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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Guess who made it back to their parentals and managed to dodge all the academic-related questions thrown at them.
That's right.
This bitch here.
God I am so awesome I amaze myself sometimes haaaaaa~


✧luzrov rulay✧
Ugh, I found the perfect sword that fit my cosplay needs at party city, and it even had a scabbard too~.I was searching for a banner that says it's a boy, for my new born cousin, and I found the sword in the aisle.
Now I told all of my younger cousins that they couldn't get anything (We were only there for the banner), because I already bought them gifts but,they said I couldn't get it because I already bought candy for myself. Due to my rule, I couldn't buy the sword. These are really crafty kids.
One day, I'll find that sword, and buy it~

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I just learned that Maryland state law prohibits Atheists from serving in public office or on jury duty. Despite the fact that that is terribly discriminatory and violates religious freedom, I now have a legitimate excuse to never serve jury duty again! I just wish I knew about that law 3 years ago when they called me in so I could have said "Fuck you, I'm an Atheist!" and not wasted my day.
I found this little cutie while I was in @lilonegia FS on Pokemon Y. Thank you so much Gia! i'm so happy X3


  • 2014-12-14 21-17-57.999.jpg
    2014-12-14 21-17-57.999.jpg
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Formerly SuperSableye24
Aw jeez. Apparently leaving problems alone for two to three days makes them worse. -n- My XL won't even go to the first notch anymore before shutting down, it won't turn on no matter what, and I haven't touched it since Friday. Sorry @Kyubeon. :(


✧luzrov rulay✧
I've officially canceled the idea of going to Times Square for New Years.This is a opportunity I can not miss, and fireworks~! The holiday season is slowly taking over.
Also, my favorite diner is closing down this week, and their last day of operation is tomorrow, and I haven't said goodbye to the food yet.I hope to go, and stuff myself, with their good food and say goodbye to the crew.
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I've officially canceled the idea of going to Times Square for New Years.This is a opportunity I can not miss, and fireworks~! The holiday season is slowly taking over.
Also, my favorite diner is closing down this week, and their last day of operation is tomorrow, and I haven't said goodbye to the food yet.I hope to go, and stuff myself, with their good food and say goodbye to the crew.
Why is it closing down?


✧luzrov rulay✧
Due to real estate wanting a "condo" building, and the owner wanted to sell it for the last 10 years, or as I heard him complaining.To think he wanted 20 million dollars, is a laugh, but he got 13, which is still a hefty sum. It has a perfect view of the surrounding bay, in the background~
There's tons of Apartment and Condo buildings in the area, and now another one. I mean the diner's been around for 40 years, and it had no competition, except for the local delicacy of Roll 'n Roaster and the Seafood buffet place.
I've got to go there tomorrow, and have my usual meal.
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Due to real estate wanting a "condo" building, and the owner wanted to sell it for the last 10 years, or as I heard him complaining.To think he wanted 20 million dollars, is a laugh, but he got 13, which is still a hefty sum. It has a perfect view of the surrounding bay, the Holocaust Memorial, and in the background~
There's tons of Apartment and Condo buildings in the area, and now another one. I mean the diner's been around for 40 years, and it had no competition, except for the local delicacy of Roll 'n Roaster and the Seafood buffet place.
I've got to go there tomorrow, and have my usual meal.
Well I hope this last meal is better than it has ever been.
Playing the fnaf 2 demo on my dad's play phone... Fricken Toy Bonnie in one vent, Toy Chica in the other, plus Toy Freddy staring at me in the vent in front of me.. so yeah >_<

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
On the one hand, got 6 badges in AS so far! On the other hand, gsh darn it I'm sick. But hey, at least that gives me an excuse to tuck away in my room and play some more AS~

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Since the day I started Alpha Sapphire I have not rebattled anyone with the Trainer's Eyes because I wanted to save them until I was ready to do mass level grinding to evolve my low level Pokemon. Started that today only to find out that the Trainers on early Routes are using Pokemon in their mid to high 20s. I thought that was kind of strange so I looked up the list on Serebii. They've been skipping rematch stages and leveling up with me! That's some bullshit right there! D:<
I'm stressing a bit. I lost my wallet and it has a ton of shit that I need in it, such as an ID, my bus pass, and my credit card...
So if I can't find it tomorrow at either my office or the bus depot I'm SOL.

Wallet has been found everything is in it. I feel better.
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Ahhh, I love RPing and being the horribly evil overlord that's pure purpose in life is to make my 'children' and the people I RP with miserable.
This is mostly because I finally dropped something in a RP that I've been sitting on for over a year now, and I just want to laugh maniacally.


✧luzrov rulay✧
I'm currently trying to play this piece on the flute.
It seems, easy enough, but damn these little slurs.
I've managed to get the hang of the (edit-most) of the piece, but it's frustrating.
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Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
So just had my first day of classes today, and one of my professors reeks of "durr hburr technology is bad, fire is scary, and Thomas Edison was a witch". The other one is cool and seems very interesting. I haven't gone to my other three classes yet, and I'm pretty sure those will be my harder ones :x


Formerly LatiasMusic
I think I'm immune to heat or something. A few days ago it was 30°C (aka 86°F) and I was freezing, and today it is even hotter, but I still keep with the same thing. (It is almost never hot in my city though)


Formerly SuperSableye24
Doing homework while watching my children my amiibo fight each other is fun~
Also, just got an e-mail saying my Pit amiibo has shipped! :'o So happy!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football


You probably don't understand but just... ahhhh I usually just don't do the first homework because "you get to drop x number of homeworks from your final grade" so I'm just all "okay then, that means I don't have to do the first x number of homeworks", which leads to me just not doing homework in general. So yeah, this is an immense step forward to me conquering the rest of this semester.

I'm just really proud of myself for something so small and wanted to share my happiness I guess ^^;
So the other day I went to church, and a little boy walked up to one of my EDGE teachers and asked her if he could wear a kippah. He got yelled at for "even thinking a thing like that", as she put it. I'm still angry at her, considering this is the same lady who told me to "stop being a baby and grow up" just for having some fun.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
The last 24 hours was such a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I woke up stressed about everything due today and tomorrow (homework, career fair, and a quiz), had a cool-down period in class where I basically wrote half of a one-shot, got back to being stressed as hell, then laughed my pants off with the premier of Fresh Off the Boat, had fun with friends finishing up a chat RP plotline, and finally flailed around trying to finish homework and touch up my resume, all while having a pounding headache this whole time.

I can't sleep now because I'm so stressed out, too, and literally nothing is helping. I mean, I did my homework, I looked at my resume and practiced my introduction spiel, I looked at the study guide for the quiz, but I'm still nervous as heck for everything. And the worst part is, I'm almost NEVER nervous or worried or even stressed like this, so I have no idea how to calm down or deal with this. My friends already gave me advice and tried to comfort me but really I'm just so all over the place I'm about to cry.

Everyone should watch Fresh Off the Boat, though. I mean, I liked it, it's pretty funny. Also ASIANS. I almost never see a TV show with Asians as the protagonists, especially nothing live action. Or a sitcom. I just hope it doesn't get a lot of backlash (which it already seems to be getting, but I guess that's to be expected?)


Formerly Aurora Beam
Honestly, I just have one thought going through my mind: Fuck School. All of my teachers decided THIS was the week to give HUGE assignments due the DAY AFTER they were assigned. That and the fact that the social ladder got fucked up after I became popular. On the good side of this, this now means that playing pokemon is NOT punishable by death or by being bullied. but nobody's really sure about the social ladder anymore. honestly, Fuck social status, If I got my close friends, my 3ds, and Pokecharms, Life's good . . . .