I kind of just need to vent right now.
You know, I just really love seeing how
some people react to same-sex marriage in America. No seriously, it gets more ridiculously funny with each hateful, ignorant remark. And it's been amusing to watch some of the Republican presidential hopefuls for 2016 struggle against a majority opinion among all American citizens for favoring same-sex marriage.
Recently, I've been seeing some of them say that they can basically ignore anything the Supreme Court says, because God is the higher authority and we should disregard any laws that go against his "will."

I've seen them pledge to somehow pass an amendment that will allow people to ban same-sex marriage, however the hell that works. I've seen people not wanting to "condone the homosexual lifestyle," and I've seen people claim we should not "redefine the rightful definition of the stable institution of marriage."
Oh, and plenty of talk about how the "homosexual agenda" being pushed is trying to destroy marriage, discriminate against opponents of same-sex marriage, and bully them, the "victims."
Oh, and let's not forget that homosexuality is being compared to alcoholism, climate change, and pedophilia/beastiality/polygamy, as well as apparently killing children prematurely, like being gay is a contagious disease that causes minors to drop dead upon being infected.
Oh, and let's not leave
this out, either. Yes, what you reading in that article is true.
Sometimes, I really just don't understand human beings.
Okay, done ranting now.