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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What did you mean with the overlap to Cassie's team though?
Cassie used to own one prior to her capture by Team Rocket.

Shedinja is supposed to be a discarded cicada shell, reanimated by something (Probably the resent of it's "Pre-Evolution" or something), that apparently steals souls. It only has 1 HP, but in return, with the ability Wonder Guard, they are impervious to any damage that isn't super effective. Gerald owns one named Empty, who is rather lazy and doesn't care about much most of the time, but if he's angry, becomes a rage fueled merciless beast (Not literally).
Alright let's go over what I found. Because it's a relatively long list with many sprites I'm just hiding it behind a spoiler tag.


For Electric I think the most likely choice could be the Electa-line, or alternatively the Lux-line. A third option could be the Chu's, so I guess with this it all comes down to what he'd encounter story wise and how things would work out. Personalities would be a major factor here.


To cover the ghost type I found myself mostly drawn to snow ghosts, but this might not work out story wise if things get serious between Salem and Cassie. Alternatively I thought the pure ghost a good option.


For bug type I was looking at the dragonflies, or perhaps the krickets, although the latter would probably be just a travel companion like Jeeves. But thanks to Burble for pointing me at that weird rock/tank/bug/fossil thing. :D If I can work around the fossil issue this would be a very solid choice.


If the Froslass and the Armaldo don't work out then Aurorus would cover both the Ice and Rock type. Although I would still have to deal with the fossil issue. It's a really awesome looking Pokemon though. Salem would go nuts over it, but at the same time might feel bad about taking it with him. He would think it took majestic to be tied to him probably. Then other than Sudowoodo there is actually no pure Rock type Pokemon but really, what the heck is that thing supposed to be if not just a joke? Same as Shuckle... So there might be some type overlap here. Onix would definitely get Salem excited for obvious reasons, but Steelix loses it's rock type funnily enough. :)
Oh actually, turns out there are more mono rock types. Nosepass, another joke, Regirock, which I think is a Legend so that would be tough, and Rampardos, another dinosaur fossil. Then there is also Gigalith, with actually looks like just the right blend of quirky and bad-ass that Salem would be interested in. Guess I found my options :p

Ice has very few options really. We've already covered Frosslass and Aurorus, so those aside I would say that Cloyster and Lapras would be very good choices that Salem would both love quite a bit, however they are both also water type, and for the sake of this list I'm trying to have as little crossovers as possible. That leaves Articuno, a legendary Pokemon technically, but one I know has actually occurred on several occasions in the media, suggesting there are more than one and found in various locations. So I'm going to tentatively add it as an option. It would certainly make for a good story that's for sure. Glaceon is pretty cool, but reaching for an Eeveelution somehow feels like i'm cheating, but I'm still adding it regardless. Then that just leaves Beartic as an option. It seems a solid one, but it would have to be befriended as a Beartic because I can't see Salem take a Cubchoo with him. he'd feel like a child-thief if he did...


Finally Psychic... This one is really tricky. You know it sucks a lot that Jynx is just such an awful, horrendous design, because the typing and concept would have been really cool. Why couldn't they just draw inspiration from Final Fantasy's Shiva? I'm sorely tempted to implement a Fakemon here and just say it's a Jynx that doesn't appalls everyone. Until then, the Abra line seems a solid choice, as well as Espeon, but that one has the same issue as Glaceon. As much as I hate to say it Salem would like the Slowpoke line as well. :@ Fortunately it's dual type water so I don't have to put it on the list for now. :D Unfortunately Wobbuffet doesn't have that same restriction... He'd be a really good fit with Salem actually. >_<
I really like the designs of Uxie and Azelf, but I think these might be Legendaries, not sure though. Then there's that Gothic pokemon which I'm not sure what the think about. Options are slim indeed... But wait! here's a really great option actually. Espurr and Meowstic. Oh I like these a lot. :)

And there we have it. My list of type restricted pokemon that could fit Salem. I invite and welcome any and all comments, options, thoughts and suggestions, on the Pokemon, ideas on acquisitions, personality traits, or stories in which they'd appear.

How awesome a Jynx would these make ey?



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To answer some questions you have:

Regirock is indeed a legendary, along with Uxie and Azelf. Funnily enough, they are parts of trios.

Regirock has two counterparts in Registeel and Regice. They were created to seal a much larger Regi known as Regigigas, who was said to have made the continents.

Azelf and Uxie along with Mesprit are known as the lake guardian trio. They mainly reside in Sinnoh, in three lakes. They are said to have created Willpower, Knowledge, and Emotion respectively, and defiling them causes a loss in such things. For example, gazing into Uxie's eyes is said to give one amnesia.

While Articuno sounds cool (No pun intended), legends are very very very hard to get on a character here. I've only heard one mentioned in passing. The RP rules cover this, and not to mention, there is a very short list of what Legends can be captured. You'd best be off checking the rules, which cover this in more detail that I'd describe here.

One last Pokemon I'mma suggest:
The happy go-lucky Reuniclus, pure Psychic Pokemon who is quite interesting. Based on cells.

Other than that those all seem like solid choices, all of em' would definitely fit Salem's character.

Here's a good website to find more if you need it, though.
Yay! I did a do!

Post up. Feeling confident about it! Probably because it was written at more reasonable times, but still, yay! I hope you all like it as much as I do :)

By the way Pen, should've addressed this earlier, but I kind of like the longer posts! They give your characters a lot more fleshing out, and personality! Lady is just grimly hilarious with her lines, and what she did to Aidinia was just the best! So don't you worry about that. You just keep being you and it'll all be fine :D
I have finally read the entire rp, quite the task in itself due to the sheer amount of words in each post, and now I have to ask some more questions because im useless like that? Am I to do a character bio like the ones that everybody else did? or do I have to make a more fleshed out one because im late?
Post up. Feeling confident about it! Probably because it was written at more reasonable times, but still, yay! I hope you all like it as much as I do :)
I have a few thing to comment on, now that you're asking. :)

Let's just start by saying that I think this was an awesome entry content wise. You're very perceptive, and seem to be taking note of all the right little details in everyone's posts to fill your own with. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that it feels incredibly satisfying and rewarding to have your own work so incorporated in that of others. Nothing is really glossed over.

Next is a question. Are you consciously experimenting with a new writing style, or did you recently see a very inspiration movie or something? I noticed in your previous entry first but it definitely stood out at the beginning of your most recent one. It sounds like Gerald either is, or is being narrated by an aged wizard or scholar who's possessed by a separate entity. Perhaps I just don't know enough about Gerald, but the whole dusty library package doesn't seem to fit if you ask me. It's pretty cool, well written and has lots of character, but I don't think it fits Gerald very well.

Then, good luck with Megan, I'm rooting for ya. Try giving her a ribbon, I predict it will be all the rage soon enough. :\=|:

Next up is June. I swear June is getting more and more awesome with every entry. The more insight I get into who she is and how she thinks the more I like her. The fact that she takes directions from Cassie, and at the same time hopes that Gerald stays away made me chuckle. She's got a lot of personality and they have a great dynamic going I find. June is certainly inspiring me to do something similar with my Pokemon, though my plans are for Kaguya in particular. I fear Ajax will remain the relaxed mob boss I've decided to roll him into.

Lastly, perhaps it's just because it's late and I am tired, but I had honestly forgotten that Salem had offered June a massage. I am so pleased to see she wants one though. Very much looking forward to that scene. :angel:

By the way Pen, should've addressed this earlier, but I kind of like the longer posts! They give your characters a lot more fleshing out, and personality! Lady is just grimly hilarious with her lines, and what she did to Aidinia was just the best! So don't you worry about that. You just keep being you and it'll all be fine :D
Don't worry Burble, I seriously doubt she was really complaining. She loves to write, she loves developing Cassie, and she really loves how we keep praising her entries, so her complaints are just air :p

Am I to do a character bio like the ones that everybody else did? or do I have to make a more fleshed out one because im late?
I'm not ignoring you Jake, but I'm leaving your question for Astral to answer. All I can say is that more is better, but don't do too much. ;)
I would like to think my writing skill is no lower than those at the bottom end of the spectrum in this roleplay at the very least but I'm afraid you'll have to wait till tomorrow as I'm exhausted.
Next is a question. Are you consciously experimenting with a new writing style, or did you recently see a very inspiration movie or something? I noticed in your previous entry first but it definitely stood out at the beginning of your most recent one. It sounds like Gerald either is, or is being narrated by an aged wizard or scholar who's possessed by a separate entity. Perhaps I just don't know enough about Gerald, but the whole dusty library package doesn't seem to fit if you ask me. It's pretty cool, well written and has lots of character, but I don't think it fits Gerald very well.
I guess I'm just dabbling around different writing styles, seeming what fits my fancy. I'll admit, I may have over done it/worn out it's welcome. There might be passing mention to it in the future, but I don't expect it coming back up completely. I imagine roleplay as a narrator describing the thoughts and ideas of the character, but that may be defeating the point of "Role-Play".

Next up is June. I swear June is getting more and more awesome with every entry. The more insight I get into who she is and how she thinks the more I like her. The fact that she takes directions from Cassie, and at the same time hopes that Gerald stays away made me chuckle. She's got a lot of personality and they have a great dynamic going I find. June is certainly inspiring me to do something similar with my Pokemon, though my plans are for Kaguya in particular. I fear Ajax will remain the relaxed mob boss I've decided to roll him into.
Ha ha, Glad she's as fun to read about as she is to write! June may be defensive of Gerald, but she isn't one to stifle his shortcomings :p

Can't wait to see what lil' Kaguya is like! Hopefully the rest of Gerald's team gets a bit of spotlight towards the end, along with everyone else's (Well, except Cassie and anyone else who more wisely left their Pokemon in a PC...).

Then, good luck with Megan, I'm rooting for ya. Try giving her a ribbon, I predict it will be all the rage soon enough. :\=|:
I'll have Gerald keep that in mind. Let's make this happen Astral 8)

Speaking of Astral...

That new post man. Hopefully we don't have to put down the poor reptile...

I'm weighing some options for a moment. But, uh, can I call dibs on the Sceptile? Just so June can do some real battle? That be great, thanks.
That new post man. Hopefully we don't have to put down the poor reptile...

I'm weighing some options for a moment. But, uh, can I call dibs on the Sceptile? Just so June can do some real battle? That be great, thanks

Oh shit! I read this after I posted :D

Don't worry, he'll be dragged to shore shortly, and will likely kick up a fuzz again. I think I was of the same mind, in not wanting to let an opportunity pass by where Ajax would be in his prime surrounding. Sorry Burble.

Though, considering the typings of Ajax, Arrow and June, I've sure she will be the one to stop him next, when on land.
Awww what a sweet post you made, Mega!
Delilah is really working her mocha
skinned, green eyed magic on Damian, huh? That combination is really a force to be reckoned with. Seriously though, I wanted to applaud you for your detailing of how Damian handled his pain. It's all very realistic, and gives off the feeling that he's used to such sensations before, and knows exactly what to do. I can even feel the pain he was going through, and that's really saying something. Great job.
Thank you so much, means a lot

What she said.
Great post, Mega
Thank you

Great job on that entry Mega, wonderfully written on so many levels. Were you always this good a writer before?
Well its definitely something I'm improving upon as I go, Id never really dabbled into roleplay much side from a legend of korra one and it was more like this conceptual story telling and not one of those "and then she looked at me and I giggled tee hee" other than that I'd not had much experience writing previously, I'd started a few chapters on a book I began which was more a novel about superheroes which I thought was cool after reading the book Steelheart (great series btw about evil people with powers) but yeah, other than those two times not much experience, so with this and those it really means a lot getting compliments on my entries from you guys. Also sorry if this reads a little weird, I did it from my phone and the mobile version of charms is a bit odd to dive into
Alright, I'm about to pass out now. If anyone feels like posting then go right ahead. If you need to you may take control of Ajax to add to the fight, perhaps see them resurface a couple of times or something, but otherwise the idea was to have Ajax climb back on the shore after a couple minutes, dragging a passed out Sceptile behind him. Ajax won't kill if he can help it.

Good night.
Oh shit! I read this after I posted :D

Don't worry, he'll be dragged to shore shortly, and will likely kick up a fuzz again. I think I was of the same mind, in not wanting to let an opportunity pass by where Ajax would be in his prime surrounding. Sorry Burble.

Though, considering the typings of Ajax, Arrow and June, I've sure she will be the one to stop him next, when on land.
Ah, it's fine. I've messed up like this before too.

Plus now June can be a hero her own way! She can get the lovely women out of the way of combat :)

Can confirm, tapping from phone sucks. Yet somehow I've typed many a post from one...No clue how.

Edit: Night night Ny, see you round!
Alright let's go over what I found. Because it's a relatively long list with many sprites I'm just hiding it behind a spoiler tag.

And there we have it. My list of type restricted pokemon that could fit Salem. I invite and welcome any and all comments, options, thoughts and suggestions, on the Pokemon, ideas on acquisitions, personality traits, or stories in which they'd appear.

Well, here's a list of every Legendary, so you don't get confused.
(Mespirit holds a special place in my heart as it's probably the first semi-legendary I caught. By what I remember.)
Also, there are two types of Legendary Pokemon: Legendaries and Mythicals.

Mythicals are Legendary Pokemon that are far rarer than their counterparts, and are only usually given away by events in-game.
Regular legendary Pokemon are slighly more common and friendly. The Legendary Pokemon you see on the box-art of most Pokemon games are Regular Legendaries.



As for suggestions,





It has multiple forms depending on what appliance it posesses. It would provide you some decent coverage.

EDIT: G'night Ny. Ironically enough, I just woke up.
Thanks for the info on Mythicals and Legends SUPERRNOVAA. There are several Mythicals I honestly would never have guessed to be anything special. On the other hand I am surprised to see Mewtwo among the regular legends, when we know for a fact there is literally only one in existence.

As for your suggestions. I think Toxicroak would be a fantastic Pokemon for Salem actually, but with Poison and Fighting typing he wasn't going to make this particular list :p
And Rotom, really? I would have guessed that thing to be a legend of sorts, story wise at least. As it is I really don't like it as a Pokemon, and I'm quite certain that Salem wouldn't really know what to do with a set of animated modern society appliances :D
Thanks for the info on Mythicals and Legends SUPERRNOVAA. There are several Mythicals I honestly would never have guessed to be anything special. On the other hand I am surprised to see Mewtwo among the regular legends, when we know for a fact there is literally only one in existence.

As for your suggestions. I think Toxicroak would be a fantastic Pokemon for Salem actually, but with Poison and Fighting typing he wasn't going to make this particular list :p
And Rotom, really? I would have guessed that thing to be a legend of sorts, story wise at least. As it is I really don't like it as a Pokemon, and I'm quite certain that Salem wouldn't really know what to do with a set of animated modern society appliances :D
Fun fact, the one mewtwo in existence has been a pretty controversial thing
There's the one from the movie, talks, has actual personality, one from the Genesect movie that can mega evolve and I believe was a female but that part may be misinformation, and one from the pokemon origins series that red captures
Jake Acker, it seems you've been placed at my mercy, you poor fellow.
You seem a nice guy, from what I've seen you posting in here so far and that's great, but not something particularly necessary for the story.
If you want to impress me then here's what I need to see from you.

A character description. I don't really care about name just yet, but I want to know what the character will generally look like, roughly what kind of personality he/she will have, what drives the character, why did he come to the island, does he have any note worthy quirks, and where does he come from. That last one I don't need to know for the story per say, but it helps show me how much thought you put into your character, and what kind of stories you will be likely to tell.

You will also need a pokemon with a moveset restricted to 4 moves. it would be nice to learn a little bit about this companion of yours as well, seeing as it's essentially going to be your second character in the RP.

Good luck :)
Thanks for the info on Mythicals and Legends SUPERRNOVAA. There are several Mythicals I honestly would never have guessed to be anything special. On the other hand I am surprised to see Mewtwo among the regular legends, when we know for a fact there is literally only one in existence.

As for your suggestions. I think Toxicroak would be a fantastic Pokemon for Salem actually, but with Poison and Fighting typing he wasn't going to make this particular list :p
And Rotom, really? I would have guessed that thing to be a legend of sorts, story wise at least. As it is I really don't like it as a Pokemon, and I'm quite certain that Salem wouldn't really know what to do with a set of animated modern society appliances :D

I was just thinking that Rotom would provide a lot of coverage.
:p I reckon it's okay to have overlapping types, just don't have more than 2.

And no, it definitely isn't a legendary.

As for Mewtwo, there's been a lot of debate on what its canon classification is.
Put simply, it's classified as a regular Legendary because you can catch one in X/Y without attending any events or using mystery gift.
:p I reckon it's okay to have overlapping types, just don't have more than 2.
You're right of course. I'm not going to let something silly as Typing dictate what Salem will end up catching in his travels. It'll all depend on what he encounters, how he feels about, and what the circumstances are. Typing or power really has no factor in his choosing :D
That said, I noticed that all the Pokemon so far have had a nice type coverage without any overlap, and I was curious to see if that list could be extended to encompass all types. It's by no means a shopping list. ;)

And about the Mewtwo thing, I guess I understand how it works now, but find myself disagreeing with classifying Pokemon based on how they're acquired in the game. That just seems silly. :p
Jake Acker, it seems you've been placed at my mercy, you poor fellow.
You seem a nice guy, from what I've seen you posting in here so far and that's great, but not something particularly necessary for the story.
If you want to impress me then here's what I need to see from you.

A character description. I don't really care about name just yet, but I want to know what the character will generally look like, roughly what kind of personality he/she will have, what drives the character, why did he come to the island, does he have any note worthy quirks, and where does he come from. That last one I don't need to know for the story per say, but it helps show me how much thought you put into your character, and what kind of stories you will be likely to tell.

You will also need a pokemon with a moveset restricted to 4 moves. it would be nice to learn a little bit about this companion of yours as well, seeing as it's essentially going to be your second character in the RP.

Good luck :)
Okay thanks I'll get right on it :)
Name: Knox Lomar
Age: 20
Appearance: 6ft exactly, with a fit physique due to his occupation rather than any body building. Eyes that are actually blue but have enough grey in them to resemble steel after the bluing process (that may need to be looked up for you to understand what I mean by that.) Sports a mess of brown hair, and a face that has clearly seen a lot of sun which is most apparent in his complexion. Rough calloused hands due to a lot of hard work in his day to day life.

Personality: extraordinarily laid back most of the time, coupled with a smart mouth that likes to make an appearance whenever it can, often means Knox finds himself in sticky situations that he then has to get himself out of. Under the lax nature though he is a kind soul at heart and easy enough to get along with if you dont take his jokes at face value. Down to earth when it comes to his way of seeing people he is often suspicious of those who seem to have nothing to hide as he has come to know by now that everybody has something worth keeping secret.

Overview of history: Born in Rustboro to a perfectly normal pair of citizens, James Lomar and Mary Lomar. James worked for the Devon corporation and Mary was a teacher at the local trainer school, and it was due to his fathers job that young Knox met Steven Stone. The two quickly became friends and while they grew somewhat apart as they grew up it was still enough to land Knox his job at Devon. After a year in the geological research department he was promoted to do field work for the company and showed excellent potential when retrieving artefacts from geological sights previously thought to risky to enter. Due to his great work he was given a recently reived Bastiodon to be his partner Pokémon and to help him on missions. The missions became increasingly risky as time went on and due to people like team Plasma and Rocket often appearing at such sights the remaining agents were given basic combat training in both hand to hand and firearms. Knox only exceled at the later. Eventually he rose through the ranks to be the second best field agent at Devon's disposal and was only bested by Steven himself (although he was beaten by a longshot when it came to the champion of Hoenn himself.)

Reason for attending tournament : An island that had previously been too heavily guarded to let anybody step foot onto its shores open for all? Devon couldn't miss out on such an opportunity.

Notable quirks: Slight fear of heights, weak spot for his beloved steel and rock types, cant resisit the idea of a good treasure and knowledge of ancient history.

Partner Pokémon: Bastille the Bastion.
Gender: Male.
Nature: A gentle soul when around friends or even neutral parties, his herbivore instincts making him much more willing to protect than attack those he doesn't deem worthy of pain. Born into the world anew the ancient Pokémon has retained some of the memories from his last life, mainly traumatic ones or those that are of his family. As a Bastiodon the instinct to protect his family is very prominent with Knox being the only member of his new "herd". Bastille also went through Devon's training with Knox and thus is an experienced combatant on any battlefield.
Notable features in appearance: Due to being the son of his original herds matriarch Bastille is larger than the average Bastiodon to the point he could easily carry multiple humans at once.
Moves: Iron defence, stone edge, metal burst and bulldoze.

Right I hope that's enough of a overview whilst still saving things for the actual rp? I think I covered all the bases asked for and then some.
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Name: Knox Lomar
Appearance: 6ft exactly, with a fit physique due to his occupation rather than any body building. Eyes that are actually blue but have enough grey in them to resemble steel after the bluing process (that may need to be looked up for you to understand what I mean by that.) Sports a mess of brown hair, and a face that has clearly seen a lot of sun which is most apparent in his complexion. Rough calloused hands due to a lot of hard work in his day to day life.

Personality: extraordinarily laid back most of the time, coupled with a smart mouth that likes to make an appearance whenever it can, often means Knox finds himself in sticky situations that he then has to get himself out of. Under the lax nature though he is a kind soul at heart and easy enough to get along with if you dont take his jokes at face value. Down to earth when it comes to his way of seeing people he is often suspicious of those who seem to have nothing to hide as he has come to know by now that everybody has something worth keeping secret.

Overview of history: Born in Rustboro to a perfectly normal pair of citizens, James Lomar and Mary Lomar. James worked for the Devon corporation and Mary was a teacher at the local trainer school, and it was due to his fathers job that young Knox met Steven Stone. The two quickly became friends and while they grew somewhat apart as they grew up it was still enough to land Knox his job at Devon. After a year in the geological research department he was promoted to do field work for the company and showed excellent potential when retrieving artefacts from geological sights previously thought to risky to enter. Due to his great work he was given a recently reived Bastiodon to be his partner Pokémon and to help him on missions. The missions became increasingly risky as time went on and due to people like team Plasma and Rocket often appearing at such sights the remaining agents were given basic combat training in both hand to hand and firearms. Knox only exceled at the later. Eventually he rose through the ranks to be the second best field agent at Devon's disposal and was only bested by Steven himself (although he was beaten by a longshot when it came to the champion of Hoenn himself.)

Reason for attending tournament : An island that had previously been too heavily guarded to let anybody step foot onto its shores open for all? Devon couldn't miss out on such an opportunity.

Notable quirks: Slight fear of heights, weak spot for his beloved steel and rock types, cant resisit the idea of a good treasure and knowledge of ancient history.

Partner Pokémon: Bastille the Bastion.
Gender: Male.
Nature: A gentle soul when around friends or even neutral parties, his herbivore instincts making him much more willing to protect than attack those he doesn't deem worthy of pain. Born into the world anew the ancient Pokémon has retained some of the memories from his last life, mainly traumatic ones or those that are of his family. As a Bastiodon the instinct to protect his family is very prominent with Knox being the only member of his new "herd". Bastille also went through Devon's training with Knox and thus is an experienced combatant on any battlefield.
Notable features in appearance: Due to being the son of his original herds matriarch Bastille is larger than the average Bastiodon to the point he could easily carry multiple humans at once.

Right I hope that's enough of a overview whilst still saving things for the actual rp? I think I covered all the bases asked for and then some.

A 20 year old, relatively tall male with light eyes and sun tanned skin, physically shaped through a life of active labor, a laid back gentle persona with a kind heart, who doesn't care about the actual tournament, and has gentle giant of a pokemon, mellow of character and larger than most of it's kind.

Somehow I feel like I'm in no position to deny this character even if I wanted to... :?

Speaking off the tournament. The rewards were a full set of evolution stones, 10 master balls, 100 hyper potions and 10 rare eggs.

In hind sight I find that bunch of jewelry, some pokeballs, too much medicine to carry anyway, and the promise of a fancy breakfast really isn't worth all the trouble this tournament has brought so far. :D

perhaps I'm just not aware of the worth of these items. :p
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A 20 year old, relatively tall male with light eyes and sun tanned skin, physically shaped through a life of active labor, a laid back gentle persona with a kind heart, who doesn't care about the actual tournament, and has gentle giant of a pokemon, mellow of character and larger than most of it's kind.

Somehow I feel like I'm in no position to deny this character even if I wanted to... :?

Speaking off the tournament. The rewards were a full set of evolution stones, 10 master balls, 100 hyper potions and 10 rare eggs.

In hind sight I find that bunch of jewelry, some pokeballs, too much medicine to carry anyway, and the promise of a fancy breakfast really isn't worth all the trouble this tournament has brought so far. :D

perhaps I'm just not aware of the worth of these items. :p

You could sell two Master Ball's and practically be rich.
The items are worth ALOT!
I think their value in money would probably be the main incentive for the tournament.
The Rocket guy promised the winnings to whomever came out alive, right? Everyone is gonna have to split the prize evenly between themselves. That's if they survive, of course.

Besides, no one went into the tournament expecting the hunger games.
What of the rare omelets and stone jewelry?

Also, I take it the Masterballs must be pretty rare then if they're worth that much. But do they actually do anything different, or does each advanced Pokeball merely make it easier to capture a wild pokemon?
What of the rare omelets and stone jewelry?

Also, I take it the Masterballs must be pretty rare then if they're worth that much. But do they actually do anything different, or does each advanced Pokeball merely make it easier to capture a wild pokemon?
Masterballs catch any wild Pokémon regardless of level
Name: Knox Lomar
Age: 20
Appearance: 6ft exactly, with a fit physique due to his occupation rather than any body building. Eyes that are actually blue but have enough grey in them to resemble steel after the bluing process (that may need to be looked up for you to understand what I mean by that.) Sports a mess of brown hair, and a face that has clearly seen a lot of sun which is most apparent in his complexion. Rough calloused hands due to a lot of hard work in his day to day life.

Personality: extraordinarily laid back most of the time, coupled with a smart mouth that likes to make an appearance whenever it can, often means Knox finds himself in sticky situations that he then has to get himself out of. Under the lax nature though he is a kind soul at heart and easy enough to get along with if you dont take his jokes at face value. Down to earth when it comes to his way of seeing people he is often suspicious of those who seem to have nothing to hide as he has come to know by now that everybody has something worth keeping secret.

Overview of history: Born in Rustboro to a perfectly normal pair of citizens, James Lomar and Mary Lomar. James worked for the Devon corporation and Mary was a teacher at the local trainer school, and it was due to his fathers job that young Knox met Steven Stone. The two quickly became friends and while they grew somewhat apart as they grew up it was still enough to land Knox his job at Devon. After a year in the geological research department he was promoted to do field work for the company and showed excellent potential when retrieving artefacts from geological sights previously thought to risky to enter. Due to his great work he was given a recently reived Bastiodon to be his partner Pokémon and to help him on missions. The missions became increasingly risky as time went on and due to people like team Plasma and Rocket often appearing at such sights the remaining agents were given basic combat training in both hand to hand and firearms. Knox only exceled at the later. Eventually he rose through the ranks to be the second best field agent at Devon's disposal and was only bested by Steven himself (although he was beaten by a longshot when it came to the champion of Hoenn himself.)

Reason for attending tournament : An island that had previously been too heavily guarded to let anybody step foot onto its shores open for all? Devon couldn't miss out on such an opportunity.

Notable quirks: Slight fear of heights, weak spot for his beloved steel and rock types, cant resisit the idea of a good treasure and knowledge of ancient history.

Partner Pokémon: Bastille the Bastion.
Gender: Male.
Nature: A gentle soul when around friends or even neutral parties, his herbivore instincts making him much more willing to protect than attack those he doesn't deem worthy of pain. Born into the world anew the ancient Pokémon has retained some of the memories from his last life, mainly traumatic ones or those that are of his family. As a Bastiodon the instinct to protect his family is very prominent with Knox being the only member of his new "herd". Bastille also went through Devon's training with Knox and thus is an experienced combatant on any battlefield.
Notable features in appearance: Due to being the son of his original herds matriarch Bastille is larger than the average Bastiodon to the point he could easily carry multiple humans at once.
Moves: Iron defence, stone edge, metal burst and bulldoze.

Right I hope that's enough of a overview whilst still saving things for the actual rp? I think I covered all the bases asked for and then some.
Hmm... I don't see any real problems here, considering everyone attending this tournament seems to be of exceptionally high skill level. Knox would be an interesting addition; the rock fanatic, and his smart mouth is a sizeable enough quirk to differentiate him from the rest of the cast. We don't have a geologist in our palette yet, nor an ancient pokemon, so as long as you focus on these notable and unique traits, keep your writing quality up and your details to bar standard, I don't see a problem. So far I am quite convinced by the vocabulary and sentence structure in your bio, but, full judgement is reserved for your full opening post.

I warn you though. Once you've posted, there is no going back out and so help me, I will drill you on where you are lacking until you have at least achieved our minimum standard. If Knox doesn't shine, I will make you redo it until he does.
Hmm... I don't see any real problems here, considering everyone attending this tournament seems to be of exceptionally high skill level. Knox would be an interesting addition; the rock fanatic, and his smart mouth is a sizeable enough quirk to differentiate him from the rest of the cast. We don't have a geologist in our palette yet, nor an ancient pokemon, so as long as you focus on these notable and unique traits, keep your writing quality up and your details to bar standard, I don't see a problem. So far I am quite convinced by the vocabulary and sentence structure in your bio, but, full judgement is reserved for your full opening post.

I warn you though. Once you've posted, there is no going back out and so help me, I will drill you on where you are lacking until you have at least achieved our minimum standard. If Knox doesn't shine, I will make you redo it until he does.
I see who the scary one is then....yeah no problem as long it's constructive criticism of course :)
What of the rare omelets and stone jewelry?

Also, I take it the Masterballs must be pretty rare then if they're worth that much. But do they actually do anything different, or does each advanced Pokeball merely make it easier to capture a wild pokemon?

Unlike regular Pokeballs, Greatballs or Ultraballs, Masterballs are 100% GUARANTEED to catch any Pokemon they hit. This is why Masterballs are extremely rare.
And yes, each Pokeball that is more advanced than their lesser counterpart have a higher chance of catching a Pokemon. There are also specialized Pokeballs meant to catch Pokemon in certain conditions or of a certain type.

The stones would be especially useful to People looking to evolve their Pokemon. It's more of a bonus than anything else, they do sell for quite a bit though, not nearly as much as a masterball. A full set is comprised of one of each evolutionary stone.
Thunder stone, Water stone, Fire stone, Leaf stone, Moon stone, Sun stone, Shiny stone, Dusk stone and a Dawn stone.

The eggs would just kinda be a hassle to raise, I'm not exactly sure how much they might be worth or why they would be worth raising. I'm leaving all of that up to Astral.

As for the potions, it's always good to have nice stock of them with you at all times. You can store the ones you can't carry in a PC box in a Pokemon center. Because those can hold items as well, they're like teleportation machines to your own private bank.

I warn you though. Once you've posted, there is no going back out and so help me, I will drill you on where you are lacking until you have at least achieved our minimum standard. If Knox doesn't shine, I will make you redo it until he does.

What of the rare omelets and stone jewelry?

Also, I take it the Masterballs must be pretty rare then if they're worth that much. But do they actually do anything different, or does each advanced Pokeball merely make it easier to capture a wild pokemon?
In short, Ny, those prizes would've easily covered Cassie's imposed debt of 50 million dollars.
I warn you though. Once you've posted, there is no going back out and so help me, I will drill you on where you are lacking until you have at least achieved our minimum standard. If Knox doesn't shine, I will make you redo it until he does.
Is anyone else getting excited as well, or am I the only one?

But there you have it Jake Acker. Pen and I approve, so I guess now it's a question of working out how and where to start. I hope you're an eager writer because you'll have quite some story telling to do :D
I see who the scary one is then....
You could have known this before hand. It's always the women...

In short, Ny, those prizes would've easily covered Cassie's imposed debt of 50 million dollars.

What kind or ridiculous dept is that to begin with? Is Cassie a company or brand name?

Also, what does it mean for the Eggs to be rare? Shiny? Higher Stats? Or just uncommon pokemon species?
What kind or ridiculous dept is that to begin with? Is Cassie a company or brand name?

Also, what does it mean for the Eggs to be rare? Shiny? Higher Stats? Or just uncommon pokemon species?
Cassie was just that ridiculously rich before. Rockets knew this and drained all of her dough. :p

Also, for rare eggs I'd expect shiniest with perfect stats.