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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
blue and green was random coincidence.

Hmm could a human make Ecarte blush, well given what I know about her ...>:D

on a separate note I just want to say foreshadowing is the greatest literary tool ever invented
Wasn't a huge fan of the anime but it has to rank as one of the worst I have ever seen for kicking the "good guys" in the balls. Every time they ever think they gain a little ground the writer of that piece pulls out a steel spiked dildo and bends them over.
Me? I've never run a game before. I like spoilers too much. That said, I do already have a whole roster of heroes lined up and some notes here and there. I do that for everything that catches my fancy.
It just never worked out. I got too caught up in the details, being the perfectionist I am, it was always too big a project for me to take on. I usually already drown myself just shaping a single character let alone a cast of NPC's. :D
Ok I was just joking. However I did recently start up a custom tabletop game using loosely 5th ed D&D rules that is a summoners game where players partner and play a summoner or their summon.
Nice. For me the only real system I want to play in is the Hero System. Otherwise I rather just free form RP. Other systems are just too restrictive I find. They're more like playing computer games with imaginary graphics and custom narratives. But still quite streamlined in options.
And finally! Is it wrong that I want to see Salem manage to make Ecarte blush at some point, and to have Mina tease her Pokemon about it, not fully understanding?
I just really want to see Ecarte blush, no matter who does it.

Is anyone else here reading the Shokugeki no Soma manga? I'm absolutely dying for the next volume.
So we are nearing the end of the first day. A note for all the trainers. When you go to sleep here is what I want to happen in your dreams. Take a past memory and make it go bad despite what may have really happened. A trusted friend or loved one betrays you, or one of your worst fears happens. I would like to see some really good creative dream scenes. This is a plot effect.>:D
Aidinia slept her usual four hours. No more, no less, four hours. That was what she had trained her body to do as a young doctor. So she crashed hard, she had to admit to some rather steamy dreams of Salem and then she had awakened,
Is the idea of steamy scenes with Salem so terrifying? ;_;

I swear to god I've seen this in an anime somewhere!
I'm fairly certain it was where people live underwater with coated skins called enma or something like that.
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Loz is redoing her post. She wasn't feeling well when she got out of bed and made it last night and she didn't check the discussion board then she was back asleep before I could tell her.
I hope you all enjoyed my latest entry, and I hope it gives you all a bit more information about the kind of man Salem is.
When you read the entry, be sure you can listen to the song I linked to it as well. It really completes the scene in my opinion.

Astral, I for one, would love to see the dreams of the NPC's. Every little snippet that gives me more insight into who they are I'd appreciate greatly.
Wow so much ooc chatter, I feel like I have missed so much. Darn work and 4am start times,-shakes fist- I promise a post is coming. I had to go to bed half way through page 4 Lol. <<....>> what I don't have a problem.

And end of day one,-hangs head- my post just got longer. Poor lily, she will get to play with others eventually lol
Jasper was sitting in the corner eating Oreos whilst watching everyone suffer." Like hell in going in there." He finished the Oreos and drink a glass of milk." Hurry up and die already. Then team rocket will let me leave."

I just imagine him like this and it's so funny. His little cheeks puffed up when he chews and the Oreo crumbs on his face and the milk moustache.