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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Normally not, but it's possibly that you slip from unconsciousness into a sleep state. And since this is a fiction everyone will accept it if you let Floyd dream during his poison induced coma.

There's more too it of course. Different stages of sleep, and dreams don't occur during all those, or even last the night. There are ways you can force yourself to dream more and remember them better if you understand how it works.
Ok so I am an active sleep tech and I am a trained eeg tech. Now it is believed dreaming occurs in REM. I say believed because as far as I last heard scientifically there is not way to prove dreaming. I stare at brainwaves all night long and their is no change for dreams I can just tell you when they are in REM. Also little tidbit night terrors in children occur in N3 sleep and not REM. We cannot explain why. So to answer your question Nova yes go ahead.
:p dude I'm sick you're lucky I'm conscious
Maybe you shouldn't be. Get some rest and get well instantly. Always works in video games. :D
Sorry, I can't really relate to your situation. I've never been any sicker than getting a runny nose.

You know how they say; Fool's don't get sick? Might be some truth to that. :p
Lucky, I wish I could say the same, seems I stay sick. Probably has something to do with my immune system trying to kill me from the inside. My white blood cells thought my red blood cells were the enemy as a child. They declared war. I've been sick on and off every since. Luckily, I never developed Leukemia. However, I am almost always anemic.

If I stayed in bed every time I felt bad I'd never leave the bed... Might make some people happy but I'd never get anything done. :D

YAY! I managed to catch up even with the migraine :D now to wait to see if Astral wakes up. She passed out at the keyboard typing dreams for the NPCs. LOL BTW Curvy beautiful post. I told you guys she was awesome! In case you hadn't noticed I am forcing myself to feel instantly better for Ny!
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Okay, that's up!

I'll post the translations of the French words here, just because I didn't want it crowding my reply.
Jet t'ai eu = Gotcha
Bon travail = Great job
Allez = Let's go

As for the French in Italic, they're part of the song Cassie's mom sang, which is A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes in French, which has different lyrics than the original English version.
Les rêves qui sommeillent dans nos coeurs = The dreams that sleep in our hearts
Au creux de la nuit = In the depths of the night
Habillent nos chagrins de bonheur = They dress our unhappiness
Dans le doux secret de l'oubli = In the sweet secret of oblivion
Ecoute ton reve, et demain = Listen to your dream, and tomorrow
Le soleil brillera toujours = The sun will always shine
Même si ton coeur a l'âme en peine = Even if your heart has your soul grieving
Il faut y croire quand même: = You must believe regardless:
Le rêve d'une vie c'est l'amour = A life's dream is love

You can hear the vocals here. I just used the first minute of the song.
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Ya at I'm super glad everyone liked my post! Now I just need to figure out how to have run into others. I trying to figure out who she may be close to. May just have them get attack and sent running or something and see who Lily runs into.

Also hugs de Loziana- sorry you are feeling crudy.
I really enjoyed Willamina's story. So sad and she's so adorable.

By the way, how far fetched is it to think that Mina's mother's soul is actually in Ecarte's body? I mean it's more likely that Mina just has her mother's Pokemon with her, but I can't shake the idea that maybe she actually has her mother watching over her...