Strap in for a read, guys, because I have a great story to tell you all.
So last night, I got on Wizard101 alongside my friend and her boyfriend. They hadn't played the game in years, and since I technically still play it, I thought it would be a fun idea to just bounce between different areas for kicks.
We all made new characters so we could all be on equal pace as we played. Mine was a Myth (conjurer) student named Alura Ashthorn. I decided to make her black, because I had made all a manner of different characters, with black skin being an option I hadn't used before.
So we all finally find each other, and we start poking fun at some of the things in the game, such as how text chat is ridiculously filtered, or how bad our character models looked, or how dumb our names were. (not mine, because mine is amazing, so shush your face)
At some point, I decide to spam several random things from the chat tab, which has a list of pre-written things that you are able to say, if you are not old enough/allowed to use text chat.
As I was doing this, a random high-level girl came up to me and started saying "shut up", "you're annoying", "report her". Us three were laughing at this girl, and just shrugged it off as nothing out of the ordinary. However, she made a home run when she started calling me "a black Dora." We were all dumbfounded, because we figured out she was targeting me out of everyone else, because I was a black-skinned low level character, and she was being racist towards me for no apparent reason. (also, I don't doubt she'd have said worse if the chat wasn't so heavily filtered)
She eventually gathered a few cohorts to "torment" me even further. Of course, us three, even though we were all blown away by the audacity of this child, were still laughing at this. Oh, and I should also say that she was also egging my friends on to report me as well. Talk about a riot.
I'm blown away by how blunt and stupid some children can be over the internet, and I found the incident absolutely hilarious. Me and my friends had one hell of a time on the game, and I don't doubt we'll always fondly remember the racist wizard girl story.