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Ask to Join The Chronicles of Necros: Knight Fall

" You did just fine." David said as he continued to hold her. He looked at the cloaked man and wondered what his deal was.

"Yeah I can give you my friends name." He said as he looked at the female ranger. " But Dragon Fire costs a lot to make." He said. " So if you have the coin you might be able to pull it off."
Alta laid her head down in his arms and she groaned softly " Thanks...." she said and she looked at her bleeding arm and she held it and she groaned "ow...." she looked down and she pouted "David" she looked at him.
"I'm willing to pay,"Octia smirked and nodded her head at the idea of adding a diffrent arrow to her arsenal. She crossed her arms after waving to Alta, "good to see you are awake".
David gently put her to the ground as he ripped off his tunic. He put his tunic over her arm to stop the bleeding. He picked her up again and started to walk. "Are you okay?" he asked.

The man looked at her. "Alright I'll introduce him to you." He said. "So why are you guys here?" he asked.
Alta nodded and she looked at him "that golem sure did hurt me like heck" she said and she smiled happily "thanks " she said holding her arm so it would help and stop the bleeding.
"Passing through," Octia nodded as she decided to not tell all of the information. The ranger pulled her hair back up into a bun and blew a lock of it from her face. Her eyes looked over the cloaked figure and tilted her head, "you"?
" I heard some commotion so I came." He said as he kept pace with her. He looked her up and down and smiled. the man looked and saw that they were a little ahead of the others. He took of his hood to reveal his silver hair. " And What might you're name be My lady." He said
Monn walked to the remain of the golem and picked up the orb. "This is a rare material, the prince will be pleased." He said as he put it into his bag. He then walked to the log and swung his staff at it making the two mushrooms fly up. "Mission accomplishes." He said as he started to juggle the two mushrooms in one hand and leaned his staff on his shoulder. He walked toward everyone else to get out of the forest.
"You must tell me yours if I Telugu mine," Octia became a little bit more wary but didnt show it. The girl sighed and stretched her arms above her head, debating something quickly in her head, "Octia Vixtornus".
"Avian Rylon." He said as he stayed walking with her. " A pleasure to meet you Lady Vixtornus." He said as he looked into her eyes.
Alta stood up and she yawned, she had a few magic sparks inside her but she never did want to show it , she did remember the beast that picked her up, it was scaly and looked like a dragon but its scales were black. Alta shoved her sword in the ground and she smiled slightly
"Just Octia if you'd please. And it's an honour to meet you sir," she bowed her head and gave him a crooked grin, eyes meeting his with a curiosity. She looked back toward the group and pulled out one of her arrows to show him, " ever hear of thorn siege arrow"?
Alta's sword started to spark and Alta stood up and she smiled, her eyes had a small spark in them...i mean a spark like a electric spark . She smiled and she ran past Octia and her friend and she smiled running in the woods attacking any small monster.
" I haven't" He said as he looked at them. "Truthfully arrows aren't my thing. I just use them when I need to." He said. He watched as he saw another woman rush past them. "What's her deal?" He asked.
"No idea," Octia sighed and shook her head. She looked back to see what David's reaction was and to see that the man from earlier was following them. With a tilt of her head she looked at avian, "do you know the man behind david? Also I believe you should introduce yourself to david".
Alta sighed and she sat down on a rock and she grabbed when the rock moved and a golem pulled her into a bear hug "ekk tight..tight...tight" she cried and the beast dropped her , 'i think beasts like me....because that other one only knocked me out and one saved me and this one just hugged me....' she thought and she laid on the ground , not giving a care.
David quickly ran towards Alta. He slashed at the beasts legs as he tried to make it so that the beast will drop Alta.

Avian looked at mon. " Yeah he's one of my guards." He said. He then looked at her with a questioning look. "I plan on introducing myself to all of them when we get out." he said. "Why do you think I should introduce myself to that David person first?"
The beast growled, stomping it feet and it dropped Alta and looked at David before he shook his head, not feeling to fight the man because it valued its life. Alta looked at David and she smiled "help?"she said.
"Well. You both have silver hair and the bastard of the sand tried to kill him can you really can't think of any reason that I would ask you to talk to him," she rolled her eyes and put her arrow back into her quiver, watching what was going on with the beasts and shook her head, "what is going on you too"!
David picked Alta up and cradled her in his arms. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he started to move.

Avian looked at David and saw some familiar looks to him. " Huh." was all he could say as he looked at one of his father's bastards. He smiled. "Atleast he has a heart." He said. as he walked towards them.
Alta looked at him and she smiled happily " Yeah i'm fine..." she said and she yawned a little " Still tried from the beast from a while ago..hey did you guys see that beast that dropped me in your arms when i passed out in the battle?" she asked
Alta nodded "what do you wanna know David..." she said making sparks in her hands and she smirked " One my mother was a mage...so i can do this began she taught me this spell" she said and she looked at him "two...you really didn't see it?" she asked and she looked confused "it was a huge black dragon" she said smiling " ...." she frowned
" I didn't see anything." He said. He looked down at her and realized how uncomfortable he was getting with her in his arms. "Do you want me to let you go?" he asked.
"How do you know! You were passed out," Octia called as she caught up with them as they had stopped moving. She facepalmed and pinching the bridge of her nose, "to my knowledge people who are knocked out can't see anything".
Alta nodded and she looked at him and she jumped down from his arms and she sighed "huh i wonder why i could see him." she said beginning to look at him "anything else you wanna know?" she asked
Alta groaned "because i saw him leave when i opened my eyes...he was still there when you guys were talking to that newcomer " she said and she shivered, and she looked behide them a shadow slowly walked behide them, it was the shadow of the dragon "crap..." she said and she shivered.
(Hey Tsu you double posted)
Avian chuckled a little bit. " Dragons don't exist." He said as he looked at them. " The closest thing there is are those blasted Wyverns." He said. He focused his eyes on David.

David looked at Alta. " Well you said you dealt with princesses so you must of been in the royal court." He said. "Who were you're parents."
"Yeah. So what are you doing in the area anyway? Shouldn't you be behind some walls and protected? You are the heir to the throne," Octia commented as she filed her arms infront of her chest and shaking her head at Atla's comment. She looked up to stretch her neck and then to the sides.
Alta groaned, she knew dragon were real , one reason because her father become her became a Wyvern tamer he was a dragon tamer. " Parents?" she said and she sat down " yeah i was part of the royal knights family..." she said looking down. the shadow came close to Alta.two large claws appeared on her shoulders, the others couldn't see him one reason because Alta was really blooded with dragons and her family past.
" My farther was behind walls and "protected" look at where that got him." He said as he walked with Octia. " When I retake the throne I'm going to be the one leading the charge. The one that will lead his people not sit back while I drink my life away." he said.
Falaern had vanished, being called back by Storm. The group reunited as Dulvac made his complaint.
"We should." Storm said. "That stunt cost us time."
"Agreed." Falaern said. "Let's get going."

The group soon arrived at the edge of the forest. The lieutenant took out a map, and checked the route they were supposed to take. "From here we head east until we reach the sundial, then we head southeast until we reach the base. We'll know where it is."
"Right." Storm said. "Let's go."

In the council chamber, Ezekiel was opening a scroll. "Now for the next order of business. The order of the princes. Have any of the free lords been discovered?"
"I understand that but right now you and anyone else with a claim to the throne is being hunted. Infact I have suggested to David that during his hair might be a good route," Octia looked at him and nodded her head. She looked at Atla and raised an eyebrow at her behavior.
" I can't do that." He said as he looked at her. " Besides would you rather fallow someone who has to constantly be in hiding or someone who stands beside you in combat." He said as he looked at her. "Anyways getting off of that subject can you tell me anything about you're self Octia?" he asked.
Robb Steelewater or better known as Rob of Eastern looked through the maps. " I recommend we try and rescue the young prince." He said to the council members. " Harry is too heavily guarded and too far into enemy territory to do anything about at the moment." He said. He was one of the few eastern Generals to survive the war against the Hethians. "What do you all say. as for lords, They're all safe for the time being."
"I agree but there is still the risk," Octia shrugged and kept her eyes forward. She hummed as she debated on what to tell him and looked at him from the corner of her eyes, "what do you want to know"?
"Rescuing the young prince has been what we've been preparing for, has it not?" Ezequiel said. "But I still wonder whether it is wise doing it at this moment. We should at least see if Dulvac can help. He is on his way, so we should listen to what he has to say before we make our attack. Being a former Heathian, he might be able to give us insight that would be the difference between success and failure."
"Anything." Avian said to Octia. As he looked foreward. " You seem to be a very competent fighter among you're group. You also seem to be a bit caring. Both of which I respect."

David looked at Alta. " Hey is something wrong?" he asked as he stayed beside her.
Alta looked at Darktooth and at David "yeah i'm fine" she smiled and she grasped when Darktooth moved and he went behide David, his claw touching his head, the dragon smiled wondering if the human could feel his claws
"Well I'm not the most honest person in the world in the way of my work. I do jobs that some may look down upon," she let a smirk creep into her face and stretched, "I've always been a person who's been good at retreiving information by any means though I do have my standards".

She then thought for a moment and spun to look back at her friends, then back to him, "sorry was checking. I lived close to the north when I was younger but around the age of thirteen moved to one of the larger cities to help with my family's trade".
He looked around as he felt something. He looked at her. " You said you saw a dragon." He said as he looked at her. "Care to explain?"