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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Astral, since you're conducting battle sequences, would it be alright for me to control the Nidoking and Nidoqueen's movements outside of attacking? Like, their reactions and such. If you give me permission, I'll be able to moderate them a little bit as to lighten your load, and I promise I won't make it easy. But you'll still be in major control over them.
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Posted Ny. Tell me what you think :D
Looks good. Almost nothing to remark upon except that I would suggest you describe the effects of Alex's Wish ability on Salem wounds and then let me decide how he feels about it. But other than that minor detail it looks good. You're getting the hang of this.
I noticed something else actually. I just checked your the abilities that Alex has. And technically, between Heal Bell, Wish, and Endure, she can only remove status conditions from others, or keep them from dying. But her heal is a self-heal only. Now I'm not one to nitpick at mechanical technicalities such as these, especially not if it interferes with the Narrative, but we might need to get consent for this.
Actually Tepig and I agreed wish could be used on other in the very beginning of the discussion thread

(That's good! Oh, and it brings up something. You can use wish to heal allies in our rp. It's kinda used in competitive play, when one pokemon uses wish, and another switches in to take the healing benefit.)

TepigTurtwig, Jul 25, 2016
I noticed something else actually. I just checked your the abilities that Alex has. And technically, between Heal Bell, Wish, and Endure, she can only remove status conditions from others, or keep them from dying. But her heal is a self-heal only. Now I'm not one to nitpick at mechanical technicalities such as these, especially not if it interferes with the Narrative, but we might need to get consent for this.
That's true. But since this isn't the actual game, and there are no turns, who's to say she couldn't cast Wish on others? Let's try not to stick too stiffly to the game, since it's immensely different. Plus, it's a good thing. Why get rid of it?
*melts into a puddle*

Whoa Mega Gallade X, Damian looks so cool!
Also, I really liked that he wondered about the wood being to dry. Realistically breaking down a tree for firewood is a no go. The wood would be too fresh and moist inside. Much easier to gather dry wood from the forest floor. It works if you let the wood dry in the sun of course. But this is nit picking and not something you should think too much about. You got wood and build your fire. Something interesting you could maybe use to build you next entry. But wet, or living wood in a fire sparks a lot and often has embers flying all over the place. Perhaps you could do something with that.

Oops just woke up but yeah I skimmed an article on how to actually do it so that's how I knew about the dryness part for the sticks, interesting that a fresh tree would have too much moisture, definitely something my 1am sleep deprived self hadn't thought of haha
If that's the case I really hope it's Salem's Chansey Lenalee who escaped and is just lonely and looking for a friendly face.

Oh Mega, you're so cruel! Just a few posts ago you mentioned that Orion was acting a little strange because he had never seen death before, and now Damian just pushes a corpse in his hands and tells him to strip it's skin of and tear the intestines out. I love it though.
The island is a cruel mistress whom forgives no one for naivety of death :')
Good job on your latest entry Mega Gallade X. It felt like all of a sudden the quality of writing and structure of the content had both gone up a notch.

I'm happy to hear that. I have to say that the song I attached to Damian is one I've always really liked personally. Kinda has this 'hero stepping up' feeling to it.
Oh thank you, I'm not going to blame previous posts on me being tired because that feels like a cheap excuse but yeah I felt like I haven't been putting as much thought as I could have been into them and decided to start <.>
TepigTurtwig can I ask you to expand your post a bit and maybe include a description of your character, the state you and your Charizard are in. Anything to visualize the situation really. I have no idea of what Efret looks or sounds like. Is he tall or small? Is he wide or thin? Young or old? White, black, blue, red, anything?
I had a question Is it day or night currently
It's day. It has never officially been stated but I believe it's safe to assume that the Hunger Games message was broadcast in the morning sometime. What time it is for your character kinda depends on the actions you've been taking and how long those each took.

Salem and Aidinia are around midday now I think.

I believe that the assault on Cassie and Akira's is happening late in the afternoon, maybe even bordering on evening already.
It's day. It has never officially been stated but I believe it's safe to assume that the Hunger Games message was broadcast in the morning sometime. What time it is for your character kinda depends on the actions you've been taking and how long those each took.

Salem and Aidinia are around midday now I think.

I believe that the assault on Cassie and Akira's is happening late in the afternoon, maybe even bordering on evening already.
Oh geez if everyones at different times should we just say Damian and Mina are around midday too then cause i'm not sure exactly what they'd be at and it may get more complicated if everyone is split up by time
1. Ok how the hell did Efret flamethrower the Sandslash back with you on their stabbing it with a knife.
2. It had protect up and a small knife held at human strength and a non martial artist you clearly said was getting out of shape could not pierce that.
3. Alex and Salem are a pair I told trainers to please not jump directly into another pairing any time soon.
4. Fashioned a coat? What the hell skill level do you have and where did you get those kind of tools and or did you just drape bloody hide over your Char. In which case it will fall off with any quick movement and that's not to mention the smell and the rot.
Oh geez if everyones at different times should we just say Damian and Mina are around midday too then cause i'm not sure exactly what they'd be at and it may get more complicated if everyone is split up by time
Well this is always an issue you need to keep in mind. There's an overall sense of time spend, but each player can sorta decide for themselves how they spend their time. It has it advantages though. It gives you stepping stones and hooks to climb up with.

For example. Cassie and Akira spend a lot of time building camp, gathering food, setting up perimeters and protection. So when you decide that your character walks by there you can kind of choose what you'll see them doing.

The main downside is if people cover large chunks of time in one go. Because you may decide to walk in on their camp before the wall is up, but they've already written up how they spend the rest of their day, so you can't really interact with them of you'll break continuity.

It's a bit of give and take. We can't make all the edges align perfectly, but we can add overlay the edges a bit.

I hope you understand some of what I was trying to say. and I hope it helps.
Weren't in the mood for Hot Wings?
Psh, more in the mood for HONEY barbeque wings!

Gerald's theme is pretty sweet. Good work, Ny.

Also got around to posting. A little too short, but I didn't want to mess with Astral's plot if she had one in mind.

Also, here's a list of Pokemon you don't want to meet in the woods! More than others.

Yanmega (Were you looking for: High speed decapitation?)

Scolipede (8 foot tall centipede no thanks)

Serperior (Giant snake that blends in well with the enviorment...yeah. That's scary.)

There are likely more as well. Those are all just thoughts of Pokemon (And their only bug and grass). Scyther and Pinsir are terrifying as well, but we've seen them already.
Scyther and Pinsir are terrifying as well, but we've seen them already.
Tell me about it, sheesh! While writing that encounter I was sitting there yelling at the page; "Come on Ajax, kill that thing already! Omg you're so slow! Salem is bleeding out yo. I don't wanna make this entry any longer than it has to be, please just kill that Scyther now!"
Tell me about it, sheesh! While writing that encounter I was sitting there yelling at the page; "Come on Ajax, kill that thing already! Omg you're so slow! Salem is bleeding out yo. I don't wanna make this entry any longer than it has to be, please just kill that Scyther now!"
Hey I just realized is the character from your reference pics from Magi?
Yes he is. After I put the concept of Salem together I went looking around the internet for a tanned man with white hair that looked like he could be from an island. I stumbled upon Hayama Akira from Shokugeki no Soma first, then remembered Sphintus from Magi, which led me to Sharrkan. And he was actually a perfect fit.