was just a simple water nymph with stronger magic then others but he was a stranger to the outside world. But after being convinced by his mother he went.

Mother: Maria Cotton
Father: Helian Cotton
Siblings: Poppy Cotton ( Sister ) Maxi Cotton ( Sister )
Other: Thunder Quake) Now about how aura gets around, he usually has a bubble of water around his head. Only because 1. It helps him stay hydrated and not evaporate 2. It also helps with his powers. He can control the water around him while at school to stay hydrated , and also use it for his powers. But sometimes he’ll just not wear the bubble but instead just act like a normal human child. It all really depends on my mood to type. But basically he can live out of water for a few hours, but then go home and soak in a tub or something.

noticed I missed personality my bad!
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Zack could either find Max, who Damon and Alexis need to actually thank, because despite being an actual idiot, he did set up events leading to their Confession, which was quick due to them knowing what it was, or catch up to Damon and Co, which is Tara, Asuna, and Alexis.

Zoey could either find Jude, or follow an Emu, which is Cylia, or bump into her Roommate and the Wolfskin.
@-[ Just Vibin ]- Aura and Cylia are similar in the outside world perspective, they could Bond over that a little. I don't think he'd want to run into Damon though.
Lol sure Aura's a happy goodie tushus bubble boi XD.

Also I should probably say, I have abit of a weird rp still. I mix story and 3rd and 1st person if you can tell by my first post ^^. I'm abit of a loss cannon with things I like to rp about with this style.
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Alright! It’s time.

Shadow Spider: A rare species of Shadow demon. This explains he got the origin of his shadow claws and how he is able to produce his acidic saliva. He has sharper teeth than normal people do because of that reason. His shadow demon sometimes causes him to have an uncontrollable hunger.


Shadow claws: From his own shadows he can cause two shadow arms with 3 claws at the end appear. Up to four can be done at a time without putting pressure on the body.

Dark Arts: Hiding in the shadows, Judas can deflect different spells back with the same energy used as the original copy. Or he can do quick shadow strikes through the ground.

Shadium Darksorrow: His own true demon form has him become a pure black shadow. The rest is in the abilities. But exponentially increased. Eight beading red eyes can be seen on his face. Red pupils and black irises can be seen Judas’ own arms gain their own shadow form and claws. But five like a normal individual. His hair becomes long and the tips glow a deep red.
So Zoey doesn’t usually have her hair out?

Also! @Cryronn the Mudkip I’m prepping Porco’s Confession. Instead of it being at truth or dare. It will probably be after the school day is over.

Nope. Mentioned in her bio and in descriptions in the RP she wears a mask on top of having a jacket with a hoodie. Being a vampire she covers as much skin as she can.

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