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The Paragons - Act I Discussion

I'm down for a time skip as well, provided @Captain Cardboard is good with leaving the Shuzo/Crosshair vs. Massi thing on the cliffhanger I unknowingly tried to set up (if you wanna keep that going on for a bit longer, though, I'm down to continue), but @comic also needs to decide on a concrete arc for us to follow before we progress with a skip; the Techno/Loufe vs. Necrodytis fight hasn't been concluded yet either, and I don't know what's gonna happen with Ansel vs. Tobias' dragons and the Logan/Scavenger thing
the Techno/Loufe vs. Necrodytis fight hasn't been concluded yet either, and I don't know what's gonna happen with Ansel vs. Tobias' dragons and the Logan/Scavenger thing
Since Cmeriweather's just been super quiet about it, I was just going to quietly move on from these encounters. I'm still waiting to progress the Necrodytis fight, but I can also cut it shorter if we all just want to move on from that. She's at a pretty heavy disadvantage anyways.

I might make a bio here. But I want to know, what is currently happening?
- Bank broken into by rock man (Cretecon). Diet Homelander (Patriot) beats him up and is shamed by police (Yin Li) for causing too much damage. He sulks off and goes and bullies his friend old young man (Four), and he then goes off into the streets to sulk and beat up muggers.
- Despite the bank just being broken into, a dude (Henry) is trying to break into it again. Another guy (Kerco) is checking around the bank by erasing people's memories once they meet him, so I can sense a conflict brewing.
- Edgelord zombie woman (Necrodytis) is hired to go knock off tech thief paraplegic (Hidori/Techno) who is currently talking to a werewolf (Loufe and OS)
- Lucky man (Drake), electrical man who studied the sword (Shuzo), and Hell's chef (Nikolai) are moving into the docks, the first two to stop a weapon smuggling incident and the other guy to figure out what the hell is going on in the city. Possibly just to know, not so much cause he's in on it or anything.
- Lex Luthor with hair (Charles Warren) awakens the ancient girl in a crystal (Lilian) to help him with his plans to become Syndrome from the Incredibles.
Updates to this include that Warren is actually working on a project to mass give superpowers/bring back the dead (Maybe both, he seems like a productive man), Infinity and Lilian met up and knew one another (Because Infinity is an immortal guy who doesn't age), and Drake and Shuzo are now teaming up to hunt down an alien parasite called Massi. Also Kerco and Nikolai were talking about things in the Bank.

I think that's everything in a nutshell.
Real Name: Angel Wreath
Alias: Dove
Age/Gender: She's around 16 (Clearly a female...)
Race: Human, though she can transform into a dove (and only a dove)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Angel is a kindhearted girl who hates violence and is a pacifist in nature, though she will defend herself if necessary (minimal force). She is helpful and considerate, though very timid. More in RP...
Flaws: She would rather run than fight, has no real way to defend herself, and she feels pain when someone nearby is in pain.
Angel can turn into a beautiful white dove. She can also heal the pain of others (not herself though), at the cost of feeling everyone else's pain.
Backstory: At a young age, Angel's parents took her out of public school due to her feeling everyone else's pain as well. She was homeschooled since then, being sheltered in hope that she would live a life without consent pain. She became old enough for her parents to let her out of the house more and more often. There, backstory.

Real Name: Destiny Gander
Alias: Big Brain
Age/Gender: Female 20
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: Destiny is, well, she no longer cares about what happens. She is indifferent on everything, her powers making her feel more like she simply observes what happens in life instead of experience it. The only things she has any feelings towards are her pet and being lied to. She also doesn't like to be around people, as they're hard to predict.
Flaws: Her indifference makes her almost never act. She also cannot fight well.
Powers: She has the brain of a supercomputer. She remembers every experience and can pull it up in an instant. Any fact, any emotion, any person. She can also tell when anyone lies.
Backstory: Uh, reveal later? She hasn't done too much in her life, I expect. And she certainly hasn't chosen a side at all...
This looks real interesting. I’m probably gonna have 2 or 3 characters, as I’ve had a creative spark recently and have been getting a lot of new ideas. Here’s my first one, I’ll work on the other(s) later. (This is still open right? XD)

Real Name: Leo Watts
Alias: Lag
Age/Gender: 16/Male
Race: Human (Mix of Hispanic and white if you want specifics.)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: Leo is pretty friendly and outgoing most of the time, often cracking jokes to break the ice. He makes friends very easily and is usually enjoyable to be around. However, despite his friendly and casual demeanor, he is actually very intelligent and is always thinking of backup plans in case something goes wrong. When he comes across someone he finds suspicious, he comes up with a plan to defeat them, often having multiple in case any go wrong. He is also a technological genius, which can come in handy during battle or just to show off his big brain. (He will probably have character development in rp, along with me probably adding to this part gradually as time goes on.)
Flaws: He is annoyed very easily, and will become basically the exact opposite of what he usually is if he is annoyed enough. Mean, snarky, overconfident, etc. He also isn’t very patient and prefers to get things done quickly.
Powers: Time Lag: Leo has the ability to drastically slow down time in a 10 meter radius, he is unaffected by his power and moves at his normal speed while everyone else is slowed down, making him super fast to everyone else.(Except those with super speed, which will most likely just move the same speed as him while his power is active.) He activates and deactivates his power by snapping his fingers. Drawbacks: Leo can not breathe while his power is active, this also applies to his special attack. He can also not control what his power affects, making everything in the 10 meter radius slowed down drastically, friend or foe. Special Attack: Complete Stop. Like the name suggests, Leo stops time in a 50 meter radius for 30 seconds. After using this, he can not use Time Lag in general for 30 minutes, so he uses this attack very sparingly. He is unaffected by this attack. Additional: He also has increased strength and speed compared to normal people. Nothing crazy though, just enhanced. No smashing buildings or going the speed of sound. He can also teleport. Not anywhere though, only where he can see, or to a random spot in a mile radius.
Equipment: For his neutral spe- Leo also has a gun. While it is only the size of a normal handgun, it is very powerful, firing shots that can pierce thick metal walls with one bullet. It combos very well with his power, as he can usually just slow time and shoot the enemy in the face if he needs to. Leo is also a technological genius, and natural has some nifty stuff just in case he needs it. He has highly advanced technology and can cause things like EMPs. He has a lot of other equipment, too much to name. However, he obviously doesn't keep it all on his person. The only things he has on him are: His gun, which he keeps in a hidden holster on his hip, EMP bombs the size of Gatorade bottles which he also keeps hidden in a few holsters on his hip, and goggles that look ones a typical engineer would wear on his forehead or his eyes when he's actually using them. (While they look normal, they are actually fitted with many technological wonders.)
Backstory: I honestly do not have one yet, I will try to come up with one soon. For now though, let’s just assume he’s lived a normal life up until now.
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Okey dokey, I’ve been holding out for a bit to get Leo accepted, but I’ll just post this here for now, and think of a possible third later, but I might just stick with two.

Real Name: Max Vihainen
Alias: Iratus (Bet you don’t know what this means without using google translate.)
Age/Gender: 17/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Gray area between Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Max is a very arrogant, aggressive, violent, and antagonistic person. (Which benefits his power.) With the attitude reminiscent of a teenage delinquent, Max tends to come off as very anti-heroic, if not downright villainous. Brutal and bloodthirsty, Max’s personality shows in his fighting style: Mercilessly assaulting his opponent and not caring for nearby objects or structures, merely destroying them with his power. He completely disregards the rule that powers shouldn’t be used casually or in public and will use it for a number of reasons, such as intimidating someone, out of frustration, or even to simply punctuate a point. While not the most mentally stable member of the Paragons, he knows who his allies and enemies are. Cold to his allies, but not to the extent of friendly fire, and colder and more brutal with his enemies. He is also very hot-headed, tending to have outbursts at even the slightest annoyances. Due to the constant praise of his powerful abilities as a child, he has a large superiority complex and wants to be the best at everything. He hates when people looks down on him as if they were superior, which quickly ignites his already short fuse. He shows little interest in socializing and often forgets people’s powers and even their names if they don’t impress him. Despite his hot-headedness, he is very talented in fighting and will also use his power very strategically if pure assault isn’t working. He is also very intelligent, as shown by his clever strategies and plans, some even consider him a natural genius. Max is also immensely prideful, as he hates the idea of others helping him or him having to rely on others. Due to this, he will almost never work together with someone else unless he absolutely needs to, which means he’ll usually charge into battle by himself, claiming he can do whatever he wants on his own. However, despite his unlikeable personality, he has a good heart and legitimately wants to help people, which is why he is so brutal and merciless, because he doesn’t want anything to get in his way of becoming a great hero. Overall, he isn’t a very likable person, but is a valuable member of the Paragons due to his immense power and strategic planning.
Flaws: His whole personality is basically a flaw, especially his pride. His pride can cause him losses due to him usually outright refusing to work together.
Powers: Negative: Max can convert any of his negative feelings into raw power and energy, allowing him to greatly increase his physical strength to the point of toppling average sized houses if he has enough negative emotions. He can also use it to create blasts of the energy, allowing him to cover close range, mid-range, and long range. These blasts are even more powerful than his negative-powered physical attacks, being able to topple large buildings if the negative energy is powerful enough, but take a second to charge up and use. The more powerful his negative emotions are, the more powerful he becomes. Neutral negative emotions like confusion can also power his ability, but not as much as anger or sadness. Drawbacks: He cannot use his power if he doesn’t have any negative emotions, so he is at a disadvantage if he is in a good mood, which kind of sucks. Also, when Max’s emotions get too strong, the energy can affect those around him, albeit friend of foe, since his negativity is literally radiating off of him in energy waves. Special Abilities/Attacks: Adversity: Max creates an unbreakable invisible wall with his power. However, this greatly fatigues him and requires a great deal of negative energy to use. Chaotic Blast: Max conjures all of his negative energy into one massive blast. This greatly fatigues him however and he will usually pass out right afterwards. (On the bright side you’ll be able to see him at peace for a few minutes.) Additional: He has natural athletic strength and speed, so he isn’t completely helpless without his power. His reaction time is also incredible, some might even consider it impossible to get the drop on him.
Backstory: He’s lived a pretty normal life up until now.

Phew, that was a lot. Sorry for the massive wall of writing, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Real Name: Angel Wreath
Alias: Dove
Age/Gender: She's around 16 (Clearly a female...)
Race: Human, though she can transform into a dove (and only a dove)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Angel is a kindhearted girl who hates violence and is a pacifist in nature, though she will defend herself if necessary (minimal force). She is helpful and considerate, though very timid. More in RP...
Flaws: She would rather run than fight, has no real way to defend herself, and she feels pain when someone nearby is in pain.
Angel can turn into a beautiful white dove. She can also heal the pain of others (not herself though), at the cost of feeling everyone else's pain.
Backstory: At a young age, Angel's parents took her out of public school due to her feeling everyone else's pain as well. She was homeschooled since then, being sheltered in hope that she would live a life without consent pain. She became old enough for her parents to let her out of the house more and more often. There, backstory.

Real Name: Destiny Gander
Alias: Big Brain
Age/Gender: Female 20
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: Destiny is, well, she no longer cares about what happens. She is indifferent on everything, her powers making her feel more like she simply observes what happens in life instead of experience it. The only things she has any feelings towards are her pet and being lied to. She also doesn't like to be around people, as they're hard to predict.
Flaws: Her indifference makes her almost never act. She also cannot fight well.
Powers: She has the brain of a supercomputer. She remembers every experience and can pull it up in an instant. Any fact, any emotion, any person. She can also tell when anyone lies.
Backstory: Uh, reveal later? She hasn't done too much in her life, I expect. And she certainly hasn't chosen a side at all...
Okey dokey, I’ve been holding out for a bit to get Leo accepted, but I’ll just post this here for now, and think of a possible third later, but I might just stick with two.

Real Name: Max Vihainen
Alias: Iratus (Bet you don’t know what this means without using google translate.)
Age/Gender: 17/Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Gray area between Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Max is a very arrogant, aggressive, violent, and antagonistic person. (Which benefits his power.) With the personality of a teenage delinquent, Max tends to come off as very anti-heroic, if not downright villainous. Brutal and bloodthirsty, Max’s personality shows in his fighting style: Mercilessly assaulting his opponent and not caring for nearby objects or structures, merely destroying them with his power. He completely disregards the rule that powers shouldn’t be used casually or in public and will use it for a number of reasons, such as intimidating someone, out of frustration, or even to simply punctuate a point. While not the most mentally stable member of the Paragons, he knows who his allies and enemies are. Cold to his allies, but not to the extent of friendly fire, and colder and more brutal with his enemies. He is also very hot-headed, tending to have outbursts at even the slightest annoyances. Due to the constant praise of his powerful abilities as a child, he has a large superiority complex and wants to be the best at everything. He hates when people looks down on him as if they were superior, which quickly ignites his already short fuse. He shows little interest in socializing and often forgets people’s powers and even their names if they don’t impress him. Despite his hot-headedness, he is very talented in fighting and will also use his power very strategically if pure assault isn’t working. He is also very intelligent, as shown by his clever strategies and plans, some even consider him a natural genius. Max is also immensely prideful, as he hates the idea of others helping him or him having to rely on others. Due to this, he will almost never work together with someone else unless he absolutely needs to, which means he’ll usually charge into battle by himself, claiming he can do whatever he wants on his own. Overall, he isn’t a very likable person, but is a valuable member of the Paragons due to his immense power and strategic planning.
Flaws: His whole personality is basically a flaw, especially his pride. His pride can cause him losses due to him usually outright refusing to work together.
Powers: Negative: Max can convert any of his negative feelings into raw power and energy, allowing him to greatly increase his physical strength to the point of toppling average sized houses if he has enough negative emotions. He can also use it to create blasts of the energy, allowing him to cover close range, mid-range, and long range. These blasts are even more powerful than his negative-powered physical attacks, being able to topple large buildings if the negative energy is powerful enough, but take a second to charge up and use. The more powerful his negative emotions are, the more powerful he becomes. Neutral negative emotions like confusion can also power his ability, but not as much as anger or sadness. Drawbacks: He cannot use his power if he doesn’t have any negative emotions, so he is at a disadvantage if he is in a good mood, which kind of sucks. Also, when Max’s emotions get too strong, the energy can affect those around him, albeit friend of foe, since his negativity is literally radiating off of him in energy waves. Special Abilities/Attacks: Adversity: Max creates an unbreakable invisible wall with his power. However, this greatly fatigues him and requires a great deal of negative energy to use. Chaotic Blast: Max conjures all of his negative energy into one massive blast. This greatly fatigues him however and he will usually pass out right afterwards. (On the bright side you’ll be able to see him at peace for a few minutes.)
Backstory: He’s lived a pretty normal life up until now.

Phew, that was a lot. Sorry for the massive wall of writing, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible.
This looks real interesting. I’m probably gonna have 2 or 3 characters, as I’ve had a creative spark recently and have been getting a lot of new ideas. Here’s my first one, I’ll work on the other(s) later. (This is still open right? XD)

Real Name: Leo Watts
Alias: Lag
Age/Gender: 16/Male
Race: Human (Mix of Hispanic and white if you want specifics.)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: Leo is pretty friendly and outgoing most of the time, often cracking jokes to break the ice. He makes friends very easily and is usually enjoyable to be around. However, despite his friendly and casual demeanor, he is actually very intelligent and is always thinking of backup plans in case something goes wrong. When he comes across someone he finds suspicious, he comes up with a plan to defeat them, often having multiple in case any go wrong. (He will probably have character development in rp, along with me probably adding to this part gradually as time goes on.)
Flaws: He is annoyed very easily, and will become basically the exact opposite of what he usually is if he is annoyed enough. Mean, snarky, overconfident, etc. He also isn’t very patient and prefers to get things done quickly.
Powers: Time Lag: Leo has the ability to drastically slow down time in a 10 meter radius, he is unaffected by his power and moves at his normal speed while everyone else is slowed down, making him super fast to everyone else.(Except those with super speed, which will most likely just move the same speed as him while his power is active.) He activates and deactivates his power by snapping his fingers. Drawbacks: Leo can not breathe while his power is active, this also applies to his special attack. He can also not control what his power affects, making everything in the 10 meter radius slowed down drastically, friend or foe. Special Attack: Complete Stop. Like the name suggests, Leo stops time in a 50 meter radius for 30 seconds. After using this, he can not use Time Lag in general for 30 minutes, so he uses this attack very sparingly. He is unaffected by this attack. Additional: He also has increased strength and speed compared to normal people. Nothing crazy though, just enhanced. No smashing buildings or going the speed of sound.
Backstory: I honestly do not have one yet, I will try to come up with one soon. For now though, let’s just assume he’s lived a normal life up until now.
Achievement Unlocked: QUADRUPLE ACCEPT

So, for the direction of PLOT. @OmnipotentOnion, your amalgam of my suggestions seems like the most viable route to take. I have no problem with it- in fact, I'm in full support of it. So if anybody else is fine with it, then we'll go ahead with that progression once current scenes have wrapped up.