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The Paragons - Act I Discussion

Another suggestion that y'all don't have to follow at all (but it might help you build something off a similar concept): Leo and Angel's personalities definitely click pretty easily, so maybe they can already be acquainted, similar to Shadow Pup and Dark Fairy's Forsythe/Lillian situation; they could be on a walk together or something, just vibing outside (heh ship), while Max, in his hot-headed self, finds himself in a disagreement with Destiny, who just doesn't care and tries to resolve whatever's going on as soon as possible so she can go on with her day. This has an adverse result, as Max gets angrier and angrier, and as Leo and Angel stumble upon the situation, Forsythe is also vibing on the bench somewhat near them; since the two of them are Paragons, I'd assume Forsythe is used to Max's temper and simply boofs him out of his anger as Leo and Angel get closer to investigate, and interaction can just progress from there now that everything's set up
@OmnipotentOnion It’ll be a little difficult to set up, but that is a fantastic idea.

@ThePlayfulFox I should probably post first. While their personalities are similar, Leo is more social and would be more likely to walk up and talk. While Max could somehow get annoyed by Destiny. Maybe she could be muttering to herself kinda loudly and it would bother Max who could be nearby. Then when he tells her to shut up or something, she could dismiss him, causing him to get angrier, and then @OmnipotentOnion ’s idea could go into motion.
What kind of villain should we have for the first arc? Obviously it should be powerful enough to bring everyone together, so are we thinking a power-hungry, planet-ending warlord on a Galactus like scale, an alien invasion with tons of spaceships raining fire on the earth?

Introducing just a handful of beings that are barely strong enough for the heroes to join forces but also herald the arrival of a much stronger power could be interesting to carry forward (also gives more spots for anyone who wants to make a larger villain that contributes more to the main plot), since that could also add more depth to the aftermath of Warren's successful plan to out the Paragons.

The heroes defeat the heralds in a series of fierce, destructive battles around the planet, and in one last blaze of glory, they sacrifice their bodies to produce some kind of explosion or reaction that will cause even more destruction, and they leave with one last message as the heroes struggle to keep collateral damage at a minimum: a being with strength unimaginably greater than all of the heralds will soon be approaching, and the entire clash between heroes and heralds was all to "prepare" the earth for said being's arrival. Obviously, the good guys fail, as enough wreckage is still caused so that Warren is prompted to plot the end of the Paragons. He eventually won and achieved his goal, but now the world is in shambles over the events of both the fights with the heralds and Warren's anti-Paragon team, not to mention the dissolving of the once widely loved Paragons and consequently, even more vulnerable to a coming attack by the biggest bigger big bad

(DISCLAIMER: I really don't want to sound like I'm trying to control the flow of this RP myself; truth be told, I haven't been in an active superpower RP in a very long time and was planning one of my own before I decided to join this one, so I have a ton of ideas that I think would be really fun to see implemented, but I am perfectly fine with whatever @comic decides for the main plot. In the end, any ideas I suggest are just suggestions, and I have no problems if they don't get used)
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
What kind of villain should we have for the first arc? Obviously it should be powerful enough to bring everyone together, so are we thinking a power-hungry, planet-ending warlord on a Galactus like scale, an alien invasion with tons of spaceships raining fire on the earth?

Introducing just a handful of beings that are barely strong enough for the heroes to join forces but also herald the arrival of a much stronger power could be interesting to carry forward (also gives more spots for anyone who wants to make a larger villain that contributes more to the main plot), since that could also add more depth to the aftermath of Warren's successful plan to out the Paragons.

The heroes defeat the heralds in a series of fierce, destructive battles around the planet, and in one last blaze of glory, they sacrifice their bodies to produce some kind of explosion or reaction that will cause even more destruction, and they leave with one last message as the heroes struggle to keep collateral damage at a minimum: a being with strength unimaginably greater than all of the heralds will soon be approaching, and the entire clash between heroes and heralds was all to "prepare" the earth for said being's arrival. Obviously, the good guys fail, as enough wreckage is still caused so that Warren is prompted to plot the end of the Paragons. He eventually won and achieved his goal, but now the world is in shambles over the events of both the fights with the heralds and Warren's anti-Paragon team, not to mention the dissolving of the once widely loved Paragons and consequently, even more vulnerable to a coming attack by the biggest bigger big bad

(DISCLAIMER: I really don't want to sound like I'm trying to control the flow of this RP myself; truth be told, I haven't been in an active superpower RP in a very long time and was planning one of my own before I decided to join this one, so I have a ton of ideas that I think would be really fun to see implemented, but I am perfectly fine with whatever @comic decides for the main plot. In the end, any ideas I suggest are just suggestions, and I have no problems if they don't get used)
i dunno... sounds pretty sick bruh.
I have an idea for a big bad (A main villain), however he isn't completely finished yet. Is it okay if I reserve a spot for a villain? Or were you planning to have your own villains? It's okay if I can't make one btw, I'm just wondering. @comic
i have no issues with it, broster.
I’m great at making villains, if you need a main villain, I would LOVE to make one.
if you want, you can. when it comes to my characters... aside from Yin Li, Patriot and Warren are both sort of... villains and heroes. However, as of now, Warren is more of a bad guy, Patriot more of a cocky, annoying good guy. However, the progression I planned was to turn the tables a bit, turn Warren into more of a 'good guy' who thinks only he knows how to save the world, and Patriot into a villain, who gets sick of playing nice.
I feel like a possible flaw in the suggestion I gave is that "smaller" villains (aka those that don't pertain to the main plot of paragons v. big bads) won't have much to do in terms of contributing to the main story, unless they wanna act as foils to the heroes when they try to fight the heralds; either that, or the heralds can actually try to recruit the villains in an effort to sow even more chaos throughout the planet, and once they're defeated, the villains narrowly escape and make it for the next arc.
Alrighty, here he is, in all his glory! My villain!

Real Name: Kage Hito (The OC I use for bad guys.)
Alias: Elemental
Age/Gender: 18/Male
Race: Human (Although he can transform into shadows.)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Personality: Kage is smug and overconfident, due to his incredible power. He believes nobody can defeat him, not even Patriot, who he despises with all of his being. Despite his overconfidence, he is incredibly intelligent, thanks to his power and natural intelligence. He always has a plan in case things go south. He is a loner and believes he can do everything by himself. He is like the Patriot of the villain world, someone most villains look up to and respect. However, despite this, he is not very well known by heroes, as he keeps a low profile most of the time, even most villains only having learned about him through rumors. He hates all heroes, not only Patriot, because he believes they don't actually care about the innocent and only do what they do for money and fame. He kills every hero he sees and believes he is doing good. He claims people will thank him once all the 'fakes' are gone. He isn't scared of Patriot in the slightest and thinks that he is stronger. (More about him personality wise in rp.)
Flaws: He is overconfident, which means he can initially be taken by surprise since he always underestimates his opponents.
Powers: The Elements: Pretty straightforward, Kage can control any of the elements at will. Fire, water, air, darkness, light, earth, ice, electricity, and whatever other elements you can think of. (Although the ones I mentioned will basically be the only ones he uses.) Drawbacks: Fire can cause serious burns if used for too long, water can only be used if water is nearby, air is a little hard to control, if earth is used wrong could cause earthquakes, ice can cause frostbite if overused, light is weaker in darkness, darkness is weaker in light, electricity can cause him to pass out if overused. However, he has masterful control over his power and this drawbacks rarely effect him because he uses them right. (More about these powers will be revealed in rp.)
Superhuman: Kage is able to greatly increase his physical abilities and senses. (Think One for All from MHA except a few additional powers.) Power includes: super speed, super hearing, super strength, super sight, super smell, super intelligence, super durability, sonic scream, enhanced reflexes, and a healing factor that rivals Patriot's. (This power is mainly for him to rival Patriot, as he will still be a hero during this arc, yes?)
Backstory: Nothing is known about his past.
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Previously Deathstalker62
Real Name: Ryghedro Uehn'zerean

Alias: Silent Night (Hero Name), Ryan Urnen (His human name)

Age/Gender: Undetermined (Ryg doesn't even know it since he never learned numbers until he hid in society under disguise as a human), Male.

Race: Quietus (Alien)

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: I wanna have this be discovered in RP, just to add to this mysterious alien.

Flaws: The Quietus have an allergy to shrill noises, such as with shrieking or alarms, which will cause their skin to turn into a grey-reddish colour, similar to a rash, and causes pain to their hearing, a burning pain to their body, and potentially leading to temporary hearing loss.

The Quietus also tend to prefer silent environments, regardless if it is populated or not. If many noises are happening at once, or if they are too loud, a Quietus alien will tend to keep its distance or even flee if it gets too stressed out.

As stated below, the Telepathic Capabilities of Ryghedro is only limited to close- to long-range conversations through the mind due to still being young, nothing else. However, it does not cost him any stamina. Being so lightweight, even with so much durability, a Quietus can still get knocked about easily.

With their shapeshifting ability, enough pain/stress can knock them into their true form, and a Quietus needs to know most details about what they want to become before they can morph into it.

Overall, a Quietus will generally have to rely on their own abilities or weaponry for combat.

Powers: As his species evolved in a near-silent environment, they had gotten abilities and powers to keep that environment wherever they go;

Telepathy; Self-explanatory. It only evolved so they can only interact with each other mentally at birth, be it through short or long distances. However, this telepathy power evolves as a Quietus gets older and wiser, and thus Ryg can only communicate for now.

Lightweight; The Quietus Species has evolved as to have as little weight as possible, to the point where they can even walk on liquids, leave no footprints behind and even have a big jumping ability (in other terms, a floaty jump) and a slower descent, allowing them to survive much bigger falls than, say, humans.

Space Ward; Due to the tough conditions of their planet, the Quietus are able to resist the elements of space and move freely within them. They can move around in space freely once they're in motion and can survive situations where gravity would either be pulling them in or put intense pressure on them. Even though they can survive space, the Quietus still insist on building ships for travel, if not solely for convenience.

Supernatural Body; Despite looking fragile, the Quietus are built to not just survive the toughest conditions, but even thrive in them, no matter what the environment and/or wildlife holds.. ..even if said wild life is near 10x bigger than them, like on their home planet. This DOES include a regeneration factor, though it will only heal minor wounds. To heal bigger wounds, a Quietus requires large amounts of energy, thus in turn requiring a lot of sustenance and sleep

Shapeshifting; A quietus commonly uses a form of shapeshifting during its hunt to catch their prey off-guard using camouflage, or to sneak in enemy territory by becoming one of them visually. They cannot become beings that are beyond twice and half their own size, though. A Quietus, while more used to shifting into organic matter, can shift its body into inorganic matter as well, though it will cost more to practice and perfect, and significantly harder to shift considering it will need to know and copy the properties of the inorganic matter as well. Ryghedro cannot do this yet as he is still rather young, thus his shapeshifting is not completely evolved yet.

Backstory: The Quietus Species is a type of alien that thrives on a seemingly near-empty, desolate planet, in a Solar System not far from Earth's Solar System. The Quietus dominate the surface layer and partially the underground layer, where life was actually thriving, with a lot of dangerous lifeforms sitting underneath the Quietus in the food chain. The surface was uninhabitable for creatures like humans, because the pressure, intense heat cycles and lack of oxygen on the surface of the planet was too dangerous. The Quietus had evolved to adapt to both environments, underground and surface. Underground, they were like the predator aliens, without the fancy technology as most their naturally evolved abilities did the job for them. Above ground they were wondrous Architects that managed to build constructs just as tough as them from the metal and other raw material provided on their planet.

Still, they were near the same level of technology as modern humans, if not always few steps above, which caused the government that captured Ryg and his parents to sent out ship after ship to capture some Quietus Creatures. It was a struggle as the Quietus usually managed to slip out of the humans' grasp and/or kill them and salvage their ships, but a squad of Quietus' were baited into the ship and captured as it was put on auto-pilot back to Earth.

Ryghedro, part of the Quietus Species, had not actually been born on the home planet of his parents, but rather on Earth, in captivity inside a government-controlled complex. It was often very noisy, so his parents had escaped with him, using their abilities to their full extent and escaping completely unnoticed. Ryg spent most his life living inside a cave complex, until his parents abandoned him when he was reaching adulthood, physically at least. Ryg continued living within caves for the next few years, until hiding among civilization, taking appearance of a human. He had learned to speak, write and understand most of the english language, and some human history and manmade objects, but most of these are still foreign to him.
Ryan Urnen: As noone appeared to be in the restrooms anymore, Ryan stood by the sinks, looking into the mirror, as his form began changing. From being a normal, blond guy with emerald-green eyes, a simple green hoodie and blue jeans, his appearance changed. Slowly, his clothes and hair begun switching colours and shape, and he began getting bigger, his disguise being smaller than he truly was. The Alien, slowly turning from Ryan back to Ryghedro, looked for an escape in the restroom, panicking, hoping noone would bare witness to this alien losing its form..

Ryghedro Uehn'zerean: A large 7,5 ft alien, with such little weight that you could just slightly see its ribcage beneath its skin. The skin colour and body shape of a pale, slender cave-dwelling humanoid, mixed with a close resemblance of the classic Xenomorph, minus the large, disfigured head and the obvious insect-like look and carapace skin. A Quietus Alien even had a tail; a long scorpion-like one, set with the same pale skin covering it instead of some kind of carapace, making it look like a longer, bigger third arm. On the wide, hand-like tail end there are three spikes that can be driven in and out of it, which can be used as a third arm, as the three spikes form a sort of three-digit hand in a triangular shape. A Quietus can bend and move these three spikes individually, like fingers.

Other than the slender limbs, starved look, the pointy elf-like ears and the tail, a Quietus like Ryghedro really had a.. somewhat close resemblance to a human, but much taller. Well.. discounting that he had entirely white, bioluminescent eyes, several rows of sharp teeth, claws to drive out of his fingers and no amount of hair or fur whatsoever, he could resemble a person.. somewhat. A horribly disfigured one, but a person anyway.

Silent Night: His clothes adapting to a black, robe-like appearance with a purple outline, the hood of the 'robe' over his head. His eyes, turned from emerald-green back to a glowing white, were now masked by a dark-blue mask that resembled the typical superhero face mask, minus the nose bit, that being just a flat area. Right under the mask was a dark-purple scarf, tucked into the robe and a major part hidden behind the collar of the robe, the other half covering Ryg's mouth area. 'Tied' to his body with a blue rope, Ryg finished his transformation by changing his hands and part of his arms into dark-purple, long gauntlets and boots, resembling painted steel, and a matching dark-blue long-sleeved shirt and pants tucked into the boots and gauntlets, completing his 'Silent Night' Costume. ..despite it not being a costume at all, but who could even tell the difference anyway?
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@Captain Cardboard @Gamingfan Looks like more people are trickling in (I also recommended the RP to @waluigipinball; she's a fantastic RPer), so the main arc might not get introduced for a bit due to more introduction and interaction; are y'all down to start the Massi hunt subplot and have a bit of interaction until everything wraps up? We can have a short and sweet fight go down before the central plot stuff starts up
Real Name: Ryghedro Uehn'zerean

Alias: Silent Night (Hero Name), Ryan Urnen (His human name)

Age/Gender: Undetermined (Ryg doesn't even know it since he never learned numbers until he hid in society under disguise as a human), Male.

Race: Quietus (Alien)

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: I wanna have this be discovered in RP, just to add to this mysterious alien.

Flaws: The Quietus have an allergy to shrill noises, such as with shrieking or alarms, which will cause their skin to turn into a gray-reddish colour, similiar to a rash, and causes pain to their hearing, a burning pain to their body, and potentially leading to temporary hearing loss.

The Quietus also tend to prefer silent environments, regardless if it is populated or not. If many noises are happening at once, or if they are too loud, a Quietus alien will tend to keep its distance or even flee if it gets too stressed out.

As stated below, the Telepathic Capabilities of Quietus Aliens only limit to close- to long-range conversations through the mind, nothing else. However, it does not cost a Quietus any stamina. Loud noises in the area a Quietus is invisible in will reveal it completely, if only for the duration the loud noise is kept up. A Quietus also has no ranged attacks, and usually has to rely on either stealth or additional ranged weaponry to fight. Being so lightweight, even with so much durability, a Quietus can still get knocked about easily.

With their shapeshifting ability, enough pain/stress can knock them into their true form, and a Quietus needs to know most details about what they want to become before they can morph into it.

Overall, most of a Quietus' abilities are more for utility purposes or stealth. They have to rely on their own strength or weaponry for combat.

Powers: As his species evolved in a near-silent environment, they had gotten abilities and powers to keep that environment wherever they go;

Telepathy; Self-explanatory. It only evolved a bit so they can only interact with eachother mentally, be it through short or close distances.

Lightweight; The Quietus Species has evolved as to have as little weight as possible, to the point where they can even walk on liquids, leave no footprints behind and even have a big jumping ability (in other terms, a floaty jump) and a slower descent, allowing them to survive much bigger falls than, say, humans.

Silence Manipulation; The Quietus can silence an area in a 10m radius from their current position by sending out an invisible bubble that mutes everything in it for 10 seconds before noises are allowed again. Additionally, whether this is inside the bubble or in an already-silent environment, the Quietus can become invisible and near-undetectable in a near-silent environment, so long as it remains silent.

Supernatural Body; Despite looking fragile, the Quietus are built to not just survive the toughest conditions, but even thrive in them, no matter what the environment and/or wildlife holds.. ..even if said wild life is near 10x bigger than them, like on their home planet. This DOES include a regeneration factor, though it will only heal minor wounds. To heal bigger wounds, a Quietus requires large amounts of energy, thus in turn requiring a lot of sustenance and sleep

Shapeshifting; A quietus commonly uses a form of shapeshifting during its hunt to catch their prey off-guard using camouflage, or to sneak in enemy territory by becoming one of them visually. They cannot become beings that are twice and half their own size, though.

Backstory: The Quietus Species is a type of alien that thrives on a seemingly near-empty, desolate planet, in a Solar System not far from Earth's Solar System. The Quietus dominate the surface layer and partially the underground layer, where life was actually thriving, with a lot of dangerous lifeforms sitting underneath the Quietus in the food chain. The surface was uninhabitable for creatures like humans, because the pressure, intense heat cycles and lack of oxygen on the surface of the planet was too dangerous. The Quietus had evolved to adapt to both environments, underground and surface. Underground, they were like the predator aliens, without the fancy technology as most their naturally evolved abilities did the job for them.

Still, they were near the same level of technology as modern humans, which caused the government that captured Ryg and his parents to sent out ship after ship to capture some Quietus Creatures. It was a struggle as the Quietus usually managed to slip out of the humans' grasp and/or kill them and salvage their ships, but a squad of Quietus' were baited into the ship and captured as it was put on auto-pilot back to Earth.

Ryghedro, part of the Quietus Species, had not actually been born on the home planet of his parents, but rather on Earth, in captivity inside a government-controlled complex. It was often very noisy, so his parents had escaped with him, using their abilities to their full extent and escaping completely unnoticed. Ryg spent most his life living inside a cave complex, until his parents abandoned him when he was reaching adulthood, physically atleast. Ryg continued living within caves for the next few years, until hiding among civilization, taking appearance of a human. He had learned to speak, write and understand most of the english language, and some human history and manmade objects, but most of these are still foreign to him.
Could he help me with something? You see, there's this manga artist-

Also I do have an idea of how to end the Necrodytis fight without anyone dying horribly or being forced into a corner. Well, it's sort of a corner, but it doesn't really matter in the great depth of things. I can probably wrap the fight in the next post- or two -Depending on what Techno does next.


Previously Schrift007
Real Name: Leonardo Tsuru

Alias: Breach

Age/Gender: Male

Race: Japanese

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Leo has a sort of mixed personality, acting with very little care about what he does and how he does something. On the outside he has a mad and crazed outlook on the world, often living behind a smile. He is ,by most, considered insane. If there is one thing to get Leo's interest, it would be fighting. Lots and lots of fighting. He's not a clown, he's the whole circus. Underneath his 'don't care' attitude is just a boy who is scared of everything. For those unlucky few that earns his trust, he will be protective of them often risking himself above them.

Flaws: Leo's main flaw would definitely be his lack of motivation and the fact that he mostly looks out for himself. He is by far not a team player, doing what he wants.

Powers: (now for the fun stuff) Nanites: These tiny robots live inside Leo. There are trillions upon trillions of them. They mostly reside in his blood stream or in his bone marrow, though they do exist else where in his body. These nanites give him a typical abilities, ie: super human strength, speed, stamina. But his nanites can do way more than that. He can manipulate the nanites in his eyes to allow him to see in infrared and xrays, or he can pick out fine movements to the point where he can predict movements from the way that muscles twitch as they move. His hearing and sense of smell have increased to the point where he hear heart beats to learn if someone is lying, though this ability is not totally accurate. His nanites can bond together below the skin to harden and increase his defence. Leo has learnt to manipulate his nanites outside of his skin to make weapons out of his limbs. From creating bladed weapons to making shields or even tendrils to act like grapple hooks. These nanites can also be launched from his body in shards or knives, making them extra deadly. The nanites in his brain, act like a super computer allowing him to access the internet. He can easily learn new information and can hack into different computers and technology. One of the greatest things about his power, is that his nanites can easily heal him back to full health really quickly. The nanites are stored ,and sometimes created(though it does take a long time to make a decent amount that can be useful), inside his bone marrow meaning he can never really lose his nanites. Another great use for his nanites, is that he can upgrade existing pieces of technology to improve them, from vehicles to guns. Though some major weaknesses to his power is that his nanites can be hacked into or even shut down using an EMP. These unfortunate events will lead to hospitalisation or even death. His nanites do need a battery and can be recharged by near by electrical devices. He can always reclaim his nanites at any time, if they exit his body. Magnets also have a strong effect on him, able to rip the nanites quite literally out of his body.

Backstory: Born into a family of scientist, Leo was expected to become smart. He was supposed to be the smartest one in the family, but if he was that wouldn't have made a great backstory. Leo was born stupid, he didn't learn to write till he was eight and he couldn't read till he was seven. His parents worried about his intelligence, they worried about him a lot. Though he may have been highly unintelligent, he soon found comfort in combat sports. He used it as a vessel to take out his anger. As time went by, his powers lay dormant. He had no idea he had powers till on day when he turned fifteen. He was in the middle of a maths test, finding it hard as usual, but then something snapped inside his brain. It felt like he got a new understanding of it, it felt like he could see the answers. )The results he got, showed that he got no questions wrong. His powers started to develop more, as he began to explore them. In months he was able to make structures out of his nanites and with his new found intelligence he easily found ways to put them to use.
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Hm... guns would work well with his power now that I think about it. Finger snap, walk up to your enemy, shoot them in the face, profit.

- Bank broken into by rock man (Cretecon). Diet Homelander (Patriot) beats him up and is shamed by police (Yin Li) for causing too much damage. He sulks off and goes and bullies his friend old young man (Four), and he then goes off into the streets to sulk and beat up muggers.
- Despite the bank just being broken into, a dude (Henry) is trying to break into it again. Another guy (Kerco) is checking around the bank by erasing people's memories once they meet him, so I can sense a conflict brewing.
- Edgelord zombie woman (Necrodytis) is hired to go knock off tech thief paraplegic (Hidori/Techno) who is currently talking to a werewolf (Loufe and OS)
- Lucky man (Drake), electrical man who studied the sword (Shuzo), and Hell's chef (Nikolai) are moving into the docks, the first two to stop a weapon smuggling incident and the other guy to figure out what the hell is going on in the city. Possibly just to know, not so much cause he's in on it or anything.
- Lex Luthor with hair (Charles Warren) awakens the ancient girl in a crystal (Lilian) to help him with his plans to become Syndrome from the Incredibles.
Warren is actually working on a project to mass give superpowers/bring back the dead (Maybe both, he seems like a productive man), Infinity and Lilian met up and knew one another (Because Infinity is an immortal guy who doesn't age), and Drake and Shuzo are now teaming up to hunt down an alien parasite called Massi. Also Kerco and Nikolai were talking about things in the Bank.
Max is now fighting with Infinty, Leo(Mine) is interacting with Angel, and yeah, that's everything. (Credit to @BurbleBurble I just copy pasted all this with my additional end part.)