Kirin - Update to Abilities:
Aura of Demise (Passive, Cooldown: N/A; Cost: N/A; Duration: N/A; Range: AOE, 25 FT Sphere)
Kirin's presence in an area somewhat demoralizes friends and sharply demoralizes foes. The aura expands "infinitely" up and down, but only extends 25 feet out in a circle. (E.G. you cant escape it by flying up, but you can by flying OUT.) Is negated in Dragon form/Flying. This effect is exponentially multiplied when Null is in full control. The aura is seen as a glitchy, black haze of "
Noise" that gets more intense the closer you look towards Kirin and the longer you look at it, along with an increasingly agonizing sound of noise as well, as well as what sounds like whispers. Staring at the Aura for too long can cause intense fear that can lead to heart failure. The effects are mitigated by blocking out the emotions mentally, but this requires a pretty good constitution.
Nautilus Rift (Reactive, Cooldown: 30 Seconds; Cost: N/A; Duration: 2 Seconds; Range: N/A)
Similar to Prevasion, when Kirin is attacked, he can very temporarily become intangible (I.E. literally not existing on this plane physically) for two seconds, before becoming tangible. While in this state, since kirin is intangible, he can not interact with beings, but beings can't interact with him. Weapons don't work in this state, trying to block a slash with this when the duration ends will result in the user's blade being forced out of the foes, temporarily stunning the user.
As well as...
i actually made a theme.
Null Hypothesis, Kirin's Theme