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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

I'm so bored of school. Most of it is crap I don't plan on using. I don't recall ever seeing "Must know Shakespeare" for a construction job, or "Need to know the Pathogorian Theorum" to be a chef. Hell, the worst part is "You must know how radiation decays" to be a cartoonist. Sometimes I wish I was in charge of the education system, that way people can just take the classes they need for a job starting from your first day in jr. high. Everything in elementery, I will admit, is essential for life, but everything else is just busy work, in my opinion.

Also, since I'm done with Gurren Lagann, and all the special manga (I choose to substitute the school manga over the anime as long as it has it's ending where nobody dies and everyone is happy, seriously, that was hilarious XD), I'll start with Fairy Tail. It seems just as epic, though I was shocked to see that it was related more to Rave Master than One Peice. I will say the dubbing sounds rather...well, I will give it the benefit of the doubt, as I've heard worse, but the anime over all seems quite hilarious versus all the usual calamity I'm used to watching.

But also, I think I've made a pretty good team. I've beaten two competetive battlers with it, one with Darkrai and Mewtwo. It helps to know your opponent before battle. He thought Darkrai would be able to get Lucario on the next turn after Dark Void, but my Lum berry helped me beat him. Then Mewtwo came and ruined it, making me use Haxorus to win.

.....Now I'm hungry. That chili smells delicious :d

That is all.
Kasu-nyan xx


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
^ that picture is bloody adorable. I love that song, too. ♥

And I keep remembering all these things I want to touch-up around Pokecharms yet never seem to get to. It seems a bit harder than usual to juggle work, life, Pokecharms, and my various hobbies lately. I guess I just need to never allow myself to feel bored, because being bored when there's so much to do is completely silly and wasteful.

Pretty much my mood all day except for a couple parts, I was sick over the weekend and ended up missing two days of school plus I lost my Fairy Tail subbing and translation group so I was miffed about that today.

The only thing that seemed to be awesome was lunch like usual. The blood drive lady came over to my lunch table and tried to get me to Double Red treatment again. I fainted the last time trying to do it which was an AWESOME experience I might add, so I made up a bull shit story about how my left arm was bionic and I lost it in a tragic smelting accident fighting off evil zombie ninja's and my right arm is off limits due to the fact I just don't like needles. She then tried to explain the benefits giving blood then I explained the benefits about how having taco's on Tuesday then chicken sandwiches on Thor's Day would stop world hunger. The lady then told me to sign it or else, So I drew a giant T-rex smashing down an obscure asian city because saying Godzilla stomping around Tokyo is "too soon" on the sign up sheet. She walked away laughing so I feel like I should post this picture in recognition of my "valiant" efforts.

I still can't get over how epic yesterday was. Like, me and my five friends skipped French, Chemistry and about a half of Biology because there was some sort of French contest/ event crap going on. Two of them took part in it and me and the rest of my pals guarded their silence while they were writing and carried the sheets when they finished to our teachers. It was fun~
And all I've been doing this week was using this laggy crap and shuffle my iPod screaming with happiness if it started playing Cascada's songs~ I just love Cascada, because it kinda reminds me of a Lithuanian rock group Toxica. They are really similar and I love them both~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbGEzP01 ... r_embedded

I SQUEELED LIKE A LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL :D Finally! A new game!!! I fricken love the series, and now they're doing this, ooohhh it's like SEGA knows all my hot spots :3 Judging by my low and inferior detective skills, I would say "Generations" will be here by Novemeber or December. HURRY UP END OF THE YEAAAAARRRR!!!! >8'3

Anyway, now setting aside my genderbending personality, I've watched up to 14 episodes of Fairy Tail and I love it! It's epic! It doesn't have all that crap where a country has to be more powerful than another or the dead trying to eat you, it's almost like the first few seasons of the original DragonBall, One Piece, and Bobobo all thrown in! And Ploo's in it! :3 I lurv him soooo much. I hate the website I'm watching it on though. Youtube is being, well, Youtube, and I can't find all the episodes. I found a Megavideo thing, but now I have to wait. It's also bad that it's in a foreign language I can't read, but I do recognize the number 30 in there. Oh well, it's passed.

I've also decided I want to be a History Teacher. I want to help pass on my knowledge to the next generation, while at the same time making sure they have a compedent person teaching it. My history teacher is supposed to teach science courses, so I'm going to make sure that when I become one, I become a HISTORY teacher, not an Algebra teaching History teacher.

And you know what I wished existed? Well, we have channels dedicated to food, comedy, drama, even old cartoons, so why can't we have a pure anime network? If someone were to make it, I guarrantee people would watch it.
I'm already planning my summer~ I wonder where will we go this summer? Last year we visited Finland~ I was stunned by Helsinki. When my mom asked why it doesn't have a lot of old churches, my dad replied with such a killing scorn: "Because it's a city with no history." I swear, I nearly punched him! I liked Helsinki, but I'm not sure if it makes it to my top visited places... I know for sure that my top one is Riga, but the rest... I loved Tallinn, but Kuressaare was awesome as well...And Helsinki... And a load of others! ARGHH!
Oh, and I'm planning strategies for our (me and my friends) football (soccer) matches against our parents. We always play 3-2, because parents are stronger. But we never give up.
Your dad is right though, Helsinki isn't that awesome. Take the word of someone who almost lives there xD

Anyway, Metroid Fusion is hard. Serris is just such a pain in the behind. Still, I love the game. It might've been easier on an actual GBA rather than an emulator :/
Good morning people!....Well at least here its morning. This weekend was busy, and now my ankle hurts from the fire ant bed I accidentally stepped in. They were hidden under some rocks and soil instead of the gigantic mounds they make like usual.

But anyway, I'm finally back home, and I'm trying to catch one more episode of Fairy Tail before school.
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Hello, internets! I was away basically all weekend without internet access. I'm not addicted, really, but I did miss it. :'D

The weekend was pretty productive, tho. On my downtime I was IV breeding my next Pokemon team for Black. Only one member left to go! ^^
999,999 must be my lucky number. This is gonna sound amazing, I know, but I've been the 999,999th visitor on so many sites it's amazing. I must be a millionaire by now with all the prizes I've won with that number!

My e-mail has won so many Korean lotteries, I should be owning Apple by now~

I've got exam week this week, and today's Dutch and History. Both of which are, luckily, quite easy. I dread Thursday though, when I've got German and Math. Math is going to be an F, for sure.
...Pikmin 2 is annoying me. D:

I can't get past the Shower Room on Pikmin 2. I just managed to get past the Suburban Complex with 3 pikmin and two treasures. The good thing is, in Frontier Cavern, you can use Bulbmin, yay. :3
Frontier cavern boss is the same as the first boss, but keeps spawning babies. Then he kills his own children in a rampage. D':

And I hate those '1000000000th visitor!' advertisements. I get so many adverts! D:< *Smashes computer.
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Sir Alexander Onyx said:

IKR? :'D I think the original is better than the WiiWare version though. Not that it's bad or anything, it's just not as good. Still, it's amazing that Nintendo would offer a game that actually has nothing to do with Nintendo in WiiWare (it wasn't even released on a console, it's a free download game for the PC)

EDIT: Awww ye the satisfaction of hitting a retreating Shadow Tag Chandelure with Ttar's Pursuit. Sweet, sweet victory.
Well today was boring. Turned out, I picked a bad day to miss yesterday (Chinese food and Anti-Acid are not a good combo). Apparently, they decided to have fun yesterday. Oh well.

Oh, I just found $30 in my pocket. How lucky :D

My extended family is visiting, so its noisy. Any minute now one of them is going to come in here to visit. I betcha.

Oh, and today we had to do a report on religions. I was assigned to a "special" group, and I am shocked at what they have out there. We did ours on the belief of "The Flying Spegetti (or however you spell it) Monster". What's scary is that a holiday they celebrate is "Talk like a Pirate Day", and my anti-virus system has the same function on it for a certain day 0_0

But anyway, I'm tired and I don't want to do an experiment in Chemistry tommorow. I do not want an F, nor do I want to get burned by Acid. I hate that teacher, he always seems to remember everyone elses names but mine, and still calls me Duncan. I hate that! I used to not mind it, but today he said it in such an arrogant tone, I just wanted to slap him. Jacka**.

But anyway, I am addicted to Fairy Tail now. I'm not joking. I tried to stop watching it and I started sweating and shaking. I even started watching the subs. I wish they'd dub more, the cast was just growing on me. Anyway, I'm up to episode 39.
Fairy Tail is pretty addicting, Doubled :p. Natsu vs Zero will make you go "WHOOOA O.O" (ps, you'll either like or hate the Edolas arc, there is no maybe for it)

and as of now, I'm currently wearing a KFC chicken bucket on my head to become like my hero, Buckethead. His music is aweeeeeeeesome <333

I'm at the point where you have to run past it, your only way of stopping it is Ice Missiles, which only last for a few seconds. I could make it if I was at full health, but I have like 50 on my last Energy Tank, and that thing is the rape. I can not beat it.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
That's kind of the whole point really. You can't beat the SA-X until near the end of the game.

MOST SA-X sequences lead to a point where you can hide somewhere and be unnoticed. >>;
I know, and that was the first thing I thought when I heard the footsteps. But it's impossible to bypass it without getting noticed. This is the encounter right after you fight Yakuza (who was also a bitch to take down)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Excuse me while I sleep at my desk this afternoon. @_@

Looking forward to getting home in a couple of hours.
I'm so excited! I'm going on a field trip tomorrow, and I can't wait! It's going to be the first field trip of the year, not including my enrichment trips. My grade is going to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and my teacher has been talking about it all week.

The only bad part is my group. I'm with some of the most annoying people in my class. The one is a big baby who makes random noises and complains every five minutes, and the other one is a big show off who talks too much. My partner might not even be going on the trip, so I might be alone and surrounded by idiots! ; A ;
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Holy crap! I've only been to the gym 3 days and my arms are getting huge! That new stuff I tried seems to help (not steroids, that milk stuff.). I wanna try the sauna in the gym though, as I've never been in one.

Anyway, The Global link is being slow today. I was trying to get a Dream World Pokemon, but a tennis ball fell on my laptop and shut it of f. Now my Pikachu is stuck in Internet Limbo T_T All I wanted was to find my Jolteon and another dream worlder within an hour, but 15 minutes was spent waiting for it to load, and another 10 was spent waiting to get out of my house! Yeesh, stupid tennis ball, now I have to wait!
Global Link hates me and won't allow me to get on at all D: I've tried putting in a support message, but it doesn't seem to have helped |D

EDIT: Does anyone who has gotten on to the system have any suggestions?
Doubled said:
I wanna try the sauna in the gym though, as I've never been in one.

You sure have missed a lot. Pretty much every Finnish household has a sauna, and they are damn amazing. Feels so good it's unbelievable. You have to do it properly though, at 70-90 degrees Celsius, otherwise it ain't any good.
I've got a quick question, how come a lot of folks seem to keep the lillipup in their party throughout their journey, surely there's plenty of pokemon out there that's easy to catch later on that's more worthy of a slot in the party than a show dog... So how come I see quite a bit of trainers use it and keep it?
Phanes said:
I've got a quick question, how come a lot of folks seem to keep the lillipup in their party throughout their journey, surely there's plenty of pokemon out there that's easy to catch later on that's more worthy of a slot in the party than a show dog... So how come I see quite a bit of trainers use it and keep it?

Something called the 'Pickup' ability, I'm pretty darn sure ^^
*Dark Soul barrel rolls back into 'Charms*

Hello everybody~

The reason I've been gone for the past few days is that I was on a trip to Preston Palace this weekend. I enjoyed myself immensly; There was a huge tropical pool, sauna's (Weeds is right, Finnish sauna's are amazing!), an indoor fun fair, bowling alley, pool tables, restaurants and bars.

I forgot to post in the Hiatus thread, but it doesn't matter. I'm back now, at full speed, and I'll catch up with PokeCharms soon enough.