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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers



"You have a very nice house," he proceeded to the room she led him into, then gazed around at the bed before him.
After she gave him quick details on the room, he chuckled. "I don't think I'll be needing those, to be frank," he laughed to himself once more, smiling back to her.

"Well, thank you, have a nice sleep then." he sat upon the bed, scrimmaging through his bag- he grabbed something that resembled little pills. "Due to the recent 'occurrence of injury' I must take these." he mumbled.
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“Oh!” she said, facepalming. “I was gonna ask if you were okay. I totally forgot, sorry.” Lis nervously smiled, brushing her loose hairs from her face.


Ezren smiled, then looked back at her. "Yeah, I'm good," he had a blank face, looking at the roof above him. "I just need some time away from my place, is all." he stated, then laid his back upon the bed, the back of his hand on his face.
“Okay, glad to hear you're fine..” She stepped out of the room, adding, “Just holler if you need something, or turn on the light.” And with that, she head to her room, swapped clothes to pajamas, and turned her light off. Lis immediately fell asleep when her head touched the pillow.
(I'm guessing that ends the day.)

Friday was a pretty good day for Laura. She and Lis still didn't converse, or if Lis tried to, Laura didn't notice it. Classes went well, and Laura talked to Rico and Even by their usual lunch tree. Classes with Rico were the same. The weekend was relaxing, but she didn't go anywhere. She gave Even her number on Friday, so they could chat, and over practice on Friday, Laura gave her number to Rico as well, so they could chat. So she texted them a couple times, and that brings her to Monday. She awoke with a start, and decided to wear something different today. She slipped on a white shirt, with beige stripes going horizontally. She wore a black leather jacket, that went half way down her waist. She slipped on some baggy jeans, and called it good. Today was picture day, so she had to look presentable.

When Laura arrived at school, she saw a lot of kids who dressed pretty nicely. Most girls wore short skirts, or dresses, and most boys wore a suit and tie, and she saw one or two with a tux on. Then she saw Tommy. He wore baggy jeans, like her, and he wore a white collared shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. His blond hair was neatly combed back, and his smile was wider than ever. Laura ignored that as well, before she sat on the bench in front of the school, waiting for class to start.
Dylan woke up on Monday, yawning as he stretched his arms.The past few days were pretty good; he had spent some time with Lis during school.... well, it was mostly just sneaking glances at her during class. He had probably made her really uncomfortable the day they met, so he didn't know how to make it up to her. Dylan put his glasses on and started washing up for the morning, smoothing his scraggly hair. It was school picture day, so he dressed up in a bit more formal attire. Dylan put on a grey v-neck tee, light tan khakis, and white sneakers. He grabbed a cup of yogurt and a plastic spoon and slung one of the straps on his backpack on his shoulder before leaving. Dylan quickly ate the yogurt and arrived at schhol, throwing the cup and spoon into the trash can. He saw Laura, the girl to whom he didn't get the chance to introduce hitself and walked towards her. "Hey. Again, really sorry for not being able to introduce myself to you before. I'm Dylan Sage. Pleasure to meet you." Dylan smiled warmly and held his hand out to shake.
"Laura Twinski. A pleasure." Laura said, as she returned the handshake by shifting her own hand into his.

She shook his hand firmly, before scoring over on the bench.

"You can sit if you want." she said casually.
Dylan smiled and sat down. "Okay." He attempted to strike some conversation. "So, since we just met, let me ask the generic friendship-starting question in the world: what are some of your hobbies?"
Even walked towards the school, a bored expression on his face as he walked with a relative nice black jacket with a white undershirt, matching black pants and shoes and a tie. Even's hair was also "styled" to be photographic friendly. He soon saw Laura and that Dylan guy by the bench as he would take a seat next to them, allowing them a chance to chat without butting in,
"Well, I like video games, swimming, and I love to eat, especially sweets." Laura said, with a slight laugh at the end of her sentence. Then she turned to Dylan.

"What about your hobbies?" she asked, not realizing Even sitting next to them.
Dylan laughed. "Well, for me, I also enjoy playing video games, but I mostly like to draw and play the piano. I'm more on the classical music side." He looked over Laura's shoulder and noticed a boy sitting down. "Oh, hey there. I take it you're a friend of Laura's as well?"
Even glanced over at Dylan who addressed him and correctly guessed he was a friend of Laura's and as such gave a nod to him.

"Yes. Name's Even." Even replied to Dylan.
Laura looked over to who Dylan was talking to, and saw Even.

"Oh, hi!" Laura said, with a small wave to Even.

Then, all she could really do was think about drawing and piano. Sure, she did those things, but they weren't her favorite hobbies. Drawing, she'd do in her absolute free time, when she was told to get off of video games. The piano she hasn't mastered yet. Sure, she practiced, but she still needed a teacher. Her old one moved to a new town, causing her to not play as much, and lose some skill.


Ezren awoke earlier than usual, which was rather odd for him. Seeing as he was a guest- he wanted to get out of their hair as soon as possible. So when it was just light out, he silently prepared for the day,

which had just been a simple brushing of teeth and combing of hair, and as he left, he thought it would be generous to make a thank you note. He kept it simple, so he didn't spend all day working on it- it just read:

Thank you so much for letting he stay the night, and if there is ANYTHING you need, do not refraim from asking.

-Ezren Yillang
Dylan nodded to Even. "Dylan. A pleasure." He leaned back in his seat on the bench and stared at the sky. He thought about Lis, and what he would say once he saw her. Dylan knew he had been too open with her; heck, it was the first day they met!
Even gave a nod of this, making a motion to return Laura's wave to him, before he'd sit back and relax. Even wasn't the biggest fan of this attire he wore, feeling it was too fancy for him. but it a special occasion and it'd be over by the end of the day.
Laura heard the bell ring, signaling first period, as she got up from her seat.

"I got to go to science. Later." Laura said, as she walked away.

She seemed more glum today then she usually was. Was it because she hadn't talked to Lis almost all week? Was it because she was feeling ignored or something? Was it because of picture day, or formal? She walked to class, a frown on her face. Not a sad frown, not a mad frown, just a casual frown on her face, as she walked into Science, and hung her backpack over her chair instead of her locker. She dumped her science textbook and notebook on her desk, along with a blue pen, and number two pencil. Then she sat down, and looked at the board, as Mr. Lewis wrote down "Cell Project Due Today,". Laura's face went pale. She hadn't written her essay with Even and Lis.
Cell Project Due Today...

Even cursed when he saw that on the board. Even didn't write a paper on the stuff, he exchanged notes along with Laura Lis but as far as he knew none of them had began the paper.

Darn it, now what?
Math. Dylan stepped inside the classroom and sat down in his desk, pulling out an Algebra 2 textbook. He took a pencil out of his bag and started getting settled in, setting down his notebooks and binders.


Ezren proceeded to his next class, which was Math. His Father made him miss the 'fathomable' courses: P.E, Drama so on. So he took the sagacious classes, naturally, math was one of them. He grabbed a little notepad, and a fairly sharpened pencil, then directed his attention to the head of the class- but when he did so, he noticed Dylan.

He smiled, nodding his head.
Lis woke up a bit later than usual. It was fine, as she didn't live too far away from school. She had slid out of her bed, removed her braids, and gotten dressed for picture day.

She wore a pretty, loose dress the fell to her mid-thighs in a light flowy fashion. Adding a pastel crystal necklace and bracelet, and a little bit of mascara, she styled her hair into a curly ponytail, and slipped on flat sandals that buckled in gold. Throwing on her backpack, she noticed a note from Ezren, to which she smiled and head out the door.

She arrived at school fairly quickly, and went straight in without much thought as she put her backpack in her locker. Already grabbing her materials for science and heading to the classroom. When she set her things down, the bell rang and Lis sat at her spot. Guilt flooded her when the teacher mentioned the cell project, seeing as her and her group hadn't finished.

When the teacher came over to ask where the project was, Lis hesitated before saying, “Its unfinished. It's actually my fault because I was distracting them the entire time. I was being hard to work with.” The teacher raised an eyebrow at the group, eyeing Lis.
"No, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention, and missed almost the whole assignment." Laura said, stepping in.

She thought about what the teacher would say, and how everyone would react.
Even saw both Lis and Laura try to take the brunt of the blame for it. He couldn't sit there and just let them take the fall.

"No, it was my fault. I didn't contribute as much as I could to it and did a poor job keeping us organized." Even explained, trying to shift the blame from his friends to him.
"Well, no matter who's fault it is, it doesn't change your grade." Mrs Lewis said, before sighing.

"I can give you one more chance." Mrs. Lewis said, as Laura smiled in happiness.

"But only one more chance!"
"Thank you Mr. Lewis." Even said, grateful for this second chance. One he vowed they wouldn't screw up this time. Even already prepared for his part by getting out the notes had had taken on cells while he opened his textbook on the cells chapter.
Laura immediately took out a piece of paper and started writing everything she knew about the cells they had researched. After writing on front page and back, she got out another piece of paper, and continued writing.


Ezren focused on the teachers instructions; which were crystal clear to him- the teacher had given out equations and numerical expressions to the students, then they were to write down the answer, and hand back to the teacher.
But there was a twist- you had to work in groups of three, and you will receive three questions, one for each partner. The teacher was willing to let the students decide who their partners would be, so they could work with their friends.

One issue.

He didn't exactly have a ton of pals to work with, so he had to improvise.

Another kid in distress looked towards him, then smiled. "W-would y-you-you like to be my partner?" he stuttered. "Gladly," Ezren replied, directing his gaze to Dylan. "Hey, ah, Dylan," Ezren mustered, "Would you be interested in join, er..." he looked back to the fidgeting kid sweating like a faucet. "Group?"

He adjusted the tie around his neck- the neckline to the school's formal wear. It had the school's initials braided on the over coat.
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Lis saw Even and Laura take blame as well, and she bit the inside of her cheek as they were given another chance. Seeing as the other two began working right away, she got to it and started writing in her neat cursive.
Dylan smiled and nodded. "Sure, why not?" for some reason, they seemed a bit flustered, but he wouldn't press the matter. A worksheet was placed on the desk and Dylan quickly scanned it. It wasn't too hard, as it was mainly just solving for variables in simple equations.


Ezren was assigned a paper, he glanced at the question, then mumbled it- "Write 0.12*10-3 as a decimal." he scratched his head, then within seconds wrote down the answers. He kept it simplistic, and just wrote the equivalent: 0.000012. Then gave them the percentage, as well.
The three had been the first to complete, handing it in along with the others.
Rico would've arrived at class in time...if it weren't for a few, er...rowdy folks blocking his route. As the Brazilian immigrant leaned aside, a fist soared right past his head, the wind brushing against his cheek. "Not that this isn't fun and all, but I'm kinda late for school, and I don't think anything's gonna change in this fight." he stated matter-of-factly as he stepped back just out of the reach of another punch. His four attackers paused to catch their breath.

"What the heck's...going on?!" one of them gasped, "I can't lay...a single hit on him!"

"Well, you're kinda telegraphing every move you make." Rico pointed out, his poker face not changing, "I can see your attacks coming from a mile away." He then pointed to one of them. "And I'm pretty sure that guy's just been standing in the background the whole time texting on his phone."

"I was not!" the accused teen said, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Right." Rico said, giving the liar a deadpan look. "So are we done here, or-" He leaned back as a fist stopped an inch from his chin. "Yeah, I figured." Bending his knees, he sprung up, swinging his foot right into the attacker's chin with a brutal strike. The delinquent staggered back, a thin trickle of blood dripping over the large bruise left by Rico's foot. Two of the others ran in, while the last one stayed behind and got back to his texting:

MegaSlaya216(You): Hey, Bae. Wassup? ;)

Meanwhile, a girl in Laura's class received the text and giggled a bit. Then, peeking over to the teacher, she quickly texted him back:

SophieQueen(You): Hai! ♥ I'm stuck in school, as usual. I wish it was summer already...
MegaSlaya216: It'll be here before you know it.
SophieQueen(You): So what're you up to?
MegaSlaya216: Well, some of my pals and I were trying to get some cash from some noob. Turns out he knows Karate or something. No way I'm getting involved in that.
SophieQueen(You): Oh noes! You need to get outta there before he decides to make you his punching bag! XD
MegaSlaya216: Come on, you know if he tries to beat ME up, Imma go super sayian on him.
SophieQueen(You): You can't do that!
MegaSlaya216: Can too!
SophieQueen(You): Prove it, then!
MegaSlaya216: I will!
Megaslaya216: Anyways, gtg. The guy just left. I need to drive my pals to the hospital now...
SophieQueen(You): Awwwww, Alright, see ya ;)

After that conversation, the girl put her phone away and resumed with her classwork, sighing.
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(Casual talk with your girlfriend, also means telling her your friends were beat up so bad, you need to get them to a hospital, ASAP, LOL)

Laura saw the girl who was texting in class, but quickly focused her mind on her work. After completing five pages, doing front and back, and then she silently stapled them with a tiny portable stabler in her desk. Then, she slid them in her folder, to return to the teacher after class.
As Dylan was returning to his seat after turning his assignment in, the P.A. system went on. "Gooooooood morning, students and staff!" The overly enthusiastic secretary announced. "I have two quick announcements. Handrakes High School is happy to inform you that we will be having our first ever High School Formal on Wednesday! The concept is simple. Boys, if you wish to attend, you must ask a girl to go to the formal with you, and vice versa for the girls. Since it is a formal, you will need to wear formal attire. There will be many festivities, i.e. a dance floor, snacks, soft drinks, and games for everyone to play! Also, today is our school picture day, so during 4th Period, please make your way to the gym to have your picture taken. That's all for now. Thank you!" Click.

Dylan looked up at the speakers with a raised brow. A formal, huh? Should I ask Lis? If I do, I'll have to be able to ask her comfortably. I just hope she doesn't hate me after what happened on Thursday...


The secretary announced there was to be a 'Formal' to attend, arousing all kinds off murmurs around the classroom. Oh no... he thought. Ezren had been required to bring a girl- as he would've gotten a word from his Father, if he didn't go, and make a name for himself.
So it was necessary that he had to find someone to go. The Math class was over, and Ezren's team came first.

As he proceeded out the classroom, he scanned the area, looking for anyone to go with him. If I don't have a date, my Father wouldn't be happy... he echoed to himself. Seeing as his Dad was the lead fund of this school, he would be arriving at the formal, to receive praise from the school's staff. Eh, who cares, kind of a bother, if you ask me.. he thought shrugging. He had started to the next class, yawning a bit.
Laura heard the announcement, and knew that picture day would go good for her. She also heard about formal, and she thought about going or not. If she was to ask anyone, it would be her friends, and she'd most likely ask them to go as friends. Soon the bell rang, she handed in her essay, gathered her stuff, and walked into the hall. Then she stuffed her Science stuff in her backpack, pulling out her Social Studies stuff, AKA a pencil and notebook. She soon walked into Social Studies, and sat at a desk way in the front, and just as she sat down, Tommy sat next to her, looking at her outfit.

"You look great." he said, a tiny blush on his face.

"Oh, thanks." Laura said, a small blush on her face from the compliment. "You too."

Tommy looked away, his face as red as a cherry. Laura didn't like him back, but Tommy didn't realize that. Instead, his mind raced with thoughts.

She said I looked good! Does that mean she likes me?! Maybe she does! I should ask her to formal...what if I get rejected? Okay, you are Tommy Philips...you can do this... Tommy thought, as he turned to Laura. He took a small breath, and when he was about to speak, the teacher started talking, and class had started. Which meant Laura's attention turned to the teacher completely.
Lawrence heard about the formal, and considered going. Not for any of the festivities or games, of course, but as an opportunity to seek out new information he can exploit. Couples to manipulate, hopefully an embarrassing moment here or there; he wasn't going to let any of it escape his eyes and ears. Speaking of eyes and ears, a student subtly approached him, keeping his hood up and making sure no one recognized him, and handed him a note. Lawrence opened it and looked it over before nodding, and just as subtly paid the student for the new info.

Rico had finally made it to the school's parking lot, slightly winded from the run he had to make to get here. Once he got some air in his lungs, he made his way into the building and silently slipped into the classroom, trying not to draw attention to himself and pretend that he was always here.
Lis looked up from writing as the corny voice played over the PA. She softly smiled to herself as she continued her paper while listening. Lis enjoyed school dances, liking the idea of it as well. She had been asked to dances every year there was one, more than once even. Lis usually went with Henry, or one of her exes as friends, but was uncertain who she would go with this year.

Scribbling a few pages worth of an essay, she stood up, handing in the paper, and asking for the bathroom. When given permission she slipped from the room, not wanting to stay in the classroom any longer. She just felt awkward and suffocated in the room, so she figured it best for a splash of cold water on her face.

Returning, the bell rang and Lis headed for her next class.
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Even would finish his cell paper and hand it to the teacher before he'd head to...well, not his next class but rather his hall monitor service time. Even would just inspect the halls, nothing out of the ordinary today. Even couldn't help but think about this upcoming formal.

Yeah, because people are just gonna line up to ask me to go. That Tommy guy is probably gonna ask Laura...if he can get it out of course.
Dylan thought for a while, his mind fading into his own world as he debated asking Lis to the formal. Right before the bell rang, Dylan had reached a decision. I'll ask her. I can't be more without a date than I already am if she says no, right? He took his things and headed out of the classroom, making his way to his next period. Suddenly, as if all the planets in the solar system had aligned, Dylan saw Lis walking through the hall as well. As I live and breathe. He walked toward her and waved, flashing a friendly grin. "Hey, Lis. How you doing?"
“Pretty good,” she replied, hugging her books. Her eyes glanced to the side when a tall male approached her with a nervous expression.

“Hey, Lis. Wanna go to the dance with me?” he asked. Lis smiled and shook her head. “Sorry, I think I'll pass. I don't know you, anyways,” she said politely. His shoulders dropped, but he nodded in understanding and walked away. Lis turned back to Dylan.

“Sorry about that. What were you saying?”