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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Awesome entry Chrocey. Liking Beedrill more with every appearance. Though when you mentioned his swarm ability I decided to look up the details online and found this: 'Outside of Battle: If a Pokémon with Swarm is the leading party Pokémon, wild Pokémon are twice as likely to appear.'
So you've got something to look forward to ;)
Awesome entry Chrocey. Liking Beedrill more with every appearance. Though when you mentioned his swarm ability I decided to look up the details online and found this: 'Outside of Battle: If a Pokémon with Swarm is the leading party Pokémon, wild Pokémon are twice as likely to appear.'
So you've got something to look forward to ;)

Ouch got it Delilah is the bunny >:D
Okay, now I know how it feels to wake up to a wall of text. :p

Just gonna... Skip the aged people talk and thank Astral and Tepig, also Teapot for establishing the battle rules for wild Pokemon encounters.
Np, although personally I feel when it's a major battle the accuracy of a move should come into play, I would use percentile dice to represent this if the move has less than 100% accuracy.
Wait, your bringing in a talonflame on delilah? Yeah, she has almost no chance on this one. Not only is talonflame really op, but she has pyrophobia. Well, if she's lucky, it will have gale wings, which gives all flying type moves the same priority as say, sucker punch or quick attack, or, if she's not as lucky, its ability will be flame body, which burns upon contact. Either way, this fight will take both Pyroar and Beedril.
Added a third part just for you Tepig, but I don't want you running that battle entirely yourself, please don't just knock it out in one post and ill have Pen control it's combat in reply to your reaction.
Also, I don't think you should look at these things from a video game point of view. Otherwise you could just play the fights out in that battle simulation thing I've heard of online. That would just diminish the narrative though, I think.
I don't wish to diminish the narrative at all, trust me. I certainly don't want to add a lot of rules to clutter up the combat and make it tiresome. I just thought the acc thing maybe should come into play since some of the more powerful moves have a miss chance and their weaker counterparts don't.
added on a fourth part for burble
I had planned prior to meet up with Floyd but didn't have time to post because I had to go to a meeting for my job and I was just wondering if it would still be okay to have Damian find Floyd and the champion whos name I think is crystal unless that's the lapras then I forgot her name.
Crystal is the Lapras. If you really want to meet with Floyd it would be ok I suppose. However I would slightly prefer it if you met with Efret instead or I can give you an npc maybe Mina if you are interested.
I don't wish to diminish the narrative at all, trust me. I certainly don't want to add a lot of rules to clutter up the combat and make it tiresome. I just thought the acc thing maybe should come into play since some of the more powerful moves have a miss chance and their weaker counterparts don't.

Oh no I was actually referring to TepigTurtwig's comment on the potential moves.

To you though Astralkitsune, maybe it's just me but aren't you taking a lot of liberties with players characters while introducing these random encounters? I'm not sure, I could just have a skewed idea of how this is supposed to work. But I would think you shouldn't presume to know if Beedril would drop his guard looking for wounds on his sleeping trainer rather than keep vigil. Or if he even puts her down there at all. Maybe he was looking for a body of water to wake her up in. A sudden flamethrower attack barely missing him might have been better, and then wait to see if Chrocey lets Beedril drop the character or not.

Same thing with the Charizard. Aren't you taking too much control deciding it's over confident from a string of easy victories when we don't know if those victories were easy in the first place?
I see your point Ny and I agree with you. I only did that so that the battle intro post wasn't like a sentence long. However if I am offending players at all I will certainly stop. I just need to find a way to increase the entrance post focus more on the environment I suppose.

I guess I was also thinking of the trainers pokemon as slightly npcish since not the actual char but given everyones control over their pokemon in post I will assume each player has 2 full characters from now on.
I see your point Ny and I agree with you. I only did that so that the battle intro post wasn't like a sentence long. However if I am offending players at all I will certainly stop. I just need to find a way to increase the entrance post focus more on the environment I suppose.

I guess I was also thinking of the trainers pokemon as slightly npcish since not the actual char but given everyones control over their pokemon in post I will assume each player has 2 full characters from now on.
It's a tricky balance, but ye especially with Pokemon that have history not known to anyone but the players, and personalities like Beedrill's protective father figure role, or Swift's wacky playfulness it'd be wrong to see them as NPC's I think.
Oh and Ny thank you for voicing your concerns. I always want lots of input from my players so that I can make the game a better experience for as many as I can.
Aaaand I'm behind again. Gotta catch up here. By the sounds of it I should be worried about my character at the moment.
Ye, and since you've already been claimed by your next door neighbor there's not gonna be a Blastoise, Lapras, or Starmie helping you tame those flames. :p

Good luck.

Thought on second thought. You know what they say about facing dangerous encounters with others right? You don't have to outrun the predator, you just have to be faster than the others. :p
Awesome entry Chrocey. Liking Beedrill more with every appearance. Though when you mentioned his swarm ability I decided to look up the details online and found this: 'Outside of Battle: If a Pokémon with Swarm is the leading party Pokémon, wild Pokémon are twice as likely to appear.'
So you've got something to look forward to ;)

Oh great, you've stopped me from flying under the radar with that one xD now I'm screwed.

Wait, your bringing in a talonflame on delilah? Yeah, she has almost no chance on this one. Not only is talonflame really op, but she has pyrophobia. Well, if she's lucky, it will have gale wings, which gives all flying type moves the same priority as say, sucker punch or quick attack, or, if she's not as lucky, its ability will be flame body, which burns upon contact. Either way, this fight will take both Pyroar and Beedril.

Talonflame? TALONFLAME?! COULD BEEDRILL BE ANY WEAKER AGAINST A TYPE! Talonflame might as well be teamed up with a poison rock type as well. Just a joke, not a suggestion.
Oh no I was actually referring to TepigTurtwig's comment on the potential moves.

To you though Astralkitsune, maybe it's just me but aren't you taking a lot of liberties with players characters while introducing these random encounters? I'm not sure, I could just have a skewed idea of how this is supposed to work. But I would think you shouldn't presume to know if Beedril would drop his guard looking for wounds on his sleeping trainer rather than keep vigil. Or if he even puts her down there at all. Maybe he was looking for a body of water to wake her up in. A sudden flamethrower attack barely missing him might have been better, and then wait to see if Chrocey lets Beedril drop the character or not.

Same thing with the Charizard. Aren't you taking too much control deciding it's over confident from a string of easy victories when we don't know if those victories were easy in the first place?
I see your point Ny and I agree with you. I only did that so that the battle intro post wasn't like a sentence long. However if I am offending players at all I will certainly stop. I just need to find a way to increase the entrance post focus more on the environment I suppose.

I guess I was also thinking of the trainers pokemon as slightly npcish since not the actual char but given everyones control over their pokemon in post I will assume each player has 2 full characters from now on.

Yeah, it did feel like you were dipping your hands into my toybox a little bit :p I can work with that now, I just want to make sure I'm controlling more of what Beedrill and Delilah do in certain situations. For example, if something is supposed to grab their attention, you don't necessarily need to write that they look at it, even more how Delilah or Beedrill react to things.

I ain't running the thread, so I'm not exactly sure what goes on behind the scenes or the level of difficulty behind keeping the plot going. The only example I can really think of is when I have Delilah shouting and hollering, I don't make anyone look at her. I leave it up to the roleplayers to write whether they notice her or not. If nobody looks at her, then I just add something on to that and move on to the next scene.

You've already done that well quite a few times, though, so it's not really a huge deal :) I think just the recent post was a little too control-y. I'll work on a reply for it either tonight or tomorrow :3
Nah, I'm just kidding with you :3 I probably would've written that in anyway.
I am still gonna see if I can find something. It doesn't have to be a secret that I want Salem and Delilah to meet one of these days, though maybe once Salem is in a slightly better state. I roughed him up pretty good.
Sorry I've been quiet, my brother confiscated the computer for half the day and I've been trying to reset an old laptop as well. A post is still coming.
I believe Loz is typing up a posted encounter with Salem right now
Oh can you tell her I'm editing my post to have Salem take his shirt off. I had forgotten to write that down in my last post. He doesn't want the blood to congeal and essentially fuse the shirt with the wound. So when she meets Salem he's just going around in pants.

Just mentioning it for story continuity sake.

Oh and I always want to remind everyone to keep in mind how much time certain actions take up. Building a simple hut, that's gonna cost you an hour at the very least. Gathering food stuffs, that's another hour or so gone to searching and picking.
Oh can you tell her I'm editing my post to have Salem take his shirt off. I had forgotten to write that down in my last post. He doesn't want the blood to congeal and essentially fuse the shirt with the wound. So when she meets Salem he's just going around in pants.

texted her