I'm thinking of drawing a picture of Fliker, my gorgeous Pyroar. Not sure when I'll be able to do it though 

gunshot@SparkyLewis949 What kind of shot?
At the risk of sounding gruesome: you probably wouldn't notice anything, not even the sound of the gunshot.gunshot
Yeah, except the fact your whiting out, depending what angle you were shot atAt the risk of sounding gruesome: you probably wouldn't notice anything, not even the sound of the gunshot.
@theclownfish when people stop being jerks.
Also my feet are tired as fuck from these past three days. Epcot Thursday, Wedding (and showing off MAD DANCE MOVES) Friday, and Magic Kingdom today. However, I did get some nice loot in the form of a Helioptile plush, a Pokemon XY Pokedex guidebook, some candies, and a Christmas Minnie plush. In addition, I rode Splash Mountain and Space Mountain twice each, which was SO worth it. Like, I would totally ride Space Mountain at least five times if it wasn't for the fact that my feet just refuse to cooperate anymore.
Overall, a GREAT vacation, especially since the last day was almost completely parent-less.
Ah, I remember Disney World. Epcot was amazing (Japan Section~♥), and since I was there on school business our class got to ride Space Mountain with the lights on. Let me just say, after doing that you'll NEVER want to raise your hands.Everything there is great, I wish I could go again.
I feel you bruh. I woke up at 4 this morning to "Sexy Bitch" like what?Who plays music loudly at 3am? Only my neighbors. Ugh, one day I'm going to get revenge,but somehow.
I literally woke up to Queens "We are the champions".It's either I get soundproofing, or I complain as usual.
Who plays music loudly at 3am? Only my neighbors. Ugh, one day I'm going to get revenge,but somehow.
I literally woke up to Queens "We are the champions".It's either I get soundproofing, or I complain as usual.
Who plays music loudly at 3am? Only my neighbors. Ugh, one day I'm going to get revenge,but somehow.
I literally woke up to Queens "We are the champions".It's either I get soundproofing, or I complain as usual.
I feel you bruh. I woke up at 4 this morning to "Sexy Bitch" like what?
What if I was you guys' neighbor and play DragonForce at 3:30 in the morning? (Hey, at least it's good music.)the neighbors at the back always do it but its when im doing my work usually and whats worse is they play shitty pop music
and my other neighbors always take the trash out and talk at 10:00 pm
the neighbors at the back always do it but its when im doing my work usually and whats worse is they play shitty pop music
and my other neighbors always take the trash out and talk at 10:00 pm
My bed is far too high up for that, and I don't have a 3DS. Plus I dislike TV :/Why don't you just stay in your bed all the time and have a TV table next to it so you can eat? And tissues and a trash can, all the bare necessities. Including your 3DS.
Only time you need to get up is if you need to use the bathroom, so that ladder could be useful.
But @Ruko, how do you know what cat food tastes like?
No, not a TV, a TV TABLE. Like these.My bed is far too high up for that, and I don't have a 3DS. Plus I dislike TV :/
Are you sure you don't?ORAS DEMO GET.
Meanwhile I'm just sitting here for a week to pass so my birthday can come and I can actually officially OWN the game.I now have Mega Salamence on my team.
It may very well be the strongest non-legendary Mega Evolution in the game, but it'll be a long, long time before I'm able to get over how utterly stupid the thing looks.