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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers

Dylan laughed and smiled at Lis. "Oh, that. It was nothing, aside from the fact that I was, uh, holding your hand, kinda like how boyfriends and girlfriends do that with each other, but of course, we aren't there yet, right? Uh, I mean, we aren't even in a relationship, is what I meant. Ha, ha..." Dylan's blush was back in full force as he looked away. Botched it again.
Dylan laughed and sighed. "Still, you are really nice, and pretty, and we do have a lot of things in common, but yeah. After only a few hours, I shouldn't be this open already, huh?" He smiled, though it was with just a small twinge of sadness. He soon brightened up. "Well, anyway, I'm starving. Have you had lunch yet?"
"Congrats, man." Rico told Evan when he mentioned making the nature club. "Hope you have fun." He laughed hysterically at the ketchup joke (though he made a mental note to kick Henry's face in), and then smiled when Laura decided to let her mischievous side take over. Soon, everything descended into utter chaos as Lawrence stayed out of the food fight. Rico, however, joined right in. He'd gotten into trouble countless times at school for the fights he had gotten into with peers, so now, a measly food fight wasn't going to scar his record. He chucked an apple at one of Henry's goons, and even took a shot at Henry, firing a stream of mustard at him in the same way he had taken a shot at Laura. When things finally settled down, Rico noticed the crowd gathering around Laura and smiled, happy to see that she had quite a few new friends now. Then, Lawrence walked up to him from behind.

"Rico, is it? Mind if we have ourselves a little chat?" He asked politely. Rico flinched and turned around, surprised by how quietly he had made his approach. He then let out a sigh. What was making him so nervous about this guy? He seemed friendly.

"Sure...I don't see why not." Rico finally replied. Lawrence gave an approving nod, and as Rico followed him out of the building, he glanced over his shoulder at Laura as she made her way out of the vicinity to the principal's.
"What were you two thinking? Henry, splatting ketchup in Laura's face, not to mention a beautiful tree, is wrong." Principal Chevy said.

Laura almost snorted when Chevy brought up the tree. But she didn't, knowing it would cost her.

"And Laura. Starting a food fight? That was insane!" he continued, clearly aggravated.

Everyone else had fun! I would've cleaned up the mess anyways...
Laura thought, closing her eyes, and rolling them, so no one saw.

"This isn't Elementary school anymore, so I need to do something serious. Detention. Both of you. You will spend all day after school, picking up every last bit of food." Principal Chevy said.

"That isn't fair! Henry didn't do anything wrong, I started the food fight." Laura said, interjecting, making Henry look at her, surprised she did that.

"He spayed a tree, and you, with ketchup. He deserves punishment." Chevy said.

"But it was a joke! And he didn't mean to hit the tree! That was my fault." Laura said, Henry's look of surprise turning into one looking puzzled.

"I see. Henry, you don't have to serve detention. Laura, I am ashamed in you." Principal Chevy said, as Henry sighed.

Chevy sent both students to their next class as the bell rang, Henry sneaking off, until Laura was gone, and walking back into Chevy's office, probably taking something. Laura headed to her next class, Gym. Once she was changed in her gym clothes, she walked out onto the football field, where two teams were being made. Red jerseys and Blue jerseys. Laura got a blue jersey, then Laura figured out what they were playing. Capture the flag, a game Laura enjoyed, and was played on gym class a week before formal. Then Laura gasped, before falling over. Formal.
"So what was it you wanted to chat with me about?" Rico asked suspiciously as they rounded the corner. As they did so, Lawrence didn't respond right away, glancing up at the wall and scanning it for any security cameras. Finding none, he turned his head to look over his shoulder.

"Oh, I just wanted to get to know you, one new student to another." he replied with his deceptively charming smile. "So, got any kind of hobbies? Anyone at school you've taken a liking to?" Rico was silent. "Come now, I assure you I mean you no harm." Lawrence added, coming to a stop.

"I just find it weird that you suddenly wanted to chat with me." Rico said, "Why me?"

"I find you to be an interesting case." Lawrence answered, walking over to a school rosebush and carefully plucking off one of the many roses. "It's not every day you get to meet another new student. You see, I was once a student enrolled in Boston High, but I was transferred here when my father got promoted by the company he worked for. So, in a sense, we're both new to Handrakes High."

"I guess so..." Rico sighed. "Well, to answer you're earlier questions, I do enjoy some forms of athletics, and as for friends, I've made quite a few."

"Like whom?" Lawrence pressed on, his tone as calm as ever.

"I'm not obliged to tell you." Rico said bluntly. "Sorry, but there's just something about you I don't trust." Lawrence went silent once more, then he turned around and chuckled.

"How smart of you." He said, his tone slightly colder now, the look in his eyes almost piercing through Rico as if seeing into his soul. Then the bell rang, breaking Lawrence's focused gaze. "Well, I must be going now. Ta ta, and here's hoping we get another chance to chat." A few seconds after Lawrence had walked away with that confident stride of his, Rico snapped out of his trance and made his way to Gym. Getting dressed and making his way to the field, he waved to Laura as he approached her.

"Hey. Didn't get into too much trouble, didja?" He asked.

(The color jersey Rico recieves I'll leave up to you. Will they be allies or friendly rivals?)
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(Got it)

Rico was given a red jersey, Laura smirking, having feeling she would enjoy this.

"Good luck, bud." she said to Rico.

Henry, meanwhile, walked next to Laura, a blue jersey on. He asked if she was ready to kick butt, a smirk on his face. Laura didn't question why he was being so nice, so she nodded to him, smirks on both their faces, as they looked across the field. A couple people haven't arrived at the football field, so coach waited.
Rico slipped on the red jersey and nodded with a smile on his face. "You too." He said, holding out his fist for a fist bump. He then gave Henry an approving nod. "Glad to see you're shaping up, man." he said to him.
Laura returned the fist bump, and Henry heard this comment, saying,

"Oh, shut up."

Coach announced that all could start as a practice, so that when the other students arrive, they all could be ready for the real game. Then coach blew his whistle, and Henry immediately dashed over to the other end of the field, in red territory, grasping the flag, and attempting to dash back to our side.
Rico reacted quickly as he dashed after Henry, two of his teammates flanking him. He dove forward and reached out in hopes to tag him before he could cross the teams' border, a smirk growing on his face.
Henry was tagged, and grabbed by the arm of a red jersey'd teammate. Then Henry was put in the red teams jail. Laura then immediately ran over to the other side, taking Henry's wrist, and dashing back to the other side, freeing him from prison. Then, a red teammate came from the other side, taking the flag, and bringing it back to the other side, even after slightly being tagged by Tommy, who had bargained with coach to be on the blue team.


(Good lord I was gone for sometime...)

After the rather odd call-out from Even, the classroom had gotten hectic - but Ezren stayed calm, ignoring the announcement. He was used to this stuff, as the school he'd attended previously was filled with much more drama than this. After finishing the class, Ezren just trailed behind everyone, and just had a normal school day - other than the so-called kidnapping hosted by Henry.

The new boy, Dylan, was spending a large amount of time hanging out with Lis - which Ezren enjoyed watching, as Lis seemed to be in a brighter mood than before, which concludes his quest to make her less saddened by something.

Upon the bell ringing, Ezren had walked down to the Tech Room then plopped down on one of the wooden chairs - lined up among the computers. He never really was able to partake in Phys Ed, as his dad thought that "Intellect is more important than strength..." so he just studied and researched various subjects.

But as the seemingly-last period was over, something weird had happened. Ezren's heart slowed then sped up, and he began to breath faster, in quick fast puffs, panic in his sea-colored eyes. He dropped to the ground, gripping his chest, where his heart lay.

Unable to shout in pain, he hoped that the thump he produced upon impact - made enough noise to be realized.
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(Lol yeah XD)

Principal Chevy was patrolling the halls, when he heard a thump from the Tech room. He walked inside, and upon seeing the fallen boy on the floor, he quickly grabbed the phone next to the door, dialing the letters 911, and calling an ambulance. When he was done issuing the order, the ambulance decided to make its way to the school.

"Hang in there, Ezra, an ambulance is coming." Chevy said, as he dashed next to the student, hoping to comfort the boy.


Laura saw an ambulance pull up in the school parking lot, and saw a couple guys dash into the school, and two more try to move a giant bed as quick as possible.

"Students! Return to your lockers, school will be called out early for this mishap." Coach said, as the students took their jersey's off, and headed back into the school.

School always got called off early when an ambulance, or some form of 911 was called. Laura hurriedly took off her jersey, and dashed into the building, as she saw the people from the ambulance go into the computer lab. Laura peeked in there, and saw the boy from yesterdays science class. She never caught his name though. She snuck out of the lab, and made her way to her locker, unlocking it, before grabbing her stuff. As she left the building, the ambulance was gone, showing it had left already. Laura, instead of going home, made her way to the hospital, and walked up to the front desk.

"I'm here to see a boy who was brought in here very recently this afternoon?" Laura questioned the desk operator.

She nodded to Laura, and gave her a slip with a room number on it, and a floor number, without even looking away from the computer. Laura made her way to the elevator, and up to room twenty-four B. When she arrived, she took a deep breath, and knocked, hoping to receive an answer.


Everything after the incident was just quick blurs, flashes of lights and voices that were toned with fear. When being bumped around in the ambulance, he was given quite effective pills that disabled most of the pain. Although he'd passed out, he could still faintly hear the sirens echo throughout the bulky hospital car they took.

When something this traumatic and fearful happens, you would expect your loved ones and dearest friends to appear, ready to help. But in poor Ezren's case, none of which came, as they had all been at work, unable to stop by and see if their son had died. Instead, he was greeted with a startle when a knock was produced in the hallway. "Come in," he croaked, wishing it was his mother. Instead, walked in Laura, the girl he briefly met the day before.

One of the nurses rushed in, to check up on him, but he raised his hand towards her, gesturing to stop. "I'm fine, please make bigger time gaps to make sure I'm in good condition," he spoke bluntly, "It's annoying." he added.

The nurse walked out of the room, weary of the boy.

"Whats up?" he got up, a little bit.
"I saw the ambulance, and school always gets called off early when a source of 911 is called. I wanted to see if you were okay. Laura's my name, which I haven't introduced." Laura said, looking at Ezren.

She had one ice pack on one black eye and the other black eye open, so she could see from it. She grabbed an ice pack from the school nurse before leaving school.

"What exactly happened to you?" Laura asked Ezren, eager to know why he was sitting in a hospital.
"I'd like to know that as well." Rico said, stepping into the room. "Sorry I'm late, I was helping the coach clean up. Name's Rico by the way." He walked over to a chair and sat down in it.
Dylan looked through the window as sirens pierced the silence. An ambulance? He looked out the door and saw people carrying out an unconscious boy on a stretcher. And school was being called off early. Okay. He looked back at Lis. "Well, since school's out, you wanna head to my place?" However, Dylan was having slight pangs of concern for the guy. Maybe they should visit a bit beforehand.
Even heard that school was being called off early due to some emergency. Apparently an ambulance came for someone. Even could only wince at this. With nothing better to do Even decided to just go to the nearby park.


Gazing at the two in the room with him, a warm sensation was brought to his heart, as he smiled with joy. "Thanks for stopping by, there was really no need," he groaned, then shook his head, directing his attention back to them. "I think it's called 'Silent Ischemia" or something," he thought, then tried to lean up more.

"Its when your heart beats in a rapid succession, and you get shortness of breaths." he stated, rubbing the back of his head.

Normally, Ezren does not like having friendships and connections with people he just met, so he tried to follow that code. "Anyway, I'm fine, thanks for stopping by," he just blurted out, looking down. "I should be out by tomorrow." the door opened once more, and a rather busy looking man came in, pushing the girl aside. "Such insolence!" he exclaimed, then looked suspiciously at the others in the room.

"Hello, Father.." he croaked, as the man narrowed his eyes towards Ezren. "You're always playing on that computer of yours, I want it to stop. Waist of time." he spoke bluntly looking down at his phone. "It probably caused this mess," the broad man grabbed the handle to the door, Ignoring the two. "I suspect you MISSED class as well." he shook his head, then left - causing the saddened boy to sigh. He then laid back down on his little creaky bed, cords dangling to the side.
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"Well, you certainly carry quite a burden." Rico said to Ezren after an awkward silence. "He didn't even ask if you were okay, and called Laura insolent when he basically shoved her aside. What a jerk." He looked over to the bedridden student. "So...you have heart problems, then? Or was this a one-time thing?"
Laura was pushed to the floor by Ezren's father, and gave him the stink eye, before getting up, and dusting herself off. Then she heard the father's rude comments to Ezren.

"What a terrible father! No offense..." Laura said, sitting on a stool next to Ezren's bed.

Then she followed up with Rico's question. "I was wondering the same thing. Does this happen often?"


Upon hearing the harsh comments they directed towards his Father, he frowned then looked towards the two. "I have you know, that 'burden' is C.E.O of one of the most prestigious banking branches." he stated, Laura then took a seat beside him, asking the same question that Rico pondered.

"Well, you see, I am prone to those little-er- 'Mini Heart-Attacks' because of the 'Traumatic events and stress' that I hold in.." Ezren glanced at the monitor, making a roller-coaster of red lines softly beating up and down to mimic his heart.

Ezren had gotten quite bothered by the noise it produced, so he unplugged it, ignoring the fact that it was vital for his treatment. "They do this all the time, I end up leaving the same day I get there," he slowly rose from his bed, with his robe given to him off, he trotted over - grunting a little from the pain, then opened the door for them, in his trousers.

"Thank you for stopping by."
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"Hey, no problem. We high schoolers have to stick together, ya know." Rico said, smiling. "And...sorry if I offended you by offending your father. I just think he should be a bit more caring of his own flesh and blood, ya know?"
"No problem. See ya." Laura said.

Then she looked at the time, seeing as it was four thirty.

"I'm going to head to my house and grab my training bag, if it's okay we get in some extra practice." Laura said, questioning Rico.
"Sure. See ya." Rico told Laura. He then turned to Ezren. "Well, it was nice meeting you. Name's Rico." He held out his hand to him.

(I know it's short, but that's about all I could think of for this situation.)
Laura waved goodbye, before leaving the room, and using the elevator to go back to the lobby. When she arrived downstairs, she left the hospital, walking to her house in about twenty minutes. She grabbed her bag of stuff, and then she made herself a sandwich. It was turkey, salami, and ham, the bread smothered in mayo, as she slapped the sandwich together, and zipped it in a ziplock bag, before throwing it into her bag, along with some cheeto puffs. Then she left, and walked the path to Rico's house.


Ezren just nodded towards their words, then shook the boys hand. "Ezren, just address me as Tailio." he smiled, then shut the door behind them.
A knock was heard right after they left. "I'm coming for your check up-" he sighed then placed his face on his pillow. "Leave.Me.Alone." he yelled- although it was faintly heard from the pillow. She entered anyway, and called the other doctors in, to see if his heart rate was at his average (Which was still pretty bad).

They'd sent him out the hospital with a wheel-chair, then he was picked up by the rather fancy looking cab. When he entered the man was different than the other one earlier.

"You okay with instrumental?" he pondered, smiling, attempting to be kind.

"Depends." he replied.
Rico quickly made it home and changed into his martial arts uniform and started warming up, getting ready for today's lesson. "Ricooooo!" Maya's voice shouted down the stairs. Rico rolled his eyes as she came down. "Can you fix me a snack? I'm hungry." Rico was about to say 'Ask Mom to do it, I'm busy', but then she gave him the one look he hated: Her puppy eyes. There was just no resisting them. With a sigh, Rico nodded and followed her upstairs. He quickly cored and peeled an apple for her, and she began nibbling on a slice while Rico waited for Laura to arrive.
(ohmygod, okay.)

Lis denied being hungry, and was going to head off to PE late, that is until a couple of paramedics dashed in and exited with Ezren towards the hospital. A pang of worry jolted through her as her eyes weakly followed the ambulance. Now, Lis was already feeling like a crappy friend, so it had only made her feel worse because she didn't want to bail on Dylan. Since the day was called off, and Lis was invited over to Dylan's house earlier, she hesitated before nodding. “Uh, yeah, lemme get my bag and stuff.”

She would visit Ezren later, and she assumed he would be okay, though she felt guilty for it. Lis then traveled inside, retrieved her backpack, and returned to Dylan with a smile. “Okay, I'm ready,” she said, though the thought of her other friends hovered in her mind.
Laura arrived at the house of Rico, walking up to the door, knocking three times, lightly, as to not startle anyone. Then she adjusted the bag on her shoulders, before waiting, a smile on her face, as she washed the thoughts of Ezren's father away from her mind.
Dylan smiled back and started to walk home, beckoning for Lis to follow. For some reason, she seemed distracted about something; something of which Dylan would ask Lis about later.

The two arrived home as Dylan opened the door and led Lis inside, calling out, "I'm home!" His mom walked out into the living room and smiled. "And you've brought a friend. A cute one, too. It's not everyday Dylan brings a girl to his house, you know." She winked at Lis playfully as Dylan rolled his eyes, blushing furiously.
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Lis flushed, a grin formed on her face. “I don't mean to intrude,” she said, holding her own hands behind her back. “But school was cancelled and my parents don't get home for awhile, so I hope you don't mind.” Lis looked around a bit, studying the house.
Dylan's mom rushed over to Lis and ushered her to the living room. "Oh, of course I don't mind! Come in, come in! You two do what you want," She winked once again before continuing, "While I make some snacks, okay?" Dylan chuckled as he walked up to Lis and stretched out his arms. "So, this is my house. What do you think?"
Rico opened the door. "Welcome back, Laura." he greeted as he ushered her in. "Ready for today's lessons?" As he led her down to the basement, Maya watched them with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Laura thanked Rico for letting her in and nodded at the mention of lessons. Then she followed Rico downstairs, before setting her bag in a corner, and stretching her arms out, cracking her fingers in the prosses.

"So, what're we doin' today?" Laura asked.
“It's nice, and much more lively than my own house,” she smiled happily, though she did feel a bit sad at her mention of her home. “Your mom is really welcoming.”
Dylan laughed. "Yeah, she's always like that, especially when it comes to newcomers." He set his backpack down on the floor and looked at Lis, smiling warmly. "So, what do you wanna do? Super Smash Bros., watch anime, something of the like?"
"Well, I thought maybe we could finish up your form, polish up some techniques, and learn the first combo there is." Rico pointed out. "Also, I put in an order for some sparring gear for ya so when that arrives, we can begin sparring." He then began stretching. "Alright, let's go through our warm-up routine."
“Super Smash Bros.?” she shrugged, setting her own backpack down and glancing towards the television. Quietly cracking her knuckles, she waited for a reply.
Dylan smiled and nodded. "Sounds good! I'm gonna start up the TV and Wii. You can sit down on the couch, make yourself at home." He walked over to the TV in the living room and turned it on, connecting cables here and there as his mom walked into the living room as well. "Snacks are here!" She announced with a cheerful voice, setting down bowls of chips and plates filled with fruit. She walked up to Lis and whispered in her ear, "You know, from the short time I've had meeting you, I can instantly tell that Dylan has a thing for you. Just keep that in mind." She grinned playfully.