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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers

Dylan's eyes widened and he heaved a mental sigh as he watched the disappointed kid walk away, a defeated expression on his face. He turned back to face Lis. "I've been doing alright. Listen, I just wanted to apologize for that strange behavior around you during school on Thursday. I don't know why I was so open like that, even though we had only met for the first time." That doesn't change how I feel about her, though. "I was just hoping we could put that all past us and move on, as fairly close friends. Is that okay?" He smiled and held his hand out.
Even walked through the halls, noticed Lis and that Dylan guy talking to each other and...waited. Even didn't even know Dylan that well but his feelings for Lis were painfully obvious. No doubt he's trying to work up the guts to ask her to the formal.

No harm in waiting for them to finish before I "enforce" my hall monitor responsibilities...
Lis smiled. “Trust me, I didn't think you were weird, just friendly. I'd like being ‘fairly close friends’,” she said, shaking his hand in return. “We should probably get to our classes.” Tightening her grip on her books, she nodded shortly at Dylan before making her way to Social Studies.
Dylan laughed and followed her to Social Studies, taking a seat next to her. Okay, here we go. "Hey Lis, there's one more thing I need to ask you, if that's alright."
Tommy had his own things to say. He tapped on Laura's shoulder, taking her away from class. Luckily for Tommy, the teacher didn't notice.

"I-I was wondering if...maybe you'd like to..." Tommy said, trying to muster out the words. "Go to formal with me? As a...date?" he asked, a small blush on his face.

Laura was taken aback by his request. Laura only saw Tommy as a friend.

"I'm really sorry Tommy, trust me, I am...but...I see you as a friend, nothing more..." Laura said, a look of guilt on her face as Tommy turned away.

Tommy knew it was unlikely that the person you have a crush on likes you back. He hid his disappointment, but he ended up turning around to face her, a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I understand." Tommy said, a smile on his face, seemingly unharmed.

"Thank you..." Laura said, still feeling guilty to have turned him down.

Laura felt as though her heart didn't belong to Tommy. She thought of the guys she knew. Henry, Tommy, Even, Rico, Lawrence, and Dylan, if she wasn't missing anyone. Did she like any of them? Not Dylan, he had it for Lis. Nor Lawrence, for she didn't know him. And not Henry, for he was mean to her since Laura confessed she liked him. LIKED, as in, doesn't like anymore. That left Even and Rico. Did she like one of them? Laura didn't exactly know yet. But Laura payed her attention back to class, as the teacher assigned partners.

"Lis, Dylan, and Laura, you are a group, Tommy, Henry, and Michael, you to..." The teacher went on with groups, as Laura stood, and tried to find Lis and Dylan.
Dylan nodded to the teacher as he stayed in his seat next to Lis, looking for Laura, who apparently was doing the same. I have time. I'll ask Lis maybe after the period. He saw Laura in his periphery and waved over to her, trying to get her attention. "Laura, over here!"
Laura heard Dylan's shout, and turned to see him, smiling with a small wave as she walked over to the two teenagers.

"There you two are." Laura said, as she pressed her notebook and pencil up against her chest. "Shall we get started?"
Even would continue to monitor the halls, though his mind was on more pressing matters.

Should I ask Laura? Nah, she wouldn't go with me even if I did ask. We're friends, just friends. Besides I doubt she wants to go with me and she has that Tommy guy and Rico who probably will or have asked her already.

Probably just gonna have to be that guy who goes without a date...
Dylan twirled his pencil in between his fingers. "Yes, we shall." He looked at the two and nodded. "So, what's the assignment?" He set his pencil down and glanced at his notebook.


Ezren yawned intensely; sitting in his Technology & Trades class, focused on the teachers announcement. He was to write the average GPA (Grade Point Average) you're required to have near the end of the year. He primarily focused on helping with extra-curricular activities, to achieve the most credits. The other kids in class hadn't paid much attention to the subject, and just chatted about the upcoming formal.

One in particular, had been giving Ezren looks that seemed quite ominous.

Once they both were complete the task given to them, She approached him, smiling. "Hello." the girl tapped her foot against the hard floor.
Ezren simply gave a smile back, yawning once more. "I assume you're attempting to ask me to attend the 'Formal', and as I am flattered-"
The girl frowned, crossing her arms. "Well, actually, I am in need of a new eraser, and as everyone else has yet to complete the assignment, but you," she took a deep breath.

"I need an eraser." she spoke bluntly. Dumbfounded, he complied, handing her one. "As you wish," he nodded, smirking. "Many thanks." she trotted back over to her desk, using the eraser, then sticking her tongue out to Ezren, placing it in her desk.

He sighed, placing his head upon the rough, wooden desk.
"According to the teacher, the topic is freestyle. So topic is ours to decide." Laura said, as she flipped through her notebook to find a blank page.

"How about...oh, here's one! Family history. Agree?" Laura asked the group of three, as she tilted her head to the side a bit.
Dylan nodded and flashed a small grin. "Sounds good; let's get to work then, eh?" He chuckled and leaned back in his seat. Dylan glanced at Lis for a bit and averted his gaze.
"Okay, I'll start. According to my parents, me and my family were born into america, but my moms grandmother originated from Germany, and my dad's great grandfather originated from France. According to my mom, I have a tad bit of Italian in my history, but after that, I don't have anymore history. Okay, who's next?" Laura said, as she looked from Dylan to Lis.

(@kageyama )
“I'll go,” Lis smiled. “My father is from germany, so I've got that. My mother grew up speaking Korean, which her mother was, so I'm that as well. My other grandparents were German and Spanish, so I know quite a few languages. I know my mom's grandparents were full Korean, and my dad's were both from Spain. And... yeah.” She shrugged.
(Honestly, might as well just talk about my family's indirect history xd)

Dylan smiled. "I guess it's my turn, then." He thought for a moment before continuing. "Both of my parents are full Korean, until they moved here when I was born. My grandparents and great-grandparents are also full Korean, so my family line isn't really that diverse."


(Oh, you're Korean as well? Although my Mother is Canadian; my Dad is straight Korean. Naturally, Canadians despise Korea, so they decided on Canada ;p)

Ezren sat, awaiting for his other classmates to complete their assignments. The girl from before kept giving him the stink-eye; she still seemed bothered by what he had said to her. Once the others had finished, he allowed the students to take out their devices (Or use the classroom computers) and research on the various ways to earn credits.
Laura wrote down what her partners history was, as it was always assigned. Then, as soon as she was writing the last sentence, the bell rang, and she quickly finished up. She grabbed her stuff, and headed to her locker, stuffing her notebook and pencil in her book bag, and taking out her gym bag. Then she headed over to the girls locker room, and got changed in her gym clothes. When she came out, she started stretching. Class was inside today, which was odd. Normally it was outside. But Laura payed it no mind.
Even quickly changed into his own PE clothes, putting any concerns about this formal behind him as he moved into the gym, class being indoors today as he moved next to Laura and began to stretch.
Laura looked to the side at Even, who had decided to stretch next to her.

"How's it going?" Laura said, as she continued to stretch.

"Anyone asked you out to formal yet?" Laura said, trying to pry not him with a smirk on her face.
"It's been fine, and no. No one has asked me to the formal yet." Even replied as he continued his stretches. Even would have just left it there, but he couldn't help but look for confirmation over something.

"I presume you've been asked out." Even stated, going off his assumption Laura had either been asked out by that Tommy guy or Rico by now.
"Yeah, Tommy asked to go as a date, but I turned him down. I still feel guilty. I just don't like him like that. I'm surprised no one asked you out." Laura stated, as she leaned over to one side, reaching down.
"You really shouldn't be. Haven't done the best job of expanding my social network. I like Lis as just a friend and she's probably gonna go with Dylan. You probably are gonna go with someone else so it's not like I have many options." Even explained as he switched his stretches.
"I actually don't know for sure yet. You and Rico are really my only options as to going. Also the Ezren guy who I barely know." Laura said.

"I also think that Dylan and Lis are like "Star-crossed lovers" Laura said, as she exaggerated there feelings.
Lis put her assignment away, heading out of the classroom to change into her gym clothes. When she was dressed, she made her way inside the gymnasium, where she seated herself further in the corner of students stretching. Blanking out, she set herself in the splits to stretch.
"You're probably right." Even said in agreement, though his mind was focused on another matter...

Say something you idiot! Ask her to the formal. This is your chance!

"Whoever you decide to go with, I hope you have a fun time. I am available...only if you want to go with me I mean. Your decision." Even said, beating a little around the bush. Something his mind was quick to criticize.

You weak coward!
A date! A DATE!!!

"R-really? Thanks. We can go as friends, or even as a date if you want. I don't want to make you go as something you are not comfortable with." Even replied, seemingly nervous. A weakness that did not go without notice...

You are useless!


Laura blushed, but it was invisible. A tiny blush.

Do you WANT to go with him as a date? I mean, he was your first friend at highschool, and he is kinda cute. Focus, Laura FOCUS! To be honest, it doesn't seem like he wants to go as a date. I mean, he suggested it, but he said, "or". "Or" always means "I don't want to, but if you want", right? But he said he didn't want you to go as something you're not comfortable with. Does that mean he wants to go as a date?! I best ask again.

"Well which one is it?" Laura asked, a small smile on her face, as she looked at Even.

But...what if she doesn't? I might discourage her from going with me at all...

You'll never know if you don't ask! You've been through so much already with her, she's not the kind of person to hold a date request personally against someone. Even if she doesn't see you as...more than a friend like you see her, she'll still likely go with you as a friend. So suck it up and let her know what you really want!

Even stopped stretching for a moment, let out a sigh, and faced Laura.

"I'd...I'd like to go as...as a date. B-but if you do not I completely understand." Even would reply, speaking quickly but clear enough for Laura to hear. Even had a tiny blush on his face, one Laura wouldn't see, as he waited for the expected decline.
"Sure! Sounds like fun." Laura said, as she stopped stretching as well.

It all came to her now. Even was the guy she liked. It all came to her now. It was weird of her to like a guy she met a week and a half ago. It was even weirder that the tiny blush on her face had turned into a large one, as she started sweating nervously.
"R-really? Wow...thanks." Even said with a small smile, his blush growing more visible as he stood in the awkward silence for a moment or two. Even had to admit, he never thought he'd have a friend much less a date. This was a new experience for him.

"If it comforts you, I'm nervous to." Even said, having taken notice of her blush and offered some reassurance.
"No offense, but I noticed..." Laura said, as she rubbed her arm nervously.

"Alright class, I've decided that today we'll be doing partner exercises. Grab a partner, and do a lap around the gym, while tying your legs with one of these." Coach said, as he held up a cloth.

"Partners?" Laura asked Even.
Even gave a nod to Laura, his blush dying down as he accepted her offer of being a gym partner. No reason to let thoughts of the formal make him a nervous wreck.
Even would give a nod once Laura finished tying their legs together and then asking if he was ready.

"Just make sure we go at the same pace. Rhythm between us is gonna be key...not to mention I'm not as fast as you." Even said with a chuckle.
Dylan gathered his things as he followed Lis to PE. He changed into a white tee and black athletic shorts and found a spot next to Lis as he started stretching. Dylan glanced at Lis and whistled, impressed. "You're pretty flexible, huh?" He chuckled as he accepted a piece of cloth from the coach, nodding in thanks. He turned to Lis and held it out. "Wanna be partners?"
Even ran next to Laura, doing his bet to keep in synch with her as this was a...unique experience to say the least.

"You can say that again." Even said, in agreement with Laura's assessment of this while he continued to run with her.
She glanced over at Dylan with a grin. “Been doing gymanastics since I was four,” she said, pulling her legs back and standing up.

“Yeah, I'll grab the cloth,” Lis replied, departing off to grab what was needed. When she returned, she bent over and tied it around their ankles. “Is that too tight? Too loose?”
Dylan smiled. "Nah, it's just right. Let's get moving, eh?" He gently wrapped one arm around Lis' shoulder and got ready. "One thing to consider is rhythm, so maybe we should start with our inner leg. What do you think?"