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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers



Ezren listened to the various activities he could join, and decided to join the swimming team, "I suppose I shall go to the swimming club." he announced. Although he was intent on deciphering the reason Lis was so down, Ezren came to realization that he should focus on his school- work instead. The boy collected the notes that Laura had brought back--and placed them beside the page before him.

Ezren examined the paper he received from Even--and nodded at the following information presented to him. "Very good, it seems we can start to create the essay." as he grabbed a pencil. "We will work in shifts." Ezren directed, then added "I suggest two on the computer, and two on paper, that way, we can make a visual presentation, all while making a accurate essay on the subject.", Ezren wrote down the data on 'Brain Cells' and made a diagram on it's visual properties. "You-er-Lis! Are you skilled at drawing?" he pondered.
At all of the sudden control Ezren had taken over, a flurry of things were said. At his question, Lis stiffened and awkwardly looked at him. “I mean.. I've been told that I'm pretty good,” she said, averting her gaze to the side as she bit her cheek. She was fiddling with a pencil in her pocket with her left hand, being ambidextrous, flipped it to her right hand briefly.


(OOC: Are you actually ambidextrous irl? If so, that is sweet!)

Disgusted with his grotesque attempt at making a sketch of the 'Occipital Lobe' and the cells within it, Ezren then placed the pencil on the desk and waited for Lis to begin. As he moved over, he noticed that Laura was looking intensely towards the window, Ezren snapped his fingers in-front of her face, to make sure she was okay.
(Haha, i am, but i usually use my right hand)

Lis grabbed the pencil after a moment, holding it in her left hand and pulling the paper towards her. She sketched a sort of messy layout, which she ended up lining with the pencil in her right hand. Overall, it looked pretty decent, but not really to Lis. “It's, um, finished I guess?” she said after a second.
"Are you done yet?" Zeke asked, trying not be a distraction. "Almost." Joe quickly said as he continued writing. Zeke had finished his essay only a few minutes ago and he was starting to become impatient as he waited for Joe too finish his essay. Zeke. There were various notes scattered around his desk but he had actually been using his phone for most of the extensive research. The notes that he had taken from Mrs. Lewis lectures were decent but nothing could beat the internet.

Zeke had noticed that a new student had arrived in class. He hadn't gotten a good look at the boy but he could tell the kid looked sort of Asian. 'Nothing is wrong with that.' Zeke knew that the typical stereotype for Asians was that they were so smart. However, Zeke never really cared about that. Sure they were smart but not all of them were geniuses. As for the new kid, Zeke and the rest of the class would have to wait and see what he could do. Seeing as Joe was still working on his essay, Zeke took the opportunity to look around the class and see what they were doing.

Coincidentally, one of the groups he looked at was the one with the new kid. Zeke's eyes moved from the boy to the drawing on their table. Zeke was shocked by what he saw. "Wait?! We have to draw something?" Zeke asked aloud as he turned to the board to re-read the directions. Joe looked up like he had just heard something horrifying. Zeke made sure to look over the rules about three times over. There was nothing about drawing. Zeke looked back at the group and decided that he should ask them about the drawings. Zeke stood up and walked to the group with Ezren and Lis to ask them. "Um, excuse me, but I was just wondering if we actually have to draw something. The directions didn't say anything but I just wanted too make sure." Zeke asked the group, hoping one of them would take the time to answer his question before Mrs. Lewis took notice of him.


Ezren had watched in awe as Lis created the drawing, with each stroke of the pencil, it seemed she had placed her soul into the depiction. When she had finished, he gazed upon her art-work, "Fantastic, many thanks!" Ezren chanted. He started to write subtitles and headlines for each part of the diagram, when out of nowhere a boy had shouted something rather odd. Ezren was startled from the commotion he had caused, Ezren glanced at the student as he trotted over to and his group, the boy had asked if it was necessary to create a drawing of your body part as well as the essay.

Ezren chuckled at the boys comment, then shook of the laughter. "Fortunate for you, the essay does not require a visual example, although, if you desire higher marks, I recommend you go above and beyond." Ezren then returned to his work, and proceeded to label the various cells, Ignoring the boy.
Zeke nodded as Ezren told him what he needed to know. His eyes actually ended up on Lis' drawing as he looked at the work they had done before Ezren finished speaking. "So it's just for extra credit then. Thanks for letting me know. By the way, nice drawing." Zeke didn't actually know who drew it but he thought it was pretty cool. After a brief second of thinking, Zeke decided that maybe he should introduce himself to the new student. Truthfully, Zeke thought that Ezren would want too make some more acquaintances on his first day. "By the way, my name is..." Zeke stopped when he realized that Ezren had already gone back to his work, completely ignoring him. 'Well that's a first.' Zeke just decided too walk away and not push the matter. Mrs. Lewis was already coming their way, so he quickly got back to his seat.

"So what did they say?" Joe asked Zeke. "You'll be glad too hear that you can draw if you want extra credit. Well that's what the new student said atleast." Zeke said as he looked at Joe's paper. "So you finally finished." Zeke looked at Joe to see that he had glanced towards the group he had just came from. Zeke raised an eyebrow as he wondered what Joe was thinking. "That's them. They're the ones who beat up Henry." Joe was actually being serious for once as he looked at Zeke. "You're not funny Joe." Zeke calmly stated as he snuck another glance at the group. "Yeah, there's no way that's them. Henry is not weak y'know." Zeke didn't believe it. "It is! I was there kid. I know who and what I saw." Joe whispered too Zeke, who still found it hard too believe. However, they didn't get too finish the conversation when Mrs. Lewis walked by them and told them too stop talking. 'Why is it always me!' Zeke mentally cursed as they started too work on the main essay.
When Lis heard a shocked 'what?!’, she glanced behind her to see the other male from earlier approaching their table. Upon his asking if a drawing was needed, Lis looked down and fumbled with the pencil. After the few moments of Ezren explaining that it wasn't, Lis straightened herself up. When he complimented her drawing, her eyes darted sideways and she mumbled a 'thanks'. Afterwards, she went back to focusing with her group.

Occasionally, she heard the group near them murmur about Henry, but she ignored it, not wanting to think about the jerk. Along the time, she had seen Roman pass his paper in, and Lis was slightly impressed by his speed in finishing it.
Veronica just watched, eeriely quiet, as she scribbled down notes, from a textbook beside her. Honestly she didn't understand people. She preffered books. Books had a start and an end. They were simple, and followed an Arc. And predictable.

Most people were not.

But Veronica was.

She liked qualities in certain people. And she disliked qualities. There was no grey areas. Except her sexuality it seemed. In her eyes, Bisexuality was a curse. Not being able to choose between a gender to fall in love with seemed to be her biggest plight. She was smart. Funny. Generally a nice person. Enjoyed music. And was a good friend.

But most people ignored her or just cast her aside for someone who was more social in nature, and wouldn't sit down and discuss the similarities between the chronicles Narnia and the Bible for a few hours.

She was truly alone it seemed in highschool. Atleast in elementary and middle school she had the teachers as friends, as depressing as that may have seemed. It wasn't for Veronica, or 'Ronnie' as most people called her, since formal names were "Stupid". Atleast the teachers could hold a conversation.

Having spaced off she looked down and realized she had finished the whole page without looking, and was surprised she hadn't made any mistakes. Feeling slightly better about her self, she adjusted her Dress Shirt, and got back to work.

Her father, being the person he was, had wanted a son as his successor, and was not happy that he was stuck with a daughter, and therefore Ronnie was forced to be a guy with what she wore. Also she never really understood the point of showing off one's body if you didn't want the attention, which was the case with most of the girls in the school who often complained about how many Boys hit them up on Social Media.

Veronica was more jealous of yhe fact that someone as stupid as some of the preppier cheerleaders could get a persons attention, but she, an articulate decent looking person, was ignored in the favor of a stupider counterpart.

Giving a frustrated sigh, she adjusted her cargopants, wishing she had gone for some shorts instead of the heavy clothing.
(Veronica? Who's Veronica? And guys? Please, wait up. I can only be on this for three hours at max now.)

Laura snapped from her pose, as she saw Ezren snap his fingers. Then he went to talking to Lis, then a boy came over, then Laura focused her mind back to the window, feeling left from the project. A bunch of thoughts came to her mind. What's Lis going to tell me after school? Am i going to make new friends? It seems to me no one exactly wants to talk to me...I must've did something wrong? Now you're just throwing yourself a pity party, are you serious, Laura?! she thought, as her facial expressions changed between each thought.
Lis quietly watched Laura's expressions change in quick moments. “Ah, you okay?” Lis asked her, an eyebrow raised with a concerned look in her eyes. She found it confusing to watch the fellow girl's facial expressions switch from one to another, and honestly felt a little nervous for her.
Laura immediately turned to Lis, and shook away her emotions, saying, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine." fumbling to understand her. Laura then stopped her thoughts and slumped her head into her crossed arms on the table. Today is...strange... Laura thought, as her expression remained bland.
Veronica's excessive fidgeting turned into general boredom, as put a penny in between her middle and index finger, and flicked it, rocketing it towards the board with a noise similar to a bbgun bb richoeteing off of a metal can.

Veronica played stupid, and merely continued scribbling notes, as the coin unexpectedly shot off the board and hit one of Lis's legs under her table.
Lis, a bit surprised by the sudden feeling on her leg, bent over and picked up the penny that had made its way to her. She sat up, looking at it for a moment before turning to see where it had come from. Lis got up and headed towards a rather bored looking female, tapping on her shoulder. “Uh, hi.. is this yours? It came in my direction,” she said, cheeks flushed as she looked at the girl.
Too say that writing an essay like the one Zeke just did was hard would be an understatement. Two whole pages on information comparing both red and white blood cells had been done and Zeke was exhausted. He had written the whole thing while Joe just sat there and pretended too do work. Right when Zeke was about too mention Joe's laziness, he watched from the corner of his eye as some girl flicked a penny, which ricocheted off the board before hitting another girl in the leg. Zeke turned his head a little sideways to see that the girl who flicked the penny was trying to act like nothing happened. Zeke just shook his head as he watched as Lis actually figured out who's penny it was. 'It was kind of obvious.' Zeke figured before he looked back at Joe who had just finished writing his name on the paper. "We finally finished." Joe tiredly said as he laid back in his seat. "No, you mean I finally finished." Zeke stated as he grabbed the paper. He didn't know if they had too turn it into the bin or the teacher, so he just raised his hand like a good student and waited for Mrs. Lewis too come over.
"Oh... um sorry." she said rather spacilu, handing the girl a dollar for the penny, crumpling it into Lis's hand, before taking the penny and shoving it into her pocket, before continuing to scribble her notes. a bunch of numbers were printed on the very border of the dollar.

" V - 555 - 928 2002 "
Lis hovered by her for a moment after the dollar was handed to her, until she smiled weakly and sat down. Uncrumpling the bill, she noticed numbers written on the bill, to which Lis squinted. After realizing it, she smiled and flushed as she fumbled to put the dollar in her pocket.


Ezren was nearly completed when he noticed Zeke raise his hand; seeming to be done the assignment. Anxious to finish the project, Ezren began to rush, ignoring all surroundings. Although what he was writing was brilliant, little streaks of sweat dripped down his forehead, as he finished the primary essay--with the addition of another.

A couple minutes past, and he narrowed his eyes on the empty space in which the last paragraph would lay, Come on, you we're the 1st place winner at the N.S.O (National Science Organisms) test Ezren announced to himself.
Even if people had been speaking to him, Ezren wouldn't have noticed. Some consider it a mental health issue, when he focuses to hard, he begins to start blanking out of reality. But quite frankly, most see it as a gift, but Ezren thinks otherwise. The final sentence was added, and he took a deep exhale.

When he turned, everything was still blurred--he was hazy--unable to compute his surroundings.

Completely dismissing the others, Ezren got up, and left the room, leaving his work behind.
He had sat upon the bench in the hallway, students passed, sending ponderous glares toward him. However, no teachers bothered to ask why he was not attending class. Nor did the teacher in class bother to ask where he was going, probably because she had been marking for the other class-mates--who completed their assignment that is. Ezren stared at the lights that illuminated the long--narrow hallway. Everything had eased within his brain, and he took a deep in, then closed his eyes and exhaled.
Lis watched as Ezren eagerly and a bit scarily rushed to finish the paper. After he was completed, she watched a bit nervously as her left the room. After a moment, Lis mumbled and 'excuse me' and followed behind, sneaking past Mrs. Lewis easily. She looked both directions before spotting the male and walking towards him. “Hey, uh, are you okay?” she stood in front of him where he sat, and she knelt down so she could be at an even level.


Ezren had realized that Lis had trailed behind him, then approached, and asked if he was doing okay. As he looked up, he noticed the concern in her eyes. Man, people must think I'm insane... he thought to himself. Then after a long pause he responded, "Yeah, totally. My apologies, I just needed some air. My stomach has been aching" he lied. "But, thank you for checking up on me." he then smiled.
Lis hesitated before smiling prettily. He seemed like he was holding back, but she didn't want to push. “Well, if you don't feel good, I can take you to the infirmary. Unless you just want alone time, that's fine, too,” Lis offered the male before her.


Ezren simply held his playful smile, then responded, "Oh, there is no reason for that. I get upset pains in my stomach all the time!". Usually, when Ezren fibbed, he could manage to get people off his tracks, but he seemed to be a little more anxious than usual, as his leg had began to shiver. Ezren then got up, and straightened his face--no longer a smile--but instead a stern look.
“Oh, well, then I guess that's good..?” Lis nervously smiled as she stood up as well. “I'm guessing we should get back to class, soon. I'm sure it's almost done.” She shoved her hands in her pockets and clicked her tongue, already beginning to return to the class, unsure if it was over yet or not.


Ezren nodded, then proceeded down the hall back to the classroom, as they entered, he looked at the clock, then smiled. "Class will be over any second, now." Ezren spoke, then sat back down at his seat, wondering what the two had finished while he was gone.
His eyes directed to all of the kids in the classroom, then smiled, happy of his new school-semester.
(Ugh, I miss so much! Please, slow down?)

Laura saw the two students leave in a hurry, as she then looked at Ezren's paper. It was great, and Laura smiled at how good it was, before handing it to Even. "Isn't this a good paper? I know we had a week to work on the assignment, and I feel like Mrs. Lewis will be disappointed we finished so early, but this is a wonderfully written essay, and if we all add our names, we are sure to get an A plus!" Laura said excitedly, as the bell rang, and class was dismissed. "BRING!"
Even gave a quick scan to the essay, before he gave Laura a thumbs up.

"Looks good to me. Nah, better than good. I think teach will love it." Even said, voicing his view on the paper. It really was good, no reason they shouldn't ace it in Even's opinion.
Rico watched a few students role play a historical event set up by their teacher, but he just couldn't focus on the lesson. He fazed in and out of reality and daydreaming. This was a common problem for him; whenever he had to sit still, he couldn't focus. Thankfully, the bell rang, and after being dismissed by his teacher, he began looking for Laura.
"Ezren did great, yeah. See you at Technology!" Laura said, as she took the paper, and walked outside, seeing Ezren on a bench. It looked like he and Lis were talking, and trying not to be as evil as last time, she simply put the paper on his lap, and walked away, waving a little, before, she saw Rico, who seemed to be wandering, in look for someone. "Oh, hey! Who are you looking for?" she asked, before she was actually about to ask her own. "Oh, and by the way, where do you live? i got the time, but not the address." she said, as she took out the slip of paper with the time.
"Actually, I was looking for you for just that reason." Rico said with a laugh. "Talk about a lucky coincidence. Anyways, the address is 11503 Perigrie Drive. It's a bit of a small house with a blue exterior and a tropical scenery mailbox." He gave her a moment to write it down. "So, after our sports practices, we could meet up at my place and I could teach you what I know."
"11503 Perigrie Drive. Got it." she repeated, writing it down."Thanks! See you then!" she said, heading to her locker, and putting the slip of paper in her pocket. She grabbed her headset, unlike yesterday, and left for Technology, sitting in her usual desk once she got there. Her laptop, looked as blue as ever, as she opened it up, and deleted her save file of her game.
Lis had made her way, alone, to technology, where she seated herself further in back by her laptop. Hunching over, she signed in and opened a file with an assortment of music notes, and she began adding and deducting more and more. Her goal was to create a medley from a band she liked, and it seemed to be coming along rather smoothly.


(OOC: Yellow.anime my sincere apologies, but quite frankly, it would be best if we keep this RP moving--and get things going as fast as we can.)

The boy trotted down the halls, to find the technology class--upon entering, he noticed some familiar faces from last class.
Ezren seated himself near the front of the class, then began to scrummage through his bag. He pulled out a little Chrome-book, and turned on the device and opened his new 'Ed1tor2000' icon--to edit his current graphical design. Awaiting further instructions from the teacher, Ezren played around with the image he was creating. The design showed an orbit--with various planets cycling within it. Although Ezren was not the greatest at drawing, he took pride in the art he had made.

After he finished the final touch, he named the document, then looked up--ready to begin his lesson.
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(We were just in science. And BTW, I don't see the point of my being here, if I'll be able to respond almost 10% of the time, when I'm reading a bunch of posts. Although I'm going to my dads. I'll be offline for a while after this post, but whatever.)

"Class, we are going to be studying the effects of hacking." Mr. Larson started, as he logged into his computer, and started doing a couple hacking routines, hacking into another kids computer, and upgraded it, which Laura became jealous of.
(OOC: Kind of a long post for character building. I don't think anyone else's character is in this class so I'll split it into two posts.)

The bell had rang before the teacher even looked at him. "Well I guess I'll turn it in next class. She didn't say it was due today so there was no need for us to do all of it one class." Zeke told Joe as he packed his stuff up in his backpack. "Yeah, atleast we already have it done. Maybe you can add some more stuff if you have time." Joe said as he packed his stuff up. "Maybe." Zeke muttered before walking out of class.

The next class he had was history. Atleast there he would be able have some more fun. That class had a lot of troublemakers in it which always meant that there was always something bound to happen. As soon he walked in, he had managed to dodge a bouncy ball that was thrown his way. He had unknowingly walked between a game of catch. "Zeke, you messed me up!" The boy who threw the ball exclaimed as he tried looking for the ball. "Don't worry, I got it." His opponent then flung the ball as hard as he could at the other boy. The boy could do nothing but dodge the ball which ended up nearly smacking the teacher in the back of the head. Luckily for the boys, the teacher hadn't been paying attention and the ball ended up bouncing off the wall before landing in a cup holder. "Nice shot." Zeke complimented the boy. "Yeah I know." The boy acted like he meant to do it and Zeke just shook his head at that.

Zeke found a seat near the back and was going to sit there but saw that a couple was literally making out in the seat to the right. Zeke figured that it would feel awkward to be sitting right there, so instead he chose a seat near the windows. "Zeke, what's up." The blonde kid from earlier greeted as he sat next to him. "How boring was science class today?" Zeke had forgotten that he had said boring his science class was to some of the other kids. "I'm good Jonah. As for science, we actually had too write an essay today in groups. You can imagine how much work I had to do since Joe was the only one in my group." Zeke complained. Jonah chuckled as a few other kids walked up too Zeke. They started talking about some random stuff until the teacher finally had enough of it. "Everyone in your seats, NOW!" Every student who was still standing dove into the nearest seat as fast as humanly possible.

After calling attendance the teacher then went over what the class would be doing that day. Zeke could hear mumbling and groaning around the classroom when the teacher mentioned something about roleplaying. "Well I won't be caught dead doing that." Zeke said aloud as he yawned and stretched. Apparently he was the only one the teacher heard because she immediately called him out. "Did you have something to say Zeke?" The teacher glared at him. "No, I was just saying how it would be an honor to act as an important member of our history." Zeke made that up on the spot and did his best to speak in a serious tone. He heard a few kids laugh and giggle at his statement but the teacher didn't think that was funny. "If I hear another disruptive word out of your mouth, you'll be sent to the office. Now, back to what I was saying." The teacher went back to explaining what they were roleplaying. "That was a nice save Zeke." One of the kids sitting near by told him. "Yeah, she's so dumb she probably believed it." Jonah added to the conversation. "She's crazy if she thinks I'm going to do some roleplaying." Zeke whispered back. They were interrupted from their conversation when the teacher started to call out names. "Okay, Zeke, Klay, Zoe, and Thomas, you're up first. You'll be doing the Civil Rights Movement." The teacher called out. "Seriously?" Zeke asked as he stood up to go to the front. He could tell that the other kids in his group had the same thought. "Is something the matter?" The teacher asked with a concerned look on her face. "Miss, um, maybe you could give a demonstration? I don't know if we can do this is we don't have an example." Zeke tried to play it smart and make the teacher look like a fool at the same time. There were a few murmurs and some giggles heard around the classroom as Zeke gave his recommendation. The teacher seemed to have into some really deep thinking as to what to do next. "Okay fine." The teacher gave in and took their spot in front of the class.

"Okay, I'll be doing a reenactment of the Boston Tea Party." The teacher went to pick up the cup holder where that ball from earlier had landed. "Now after I explain what's happening in my scene, I need to act to act out one of the moments." Zeke noticed that the teacher didn't even bother to do the explaining and went to do just do the acting. "Now when I flip this cup holder, pretend there is tea coming out." The teacher told the class. The teacher then turned the cup over only to have the ball fall out and start bouncing off the floor. Most of the class started laughing while the kid who owned the ball ran to pick it up. "What was that doing in there?!" The teacher asked the boy. "I-I don't know." The kid then quickly walked back to his seat not wanting answer any more questions. "SILENCE!" The teacher yelled before turning to Zeke and the rest of his group. "Now you have five minutes to go over your presentation." The teacher told them before walking over to her desk.

Zeke walked closer to his group so they could discuss their plan. "So what're we going to do? I'm not black." Thomas said as he looked at Klay. "Just because I am doesn't mean I know everything." Klay responded to Thomas looking at him. "Why don't we just do the "I Have A Dream' speech." Zeke recommended before looking at Zoe, who was on her phone. "What about you Zoe, any ideas?" Zeke asked, knowing that she would get annoyed. "Just shut up Zeke. I'll do whatever. I'm just busy doing important stuff right now." Zoe replied with an attitude as she went back to texting on her phone. Zeke just rolled his eyes and looked back at the rest of the group. "My idea sound good?" Zeke asked. "That sounds like a good idea. We'll do that then." Thomas told Zeke. "Yeah." Klay agreed. After discussing for the last few minutes, it was now time for them to present.
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(Please don't say things like that. You're a big part of this. We simply thought it better to move on, because we were in science for a good amount of time..)

As Mr. Larson demonstrated the simple hacking instructions, Lis sort of blanked out from the entire lesson. She heard a few words he said, but was otherwise distracted and not paying much attention. She'd add a few notes, removing them right away, just to keep herself entertained.
(I am back, and I am going to move on like none of that ever happened. Don't ask please.)

Technology class' lesson was short that day, and free time was added, which happened a lot, actually. Laura plugged her headphones into the bottom of the brain, and went to a file of hers tat was titled, "Reboot". When Laura got into it, she saw her game from yesterday pop up, but on editor mode. She edited some parts, before completely starting over for a test run.
(Screw lack of notifications LOL)

Even had sat in tech class, rather bored in all honesty. Given he was a transfer to the class and did now own a laptop, the teacher gave him one to use for class. It wasn't anything fancy or high quality, but it would do the tasks of the class relatively well. Still Even had another issue...

I really not a tech guy, maybe I could ask Laura for some tips? Maybe Lis? I don't know. I don't want to trouble them with a personal problem.


(OOC: did not mean to offend you, just stating my opinion.)


The clock ticked as the class listened in, the teacher explained the subject at hand - hacking. Ezren was just scanning over the 'Hacking Routines' Mr. Larson sent to him. After completing early, he decided to just go back to the art he was working on. Although the project was complete, he just furnished it up a little. Upon completing the art he had made - the teacher made the decision to call it a free-class. That left him bored out of his mind, fidgeting with his pencil - which had still been in his pocket.

After a couple minutes of boredom, he became quite ponderous of why the teacher gave us the free time - Ezren made his way up to Mr. Larson. "Excuse me, sir. Do you think that there are any bonus-templates I can create?" he asked. The mans chair creaked as it faced him, "I am afraid not," the teacher responded. "But you can surely help with your peers, and assist the ones who have not-yet finished." Mr. Larson said. Ezren nodded, then looked upon the classroom, eyeing everyone within it. He noticed a girl, stuck on her assignment - so he walked over to her desk. "Would you like assistance?" he wondered, then looked at her project she struggled with. The girl nodded, then showed him the little laptop she had been using. Ezren poked around on it, to be honest, he was quite stumped himself. But after a long and hard though process, he came to the realization of the answer. After showing the girl how to get there, he left her to do it on her own. As he wandered around the class some more, he noticed a couple of more people, who had we're having troubles with certain questions.


After tending to mostly all the required students. Ezren took a seat back down at his desk, with a big sigh. As he scanned the room once more Even was caught in his vision, looking puzzled on his assignment, so he got up out of his chair, then paced over to him. Nervous not to embarrass him, he just asked if he needed help - quietly though.
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Even turned to see a newcomer ask if he needed help. Even took a moment to think it over with himself.

Guess I'm more obvious than I thought...

"Well, I'm not much of a tech guy. So this assignment has me scratching me head to say the least. I guess if you're willing to point me in the right direction, I can go from there..." Even said to Ezren, accepting his offer to help him.
"Okay then, you may begin." The teacher told Zeke's group. "Okay, so we will be roleplaying a very important event during the Civil Rights Movement. We will be doing an reenactment of the March on Washington." Zeke told the entire class. "So yeah, we'll just start now." Zeke rubbed his hair before backing up to let Klay speak. Thomas had wrote a part of the speech on a piece of paper for Klay to read off of. "I-I have a dr-dream..." Klay could barely contain his own laughter which was also caused the rest of the class to start laughing as they realized he was roleplaying as Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream th-that m-my four little ch-children..." Klay could barely contain himself and the class wasn't helping. "My four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their skin but not by the..." Klay paused for a second as if he was mentally questioning something. "But not by the content of their character?" Klay basically said the last line as a question. The whole class looked like they were ready to explode into laughter. "Wait, that doesn't sound right." Thomas said as he realized the problem. That's when the class lost it and burst into laughter. Some kid even fell on the floor in laughter causing the class laugh even more. "This kid said that they will be judged by the color of the skin!" One kid shouted out before breaking into laughter again. Zeke had a grin on his face as he tried not to laugh at the mistake the members of his group made.

The teacher sighed before yelling at the class to calm down. "It was just a mistake. Kwame, get off the floor or I'll send you to the office." The teacher ordered before looking at Zeke's group. "It's cause I'm black, right?" Zeke heard Kwame mumble quietly enough for the teacher not too hear. However the kids around him burst into laughter again. "Okay, we're done! If you can't handle doing an activity then I guess we're going back to bookwork. Pull out your textbooks. I am done with your nonsense. Do all the questions on page fifty three and turn it in by the rest of class." The teacher had finally lost her patience. Zeke and the rest of his group went back to their seats. Zeke could hear kids complaining all over the class. "Wow, thanks for that Zeke." Jonah punched him in the shoulder. "Yeah, no problem." Zeke grinned as some of the other kids around them laughed a bit. He pulled out a textbook and he went to work on the questions. Only a few minutes after the teacher yelled at them, the class had already gone back to talking.