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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Okay I'm done being silly. :p

I really need to clock in more sleep during the night. I'm having crazy head rushes whenever I stand up after sitting down for a while. Does anyone else have their vision get clouded when that happens?

Dosen't anyone want to hug their storyteller >:D
Not with that devil emoticon.
Okay I'm done being silly. :p

I really need to clock in more sleep during the night. I'm having crazy head rushes whenever I stand up after sitting down for a while. Does anyone else have their vision get clouded when that happens?
I experience that a lot too. It's a symptom for anemia, which I happen to suffer from. You might want to ingest more iron rich foods like liver.

PS: You're still banned from my life this is the last time I will ever speak to you.
Right, no problem all that criticism seems fair. I was planning on cutting it up a little so I actually have something to put into my future posts till I have somebody else for Knox to actually interact with.
If this is the case, then it's completely acceptable. You don't have to edit it in. Probably fix those technical errors then, yeah?
I don't, no one does.
That's why I'm asking one of the wisest.
Oh you :blush:

Well I would recommend studying the object of your dilemma, get a feel for how it thinks, and what it appreciates.
The Pen is a magnificent creature. Elegant, beautiful, prideful, intelligent. It really is one of the harder ones to approach, and even harder to appease once offended.

My advice would be to give it space, observe it from a distance until you know it's in an exceptionally good mood. That's when you strike. I recommend prostrating yourself before it and then gushing a balanced combination of lofty praise, detailing how amazing it is, and self harassment. Really play into its sense of supreme superiority, making it believe that nothing else really matters in comparison, and when you then point out how low you yourself are there is a chance it will think you are not worth being upset over.

This should bring you back in neutral territory, if all goes well.

Good luck. :up:
Oh you :blush:

Well I would recommend studying the object of your dilemma, get a feel for how it thinks, and what it appreciates.
The Pen is a magnificent creature. Elegant, beautiful, prideful, intelligent. It really is one of the harder ones to approach, and even harder to appease once offended.

My advice would be to give it space, observe it from a distance until you know it's in an exceptionally good mood. That's when you strike. I recommend prostrating yourself before it and then gushing a balanced combination of lofty praise, detailing how amazing it is, and self harassment. Really play into its sense of supreme superiority, making it believe that nothing else really matters in comparison, and when you then point out how low you yourself are there is a chance it will think you are not worth being upset over.

This should bring you back in neutral territory, if all goes well.

Good luck. :up:

Why are you telling this to someone who wants to sacrifice my blood to the dark lord cthulu?
Why are you telling this to someone who wants to sacrifice my blood to the dark lord cthulu?
Cthulhu is a Great Old One actually, if you'll allow me to rectify your Lovecraftian Lore.

And I'm not sure actually. I probably applaud the effort he's willing to make. I also highly doubt it will work, but can't wait to see him embarrass himself trying. :D

Besides, if his shenanigans put you in a better mood, the better for me right? ;)

I'm simply gathering blood samples from everyone for Cthulhu so he can create perfect lawyers using dark magic.
The guy is running for president y'know!

Also Penthe, you are wonderful and amazing at writing and better than me in every which way.

(Psst, Did it work yet Nygenn?)
I'm simply gathering blood samples from everyone for Cthulhu so he can create perfect lawyers using dark magic.
The guy is running for president y'know!
That's quite the Catch-22 there. Didn't you know it were Lawyers who created dark magic in the first place?

Also Penthe, you are wonderful and amazing at writing and better than me in every which way.

(Psst, Did it work yet Nygenn?)
I doubt it buddy :D
You can't just list facts, you have to really exaggerate it. Keep at it ;)
I know right? I've always been very interested in the language game played when it comes to laws and their interpretations. Alas it was too much studying and fact learning for me, so Game Design it is. Can come up with your own laws then :)
That's quite the Catch-22 there. Didn't you know it were Lawyers who created dark magic in the first place?

Really? Then why is Cthulhu running for president?
I think I might have to destroy my ballot paper.

Aight, Pen. I'm sorry for trying to give your blood to a demon overlord running for president of the entire galaxy and I promise I won't do it again.
You actually are incredibly good at writing, although I'm sure you've heard that before, in fact, I kind of envy you in a way. For some reason you seem to be able to type at an in-humane speed. Seriously, what takes you half an hour to write, takes me three hours to write, it's amazing! The stuff you put in the 'Artwork' section of your profile is also extremely well-made, better than I could ever do.
I'd like to resume chatting with you in a humane way, and without any of the demon talk or hugging.
After all, I can leave most of that to Nygenn. ;)

Aight, Pen. I'm sorry for trying to give your blood to a demon overlord running for president of the entire galaxy and I promise I won't do it again.
You actually are incredibly good at writing, although I'm sure you've heard that before, in fact, I kind of envy you in a way. For some reason you seem to be able to type at an in-humane speed. Seriously, what takes you half an hour to write, takes me three hours to write, it's amazing! The stuff you put in the 'Artwork' section of your profile is also extremely well-made, better than I could ever do.
I'd like to resume chatting with you in a humane way, and without any of the demon talk or hugging.
After all, I can leave most of that to Nygenn. ;)
For some reason you seem to be able to type at an in-humane speed. Seriously, what takes you half an hour to write, takes me three hours to write, it's amazing!
You're so right with this. It's something I've also noticed and admired.

I'd like to resume chatting with you in a humane way, and without any of the demon talk or hugging.
After all, I can leave most of that to Nygenn.
I offer myself up as a proxy hug recipient. 8)
Why you ask? Because I just want you all to get along. For you lot I am willing to take on this burden.
Mostly because I'm very curious as to why you're so insistent on calling me Penthe instead of Pen like everyone else. :p

Oh, that's just something that happened, I guess. I refer to AstralKitsune as Astral, BurbleBurble as Burble, CurvyKitten as Curvy. I take the first part of someones username based on capital letters and use that, unless it's a one word username, like Nygenn. So in your case, I take PentheWonderful, and turn it into Penthe. Since the T isn't capitalized in 'the', my brain immediately refers to Penthe as one word instead of two separate words.
In my name however, it's all capitals, so I have free reign on what I shorten my username to.
It's more of an OCD than anything else, just something that my mind does to keep things neat and tidy.

If you want me to stop calling you Penthe, just say.
So I was curious about Unova for the upcoming RP and decided to look up a bit on the regions. I haven't really read much because I soon became distracted with the Pokemon world map. There were various versions, but going by the real world places the regions are based on I think this one might be quite accurate.


This would place the regions in the following areas.

Kanto in the Tokyo Prefecture of Japan
Johto in the Kansei prefecture of Japan
Hoenn in the Kyushu/Okinawa prefecture of Japan
Sinnoh in the Hokkaido prefecture of Japan
Unova around Manhattan
Kalos in France
And a place called Orre in the state of Arizona.

Now, not knowing anything about the regions but being familiar with their real life counter parts I'm going to say that Kanto and Johto have lots of mountains and valleys and decent amounts of forests. Johto would be much more traditional in it's style, while Kanto is mostly modern with some traditional towns surrounding the central area. Hoenn would mostly be tropical, while Sinnoh should be mountainous and cold over all. Large sections I expect to have snow all year round. Unova I expect to be mostly urban areas, with large and tall cities, while Kalos should be very temperate with more dynamic towns and a classic European architecture style. Orre should be quite arrid, hot and dry.

If there's any truth to these location deductions that would mean that Unova and Kalos are very far away from the other regions.

Astral, where about in the world do you imagine Jinko Island to be, so we can have some inclination of where we are?

More regional information.


Regional Video Guides
Kanto Region
Johto Region
Hoenn Region
Sinnoh Region
Unova Region
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Hey, got room for one more in this RP? Been working on my character bio for a few hours and just finished (it's a bit trash but I hope it'll suffice), the character in question is Jasper Moreau and the link to his bio is attached to my sig. Thanks!

- Mozza
Jinko I kinda see Somewhere in the South Pacific.

I am the ST, the DM, the GM, God (game operations direction) of this world I make my own laws. I forge intricate plots made from the tears of your souls and the cries of your despair!>:D>:D>:D

Just kidding :p
Teapot never answered guess I will have to ask her directly
Your best off asking Stellar. Not to bash Teapot or anything, they are both great moderators, but Stellar is definitely more geared towards Roleplay.

I think he made the rules too, so best to ask him. Unless you've already messaged Teapot, which in the case ignore this :p
Hey, got room for one more in this RP? Been working on my character bio for a few hours and just finished (it's a bit trash but I hope it'll suffice), the character in question is Jasper Moreau and the link to his bio is attached to my sig. Thanks!
Jasper seems a pretty interesting character to me. Definitely different from the cast we've assembled so far. I'm very curious to see how he'll fare on the island, and if your writing is up to snuff. Objectively I'm inclined to give the go head, but you'll have to wait and see what Pen, and or Astral have to say.

Are you completely caught up with the story?

And on that note, what does everyone think should be the number of players we'll let into this RP? If Jasper were to join he'd be the 11th Player Character, 12th if you count Lin Maltin as Astral's.
There are also 5 NPC's left on the Player's side of thing. 6 if Drake turns out to be a good guy.
That's a good 18 or so humans walking around, each with their own Pokémon bringing the total number of characters currently active to 36.
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