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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Working on my post I swear, but I'll have to apologize for the length ahead of time. I have a lot to catch up on after all LOL. It may be tomorrow before I finish, I have to proof read this monster before posting it. hehe
Oh. Oh well, it's still a decent guide, I should save it for when I forget it again. On a another note...

Salem just has all the ladies? He stole Cassie's heart (I think...it could be Curt), has the Dr. in his clutches, and now may be after Lily as well. Leave some for the others, yo! :p

Not just the ladies. Don't rule out Dr, Nevashi and his booty-looking ways
So we are nearing the end of the first day. A note for all the trainers. When you go to sleep here is what I want to happen in your dreams. Take a past memory and make it go bad despite what may have really happened. A trusted friend or loved one betrays you, or one of your worst fears happens. I would like to see some really good creative dream scenes. This is a plot effect.>:D
So we are nearing the end of the first day. A note for all the trainers. When you go to sleep here is what I want to happen in your dreams. Take a past memory and make it go bad despite what may have really happened. A trusted friend or loved one betrays you, or one of your worst fears happens. I would like to see some really good creative dream scenes. This is a plot effect.>:D
*Has horrific nightmares of losing everything and everyone while also encountering their greatest fears*
Cassie: Huh... Is it Tuesday already?

Is it okay if Cassie doesn't fall asleep at all? She is insomniac.

But either way, we got this, right Burble? :p
Salem just has all the ladies? He stole Cassie's heart (I think...it could be Curt), has the Dr. in his clutches, and now may be after Lily as well. Leave some for the others, yo! :p
Salem wouldn't be Salem if he didn't appreciate all the beauty life has to offer. But paradise is not a one man's island friend. Let's enjoy it's bounties together! Make your way over to Camp SAM and I'll tell you how. ;)

Working on my post I swear, but I'll have to apologize for the length ahead of time. I have a lot to catch up on after all LOL. It may be tomorrow before I finish, I have to proof read this monster before posting it. hehe
Don't apologize for a lengthy post. I've said this before but it's the content that matters, and I for one, am really excited to see you take the time and effort to write your whole story thus far, rather than just cutting some corners and popping up. I can't wait to read it.

She's not kidding she's at 3 pages in word and just checking in
Since I write all my entries in Word first before copying it all on the forum I have this one ever growing file with only my own entries all in a row.

I'm starting on page 36 now :D
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So we are nearing the end of the first day. A note for all the trainers. When you go to sleep here is what I want to happen in your dreams. Take a past memory and make it go bad despite what may have really happened. A trusted friend or loved one betrays you, or one of your worst fears happens. I would like to see some really good creative dream scenes. This is a plot effect.>:D

Welp, breaking characters is half the fun in making them.

But either way, we got this, right Burble? :p

Yeah, I already have plans for it. It's gonna be ick and traumatizing for poor Gerald.

Salem wouldn't be Salem if he didn't appreciate all the beauty life has to offer. But paradise is not a one man's island friend. Let's enjoy it's bounties together! Make your way over to Camp SAM and I'll tell you how. ;)

Really now?
Gerald might have to take Salem up on that offer. Though he's pretty smooth on his own, yeah. Yeah. He's not if that didn't tip you off
So we are nearing the end of the first day. A note for all the trainers. When you go to sleep here is what I want to happen in your dreams. Take a past memory and make it go bad despite what may have really happened. A trusted friend or loved one betrays you, or one of your worst fears happens. I would like to see some really good creative dream scenes. This is a plot effect.:D
Can it be an actual traumatic event they went through or do you want it to be a good one gone bad
Apollo is such a creep...

Finally he spotted some small monkeys. "hmm shouldn't be too much different than squirrel." Taking a moment to aim he hurled a couple of stones with a great degree of accuracy and dropped a few monkeys.
This raises an interesting question actually. Are there animals besides Pokemon in the world? This part suggests there would be, but I always sorta assumed there wouldn't be and that's why eating Pokemon wouldn't be so strange. This changes things.
I'm not sure I like the idea of there being regular animals as well to be honest. But if it is so, then it is so. It is certainly convenient.
I figured Pokemon eat other Pokemon. And you have Pokemon tending various aspects of nature. I can see the Parasect line, or Vileplumes influence their habitats. Same with Butterfrees and Beedrill. I dunno.
Yeah, but don't expect many regular animals. Monkey's are probably endangered animals, being hunted on by all sorts of bird Pokemon and other Pokemon, since they aren't afflicted by the virus.

Congratulations Apollo! You just killed the last three monkeys on the island! Or something I dunno, I need to get back to typing my reply
Congratulations Apollo! You just killed the last three monkeys on the island! Or something I dunno, I need to get back to typing my reply
I laughed way too hard at this xD

Also, eating pokemon is actually something I did quite a bit of research on. Apparently it's a topic of debate even in the Pokemon universe of whether or not it is ethical. Personally, I'm not really down with it. It's weird that a pokemon can either be a reliable friend that helps you win a gym badge, or a quesadilla.
Also, eating pokemon is actually something I did quite a bit of research on. Apparently it's a topic of debate even in the Pokemon universe of whether or not it is ethical. Personally, I'm not really down with it. It's weird that a pokemon can either be a reliable friend that helps you win a gym badge, or a quesadilla.
I suppose it's similar to the notion of people eating horse, or dogs and cats in the real world. Some cultures don't bat en eye while others scream outrage.
now would I really do that on purpose :angel:
No! don't you dare do something to Ecarte, you hear me Astral! You monster! Mina will be devastated.

It was a really cool piece actually. I liked it a lot. Here's to seeing Orion become a real powerhouse.

A few things though, please use a different green in the future because this one if just annoyingly bright. And also, I don't understand why you chose to use blue for the green Gardevoir, and green for the Blue Lucario. Is that just some random thing or is it maybe a craftily hidden reference to how the ordinal pokemon games were Red and Green in japan, but turned Red and Blue in the west. The also switched the names of the male Green character to male Blue, while the made the female Blue, into a female Green, for reasons never quite explained.

And finally! Is it wrong that I want to see Salem manage to make Ecarte blush at some point, and to have Mina tease her Pokemon about it, not fully understanding?