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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have the beginnings of a story I wrote as a short story years ago. I expanded it some recently but unfortunately most of it is on mine craft split between several mine craft books
Peeks in~ Hello I was invited to take a look and possibly RP here by our lovely Astralkitsune. She is a friend of mine and knows how much I love the rp goodness. I have read up on the thread and have a concept ready for you to take a look at. Hopefully she is ok and fits into the great setting you have going. I can edit if need be, so just let me know.
Lily Matherson
Age: 19

The words that come to mind are, caring, thoughtful, witty, playful, calming, skilled, klutzy, honest, hopeful, and countless others. Lilyi is always ready with a soft smile that has been known to light up the world around her. She has a care taking nature that comes out in the way she watches over those around her. The people and Pokemon around her have become friends...no more so they have become family. They try to watch over her because of her sweet nature, as she tends to be a bit too trusting at times. But they also respect her skill, despite the fact that it may not seem as if she has what it takes to make it. She tends to be a klutz...the likable sort, but a klutz none the less. She doesn't seem to take anything personal, and shrugs off most things said about her. In the end there isn't much that can keep her down.

She is known to have Pokemon all around here, no matter the type or how intimidating they may seem. She always took them in when they needed help, healing or simply a place to call home. Lily never judges a book or a person by its cover. After all, you never know what kind of person you'll meet or get to know if you judge them by how they look. Some of her best friends were rather scary looking after all. And in the end Lily never pretends to be something she isn't, she has an honest and hopeful heart and a strong will that never seems to fail her.
The beginning of Lily's life was for the most part a simple yet happy story. She was born to a a couple that both loved and supported the world around them. Her father a Pokemon Doctor and her mother an archeologist. They both met while her parents were still young and engulfed in their travels. Her father had helped nurse the pokemon that worked with her mother’s team after they were involved in a cave in. And the two simply fell in love. And not long after that lily was born.

The small family unit still traveled, and Lily grew up being homeschooled by the world itself. For years they lived happily and found the world their oyster. Her parents fought hard for certain rights, and the preservation of natural habitats or areas that were vital to the pokemon's lives. Lily...well Lily simply fell in love with it all. She had never met a stranger she didn't meet, or a challenge she couldn't overcome.

Tragedy stroke when she was 17, her mother and father had left Lily behind for a change. Stating that what they were getting into could be dangerous. Lily still has no real idea what had brought this along. But only her mother returned. She explained that there had been an accident at least that was what she said at the time. Thinking it would do no good to tell Lily the truth of what happened.

Lily lost herself for some time, unsure what to do with the grief of losing her father. But soon they got a call, from someone that needed help with a pokemon. They hadn't heard the news of her father’s passing, and Lily did the only thing she could...and went.

It didn't go as well as planned, and Lily ended up a bit battered and bruised but she did find a new purpose in life. It was then she decided to leave home and travel. To help those around her and continue her parents work.

(Her parents were attacked and her father was killed by Team Rocket for the work they did and maybe even some of their research or something they found or knew. Totally up to de gm
I know...I'm handing you a shot gun...but GO BIG OR GO HOME LOL)

Pangoro (Name Dynami)


Me First
Foul Play
Quick Guard
Storm Throw
So a sweet girl, long blonde hair, slim build, bright blue eyes, about ?? tall.

She's a witty, skilled, but a klutz. How do you see that exactly? Is she perhaps smart and skilled with intellectual things but then a klutz when it comes to execution or physical things?

Carrying on a family legacy, therefor motivation aplenty. Is not aware of her father's murder, so possible plot and break point there.

She loves Pokemon no matter their type or how intimidating they seem. This particular trait is gonna be very character defining in the RP. I recommend you think carefully about how you're going to make her handle the berserk Pokemon we have walking around. You don't want to have to break character in order to keep playing.

Looks good to me over all.

Think you can positively contribute to our collective story? At this point I think that's more important than having people that just want to play their character in this setting.
New So a sweet girl, long blonde hair, slim build, bright blue eyes, about ?? tall.
She is about 5'7 ish lol

"She's a witty, skilled, but a klutz. How do you see that exactly? Is she perhaps smart and skilled with intellectual things but then a klutz when it comes to execution or physical things

Yeah she isn't the best at combat and such, and tends to be a clutz. She loves the water though, like a penguin. Two left feet on land but all graceful in the water LOL I like the idea of her loving the ocean the most. (kind of modeled her after a Fairy Tale based character I had once that had water based powers)She totally loved the boat ride over to the island. But despite being a klutz she doesn't let it stop her from being active. Climbing trees, dancing, running about a city and so forth. Just don't be surprised if she has random bruises and such from falling over her own feet :p

Back to the skills I see her being more geared towards mental skills. A bit of survival and so forth due to her families travels. But her throwing a punch is probably funny to see LOL.

"Carrying on a family legacy, therefor motivation aplenty. Is not aware of her father's murder, so possible plot and break point there."

Her parents were kind of activist when it came to protecting pokemon, the earth, habitats, history (a biggy for her mom)and so forth. They supported going green, preserving the balance and fighting against those that would seek to harm or use pokemon for EVIL! LOL They weren't some big bad agents or anything, but they did what they could. Kind of like humanitarians that traveled. That make sense? Lily wants to find some way to continue what they believed in.

"She loves Pokemon no matter their type or how intimidating they seem. This particular trait is gonna be very character defining in the RP. I recommend you think carefully about how you're going to make her handle the berserk Pokemon we have walking around. You don't want to have to break character in order to keep playing."

She isn't going to be happy, but she isn't stupid either. It will upset her if she has to kill them to stop them. But growing up in some of the wilder places she understands that death is a part of life. It will anger her and she'll be more geared to stopping team rocket. Granted no matter what Dynami is going to do what he has to protect her, even if it ends with her being upset. Either way, seeing what they are doing to the pokemon will motivate her to find some way to stop it and if possible reverse it.

Besides who doesn't enjoy being evil to their characters every once and a while <,<..>.> just me..oh...well...opps :p

If the concept doesn't work for the game I can always sit back and think of something new. Depending on muse juice of course. :)
Well it sounds good to me, though if you really want you could make her love for pokemon a strong trait of hers. That she doesn't kill pokemon out of principle and then see how far she gets. She'll have to focus on defense and evasive tactics. It would make a lot more sense even if she believes the Pokemon are just victims and can, and should be saved. She could even be one then that objects to others killing the pokemon, claiming that if they are such strong trainers they should be able to defeat them without murdering them. Will cause lots of friction in certain places, but could be interesting.

But I'm okay with things either way really. The thing I care about most is if whoever wants to join can match the general standard of writing. What do you think?

Also, did you mean to say Fairy Tale, or did you mean Fairy Tail?
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That is what I am mostly feeling for her, Lily will try her best not to kill them. And in fact will probably cry over the fact despite what they did. It wasn't their fault after all. It will motivate her to try and stop it. Its kind of part of what I am hoping will evolve into the idea I have of her in the future. I know thinking that far ahead is probably silly, but I can't help what the muse does.

AstralKitsune has read a great deal of my work, and I have been writing on another sight for 8 or so years now. Along with my own projects of course. But if you all feel I don't seem like a good fit I won't fuss, sometimes writers just don't mesh. :)

And yes, sorry I am fighting over the keyboard with a kitten. So my fingers may be moving faster than my brain to avoid de noms :p Weebo thinks its his time for attention LOL
And yes, sorry I am fighting over the keyboard with a kitten.
"Yes" is not a viable answer to an option A or option B question. :p

But I like your character concept for what it matters. Astral is the final authority here anyway, as far as I'm concerned. I'm curious to see your writing. :)
Okay this actually got a laugh out of me because the Fate series are like one of the only anime shows ive ever been able to watch completely

Peeks in~ Hello I was invited to take a look and possibly RP here by our lovely Astralkitsune. She is a friend of mine and knows how much I love the rp goodness. I have read up on the thread and have a concept ready for you to take a look at. Hopefully she is ok and fits into the great setting you have going. I can edit if need be, so just let me know.

If Damian were real and not an idea im sure he would definitely approve. Seeing as how I am the voice of said character, yeah, he approves.

And aw it looks like I missed so much i've been out all morning everyone had a bonding moment w/o me :')
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Also just a fun fact, Orion isn't as in touch with his Aura abilities as he should be at this stage because Damian isn't too knowledgeable on the subject, as such things like sensing others Aura around him isn't something Damian even knows Orion is capable of
Okay this actually got a laugh out of me because the Fate series are like one of the only anime shows ive ever been able to watch completely
Fate/Zero is one of my all time favorite Anime. I adore Ilyasviel.
Also, Heaven's Feel is one of the upcoming anime's I'm most looking forward to. It's the darkest of the three path you can take in the game, and the one Rider plays her biggest role in. I love me some Rider. :)

I was referring to Fairy Tail the anime series.
I figured you were, was just teasing you :p

Also just a fun fact, Orion isn't as in touch with his Aura abilities as he should be at this stage because Damian isn't too knowledgeable on the subject, as such things like sensing others Aura around him isn't something Damian even knows Orion is capable of
Cool, now make sure to tell Mina that in-game :D
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Hey guys and girls. I just found the perfect image for the Venusaur that Salem, Aidinia, Megan, Ajax, Alex, and Hitmonlee fought, and can I just say that they are now heroes in my book.

That'd be interesting, I'd be down if you find out some way for that to make sense, unless we go for a comical viewpoint of them having a full conversation of them saying their name multiple times. Wasn't the Lucario in the movie capable of speech? Are we treating that as a rare occurence. Actually I just looked it up and it says he used telepathy. However without Ecarte creating the "psychic channel" or whatever I dont see that as something Orion would be capable of with his limited aura prowess
Yikes. That thing looks like a Fallout reject.

I actually have yet another question, though. Most Pokemon are inherently hunters/dangerous. But what about Pokemon like Quagsire (Carefree and lazy, never knew I was a Pokemon) and Goodra (super friendly gooey dragon)? Would they be friendly fellers with a touch of danger if you piss em' off, or just straight up killers like the rest?
I'm gonna post my reply tomorrow ya'll. I take improv classes on tuesdays so I don't get home til late. I'm almost done with my reply but I keep falling asleep when I try to proofread it.

Speaking of which, excuse any spelling mistakes here, I'mm currently typing with my eyes closed
Besides who doesn't enjoy being evil to their characters every once and a while <,<..>.> just me..oh...well...opps :p

I like to put my character through as much struggle as possible. >:D

A quick question, how is the move Sheer Cold going to work in this rp?
In the games it's an instant one hit KO as long as your Pokemon is of equal or higher level than your opponents.
I'm gonna straight out say that this should not be the case in the roleplay. Astral, you did a great job of writing the use of the move, however, I really don't want to see Crystal simply take out any horde of Pokemon she finds by using Sheer Cold, I reckon certain Pokemon should be able to survive the attack. Don't get me wrong, your most recent post was amazing, you shouldn't change it.

I hope you haven't taken any offence to that, I just wanna clear up how OHKO moves are gonna work.
No it's a good thing to ask I set t as all the venipede being that much weaker individually. It also took a LOT out of crystal. You better play hero or things will get bad
Oh, I didn't even know that about the move. I just really liked the use of Rain Dance to buff her offence and maybe get a little healing out of it if she has the ability. At the same time I was imagining she caused it to drizzle in the area around them and the water soaking into the bugs so that when she severely chilled the area after they would freeze solid. If it wasn't intended this way I'm impressed by the coincidence. But this is how I saw the scene unfold in my mind's eye.
Amara only really had that set up because she figured she could overpower the first round and the after that she was planning on changing her move set up for the tougher challangers. I had some trouble trying to figure it up cause I had already used hyper beam and I needed safe guard to save you and I wanted rain dance to use the water absorb. I thought about Ice beam for the fourth but didn't want to overdue the amount of ice beams.
It was Ny a set up like that was my intended although rain dance dosnt buff ice attacks it was more to keep her alive through healing and water absorb healing plus setting up the stage for the rp use of sheer cold to wipe the lot.
Strong Pokemon will have a chance to resist it certainly

Thanks for clearing that up, just as long as it isn't a 100% chance 'kill everything' mary sue move then I'm happy.

No it's a good thing to ask I set t as all the venipede being that much weaker individually. It also took a LOT out of crystal. You better play hero or things will get bad

I've just begun work on a decently long post with a fight scene, I constantly re-write lines so this is gonna take a while.
Super-Swift to the Rescue!