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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers



Normally, when one is brought back to their home, after immense amounts of danger and pain, one would think that you'd be greeted with love.


Ezren was hopeful that his caretaker hadn't stayed longer, because like his father- she was ignorant. So she often picked on him, and scolded the boy for his insufficient way of life. But he just avoided her, and tried to stick to his room, occasionally sneaking down for a snack or two.
But alas, she was in the building, vacuuming the rug that covered most of their vast dining room floor. She shut the machine off, then started towards him, clearly not looking to give him a hug.
"Why you here now?" the horribly-bad English speaker prodded him, narrowing her thick, bushy black eyelashes. "I was hurt, so naturally, students are sent home early from school, when getting hurt, that is." he stated, staring into the ladies eyes. To be more specific, her name was Gatheya, nothing more, nothing less.

"No smoothmouth me!" she exclaimed, walking back to do a half-arse job on the house.

Ezren simply sighed, then trotted up the long stairs, then opened the door to his room, making an unsatisfied creak.
He plopped down on his black chair, facing his computer. His doctor warned him about restricted screen time, as it was "Crucial to his health" but the boy just stared blankly at his computer, then opened the same folder he opens everyday, and scrolled through the pictures.

The file was titled:
"My little bro."

Hey, sorry about the dark and mischievous posts that I'm making- I just finished up with his backstory, so I can get into the RP more, and contribute with the others.)
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(No, no, it's totally fine! I did it, and so did Kageyama)

"Gotcha! So, let's start this!" Laura said joyfully, before wrapping her hands in gauze, and throwing some fierce punches to the air at her side.

Then all she could do was wait for instructions.
Rico smiled at Laura's enthusiasm as he finished. "Alright. So where we last left off on your form, we were doing a front stance using a low block with our right arm and then delivering a reverse punch. So what we do next, then, is we turn left into a walking stance, and perform an out-to-in block with the right arm," he explained as he demonstrated the moves, "and then step forward into a punch with your left hand."
Laura slowly copied him multiple times to get the feel of it, and when she finally thought she was ready, she did it, not perfectly, but correctly. Laura also thought she did pretty good for a starter.

"How was that?" The girl asked, putting both hands on her hips.
“Haha, okay..” she stammered, but had a kind smile. Lis sat herself down on the couch, taking a strawberry from the bowl of assorted fruits. Nibbling on it, she waited for Dylan to finish with the cords.
Dylan's head popped up into view from behind the TV, one fist pumped into the air victoriously. "Did it!" He squeezed out of his spot and handed Lis a Wii remote as he sat down on the couch next to her. "You ready?"
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With a short nod, she accepted the controller, already clicking the icon for the game, and pressing start. When the theme came on for Super Smash Bros., she smiled. Being played two, she asked, “Do you want to start with just a normal fight?”
Dylan shrugged as he guided his player 1 pointer to the character he selected the most: Lucas. "It's your choice," He replied as he smiled at Lis. This right here. This is it. This is the moment. This is where I want to be right now. Here... with you.
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“Okay,” she replied, looking at the screen. She hovered over Pit before going to Zelda/Sheik, tapping it. Then, she hovered over her current icon and changed the color. Pressing the plus sign, she looked at the stage options. “Random?”
Dylan chuckled. "Again, your choice. You're my guest here, remember?" He leaned back in his seat, popping a few grapes into his mouth. He glanced at Lis and smiled again.
Lis smiled warmly before pressing the 'random' stage button. After a moment of waiting, the screen appeared with the familiar scene of the Pokémon Stadium stage. Lis smiled as she transformed Zelda to Sheik, and waited from there.
Dylan whistled. "Pokemon Stage? Interesting. Well, let's get this show on the road, eh?" He snapped the joystick on the Nunchuk to the right and pressed A as Lucas acted accordingly, lunging forward and delivering a strong dash attack.
Lis received the attack, gaining 17% on her bar. Smiling, she pressed the '1' and arrow pad, having Sheik throw out a chain. She was having fun.
Lucas was knocked backward as Dylan recovered back onto the stage. He dashed forward yet again and this time delivered a hard side smash attack, dealing 15%. Dylan grinned as he played, thoroughly enjoying the time he was spending with Lis.
While they took turns at receiving and giving damage, items fell and Lis sprinted Sheik towards a Pokéball, which she tossed up and Latios was summoned. “Yes! Legendary, first one,” she grinned.
Dylan laughed. "Dang it! How do I dodge this?" Lucas rolled away as Latios and Latias swiftly attacked in the form of an X, hitting Dylan's fighter a few times. The two fighters exchanged blows for some time, occasionally dealing more damage with the items that fell from the sky, until Lucas took the first stock with an up-smash.
"Next, you turn around, facing the other way, and do another out-to-in with your LEFT arm this time, step forward, reverse punch." he instructed, demonstrating, "Then, face the front once more in a front stance, but this time with your other leg up front. Do a low block with the arm on the same side, and reverse punch. With that, we'll be two-thirds finished with this form."
Laura slowly copied his instructions multiple times, before copying it once, fast. It took a couple tries, but she ended up getting the idea.

"How was that?" she asked Rico.


The day had gone by fast for Ezren- like always, so when it started to get a little dark outside, he sighed. He'd been on his computer for quite some time, so when his Mother arrived home from work, his Father had appeared as well, arrogant as ever. Thumps smashed along the stairs; Ezren just sat firm in his chair. When the man finished his nightly routine, when he noticed that his Father had been sighing a lot more than usual. Odd... Ezren pondered, opening a game to play.

His Dad marched over to his door, then opened it eyes closed.

"Stay off that computer, waste of time." he attempted to speak collectively, and calm. Although his mouth was twitching, he was doing a spot on job, in Ezren's opinion. "I SAID, stay OFF that horrid machine, you goon-" Ezren got up, "JUST SHUT UP!" he shouted, the whole house went silent. He stood; fist clenched.
"What did you say to me?" he replied, bluntly, not moving a muscle. "Ever since Tato died, you just acted like he was never here..." Ezren echoed. "Not a picture of him in the house!" tears slowly fell from his eyes, streaking down his cheeks. "Did you even care about him!?" he shouted even louder, looking up at his Father.

"You think I don't care? About my own son?" he spoke bluntly. "You're a terrible person, and an even worse Father!" he ran out the room, grabbing his pack along with his little gameboy.

"Ezren, wait!" his Father commanded, but he was already gone, headed somewhere else.
After many rounds of the game, Lis noticed it was a bit dark outside. Setting the controller down, she stretched back and sighed. “I think I should be heading home soon. My parents will want to know where I am, too,” she stood up, grabbed her backpack, and slung it over her arms. “Thanks for having me over, let's do it again sometime,” she smiled before saying goodbye to Dylan and his mother and exiting.

On her way home, Lis noticed a familiar face storming out of his house, carrying a bag. She stopped, and as she was on the opposite side of the empty street, she shouted over, “Hey, you okay?” Lis wasn't positive who it was in the light, but she wanted to help either way.
Dylan smiled and followed Lis out, feeling compelled to walk her home. He exited his house as well to see Lis peering at the silhouette of a boy with a bag. "You know who that is?"
“Yeah, I think so,” she said, head tilted in the direction of the silhouette. “I'm gonna ask him if he's alright.” She looked both ways before jogging across the street to the male.
After lots of training, Laura had eaten dinner at Rico's house with the lunch she packed, and after more training, it was time to go home. She waved goodbye to Rico, and packed her stuff, as she walked back home. On her way back, she saw Lis, and that Dylan kid looking at another figure. It was Ezren, the kid from the hospital. Was he home already? Laura wasn't going to talk to Lis and Dylan, because she didn't remember the last time they talked, and it seemed kind of awkward. And since Lis ran up to Ezren, there was no way Laura was being seen by them. Laura cautiously creeped away, careful to make no sound as she tried to get around the trio.


After marching out of his adobe, a familiar voice was heard- Lis was approaching him, with that boy on her trail. What the..? he questioned to himself. "Yeah, I'm quite alright," he stated, looking down. "I didn't know you lived so close by..." he echoed, scratching the back of his head. "Is that Dylan?" he pondered, one brow raised.

He smiled then slung his pack over his shoulder once more, looking back at the house he came from.
Laura realized no one would hear her if she kept going like this, so she soon crept out of sight, and once she was far enough, she ran back to her house. When she arrived at her humble abode, she plopped her bag on the bench near her laundry room. Then she slipped on her pajamas, and flopped onto her bed, waiting for tomorrow to come.
Dylan looked up when he heard his name. He was pretty sure that the kid hadn't seen him at all, so this was a surprise. "Uh, yeah, that's me." He chuckled and walked up to the guy. "Nice to meet you. Gave us a bit of a fright there at school," He remarked with a laugh, though a thought passed his mind. A bag? He looks a bit glum. Kid also looks like he's moving out or something.
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Once again, Ezren rubbed the back of his head, as the boy came closer. "I remember you from class, and I'm pretty sure I've seen you around this block once or twice," he spoke bluntly, looking down. After the worried face he gave, he came to realization that the two didn't know exactly what happened to him.

"Silent Ischemia." he stated.

He didn't bother to go into any further details, as he found it pointless. "Anyway, I'm going to head out..." he echoed, then proceeded to walk in his direction- headed up some stairs.
Lis stopped him shortly. “Hey, are you okay?” she repeated, more softly. “If you need a place to crash, my parents would be more than willing to let you in.” She didn't really expect him to say yes, and he probably thought she was weird, but she was still pretty concerned.


After he attempted to storm out, a ponderous question was asked by Lis- If he wished to stay at her house. That would be more comfortable than where I was going to stay.. he paused after she spoke. "I suppose," he quietly cleared his throat. "I don't want to be a burden..." he echoed, looking up at Lis.

"And if it's okay with your parents," he stated, glancing at the stars.
Dylan smiled as he looked at the two. He called out to them. "Well, seeing as now I'm not contributing much to this conversation, I'll be making my way home. Thanks for hanging out today, Lis. Hope we do it again sometime." He smiled warmly, but with a twinge of sadness as he walked back to his house, hands shoved in his pockets as he pulled the hood of his jacket over his head. The chilly evening air bit at his cheeks as Dylan walked, turning them into a rosy red. For some reason, the cold air that normally didn't bother him much seemed much colder.
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Lis smiled, said goodbye to Dylan, and turned back to Ezren. “Trust me, they'll be fine with it. They usually aren't home very often anyways,” she said, turning to walk to her house. “And I'm happy to help,” Lis added with another smile as she began going down the block.


Ezren trailed behind her a little, as he didn't know exactly where he was going. "It is much appreciated," he caught up beside her, then slowed to mach her pace. "So how long have you been going to this school?" he asked, kicking rocks that lay on the sidewalk. The glare of the street-lights shined upon his face, making him squint.
“Since freshman year, if that's what you mean,” She replied, walking along the curb of the sidewalk and balancing easily. “I've been going to school here since kindergarten though.”
Dylan breathed audibly as puffs of fog flew out of his mouth, rolling over each other like waves in a storm until they faded from view. He soon arrived at his doorstep and opened the door. His mom was working in her office and gave him a blank wave and a smile as Dylan passed by. He waved back and took off his jacket, hanging it on a nearby chair. Dylan sighed and walked into the living room, glancing at the piano that sat in the corner. He headed toward it and rested his hand on the lid, which was suspended at an angle of elevation by the prop up. He really hadn't practiced in a while. Dylan sat down on the bench and looked at the keys. He rested his right hand on the left side and played a two-octave pedal C, playing a low melody that rang through the house. Chopin's Ballad in G Minor, Number 1, Opus 23. I missed this one.
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The moon glistened above as Ezren nodded, he drifted closer to the opposite side of the sidewalk as Lis, attempting to balance as well. "Ah, I see." he stretched his neck out a little- it was aching, probably because he had bent his neck down to look at his computer screen so often. "Unfortunately, I attended school here later than most," he cleared his throat.

"You see, my Father moved to this town- for business, and no other school were 'Prestigious' enough- according to my Father- so we came to the decision of the Handrakes High school." he stated, moving to the middle of the narrow sidewalk they trotted upon.
“Oh,” Lis said, softly smiling. “Well, I'm glad you made the decision to come here.” After a few more moments of balancing on the curb, she looked up to spot her familiar abode. “We're here,” she said, walking up and unlocking the door. She left it open for Ezren, heading inside and turning in the living room light.

“If you're hungry, we've got quite a lot of food. You can stay in our guest room - the bed is really nice,” she added, setting her bag down.
Dylan played the entire piece by memory, pouring out all of his emotions into the piece as they molded with the music, resonating through the air. Whatever he was feeling, happiness, sorrow, love, everything was made into a reality; a reality formed by his piano. He neared the end of the piece, gradually increasing the volume until he closed with a deep chord that rang with intensity. Dylan held the note for a few seconds until he took his hands off the keys. It was only then that he noticed his fingers were trembling slightly. Silently, he got up and changed into a sleeveless tee and athletic shorts, brushing his teeth and washing his face. Dylan set his glasses down on his desk and crawled into bed, falling asleep almost instantly. I still haven't lost my touch. That's a relief.


"As am I." he smiled back, slowly stepping up to her house.

"Quite the habitat you got here," Ezren dropped his bag silently near the door, along with his shoes.
He yawned intensely, holding his hand over his mouth, stretching once more. "Thank you again. Really." he smiled, standing aside looking around.
After the lessons were over, dinner was served, and Laura went home. After saying goodbye to her, he went back down into the basement and gave his sandbag a few more kicks, training an extra hour. Once he tired himself out, he went to his room, changed, and went to bed.
“It's no problem,” she smiled back, slipping her shoes off as well. “The guest room is this way.” Heading towards a hall, she walked past a couple of doors before reaching one of the last ones, opening the door.

The room was painted soft white with hardwood floors, and a full bed was set against the wall in the middle. A clock and an empty dresser were pressed on an opposite wall, and a soft rug in the middle of the floor. She flicked on the light switch.

“This is it,” she said. “All of the sheets and pillows are clean, and the dresser has clean socks in it. Don't really know why...” she added before smiling.