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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Hey guys I updated my secret base, so check it out, and I also used splatoon team.


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✧luzrov rulay✧
I hate it how everyone is blaming each other for somehow bringing bed bugs in here.
It's just a rumor, for now, but that's literally the talk of the town. We'll get through this together. Hopefully.
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I'm currently making measurements for my new cosplay. I swear that the my materials have become sentient and are conspiring against me... Every time I get something measured then have to turn away, I turn back and remeasure to find the measurements are off and I have to start all over!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh!!
I'm currently making measurements for my new cosplay. I swear that the my materials have become sentient and are conspiring against me... Every time I get something measured then have to turn away, I turn back and remeasure to find the measurements are off and I have to start all over!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh!!
I hate to say this, but it could be worse. You could accidently think there right... Just think of that.


✧luzrov rulay✧
I hate how the moon decides to mess up, and people always fight over which day the holiday is.
Ugh, it's even more terrible when the entire world is celebrating it on one day, and there's that one country that has every relative ever celebrating it a day later. But then again, the day before's considered a holiday by some as well, when people get crushed and die of shopping~


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I never thought that I'd do this, but after playing a bit of Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd at @Demelza and @Teapot's home, listening to the game's music, and watching @Demelza play it like the rhythm-game demon she is, I finally broke down and bought a digital copy of the game for myself. Looking forward to giving it a go once it's finished installing! :'D

(What have I become?)

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football


In all seriousness, a 2 and a half year hiatus later and my favorite manga ever returns, with 65 pages ;w; I've already seen the raws of the first 30 pages and I just... my heart. Guh ;w;

EDIT: Chinese raws are out already! 55 pages, all so beautifully done, and just hfdusilgdfwjshdlgsddcdnisulvs SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME I CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER 3 MONTHS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER ARGHHHH
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It's 4:03
And I can't sleep
Without you next to me
I toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight
Bring me back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe in is you
If you only knew.
First, I should say that I don't have a headset, so the only microphone I can use is the one on my laptop, which sucks because it picks up everything in the room. And the only room I can really hook up in is the family room, where my cousins spend most of their time... which right now, is the issue.

The one day I get to actually play a game with all of my friends goes to absolute shit due to two things:
1.) My cousins are being fucking dicks for no reason. I ask them to keep it down a bit so there isn't much background noise and so I don't have to mute my microphone, and the go out of their fucking way to MAKE AS MUCH NOISE AND MAKE AS MANY ANNOYING SOUNDS AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN. And when I get mad at them, they start crying to grandma, and the wrath of grandma reaps upon my soul.
2.) When I finally do get alone, my internet connections blows out completely, making Razer Comms, Steam and Skype lose all power. All of my work to get alone and in a quiet zone went down the drain.

...The Gods must hate me tonight, because I just can't win, can I?
First, I should say that I don't have a headset, so the only microphone I can use is the one on my laptop, which sucks because it picks up everything in the room. And the only room I can really hook up in is the family room, where my cousins spend most of their time... which right now, is the issue.

The one day I get to actually play a game with all of my friends goes to absolute shit due to two things:
1.) My cousins are being fucking dicks for no reason. I ask them to keep it down a bit so there isn't much background noise and so I don't have to mute my microphone, and the go out of their fucking way to MAKE AS MUCH NOISE AND MAKE AS MANY ANNOYING SOUNDS AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN. And when I get mad at them, they start crying to grandma, and the wrath of grandma reaps upon my soul.
2.) When I finally do get alone, my internet connections blows out completely, making Razer Comms, Steam and Skype lose all power. All of my work to get alone and in a quiet zone went down the drain.

...The Gods must hate me tonight, because I just can't win, can I?
How old are your cousins?


Formerly Raf-A-Rum
I live in her house and things could get... bad, to say the least, if I don't comply to certain wishes.

I really can't wait to move out.
OW MAN... I feel ya... :( I'm working my own job too... but my dad still wants to control my career or something..
Hmmmmm... I've been skimming through old posts and pictures here on 'Charms, and I've noticed that a lot of people had simply packed up and left, never to be seen again.

Kind of sad, really. A lot of those people were pretty cool. :(

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Hmmmmm... I've been skimming through old posts and pictures here on 'Charms, and I've noticed that a lot of people had simply packed up and left, never to be seen again.

Kind of sad, really. A lot of those people were pretty cool. :(
'tis the sad reality of being in any sort of community; people move to other places, or are eaten up by life, or simply lose interest and disappear. But that doesn't mean we can't keep old friendships and continue to make new ones.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Does anyone else get a snack, like a couple of biscuits or something and then start eating them while doing something else... and then get confused when you reach for the next one and it's already gone? That just happened to me now ;___;

And, you know... since I don't remember eating that second biscuit I think I'm entitled to a replacement :nom:


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Does anyone else get a snack, like a couple of biscuits or something and then start eating them while doing something else... and then get confused when you reach for the next one and it's already gone? That just happened to me now ;___;

And, you know... since I don't remember eating that second biscuit I think I'm entitled to a replacement :nom:

I do this with Oreos all the time. To this day I'm not sure if I actually eat them all or whether they just fade from existence over time.


Formerly Raf-A-Rum
Does anyone else get a snack, like a couple of biscuits or something and then start eating them while doing something else... and then get confused when you reach for the next one and it's already gone? That just happened to me now ;___;

And, you know... since I don't remember eating that second biscuit I think I'm entitled to a replacement :nom:
yeah that happens to me quite a lot too... :( specially when I snack while watching podcasts... after confusion I always get this weird craving for more... :p

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Went karaoking with my friends last night and it was honestly one of the best experiences I've ever had in my life. We spent about an hour in the car jamming out to songs and complaining about my dreadful driving (Day 23 in Shiny's car: almost crashed...) before eating some amazing Korean barbeque. I'm still really full from everything, it was so good~ We then went to a cafe and played Spades; I somehow managed to go nil twice (I tried three times, once my partner derped up and didn't get all his trumps so we didn't get all the points, another time we got all 170 points because we're damn awesome, and a third time I didn't get nil, boo) but lost to the other team because they went BLIND NIL and SOMEHOW managed it. Oh, and I had some delicious green tea ice cream while we were there. :D

THEN, at 8:30, we finally go into the karaoke place and jam out for 3+ hours of random songs. Won't list everything but it was a combination of anime openings/endings, K-pop, Vocaloid, and old/new pop songs. We found out how well my voice blended with one of the guys there and so we ended up dueting quite a bit. Well, I say dueting, more like singing at the same time with different mics. I may or may not have developed a crush on him now ;w;

With everything over around 11:40 ish, we finally went home and continued to jam out to songs in the car again because there's no such thing as not enough music. I sent everyone home and managed to get back to my own place around 12:30. I did get a lecture from my dad about getting home late, even though I told him for basically the whole week that I was going to get back late last night, but eh. Still an overall AMAZING day and I wish I could relive the experience forever. ♥


✧luzrov rulay✧
I seriously wonder how many bribes the Tales fans gave Sakurai or whoever at Nintendo to make a freaking Mii DLC of Lloyd. Honestly I was expecting him or Yuri, but nevertheless, I'm still surprised, and shocked. And Chrom!~ ♥
Sadly, I'll have to wait on the DLC until I get everything sorted out, but this made my day!~

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I just realized something incredible. In ORAS Brendan, May, Wally, Steven, Archie, Maxie, and Zinnia are all capable of Mega Evolution. That's seven people so seven Key Stones. Now, depending on your Version, either Maxie's or Archie's Key Stones play no role but one of their Admins gets one instead keeping the number at seven. Zinnia gathers those seven Key Stones to summon Rayquaza. What does she want from Rayquaza? She wants it to Mega Evolve to save the world from destruction by a meteor impact. Unlike other Pokemon though, Rayquaza doesn't need a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve. It reacts to your fervent wish. In other words, Zinnia gathers seven magical spheres to summon a dragon to grant her wish. If that isn't a reference to Dragon Ball then I'm clearly over thinking things. :'D


Formerly SuperSableye24
So I was planning on hunting for a Shiny Zekrom in ORAS and I wanted to Synchronize for a Naughty nature, so I went to Route 102 to DexNav the Ralts there. Well, somehow I got a Shiny Ralts before I got a Naughty Ralts!? :v It was about 40 or so Encounters!

He's male, but I prefer Shiny Gardevoir, so I named him Sirnight! Lax nature :\
Strap in for a read, guys, because I have a great story to tell you all.
So last night, I got on Wizard101 alongside my friend and her boyfriend. They hadn't played the game in years, and since I technically still play it, I thought it would be a fun idea to just bounce between different areas for kicks.
We all made new characters so we could all be on equal pace as we played. Mine was a Myth (conjurer) student named Alura Ashthorn. I decided to make her black, because I had made all a manner of different characters, with black skin being an option I hadn't used before.
So we all finally find each other, and we start poking fun at some of the things in the game, such as how text chat is ridiculously filtered, or how bad our character models looked, or how dumb our names were. (not mine, because mine is amazing, so shush your face)
At some point, I decide to spam several random things from the chat tab, which has a list of pre-written things that you are able to say, if you are not old enough/allowed to use text chat.
As I was doing this, a random high-level girl came up to me and started saying "shut up", "you're annoying", "report her". Us three were laughing at this girl, and just shrugged it off as nothing out of the ordinary. However, she made a home run when she started calling me "a black Dora." We were all dumbfounded, because we figured out she was targeting me out of everyone else, because I was a black-skinned low level character, and she was being racist towards me for no apparent reason. (also, I don't doubt she'd have said worse if the chat wasn't so heavily filtered)
She eventually gathered a few cohorts to "torment" me even further. Of course, us three, even though we were all blown away by the audacity of this child, were still laughing at this. Oh, and I should also say that she was also egging my friends on to report me as well. Talk about a riot.
I'm blown away by how blunt and stupid some children can be over the internet, and I found the incident absolutely hilarious. Me and my friends had one hell of a time on the game, and I don't doubt we'll always fondly remember the racist wizard girl story. :D
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