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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread


Formerly LatiasMusic
I just wish this site used HTML. So I could make this adorable little thing:

<div style="background: #6b1b19; margin-left: 50px; border: 10px double #ea9d14; width: 500px; height: 100px; overflow-x: hidden;"> <p>SCROLL BOXESSS</p> </div>
Pokemon RP idea:

>Take the entire plot of Digimon Frontier
>Replace the Digi-spirits with Mega Stones
>Replace Ophanimon, Seraphimon, and Cherubimon with a Legendary Trio of your choice


Formerly Raf-A-Rum
Whelp, this is how yesterday went for me, running into this morning:
(1) Lost my 3DS somewhere in my bed, scrounging around for it I accidentally sat on it, breaking the top screen clean off. Now it's officially broken... and a good majority of data lost. :p
(2) Working on our English final, a group presentation, has been hard, but it just got even harder. There's apparently a senior skip day today that jeopardizes all of our planning and work, considering that the two students (both seniors) in our group that are basically running the operation are skipping.
(3) I got a lovely little note back from one of my favored colleges saying that they don't want me. I have all of the requirements to enter, but they plain and simple just don't want me.
oh... what a though day... too many things happening.. welp I'm sure something good is bound to happen..
So back when I first joined Pokecharms I posted some sprites I had made (I can't find them anymore)... And I know one got added to the TMC... but it's credited to a different person. :T I just know I made that sprite. I might just be looking to far into things because I'm tired, but I could have sworn it was mine. I don't know, but thinking about this is making my head hurt so I'm going to bed.@.@
Me, talking to a friend: So I'm dating Alycia apparently? *chuckle*
Friend: I thought you said you were a lesbian? When you called her bae I just thought..
Me: I'm bi, dude. But it's fine. It's a common mistake.
Bully: You said "you're bi" proudly?

I highly dislike people who bully me or my friends and then feel the need to make fun of my or my friend's orientation. Fucking nonsense.


✧luzrov rulay✧
Urban fashion meets new heights at conventions. I'm shopping to look fan this week.
But Gah, sometimes I really need to stop being the center of attention. It can really kill a person sometimes, as you're always overloaded with work~
At least I get the entire week off of work!~


✧luzrov rulay✧
My best friend just offered me a wifi party in her room.I'd rather head out to Chipotle instead, and hopefully I'll find a place that has milkshakes here~~
Gah, at first there's so many panels that didn't spark my interest, but a friend took me to one of the panels that I thought was boring, and I loved it!
I might hit the shops later, haha, I'm in no big rush.
It's official. Part of you lives in Massachusetts.


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Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football

It was such a slow day at work today, we decided to make fun of our manager and put up a mini-him on our drink machine. This was actually our second attempt at making one; our first one was really badly made XD

Actually, in general, despite it being a slow day, a lot of stuff happened. I found out Josh (the manager mentioned above) is a pretty big Pokenerd like me, we ran out of coke and Josh ended up taking the blame for "breaking" the machine (it wasn't really broken, but it's just fun to blame someone), and our ice cream machine broke while I was making a McFlurry so I ended up getting the blame for that (status: still broken, we probably need a couple new parts to get it working again. At least I don't have to pay for the damn thing)

EDIT: Also JUST fount this out, but I apparently went to school with Josh and was in the same orchestra as his younger brother in 8th grade. That's... like, really weird.
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So today for memorial's Day me and my parents decided to go our local pond. Yeah, it was a pretty good day, but the highlight of it was I got to bring home 5 tadpoles from the mini swamp area. We were given permission, so we kept them and I was thinking that when they become frogs we can release them into the swamp again. It'll be great! ♥ (I know the heart was unnecessary but I'm trying so hard to be happy)

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
If I ever make a point-and-click adventure game I’ll introduce a bit where the player character is forced to pick up some kind of reddish-purple root vegetables. They will not look so well. In fact it would be pretty obvious there is some malady upon them and that they should not be consumed under any circumstance.

They would lug them around in their inventory for a sizable portion of the game and indubitably wonder - and be frustrated by the question - exactly what purpose do these pestilent, diseased veggies serve? They would try to use them in various puzzles with a varying degree of logic and fail, and whatever happens to the character, they just wouldn’t be able to get rid of them - until at a crucial juncture of the plot when picking the things up is all but forgotten, they would be challenged to a rap-off.

And then, finally, the terrible realization will dawn upon the player that this entire elaborate gag was orchestrated simply so that at the exact right moment, they’ll be able to drop some seriously ill beets.
So last night my friend Jaidah was being a motherly figure to me via text AKA she was struggling to get me to sleep and I was being that stubborn child. When I finally got calmer/sleepy, we had this conversation:

Me: I'm extremely sleepy now.
Jaidah: Thank Christ
Me: Goodnight
Jaidah: GN

This is where I misread the time on my phone.
Me 5 minutes later: Good morning.
Jaidah (I fell asleep at this point): You know I'm still awake right? What are you doing up?
Me at 6:16 this morning: Wait what?

*At school*
Jaidah: Hannah wtf you texted me "good morning" literally 5 minutes after you said "good night".
Me: Whenever I get extremely tired I see the time differently.
Jaidah: What time did you think it was?
Me: 5:15 AM
Jaidah: Dear God.
Me, talking to a friend: So I'm dating Alycia apparently? *chuckle*
Friend: I thought you said you were a lesbian? When you called her bae I just thought..
Me: I'm bi, dude. But it's fine. It's a common mistake.
Bully: You said "you're bi" proudly?

I highly dislike people who bully me or my friends and then feel the need to make fun of my or my friend's orientation. Fucking nonsense.
I know how you feel.

My friend was dating a girl who was
Lesbian and was afraid to tell him.
They broke up but still continued to be best friends ^^
So… yeah, this is really random, but apparently one of the McDonalds in my town has made this machine thing were you can basically create your own burger or something, so few friends and I are going to go and check it out this weekend. We've been making jokes about it all day, saying that we're going to make a burger with 50 paties, hash browns, nuggets, chips, 10 types of cheese, egg, bacon, 30 buns, waffles, chocolate syrup, apple pie and a fuck-load of sauce. Obviously we won't order anything like that because it's disgusting, and even if we did we'd probably die from eating it. Still, it does make us laugh though XD


✧luzrov rulay✧
Alright, I have 16-17 more days till my exams, and I'm in the process of losing it. 17 days is enough time to do all the things you want in life, yes?
I don't care about the rest of my finals, I just care about those 2 finals in perticular. I should have taken them earlier when I was offered, haha.
I'm in the process of losing my mind, and sanity. Please send all the help you can~
Once again I've fallen into the "My art really sucks" mood. Fuck, I'm never gonna be confident in my art am I *sighs* :/
AANNNDDD… onto something a bit more positive now, the Maccas run was great. We went to Bunnings after we had finished and ran around like a bunch of idiots, singing along to songs from Pitch Perfect 2, and a few other songs. Loudly as well. It's a wonder we weren’t kicked out :p

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Was honked at by a very rude customer at work yesterday, and ended up having to deal with a really bad anxiety attack for the next 2 hours because there were other customers who needed my attention and I really couldn't go hole myself in the restroom and cry during that time. I did manage to do so right after the lunch rush, but ugh.

Like... okay, we accidentally charged you extra and you got food you didn't want. You could always come in and talk to the manager instead of yelling at every single worker in drive-through, almost all who had no part in getting your order wrong (we always repeat the order about THREE TIMES, once at the speaker, once when they pay, and once when we give them the food, and it's their fault if they weren't paying attention to us). Jesus fucking Christ.
So, yeah A LOT has happened in my life since I gradumacated from the little leagues.
  • Applied to seven different colleges, managed to be accepted into two. Nwice!
  • Got an under-the-counter job for some family friends, working two days out of the week, and yet making twenty dollars an hour. Again, nwice!
  • Went camping for four days out in Homer, which is a beautiful little town near the ocean with FANTASTIC views of the mountains. Watched my friend get drunk and collapse on the beach. He eventually woke up when the high tide came in. He was instantly sober when the water soaked into his face. Fun times. :\=|:
  • Got into a car wreck due to a couple of idiot tourists suddenly stopping in front of us, on a highway, just to get a better look at some seagulls flying overhead. Luckily no one was seriously hurt. However, my friend had to hold me back to keep me from knocking up the driver of the other car, thanks to the first thing that spewed out of his mouth. "You guys look pretty banged up. Too bad you have to pay for your car to be fixed." (by the way, this happened yesterday, so I'm very surprised and happy that I'm able to function normally today)
  • Bought myself a New 3DS, so friend codes are very much desired. *nudges everyone reading this* ;)
  • Put together a killer Smash Bros. tournament a couple of days ago. :up::) Got thirty people involved, and the winner got a coupon for a free super-sized custom pizza. I entered myself in just for the heck of it, and was utterly destroyed in the last couple of rounds. Never made it to the semi-finals. ;_;
  • Bought myself a ticket to fly out to Virginia in a couple of weeks, so that's a thing now that's going to happen. Probably going to get better internet there, and most definitely going to be attending college there. Much luck I wish to be wished with. :)
...And yeah, that's pretty much all of the important stuff. Other than that, I beat Borderlands finally. I'm satisfied with this minor accomplishment.
For once I was innocent. I was just looking up a Disney character to draw for a friend. I don't know what I'm more pissed about, that my safe search on google doesn't work, or if these are the same women who bitch about people like strippers, because at least strippers don't strip fully in front of people, which I can assume because of what I've been told. Seriously, this makes me sick to my stomach, and I don't understand why this is a thing. Fucking disgusting.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
So I just got back from a con, yay! Good news, I got almost everything I wanted (almost, read on to see why not everything). Bad news, I asked for today off but I still had to go in to work. I even asked to leave early, but of course that didn't happen either. Fuck the management.

Anyways, so the loot! I didn't get much, but I'm really satisfied with my purchases regardless~

1) Fox Plushie!

This was almost definitely an impulse buy. Well, technically not even a "buy", as it was an early birthday gift to me from a friend XD Still, she's really soft and huggable and she's the perfect shade of purple! <333

2) Ayano Phone Strap

I'VE BEEN WANTING THIS SINCE PRE-ORDERS WERE RELEASED. SERIOUSLY. OMG. I wanted the whole dan but I didn't have enough money to buy all 10, so I just got my favorite character of the lot. ;w; I'll probably buy the others as my paychecks come in, tbh.

3) Kyubey Plushie

I don't think I need to say much more.


✧luzrov rulay✧
It's been less than 24 hours and Namco already released a bunch of new merch, an full anime OVA instead of just the episode that they gave us, a freaking museum, and a new videogame. Damn/ I can't wait for the TalesXHelloKitty Merch~~
I can't stop fangirlng oMG