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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Arg, you fiend you! Well, this reminds me of something actually. Can you give us a detailed description of what Lin looks like so that we have something to go on?
Shes about 19-20 years old. shes 5ft 2in and around 135 lbs very athletic and well muscled not an ounce of excess fat really. She has long cocoa brown hair that she keeps in a tight no nonsense braid that comes to around her lower back. Her eyes are cedar green with veins of gold. She has a single scar on her face that starts at the top of her left eye and goes straight down across to her upper cheek. She has high arching facial features a bit elvenesque.

HA no snusnu for Salem:p only the fear of having his vital bits nommed on. Lol see my paranoid brain has seen anaconda to many times to just wade into the water like that. Lol
How about instead of laughing at Salem, you use that teddy of yours to go save some people! >_<

Yeah that's enough I think. Thanks. No to think on what to do. Fight or just run. It doesn't look too fast on land.
He is not a teddy bear, and Lin already saved them. :p or did I read that wrong? Besides I don't think they are near each other.
He is not a teddy bear, and Lin already saved them. :p or did I read that wrong? Besides I don't think they are near each other.

I don't think they're quite out of the water yet. But you can could go save any other other groups. You can be sure they'll be knee deep in shit once Astral is satisfied that we're not gonna get out of this without any wounds.
I just finished making Floyds team.

Swift (Starmie) (Male, Even though its technically genderless.)
Ability: Natural Cure
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Scald
- Rain Dance

Zippo (Chandelure) (Male)
Ability: Flash Fire
- Calm Mind
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Haze

Scrappy (Gliscor) (Female)
Ability: Hyper Cutter
- Aqua Tail
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Hone Claws

Bouncer (Scizor) (Male)
Ability: Technician
- Acrobatics
- Iron Head
- Bug Buzz
- Defog

Synth (Luxray) (Female)
Ability: Guts
- Discharge
- Crunch
- Substitute
- Light Screen
That was a good fight scene Nova. My only comment would be about the wackiness of lighting a pokemon on fire with water. I understand that the Scald move can cause burn, but you could have treated that the same way as boiling water or oil burns someone. Having flames sprout forth from it killed my suspense of disbelieve just a tiny bit. But a solid post overall. Looking forward to some hot Floyd and Amara interaction. Though I realize that might be a stretch considering who she is.


In other news! Don't think Salem will just roll over and others do the fighting Astral! Lin should just see if she can keep up!

I feel a tiny bit cheap for immediately snatching the Pokeball, but then maybe you shouldn't have put Salem practically down the creature's throat :p Might as well make the most of his time down there right? Curious to see what it'll be. Salem's a little dependent on it, what with Ajax snoring soundly on his clothes at the other side of the river :p
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Good post nova but yea the fire did have me like huh.

Slightly cheap Ny but I'll go with it.

Your fine Chroc good post with Del but I really want that Denial to slap her in the head hard one day.

** just coming to one other point as ST I absolutely do not want anyone to write in their own pokeball scenes. I will be dropping them occasionally but this is purview of the ST.
Good post nova but yea the fire did have me like huh.

Slightly cheap Ny but I'll go with it.

Your fine Chroc good post with Del but I really want that Denial to slap her in the head hard one day.

** just coming to one other point as ST I absolutely do not want anyone to write in their own pokeball scenes. I will be dropping them occasionally but this is purview of the ST.

Don't worry, it will lol I've made denial one of they key points of her character, so I plan on her sort of caving in on herself eventually.
“This tournament is much more eventful than I thought it’d bee.”
You just couldn't help yourself, could you? >_<

“Ursaring!” Delilah exclaimed. Her voice gave a real world depiction of the doppler effect.
Maybe it's not necessary to explain this, but the Doppler Effect is a phenomenon in nature that has to do with the way sound travels. Sound travels in waves outward from an origin point, and just like a boat moving through water, bunching up waves in front and dragging a long tail of waves behind as it moves, so too are sound waves affected when the point of origin moves. The effect in Chrocey's example would be something like hearing her yell the beginning quickly while she's approaching, but then lingering at the end after she's run past.

Slightly cheap Ny but I'll go with it.

** just coming to one other point as ST I absolutely do not want anyone to write in their own pokeball scenes. I will be dropping them occasionally but this is purview of the ST.
Shit, I didn't even think this through. Maybe what you intended wasn't even a Pokeball at all :x: I just assumed and went with it, I'm so sorry ;_;

Ok Ny I know what your Pokemon is. Although it's not my fault if Lady steals the ball from you :p
I'm very curious to see what. But just because Salem is desperate enough to try and see what comes out (might be another Hitmonlee that will win the fight for them on its own after all), doesn't mean he's going to keep the Pokemon himself.
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Posted, I figured I'd let some of the others have at the action before going after lily again hehe. If there are no nibbles I shall post again with her getting into some trouble soon :p
Gotta play catch up on some of the posts. Just finished reading your first post @Curvykitten. Freakin' awesome! I'm stoked for your character to be in this RP :3 your writing style really brings out the personality in your character and her pokemon.
Astral, can I please switch out Snatch with Attract? It's the only move Lady hasn't used far since most of the Pokemon on the island are berserkers. :p

EDIT: Still apprehensive about the four moves limitation though. If Rocket wanted to test the durability of the afflicted Pokemon, on top tier trainers at that, they would want to eliminate as many variables as they could, right? When the virus is spread to civilization, there's the risk of trainers whose Pokemon has no limitations being able to defeat the afflicted Pokemon easily. (Remember the League and Champions of each region will be involved here) Then their plan would kind of be pointless.
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I guess that's ok pen but did lady use snatch on Salem at the beginning or are we just writing that off as natural thievery which is fine with me.

Oh and Salem it was an intended pokeball your ok I was just stating that I didn't want anyone to add a pokeball I haven't shown already
I guess that's ok pen but did lady use snatch on Salem at the beginning or are we just writing that off as natural thievery which is fine with me.
Snatch is different from Thief, Astral. :p It steals the opponent's power up and/or recovery move effect. For instance, say Lady vs. Mewtwo. Mewtwo uses Recover. Lady uses Snatch. Lady will steal the effects of Recover and have her HP increased instead of Mewtwo.