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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Clarifying question, I should wait for you as the environment sort of narrator for something or an npc to respond to my post or an actual player to before I respond again correct?
Not used to the forum style yet haha
They left Floyd his Pokedex for amusement.

Mega only if the environment or an npc interacts with you do you need to wait for me or if you decide to interact with the environment or an npc. You control yourself and for the most part your pokemon. I control everything else.
It's ok... I think. I've just been scanning all the posts in this thread. Certainly wasn't expecting it to be this many.
Now I've gotta see what actually happened in the story...

Here's a three sentence summary of it:

Team Rocket knocks everyone out with some sleepy time gas.

Team Rocket hauls them to a jungle full of violent Pokemon ready to fight to the death.

Alex tries to escape, but gets shot in the head, his Pidgeot is also fried.
Alright, I've only just started on my post.

Ok it is really had to find pictures of spinarak that don't look adorable but menacing
Well that just happened... I'm glad to read how it all went down Astralkitsune. When you mentioned Railroading I was expecting a lot worse. I'm also happy to see I don't have to play catch up.
One question, can we create encounters for ourselves as well or do we wait for you to throw them at us?
what kind of encounters specifically

I hate railroading, and even that I felt was a little close to the line. I worried yall might feel the same
Nah this kind of GM directing I'm totally on board with. The only kind of intrusions I don't like is where other's decide if my characters are surprised or what they are thinking. Especially since a lot of that can just be offered without control with saying something like "Your character/someone could be thinking this or that..."

And with encounters I mean just some random attacks by wild and crazed pokemon from time to time. Not with NPC's or guards or any of that sort of course.
yes you can encounter wild pokemon but once you do it falls to Tepigs domain

even everday seemingly weak pokemon are dangerous, and I want it to feel that way.
yes you can encounter wild pokemon but once you do it falls to Tepigs domain

even everday seemingly weak pokemon are dangerous, and I want it to feel that way.

I agree with creating a sense of danger. And any big encounters will require larger posts of course, but I think having some dramatic mentions here and there filling up the gabs would just add to a scene and over sense of danger.
Ok well I'll try something and you give me your thoughts on it. If you disapprove we can alter or remove the scene and call it a learning experience. ;)
nice post nova. apparently 2 wasn't hard enough for you, had to add a third :p

Ok so the reply post for you should be from Tepig as this is supposed to be his domain once a battle officially ensues
Nice entry Nova. I'm looking forward to what'll happen next. Don't go letting Floyd die now!

Meanwhile I'm furiously writing my entry, bit since I missed the starting shot I'm still covering the hotel room scene now. Look forward to it though. I think it's look pretty exciting if I do say so myself.
Nice entry Nova. I'm looking forward to what'll happen next. Don't go letting Floyd die now!

Meanwhile I'm furiously writing my entry, bit since I missed the starting shot I'm still covering the hotel room scene now. Look forward to it though. I think it's look pretty exciting if I do say so myself.

I'm looking forward to it. :)
Pfew, there it is. I caught up. I expect a series of much shorter posts from here on out though. Sorry for the wait everyone.
I thought it fitting for Salem to run into a Scyther first and I'll tell you why.

*Takes out his grandpa chair and plops down in it.*

Many years ago, and most of you were still small children and some of you may not have even been born yet, I was a budding young teenager completely absorbed into the Trading Card Game: Magic the Gathering. In those days the internet wasn't as reliable as it is these days, what with dial-up connections, slow speed and limited websites. Especially board and card game related ones. In those days we bought magazines to in order to read up on the latest developments and releases and prices. It was in one such magazines that I saw my very first print of Pokemon. It was a print of a Scyther card. Excited about something so wicked looking and eager to pick up more games, I sat down for hours with that one image and tried to figure out how the game would work based on the information on the card and my understanding of Card Game fundamentals (looking back now I actually got remarkably close). In any case... where was I? Oh yes, right. Well that image was my one and only connection to Pokemon for a while, and after a couple of months I had all but forgotten about it. But then a neighbor of mine, who's father was a comic collector, would be driving to a comic convention halfway across the country (that's actually only an hour drive in the Netherlands). They asked me along and of course I accepted. I had never been to such an event before after all.

The convention was a magical place for me. I saw images of cool heroes and monsters, piles of comics of superheroes that I recognized from cartoons, and of course whole sections dedicated to Trading Card Games. Wandering through the row of stalls there I eventually arrived in the back, where I found a small, sad little table tended by an elderly lady. She had mostly junk stalled out but one thing caught my eye. It was a box with Pokemon booster packs. The name tickled a memory stored away int he back of my mind somewhere. I asked the woman about it and she showed me a couple of the cards she had on display. I recognized it then, those card frames. This was the game I had tried to figure out for myself sometime earlier. Excited I fished deep into my pants pockets and pullet out my feeble allowance. I only had a few guilders with me, the currency of the Netherlands before we made the transfer to Euros. It wasn't enough but it was all I had. I remember the woman eyeing me up and down and then leaning over conspiratorially. "I shouldn't be doing this because I'm just watching the stall for someone else," she whispered, "but I'll sell you one for half price." I was ecstatic as you can expect. I think more from that fact that she would give me a discount than my actually acquiring the Pokemon Booster. Either way, I payed and carefully opened the package. With Magic there was always at least one rare card in a booster and I was eager to see if Pokemon followed the same formula. It didn't really matter much soon after because I found that Scyther card, that got me first interested in the game, between the stack. That day I started my Pokemon collection and set out to collect all 151 different cards. I had told my kid brother all about this of course, and not a month later he came back from the store with the GameBoy games Pokemon Red and Blue.

To conclude my story. I found it fitting that my first Pokemon RP character should run into a Scyther for his first battle in the story. As it was my first encounter as well.
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Ok great post Ny, and I totally pictured Salem practicing Tai Chi on a beach before you ever made that post. In my head I just saw Daniel San and Sunshine together.

The scyther post is fine Tepig will battle with it.

OK youngster, in my day multi colored cards were rare damn you Invasion Block. *shakes fist* and I played Red before the TCG existed. Also let me tell you about the story of the Unlimited MTG deck I had stolen in the seventh grade. *wink*
Ok great post Ny, and I totally pictured Salem practicing Tai Chi on a beach before you ever made that post. In my head I just saw Daniel San and Sunshine together.
Cool, but Danial is the villain you know that right?

OK youngster, in my day multi colored cards were rare damn you Invasion Block. *shakes fist* and I played Red before the TCG existed. Also let me tell you about the story of the Unlimited MTG deck I had stolen in the seventh grade. *wink*
You FIEND! You don't steal a man's Magic Deck! What is wrong with you!?

Oh and I didn't have multi colored cards either. Not at the start at least. I always found the change of the artifact borders to be the greater offence though, damn Mirrodin!
Cool, but Danial is the villain you know that right?

You FIEND! You don't steal a man's Magic Deck! What is wrong with you!?

Oh and I didn't have multi colored cards either. Not at the start at least. I always found the change of the artifact borders to be the greater offence though, damn Mirrodin!

No my deck was stolen after my science teacher confiscated it from me while playing at lunch in the cafeteria because it had "Satanic symbols on it" and then proceeded to place it in plain view in the supply closet when I warned him they were valuable.

*Pulls out her second edition copy of dungeons and dragons and blows the dust off it.*

oh and what do you mean Daniel is the villian
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So Wow you young ass whippersnappers let me tell ya sunthin' back when rocks were soft and I was you young in my Cordory Jeans and moccasins and my Alabama T'shirt, (the band not the state) we had this game. It was called pong, you hooked it up to this thing, it was square and had these nobs on it that would sometimes let you watch these drawings that moved, I think they called them cartoons... Anyway, you hooked this one box up to this other box and it played games. The first game I played on this box was called Asteroid... Then there was this other magical thing it played movies, they called it a VIdeo Cassette Recorder. I remember when they finally got cheap enough for us to have one. My uncle bought me a board game played with a video cassette that played in the VCR.. That Christmas was great cause that's the year Teddy Ruxpin came out and I got one of those too! My favorite book and tape set for him was lullibies admittedly I only had 2 sets... Magic the Gathering didn't even get popular until I was getting ready to go to high school.
*Pulls out her second edition copy of dungeons and dragons and blows the dust off it.*
Ah yes, THAC0 and weapon speeds, whose were the days.

oh and what do you mean Daniel is the villian
It's all neatly formulated here.

Okay, alright. I defer to you Loziana. I can't compete with someone playing the consoles from before the North America Video Game Crash of 1983.
But I too loved Teddy Ruxpin though. Awesome adventure cartoon. I always wanted to build my own airship.
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