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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
There is one final reward to add. Each character will basically wind up receiving one mega stone of their choice.
As for the eggs I will guarantee them to be very rare Pokemon each with a really good breed move. And yea perfect stats and shiny.

Getting ready to go to bed so just throwing that out there.

Btw did people understand that Arrow was about to kill himself and not the doctor?
There is one final reward to add. Each character will basically wind up receiving one mega stone of their choice.
As for the eggs I will guarantee them to be very rare Pokemon each with a really good breed move. And yea perfect stats and shiny.

Getting ready to go to bed so just throwing that out there.

Btw did people understand that Arrow was about to kill himself and not the doctor?

Don't you have to run that by the site admins? Unless you did of course.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that they make a big deal out of mega stones.
Btw did people understand that Arrow was about to kill himself and not the doctor?
Yeah, but Ajax wouldn't have known that. He would've thought Arrow was attacking and acted first without thinking.

Don't you have to run that by the site admins? Unless you did of course.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that they make a big deal out of mega stones.
Very true, and am quite curious about this as well.
Yea personally I am kinda hoping multiple mods have watched this thread and will recognize that you guys are awesome players and writers and that after the hell I put you through you each earned one mega.
That would be awesome of course, but I think it more likely they'd say you may give away one perfect shiny egg, and one mega stone. Also, don't mega stones only work for specific pokemon? It's not whoever uses the stone first has it from then on right? What's the deal with them?
That would be awesome of course, but I think it more likely they'd say you may give away one perfect shiny egg, and one mega stone. Also, don't mega stones only work for specific pokemon? It's not whoever uses the stone first has it from then on right? What's the deal with them?
Well, Astral did say you get to choose. But it'd still be useless without a keystone, which was meant for the trainer to hold.
Well BurbleBurble, seems I couldn't resist taking some more liberties with June. I just can't seem to help myself. :)

Then, let me know what you guys think about Ajax's solo fight? I am actually quite pleased with it, but if there are objections of comments, feel free to let me know. It's very one sided I'll admit to that, but then Ajax had pretty much every possible advantage except for Type, which ended up not factoring in anyway. He had the element of surprise, field, size and bulk advantage, and then there was the fact that Arrow was not only fighting Ajax but also himself. I think the fact he almost managed to wrestle free under such circumstance is a testament to the Sceptile's prowess.
Does this mean if we reuse the same character for another story then they'll have an actual reason to have a mega stone? :o
That's right. I know that some of us, myself included started out with these characters in this campaign, but others like Cassie, Gerald and Lin existed prior to this RP and have had adventures already. I for one am really loving Salem and am totally planning to continue on with him into other RP's so any eggs, and even Mega stones will be very welcome additions.

You might have to tweak Damian a bit Mega. Either that or really own up to him, since you've made him the champion of a region. Obviously there would need to be some concessions made if you go into another RP and there's another Unova champion there. :D

That said, the next RP Salem is doing is already planned and he'll be traveling to Unova for the first time. I'm hoping he can learn a few things about the region from Damian when the meet in this RP.
Well, the RP is really going to focus on Salem's big adventure into civilization, while he's on quest to learn what it means to be a proper Pokemon trainer, because right now he's just a traveler that's won the few official battles he's had bu the grace of his pokemon more than his skill as a trainer. Oh and perhaps get a full team of Pokemon. You may have noticed during all his fights so far that Salem hasn't been acting like a trainer at all, calling no moves etc. In fact, he's mostly been right there in the melee with the Pokemon, the idiot. He know's how to be friends with them though, he's got that going for him at least.

So yeah, the next RP plan is to focus on teach Salem, but it'll likely be open to anyone who wants to tag along, or pass through, or make guest appearances at certain events.

If you don't like Salem, I wouldn't recommend joining :D
Unless of course you wish to beat him up in canon. :@
Don't though...

On the topic of Mega Evolutions. I've finally managed to put my dislike for them aside and look beyond the often silly transformations and holy crap Mega Blastoise is a beast. I don't think I would ever give Ajax a Mega form because I'd just feel like a cheater.
It'll probably be Kaguya that would get a Mega Mawwile form if I'd have to choose anything.
If you didn't have a canon champion in mind for that rp mind if Damian tags along? Always interested in new rps, also thought about starting up that rp that we discussed in direct messages but I think I've just gotten so used to this knit group of people it'd be odd if that story weren't up to the standards this one is
I think'd be awesome to travel with the Champion of Unova, as newbie wannabe trainer. :D
In fact, I'm quite sure that the NPC Salem is looking for will want to have a few words with Damian. >:D

Also, that campaign we talked about still seems really cool to me. I'd love to play it someday, though I think I would most likely have to make a new character for it.

I might jump in that new RP given the chance, of course it's probably months away, but still. I'll have plenty of time to think of what character to use there...

Preparing a shortish post for June. And I quite like the plan I'm forming for her...
Preparing a shortish post for June. And I quite like the plan I'm forming for her...
I have no doubt. So far June's started cool and has only gotten cooler with every entry.
I hope I didn't inconvenience you by having her help Salem up and saying something. You can always ignore it otherwise.
Another question in general for anyone that can answer, in this story am I free to take liberties with what happened to the previous champion because I'm just debating on a sort of dream sequence for Damian in his unconcious state
I hate to keep bugging you guys but, Astral do I have your approval or not? because if so I would like to begin formulating a plan for how Knox will start his adventure in this roleplay
I'd say go for it. You've got the Ny-Pen seal of approval. I doubt anyone's going to object to starting out at least. But you know... you'll have to deliver otherwise we'll unleash the Wonderful on you. Trust me when is say you don't want that. The woman is relentless, and for all her extensive vocabulary, 'Mercy' is not in there. :arr:
I'd say go for it. You've got the Ny-Pen seal of approval. I doubt anyone's going to object to starting out at least. But you know... you'll have to deliver otherwise we'll unleash the Wonderful on you. Trust me when is say you don't want that. The woman is relentless, and for all her extensive vocabulary, 'Mercy' is not in there.
Right, any preference to how I go about this? I dont want to just barge into this finely weaved web of an rp