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The Paragons - Act I Discussion

@BurbleBurble Is it okay if my Oc drops in on the fight? Night and gaming don't mind, but I thought I'd ask you just to be safe
Well, if I'm being honest I think avoiding more clutter in that fight is better. Especially since it's the only thing holding us back from a timeskip (besides the Max and Forsythe fight, but that'll be over soon enough) so, no, I would rather him not right now.

Also, I don't think I mentioned it but the Heralds are a great idea, I'm fine doing something like that for the plot.
I guess I should explain what I was planning huh?

Basically, Necrodytis hates the idea of her alter ego being figured out. So of she got her mask knocked off, she'd have her face revealed along with her voice. As a result, she'd freak out and run off, because she never had been exposed at that level before, especially not at such a disadvantage.

It would give her more urgency to hunt down Techno and Loufe later on, or negotiate with them.

You can edit your post if you'd like knowing this now, or we can go for a few more posts. Up to you really.
Okay, guess I'll make Loufe knock off a powerful bounty hunter after dealing with the body-rotting poison currently going through his leg.

Busy 20 seconds that'll be.
@BurbleBurble should I let you first before I have Loufe go for the knock off? Or should I just go ahead? I might have to slightly auto Necrodytis if that's the case, since she hasn't reacted to Loufe kicking her away yet.

Oh, don't be such a baby! Feet grow back!

No, ze don't!

In actuality it's probably not a significant enough cut to rot off the entire foot as I said. Like, basically- Imagine that the parasite rapidly replicates itself. This causes the wound to "rot". However outside of Necrodytis's specific body, it also rapidly dies, which means it can't really replicate fast enough to rot an entire limb unless there was a lot of the parasite/her blood in the wound in the first place. Does this make sense or am I spewing nonsense here?

And yes, you may auto the hit on the mask- I don't mind.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
alright, kiddos. might be a good time to let you in on the origins of the Paragons. i've been thinking this up at random times of the day, and now, i might have a definitive origin for them that we didn't have to go through to get where we are.

The Paragons have existed for seven years now. They were founded publicly by Patriot, who was simply just a well-loved hero before then. Paragon Tower was funded by Charles Warren and constructed by his men. Patriot, being the most powerful and most well-known, was made the leader of this new organization, which existed above the law thanks to the influence of Warren, who bribed government officials off of the matter of trying to control the Paragons. Patriot proceeded to recruit other heroes to his cause, which had been more noble in the beginning. Form a super team to stop super threats. Over the last seven years, his outlook has become twisted as his ego has grown exponentially. Originally, he was a typical goody two-shoes do-gooder. Now, he only shows up for publicity. If cameras will be there, so will he. In the shadows, however, Patriot does under-the-table dealings with crime syndicates and supervillains. Cretecon is even one of these, as the two appear to be mortal enemies in the eyes of the public and Patriot's fellow Paragons, when in actuality, they both get together for a brawl in order for Patriot to get more publicity, and Cretecon for money. Yin Li has been suspected this for years, and does her best to try and get the real story every time Cretecon emerges to battle with Patriot again. Charles Warren is in support of the Paragons for a singular reason. To be his unbeknownst guinea pigs. When he gets a chance (if he's able to), he'll use his people to collect tissue samples, saliva samples, hair samples, you name it. The only one he hasn't been able to get samples of is Patriot, whom is his main goal. So for seven years, the Paragons have fought in the name of justice and security, while slowly becoming more and more public celebrities. With each day, the organization only becomes just a little more corrupt, Patriot being the face of that corruption.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Thus why I don't want Angel to join them, that and she is an advocate for pacifism and she feels they go against her ideals.
When the Paragons eventually fall (and they will), there could be a new team. Sorta like with the Avengers. I think they had like, Young Avengers AND New Avengers? I'm not sure, I haven't read a Marvel comic outside of House of M for some time. The new team could be uncreatively named New Paragons or something. Or something more creative and original, but I haven't thought of something yet. She could eventually be a part of that team, as they'd be more about what the Paragons were originally formed to be, and not what they became. Not to mention Charles Warren wouldn't have influence over them this time, but that would probably also mean they'd have government constraints.
Think about her power's flaw. Feeling everyone else's pain as well as her own. She knows what it feels like. Why would she want to inflict that onto others? That and real life pacifists exist


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Oh! I should probably mention a future plotline that could be interesting to have.

So, as I'm sure everyone's aware by now, Charles Warren experiments and tampers with the laws of science. He uses superhero DNA for these experiments, and isn't afraid to test on human subjects. Sure, his personal scientists do most of the work, but Warren does get his hands dirty from time to time when his men hit a road block. So anyway, using collected DNA and whatnot, some of his test subjects will gain abilities, whether that be the same as the DNA they were experimented with, or totally new powers. This plotline won't take prevalence until much later down the line, probably after the fall of the Paragons. So these test subjects would become part of the New Paragon world.

On top of all of this, another thing Warren is working on is a superhuman depowering... thingy. An injection or a toxin, not yet decided, that can effectively block superhuman's powers, or if potent enough, completely erase their abilities as well. This is how he will manage to keep his powered test subjects contained. Give them power, then take it away. So this 'superhuman cure' can also pose a very good plotline in the future when the government gets ahold of it, or someone who decides 'no more supers' like they're Scarlet Witch without reality powers or something.
Ngl, it'd be really funny if, should we go with the Heralds idea, in response to either the Heralds or the bigger big bad they serve (or whatever super duper big bad we go ahead with honestly) wreaking havoc on earth, Warren tries to sic his new test subject supers on them and they just get bopped instantly lmao


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Ngl, it'd be really funny if, should we go with the Heralds idea, in response to either the Heralds or the bigger big bad they serve (or whatever super duper big bad we go ahead with honestly) wreaking havoc on earth, Warren tries to sic his new test subject supers on them and they just get bopped instantly lmao
i actually did think about that, but then i was like 'nah'. the only one who'd stand a chance would be one made out of Patriot's DNA, and even then, those kinds of powers take time to harness. not to mention i doubt Warren will have Patriot's DNA by that time.
Ah, my bad for not clarifying; I meant having the test subjects get whacked lol. Seeing Warren's prized project just get trampled instantly after hyping it up for a bit would be hilarious, even if they were able to decently utilize their abilities


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
@The Dark Fairy
once some of these scenes finish up and we have a little time jump, i was thinking we could finally have that Doctor Chrome introduction through a scene with Warren, possibly. you can choose the location, whether Chrome will be working in Chuck's labs or have his own outpost somewhere.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d

because i'm having trouble remembering what 'faction' everyone belongs to, i'm gonna make a list.

Grayson Everest "Patriot"
Forsythe 'Four' Carter "Infinity"
Samuel Atkins "Telekine-kid"
Ansel Ceredes "Deluge"
Max Vihainen "Iratus"

Charles Warren
Lilian Donavan


Police Chief Yin Li

Kerco Kovich "Aroto"
Hitori "Techno"
Loufe Wolven/'Other Self'
Alan Martinson "Adapter"
Logan Maverick "Magnetic"
Adrianna Kaylee 'Adrie' Hathaway "Lights Out"
Drake Lanthorn "Crosshair"
Henry Carley "Lucky Fighter"
Shuzo Takeshi "Sparkblade"
Nikolai Akutni "Ground Zero"
Isak Fridson "Phoenix"
Celice Welles "Scavenger"
Angel Wreath "Dove"
Destiny Gander "Big Brain"
Leo Watts "Lag"
Ryghedro Uehn'zerean 'Ryan Urnen' "Silent Night

Janice Whittle "Necrodytis"

Tobias Anthony 'Tony' Nelson "The Planted Guardian"
Hansen Dokron "Doctor Chrome"
Hayashi Takanibu "Thanatos"
Kage Hito "Elemental"

Levi Crowell "Alabandus"
Modolo Weiser "Surprise Super"
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Leo will probably be a part of the New Paragons, considering his power is actually very powerful despite its rather unimpressive first glance. He also has a good heart. Max does too, and will probably become a masked vigilante or something after the fall of the Paragons, except Leo is actually nice xD. Also, Leo doesn’t have a faction, but he’s a hero. Also also, I’m guessing the rest of the Paragons are unaware of Patriot’s evil plotting?


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Destiny is independent.
And now.... changes have been MADE.
Leo will probably be a part of the New Paragons, considering his power is actually very powerful despite its rather unimpressive first glance. He also has a good heart. Max does too, and will probably become a masked vigilante or something after the fall of the Paragons, except Leo is actually nice xD. Also, Leo doesn’t have a faction, but he’s a hero. Also also, I’m guessing the rest of the Paragons are unaware of Patriot’s evil plotting?
indeed indeed good sir. Patriot's backdoor dealings are more or less unbeknownst to his fellow Paragons. sure, they'd probably know he does something shady in his free time, but as of now, none of them are aware of what it is.
He has his own place. I was personally thinking someplace outside America
time to take a private jet to a private island and visit a private lab run by a private man.
would you want Lilian to accompany him or to remain with CL-9?
Dang, you beat me to making that list Comic :p

I don't think it's terribly outlandish that teams may form regardless of whether they are "Paragons" or not. Crosshair and Sparkblade have teamed up, Techno and Loufe teamed up. Leo/Lag and Angel/Dove are buddies now too. I can see these groups grabbing more vigilantes or possibly crossing over themselves in the future.