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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
hmm actually I have an idea to add to what you already don't know;)

What I do need from yall is an idea for a high electricity zone, a heavy fire zone and a heavy ice zone
The electric zone back be a stretch of land where there is a high concentration of metal minirals in the ground. Perhaps those for formed or exposed when the meteor impacted millennia ago. It can be a strange sort of pressure zone that draws a lot of clouds that way where they collide to form thunder storms most days of the week, (could incidentally also explain why other parts of the island see a lot less rain and are thus much dryer as a result.

The fire zone can be a crack/tear/fissure that snakes out from the impact zone. Mostly underground so lots of caverns and underground lava lakes. At times it could have torn through to the open air so you'll have these dangerous crevasses with hot air and brimstone smells bellowing out of the grounds. Not good for plant life so the area surrounding there will be more barren, or perhaps even perpetually burned looking.
The electric zone back be a stretch of land where there is a high concentration of metal minirals in the ground. Perhaps those for formed or exposed when the meteor impacted millennia ago. It can be a strange sort of pressure zone that draws a lot of clouds that way where they collide to form thunder storms most days of the week, (could incidentally also explain why other parts of the island see a lot less rain and are thus much dryer as a result.

The fire zone can be a crack/tear/fissure that snakes out from the impact zone. Mostly underground so lots of caverns and underground lava lakes. At times it could have torn through to the open air so you'll have these dangerous crevasses with hot air and brimstone smells bellowing out of the grounds. Not good for plant life so the area surrounding there will be more barren, or perhaps even perpetually burned looking.

Oh I like that. Except your wrong about the meteor:o;)
Damian couldn't even tell where they were and there were no identifiable landmarks, so he had nothing to base direction off of, however, he knew the sun set north or south of due east. He shook his head almost to the others as much as it was to himself. Damian wouldn't be able to see where the sun set with all these damn trees, and waiting to move until dark didn't seem like an appealing option to him.
I am so glad to read you writing 'North or South of due East'. It's a little thing and no one would have cared if you had just flat out said East, but it's these little details that make the world come alive in stories.

The sun doesn't really rise in the East and sets in the West. The North Star isn't the brightest start in the night sky (actually the 49th according to astronomers), and days don't get longer in summer and shorter in winter, you just have more or less sunlight exposure during those same 24 hour cycles.

My compliments to you Mega.

The trees. Every other tree had five distinct claw marks slashed in the trunk. Branching his mind into a different thought process he figured out why the noises the Gardevoir noticed hadn't approached them yet. They were already in claimed ground. Why else had it been so quiet? Those Pachirisu stuck to the trees and could avoid a large predator. What was it? Racking the far reaches of his mind and travels he struggled to remember what creature marked trees.
Another things that got me really excited. Looking at the environments and having things show up that makes sense for them to be there. An Ursaring encounter, or not if you manage to evade it, has so much more impact now than any other Pokemon you could have encountered.

All in all this was a really awesome entry Mega. I enjoyed it very much.

Also, the more I read about Damian the better I find his theme song fits in my mind. He really seems like a boy in over his head, but pushing his own worries aside and stepping up regardless because there are people that are relying on him to do so now. He's totally being a hero.
wonder what theme song Lin will wind up with
We'll have to wait and see. Right now I just don't know enough to make and decisions. But I'm keeping this song in the back of mind based on my predictions of her character.

By the by, on an random note.
I once read somewhere that writers are time travelers. People who can communicate with the future. The write the words and leave meaning behind for future passerby's to pick up and learn from. I thought that was a very poetic way of looking at it. Sorta inspiring actually.
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um it could affect because I don't know for sure how you two will react but I suspect you will go a certain way. I never trust certainty with players though.
The Dark Tournament
by Pokecharms RP

01 Aidinia Moon
02 Akira Hatimosho
03 Alex Weston
04 Amara Landos
05 Cassandra Michaels
06 Damian Salvator
07 Delilah Jones
08 Dr. Nevashi
09 Drake Valentine
10 Efret
11 Floyd Johnstone
12 Gerald Aster
13 Mathew
14 Mysterious Man
15 Salem Archon
16 Willamina Soren Danials the Third

Pokemon 01 Beedrill (Beedrill) *New
Pokemon 02 Blastoise (Ajax) *New [ps: best part starts at 3:00]
Pokemon 03 Liepard (Lady) *New
Pokemon 04 Starmie (Swift) *New
Pokemon 05 Sylveon (Alex) *New

Bonus 01 The Dark Tournament
Bonus 02 Team Rocket
Yeah Astral! You threw a freakin Nidoqueen at her. You know how awesome those are? You don't just deal with that all willy nilly. It takes a carefully written entry to do that.
Fine with me, and I take hours to write and rewrite my posts anyway.

But man that was quite the ride for Cassie. Quite cool. Now here's to hoping this Nidoqueen doesn't have the Poison Point ability, or touching it means risk getting poisoned.
Now here's to hoping this Nidoqueen doesn't have the Poison Point ability, or touching it means risk getting poisoned.
Well, I've done some research on Bulbapedia and you only get poisoned from touching a Nidoqueen if you touch the spikes on her back. Part of why I took so long. I had to decide what I can and can't do with these pokemon according to their physiology, anatomy, and traits.

For instance, I would not be able to have Lady over power or KO the Nidoqueen normally because she is smaller, lighter, and just isn't physically built to hit big blows. She can run, but still isn't heavy enough to be able to drag the Nidoqueen. On the other hand, the Nidoqueen being so large and angry meant she wouldn't be able to move well in the dense jungle or be capable of any agility feats, and being out of her habitat meant she has arena disadvantage altogether. Nidoqueen also aren't able to naturally learn any long range attacks, so Dragon Pulse was a last resort that she used when there were no other options.

Stuff like that.
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Well done. Glad I'm not the only one reading up on pokemon and their abilities before throwing down with them.

On another note though. Solar Beam Tepig really? In what universe does it make sense for your Charizard to have a Solar Beam of all things? :D

Did you maybe mean Hyper Beam, or some dragon beam or another?
Almost any Pokemon can learn Solarbeam. From fire types to little birds (I'm playing a Rom hack of heartgold and semi-panicked when Falkner's Swablu used solar beam...to do 15 damage.)

It's kinda like Toxic and Hyper Beam, attacks almost any fully evolved Pokemon can learn.