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The Paragons - Act I Discussion

Real Name: Ansel Ceredes
Alias: Deluge
Age/Gender: 25/Male
Race: Caucasian/Chinese-American
Alignment: Chaotic "Good"
Personality: Ansel never grew out of his college days of partying hard, studying never, and not particularly caring about those he is supposed to be rescuing. This isn't to say he does no saving. He does. He just does it in a flashy, deliberately spectacle laden way. Obviously this causes a lot of water damage, but he justifies that with "It'd be worse if they got away with it!" He's a...complex person.
Flaws: Ansel is, in short, an asshole. And not a brooding one- He's just very audibly an asshole. Ansel is the sort of guy you'd love hearing stories about, like he's some awesome cool dude who just doesn't care, but loathe actually knowing as anything more than a man in a story. As far as flaws in his ability- Anyone who can control cold temperatures or electricity is the bane of him. And with a name like "Deluge" you can probably guess why.
Powers: The power of the Deluge is a strong one- Hydrokinesis. He can control water with great aptitude, from large swathes of it, able to drench the opponent in drowning amounts, to very thin pressurized beams of water- able to cut flesh and stone with precise accuracy. However being the type of person Ansel is? He much prefers the former.
In the great lore of college myth, there has been no one who has partied harder than Ansel Ceredes. Infamously for blowing thousands of dollars every weekend to throw parties loud enough to be heard a few towns away. However, Ansel was notably something. A jerk. Kind of played everyone else as slightly worse than him, didn't take kindly to the idea that he was anything less than the king of all college, even if he was coming up on the end of it as he just barely scratched through his classes. And, unfortunately, perhaps Ansel did party too hard on some occasions.

On one particular occasion he may of said some things to some people who did not appreciate it. And king of college or not, these people did not mind throwing Ansel into a drainage ditch on a particularly stormy night. However, to their shock and horror, the water did not pull Ansel away, despite the gallons of it arching past him. It was like he was floating in place- And before they knew it, the water had grabbed them by the feet, and dragged them away instead.

They were found a few weeks later, inexplicably having drowned to death. Ansel denies any involvement, though he did finally decide to leave college. As he had a new goal- Use his water techniques to bend the world's perspective of him. Why be king of college parties when you could be waaaay bigger as a hero? Starting his career as a sort of fireman type guy, he quickly evolved into stopping muggings, attempted robberies...But always was very deliberate in what he did. He didn't like the idea of being under a team, in particular.

Until he somehow got his way into the Paragons. Which has commonly been seen as...weird move. He clearly had the abilities, but personality?

...Actually, yes. The idea of a "chilled" and "laid-back" superhero celebrity clicks very well. Of course everyone wants to be buddies with this guy, or at least pretend they have a relationship with him para-socially. He's not particularly respected within the group, but he does his job well enough...

Real Name: Celice Welles
Alias: Scavenger
Age/Gender: 19/Female
Race: Caucasian/Georgian
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Celice comes off as loner, and she certainly is. Aggressive to almost everyone, and kind to few, most are willing to brush her off as nothing more than a weird jerk. Deep down, she's...scared. Scared of losing things again. Losing people who she cares about. Scared of dragging people down with her. Fear is what keeps herself chained in, keeping her from truly being able to connect with people on any other level other than butting heads and being upset for no real reason.
...She also like death metal!
Flaws: Celice is an edgy loner who demands that she cuts her own way in life. As such, she pushes away people who want to help her, because she views that as a weakness. It's not something she can really adapt to. Also while she is rather well trained and probably close to peak human performance, she is still mostly human. Mostly.
Powers: Adaptation. Not necessarily knowing how to respond in the situation, but rather knowing how to use technology and what she can find to her advantage. Her suit is an amalgam of random junk that fall off of various individuals during scuffles or supers fighting it out. She can forge it together to make something that works- with scarce abilities relating to it thusly. Of course, given her suit is made out of junk, it's also prone to breaking pretty easily...
The wars that engulfed Russia adjacent countries over the past few years have caused many causalities. Most importantly for Celice, her parents, whilst she was around nine years of age. The girl learned quickly that on her own, she needed to figure things out. Water, food, shelter...All things she needed to learn for herself. So she did. She adapted.

Adaptation is a curious thing. It insists the strong survives and weak perish. Celice was never at an advantage, always on that brink between the strong and weak. Then one day, whilst scrounging for food...She found it. Among the rubble, a weapon, nearly untouched. Dropped by a soldier? Off a truck? She wasn't sure. She didn't need to know. The moment she touched it, she understood it. Celice knew exactly what to do with it.

She went from war torn Georgia, slowly being encroached by Russia, into lands far less volatile. The weapon had helped her. She didn't need it at a point- selling it off for more important things. Faked IDs, passports...Somehow, she ended up all the way in the United States. Far from true danger now. At seventeen, she got a job in a chop shop. Her good hands with machinery benefited her. But there was something missing. Something that she couldn't leave, that simply lingered in her mind...Those concepts of "Strong" and "Weak".

It was a cold fall night when she found it. The great Patriot of the Paragons had roughed up some super wearing a suit of powerful armor. The name was not important- But as Celice found a piece shattered off in the conflict, she discovered what she was missing. Everything...clicked. Just as it had with the weapon.

She didn't need to be a Paragon. She had her own role to fill in the world. Her own mantle to take up. There was the weak, and the strong, and her.

The Scavenger was born.

...I feel like I made Celice dumbly over complicated but what can ya do. Especially since I'm writing a majority of this at like 3AM lmao
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Real Name: Ansel Ceredes
Alias: Deluge
Age/Gender: 25/Male
Race: Caucasian/Chinese-American
Alignment: Chaotic "Good"
Personality: Ansel never grew out of his college days of partying hard, studying never, and not particularly caring about those he is supposed to be rescuing. This isn't to say he does no saving. He does. He just does it in a flashy, deliberately spectacle laden way. Obviously this causes a lot of water damage, but he justifies that with "It'd be worse if they got away with it!" He's a...complex person.
Flaws: Ansel is, in short, an asshole. And not a brooding one- He's just very audibly an asshole. Ansel is the sort of guy you'd love hearing stories about, like he's some awesome cool dude who just doesn't care, but loathe actually knowing as anything more than a man in a story. As far as flaws in his ability- Anyone who can control cold temperatures or electricity is the bane of him. And with a name like "Deluge" you can probably guess why.
Powers: The power of the Deluge is a strong one- Hydrokinesis. He can control water with great aptitude, from large swathes of it, able to drench the opponent in drowning amounts, to very thin pressurized beams of water- able to cut flesh and stone with precise accuracy. However being the type of person Ansel is? He much prefers the former.
In the great lore of college myth, there has been no one who has partied harder than Ansel Ceredes. Infamously for blowing thousands of dollars every weekend to throw parties loud enough to be heard a few towns away. However, Ansel was notably something. A jerk. Kind of played everyone else as slightly worse than him, didn't take kindly to the idea that he was anything less than the king of all college, even if he was coming up on the end of it as he just barely scratched through his classes. And, unfortunately, perhaps Ansel did party too hard on some occasions.

On one particular occasion he may of said some things to some people who did not appreciate it. And king of college or not, these people did not mind throwing Ansel into a drainage ditch on a particularly stormy night. However, to their shock and horror, the water did not pull Ansel away, despite the gallons of it arching past him. It was like he was floating in place- And before they knew it, the water had grabbed them by the feet, and dragged them away instead.

They were found a few weeks later, inexplicably having drowned to death. Ansel denies any involvement, though he did finally decide to leave college. As he had a new goal- Use his water techniques to bend the world's perspective of him. Why be king of college parties when you could be waaaay bigger as a hero? Starting his career as a sort of fireman type guy, he quickly evolved into stopping muggings, attempted robberies...But always was very deliberate in what he did. He didn't like the idea of being under a team, in particular.

Until he somehow got his way into the Paragons. Which has commonly been seen as...weird move. He clearly had the abilities, but personality?

...Actually, yes. The idea of a "chilled" and "laid-back" superhero celebrity clicks very well. Of course everyone wants to be buddies with this guy, or at least pretend they have a relationship with him para-socially. He's not particularly respected within the group, but he does his job well enough...

Real Name: Celice Welles
Alias: Scavenger
Age/Gender: 19/Female
Race: Caucasian/Czech
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Personality: Celice comes off as loner, and she certainly is. Aggressive to almost everyone, and kind to few, most are willing to brush her off as nothing more than a weird jerk. Deep down, she's...scared. Scared of losing things again. Losing people who she cares about. Scared of dragging people down with her. Fear is what keeps herself chained in, keeping her from truly being able to connect with people on any other level other than butting heads and being upset for no real reason.
...She also like death metal!
Flaws: Celice is an edgy loner who demands that she cuts her own way in life. As such, she pushes away people who want to help her, because she views that as a weakness. It's not something she can really adapt to. Also while she is rather well trained and probably close to peak human performance, she is still mostly human. Mostly.
Powers: Adaptation. Not necessarily knowing how to respond in the situation, but rather knowing how to use technology and what she can find to her advantage. Her suit is an amalgam of random junk that fall off of various individuals during scuffles or supers fighting it out. She can forge it together to make something that works- with scarce abilities relating to it thusly. Of course, given her suit is made out of junk, it's also prone to breaking pretty easily...
The wars that engulfed Europe over the past few years have caused many causalities. Most importantly for Celice, her parents, whilst she was around nine years of age. The girl learned quickly that on her own, she needed to figure things out. Water, food, shelter...All things she needed to learn for herself. So she did. She adapted.

Adaptation is a curious thing. It insists the strong survives and weak perish. Celice was never at an advantage, always on that brink between the strong and weak. Then one day, whilst scrounging for food...She found it. Among the rubble, a weapon, nearly untouched. Dropped by a soldier? Off a truck? She wasn't sure. She didn't need to know. The moment she touched it, she understood it. Celice knew exactly what to do with it.

She went from war torn Czechia, slowly being encroached by Russia, into lands far less volatile. The weapon had helped her. She didn't need it at a point- selling it off for more important things. Faked IDs, passports...Somehow, she ended up all the way in the United States. Far from true danger now. At seventeen, she got a job in a chop shop. Her good hands with machinery benefited her. But there was something missing. Something that she couldn't leave, that simply lingered in her mind...Those concepts of "Strong" and "Weak".

It was a cold fall night when she found it. The great Patriot of the Paragons had roughed up some super wearing a suit of powerful armor. The name was not important- But as Celice found a piece shattered off in the conflict, she discovered what she was missing. Everything...clicked. Just as it had with the weapon.

She didn't need to be a Paragon. She had her own role to fill in the world. Her own mantle to take up. There was the weak, and the strong, and her.

The Scavenger was born.

...I feel like I made Celice dumbly over complicated but what can ya do. Especially since I'm writing a majority of this at like 3AM lmao
Celice, eh? ;)


Previously Gamingfan2
Remember that guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Here he is, with twist.

Real Name: Modolo Weiser
Alias: Surprise Super (Unknown to him)
Age/Gender: 32/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Gonna put this earlier because you are not going to understand otherwise.
He's super strong when drunk.
Well, he doesn't have to be drunk, alcohol is what powers him. He's just a lightweight. It does work out for him, though, since his actions become unpredictable and his mental state even more so. His strength, speed, and reaction time increase exponentially, and his pain tolerance is amazing. He's almost unstoppable when drunk...until passes out randomly, which is when his injuries heal, but he's left quite vulnerable.

Personality: Quite normal really, once you exclude his alcohol drinking habit. While not really a drunkie, he typically drinks quite often, usually when overcome with any emotion, be it anxiety or happiness, to the point where he carries a bottle with if he ever gets in a life-threatening situation. Not for protection, mind you, but because he wants to go out without pain. He's a mild-mannered, if a little pathetic, man that lives life without much vigor. He's nice, but cowardly, and fights normally result is heavy downing. He does, deep down, want to be a hero and help people, but doesn't really believe it'll ever happen. After all, he's just a powerless man. What can he do?

Well, apparently, a lot, as his drunk self can't help but wander the streets in search something to do, usually a brawl. He'll usually beat up any thugs he finds, although his actions are really, really unpredictable. He'll probably help a woman from getting mugged, but smack the same woman for looking at him funny soon after. Hence, Surprise Super.
Flaws: He has no idea about his power, since he doesn't ever remember what happens during his moments before the aforementioned passing out. While drunk, he typically does good things, but has a hard time distinguishing friend and foe since the slightest thing will make hm assume the latter.
Backstory: He went to school grew up, passed college, and has a stable job as an banker. Yep, painfully average.

Man, this guy was fun to make.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
alright, so i know most of you have expressed a desire for a concrete plot. i've been doing some thinking, and i have a few ideas.
already, we've developed several branches for a solid story. just the groundwork, but we've established who a lot of our characters are, their motivations, their personalities, their relationships, etc.
when it comes to worldbuilding, some of that's already been done, too, and nicely as well, i should mention. so when it comes to bringing in a structured plot, i think it's best we do something with already established narratives. with the openness of this all, we have a ton of opportunity for this or that.

1. fall of the paragons. now, this is an obvious choice for a story. the only issue i'd personally have with it is the fact that it would just be a little too early, y'know? i mean, the rp is named after them. least we can do is keep around for a while. but still, exploiting the paragons for their true natures and bringing the organization down is certainly a plot that i'm sure most of us are aware of.

2. 'evil' team to counteract the paragons. now, i already had plans for warren to begin investing in an anti-paragon organization. this could become more front-and-center if it were selected, and we could even have a large narrative focus on 'villains' instead of our 'heroes'. my goal with charles is to set him up as an actual threat to not just the paragons, but all supers in general.

3. obviously we could choose to follow cliche's inspired from comics and movies. superheroes band together against a threat they can't face alone. this is used a lot, but there's a reason why. it works. the formula is basic but effective, and can be manipulated in ways to make it unique, too.

i'm down for any additional suggestions, btw. what i say isn't set in stone, these aren't the only options available.
Why not all three? Could be an interesting sequence like
1. big bad brings heroes together (gonna have to be a really big really bad big bad)
2. all the destruction caused by the big fight prompts Charles to begin looking into an anti-Paragon team to bring them down, and
3. woo hoo bigger big fight because now we have more bad guys (maybe even good guys who become "bad" guys because uh oh the gooder good guys aren't so good after all and oh wow look at that: deeper exploration into the complexity of the human condition as the story juxtaposes the well known, black and white crux of good vs. evil with a focus on the persisting duality and morally grey area of man that relentlessly transcends even superhuman ability) which means more people, and the Paragons win but not really because while everyone was punching, kicking, stabbing, and slicing up each other real good, Charles is successful in exposing the Paragons' true natures to the public and outs the entire organization, and we can progress from there somehow

...Just an idea lel

An interesting subplot could be some sort of infiltration plot that plays into the 2nd arc with the anti-Paragon team, but that would rely on dragging out the hidden role game until the climax and getting the timing right i might make a character for that if it gets approved
Yeah, I got it

I’m just totally backed up on posts right now because school reasons, I just need a day or so. Worst comes to worst I’ll be posting this weekend.
Nah I get it, take your time:up:

I guess I should give my two cents on the plot thing. I'm pretty adaptable- Though I do think the Paragons are still a little too nice to be mass slandered. Property damage is one thing of course, but currently their worst crimes are being a little stuck up in their whole thing. Patriot is definitely acting shady, Deluge is being set up to be a dumbass, and depending on how Infinity's little shindig goes there with Warren he could come off as a jerk too. Adapter seems fairly decent, and Telekine-Kid is just too green to have done any wrong yet. While obviously this can be rectified with NPCs or just making them a little more awful all around, I think it's just worth pointing out.

Necrodytis obviously sides with whoever pays her- So I assume Warren could give her a nice paycheck to make her an enforcer or something. Deluge is pretty much staying with the Paragons, why would he leave whilst he is in the limelight, and Scavenger is...complicated? I'm still figuring her out lol

It's also worth pointing out that there are a few absolutely chaotic evils in here, such as Massi. Who would probably never pick a side. Which leaves them in a tough spot.
So let's review our current plot threads.

Yin Li can't catch a break, Kerco and Nikolai are discussing the events at the bank, Hitori, Loufe, and Necrodytis are fighting. Shuzo and Crosshair will hunt down Massi. Paragons are vibing. Warren, CL-9, and Lilian are doing the Lazarus project. Everyone else is sort of floating in limbo at the moment not necessarily doing anything.

So where now? Where can we pull our plot now? Obviously the Lazarus project is a massive piece of it, and something tells me it's likely to go horribly wrong. Or horribly right? That's up to Comic. I think an easy answer to pull us up to speed is, following the fight, is a timeskip. I believe this was already stated, but a section where our characters are a little more "relaxed" rather than the crazy day that is currently happening can help ground them more and give us time for traction. Or maybe not! We didn't join a superhero rp to not be superheroes a chunk of the time, did we?

Of course, that's just my two cents. I don't want to make any big decisions on my own.

...Though if there is one thing I'll do, I might make a character to give Yin Li an actual ally that isn't a super that she works with out of necessity lol