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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

It's awesome to be on Spring Break finally. :p

I should really train my team for Saturday... I haven't played in almost two weeks. I just haven't had much motivation. D:
A late recap of my weekend and today, but... Better late than never, right?

Friday: Missed half of the last lesson, because I was going to get a haircut. Woo-hoo! And spend the entire evening thinking about how I'll get Black tomorrow.

Saturday: First thing I saw once I woke up was a bag with presents with Black on top. Started playing right away ♥ And my birthday party was epic. Too bad my mom would yell at me everytime I picked up DS. Sheesh. Also stayed up until like, 4 AM I think...

Sunday: Pretty much just playing Black and doing Musicals.

Today: Damn school. That is all I have to say. It would be less boring if I could take my DS there, but I'm kinda hiding that I like Pokemon... 'Cause my friend kept torturing me when they knew that I do like them...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Doushite? Sense of wooooooondaaaaaaaar~


[me=Linkachu]is bricked. [/me]
I love Black. I really do. And I lol at it sometimes xD
Like, inside Celestial Tower there's this Psychic Belle with a Musharna xD Belle and Musharna xD Get it? Get it? Get it? ... Guess not....


Magearna before it was cool
0-23 in wi-fi matches...I should be 1-23, but the poor sport I was playing disconnected after his last Pokemon fainted! Still, that'd only be one win out of the embarrassing amount of losses.
Needless to say I don't expect to do so well in the tournament this weekend...
Man, I'm tired of spriting. My friend has been bothering me non stop to redo crap, yada yada yada.

Oh, and Apparently I'll be car pooling to prom with people I don't know too well. Oh well :)

Oh, and a Question:

Which would look better in a tuxedo with a regular silver tie? A white, general tuxedo styled shirt (the one with the fancy collar), or a peach button up with a regular collar? My mother wants me to wear it, but I don't wanna >:I
My brother can has be amazing ♥
Here's what he did as a birthday present for me:

He took a picture of me and Photoshoped it to this <33
Thank you bro <33
Sorry it's huge -_-"


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Tepig says "Pokabuuu!" :D

(That's what was on my mind at this moment.)
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WHAAAAT?!?! The release of Dream World has been delayed? I was so looking forward to exploring the Dream World... On the other hand, I really can't blame Nintendo for the delay, with the earthquake and all. Oh well, I guess I can wait.
Curse you, Earthquake!!!
Well, I have to wait until my mother gets home somewhere around 11pm so I can tell her about a sudden college tour tommorow. I thought I had missed the registration date, but the counceler suddenly jumped on us as we were walking throught the hallway to tell us we can register when we get there, and that it would be a half, wait, less than a half day. Sweet, plus we won't have to wear dress code. Nice, now I won't feel so preppy. But my mother will probably yell at me for not telling her, even though I just got the news today.

Oh, and we ordered a corsage and bootinere or however you spell that thing today. I'm not sure what all she wanted, but she did most of the work. Yayz :)

Oh, and I've been team shotting today, not too much, but I've pretty much decided I can be a humorous book writer or a damn good witness protection backstory guy.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

Lenora is pure fucking badass.

That is all.

I'm kind of surprised by the fact that this series is actually getting better even though I still hate the New Twerp Trio. >>; Seriously. Osh is way too dumb and impatient to be Ash. XD
My dragon is behaving strangely. He claws at the glass of this terrarium and bumps into it, yet when I try to feed him, he hardly eats. He's not under stress either. Mhm...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
... apparently I slept in until 10:45 AM today. I'd had a cool dream and wanted to dream it a bit longer, but still... I feel dirty. I hate sleeping past 9:30-10 AM. ;-;

So much wasted time! I must be productive again today to make up for it >=O
I'm desperate for pizzaaaa D: Why couldn't my teacher get sick so I could go to a pizzeria with my frieeeends D:
Linkachu said:
... apparently I slept in until 10:45 AM today. I'd had a cool dream and wanted to dream it a bit longer, but still... I feel dirty. I hate sleeping past 9:30-10 AM. ;-;

So much wasted time! I must be productive again today to make up for it >=O
Wut O.o I never thought oversleeping on your free time can be a bad thing... O.o


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
PokeGirlPraure said:
Wut O.o I never thought oversleeping on your free time can be a bad thing... O.o

Depends if you're the type of person who likes starting the day early to get more done. Plus I like a good 7-8 hours of sleep and don't need more than that.

So yeah, I don't like sleeping in. XD
Linkachu said:
So yeah, I don't like sleeping in. XD
And my friends are big, fat f******. They knew I wanted a pizza like, really badly but I couldn't go with them, so now they're calling me and telling me just how tasty the pizza was. But I can has a revenge plan *evil grin* I'm headed for "Coffee Inn". If you ever visit Vilnius, visit Coffee Inn. It has the best coffee I've ever and those fat f****** adore even more than me. Hehehehehehehehehehe.... *rubs hands*
PokeGirlPraure said:
Linkachu said:
So yeah, I don't like sleeping in. XD

Yes it is >:I But then again, I have insomnia, so any sleep is a blessing for me.

But anyway, got back from the tour. Rather interesting, but the cheerleaders and dancers..... I may not even need a bachelor party ://< Seriously, until now, I never could figure out why guys went goo goo over them, but that's because all the cheerleaders at my school are lazy :< Seriously though, best cheer and dance thingy ever :D *tries not to sound too perverted*

Anyway, I also hung out with Sam and his girl in the parking lot. She chalked his and Austin's car, but not mine :'< I feel left out.
Doubled said:
PokeGirlPraure said:
Linkachu said:
So yeah, I don't like sleeping in. XD

Yes it is >:I But then again, I have insomnia, so any sleep is a blessing for me.
So it is for me xD I inherited it from my dad. He can actually sleep the entire weekend. And so can I~
Also, my dogs want attention. Why me? Dad just came back. Go there. No, seriously, leave. I'm tired D': All I want is pizza D: Even Coffee Inn didn't help lighten my mood, even though it usually does... Too bad I have no money... I would totally order a pizza...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Doubled said:
Yes it is >:I But then again, I have insomnia, so any sleep is a blessing for me.

Having experienced some bad bouts of insomnia in the past, I can't argue with that.

But then again, I was overjoyed with as little as 6 hours of sleep during though times (I feel physically sick with less sleep than that), so the "sleeping in" part would still be moot for me... :X

On a completely unrelated note...

That Weavile artwork is actually pretty adorable. =o
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Magearna before it was cool
My theatre director must think he's pretty funny, giving me, a male actor, the role of lady capulet in Romeo and Juliet...Now I know Shakespearian plays back in the day had males take on all roles, but I'm the only one in this production! It makes no sense!
I watched Schindler's List today. Oh dear :X

Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie. Not really top five for me, but still a good movie. I'd recommend it to everyone, except for...

Well, let's say it's not a movie for the faint of heart :X

But even though the movie wasn't extrordinarily good, my respect for Mr. Schindler is humongous. Schindler's List was based on a real story, a man who had a fake work camp, and used it to save the lives of 1100 Jews during World War II. At the risk of his own life, he saved these people. And his thanks? He became hunted by the victors of the war, because of his ties to the Nazi party - ties that he used to save more Jews than any one person during WWII. After the war, he and his wife broke up, and the many businesses he tried to join failed. Such is the cruelty of life )':
Today was kinda fun, I say! Mainly because our Maths teacher had to leave somewhere along with other Maths teachers, so we did nothin' >.> Even if she left classwork. Nobody cared about it XD Just a random teacher (idk what she teaches) would occasionally check how we "work". Wut? And even if our class is regarded as the noisiest of all 8th graders, we stayed quiet, unlike some others (who had a lesson on 3rd floor, and we were on 2nd, and we could hear them. Omg). Also, one of my classmates brought our Primary School pictures. It was fun to remember :>
Yay for rambling!
It's time for MegaCon down here in Florida :>

I'm all exciteddd!

Also, word to the wise: if someone challenges you (by being a vegetarian and not being there to scold you) to eat an entire meal where every food item is some form of meat, at ten at night, don't do it. You'll regret it. Especially if you add 1 am milkshakes. Damn 24 hour Steak and Shake will be the death of me. By heart attack.
My knees are so sooooooooooooooore x 3 x

My friends and I were playing with a rope at the lunch break in the grounds of the school and they accidentally pulled it underneath my feet. I pretty much spasmed and fell over and turned round whilst doing so. As I fell I landed on my knees, skimmed them and hit my nose ; A ; Lots of people around came to see what was happening and I was crying a little, so everyone was like "Eliiiiise are you oookaaayyyyy?" and I got up pretty soon afterwards. There was a long silence until I muttered "... sort of," and then burst out laughing |D So yeah I was laughing my head off and crying at the same time. Which was fun. And lead to everyone around laughing too, but mreeeyyyssss my knee was basically ripped and it's stinging a lot now |D WHATEVER I MADE A FUNNY D:<

... yeeeeeaaaaaaaah.
(it was pyjama day in school today so that was fun ♥)
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...Tun, you have a really weird and really funny life. xDD

Well, my dragon's fine. Turns out it was just too much energy. Reptiles are not very good with glass walls. Hurrr.



Magearna before it was cool
I have just now begun working on my first story that I plan to post on the forum soon. Of course, more than likely, it'll probably take some time before I have something that I'm confident enough having looked over. Here's hoping writer's block doesn't kick in any time soon!
at school we have these weirdoface themes because we have 'come-as-you-please-'days c: They're always the last Friday of the month, so like today was Pyjama Day as I said earlier ♥


In april it's Shine Your Shades or something - whatever it's called it's to do with glasses |D
SO YERRR I'm wearing my hipster spectacles; my 3D glasses without the lenses ♥ Sooooo I'm basically going to go to school as a hipster, just for the lulz ♥

The only thing I'm wondering is this ... should I wear black skinny jeans or a high-waist-skirt (sorta like that but less patterned and made out of ... thick fabric? I dunno how to explain |D) with really ... gaudy leggings? I'm unsuuuure. I'm sorta leaning towards the skirt/leggings but I dunno |D I liked skinny jeans before they were cool though o 3 o

/end rant

... my a key is broken. So I have the little a on my paste which is why capital a's are infrequent; I'm too lazy to keep copypastaing things ♥
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I love skinny jeans since I don't like loose fabric fwipping everywhere (yes, new sound XD), so I am biased towards that. However, if the skirt looks good on you, go for it. I just don't like skirts. :p

Another random thought is that the rules of the internet are amazingly true. Rule 34... O_o
So this morning my friend Danny and I finally found out what was up with our brains ; A ;

Apparently, it's something to do with.. uhm, how our eyes see the swaying motions of certain objects or interpret swaying motions and transfer these images and motions to our brains.
Or summin'. :')

We spent all of last night arguing about it and trying to track it down over a Google search engine </3

He only has the motion-swaying ,uhm, problem, so he's a lot better of than I am ; 3 ;
So I've been told to speak to my Guidance teacher at school for an exit card whenever I fall victim to swaying objects becuase I feel faint and/or sick...
TBH though, I don't think it's worth the trouble > . >;;

My only problems are blinds flapping in the wind, ropes, trampolines, parachutes, flags and kites. And to be frank, at most maybe 2 of those things crop in school.
But heck, I could suprise myself :')

And I vote we all abuse our 'A' keys just to annoy Tunny c:
JK, ilu ♥

Kasu xx
...Just great. Mainly because I'm a sleepy little bastard, both my sister and dad are mad. They called me 10 minutes before I woke up 'cause they needed one of my friend's phone number or something.

On a funnier note, chat is epic feature. I should totally hang out there more often |D


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Yesterday was rough, but a good night's sleep seems to have helped.

Now I just hope I've bred enough jolly pigs, lizardsnakes, and adamant otters for the tournament later today... XD
I hate you Wi-Fi D:<

Seriously, it worked fine up to today. It just had to go and die on me! I was really looking forward to the tournament too... D':
Still don't have the new PKMN region, rather impatient and upset right now, they only have one PKMN White limited edition DSi now which is the one I wanna get, they have 2 PKMN Black limited editions DSis here which would make up for the lost opportunity to get the white, but still... here's hoping I get the money before that white one sells.


Magearna before it was cool
Tried to sing Mambo number five at a karaoke concert at the State Thespian Conference in my hometown. Needless to say, I am no Lou Bega.
Yesterday's tournament certainly was exciting (and exhausting). Overall, it was a fun experience, and I actually learned a couple things about my Pokemon:
1)Croco is extremely fast
2)Jel-La isn't so useless after all.

Hope everyone else who participated had fun as well.
All right, I am sick and tired of all the Kefka fanboys on the interwebz. To sum it up for those who don't know; there is an eternal struggle between Kefka and Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VI and VII respectively) going on on the web. I haven't minded because I love both characters equally much. If I remember correctly, the war used to tip in the favor of Sephiroth, but recently I've only seen Kefka fanboy posts, and it annoys me to oblivion! And all of them go on about how Sephiroth has more fanboys. AAAGGH! Therefore, I have decided to, for now, side with the Sephiroth fanboys and devise this little post.

How to Counter Kefka - A Guide for Sephitroth Fanboys

1. Dancing Mad is 17:40 minutes long, while One-Winged Angel is only 4:27.
All right, this one is undeniable. Dancing Mad is longer than One-Winged Angel. It's a fact, I can't dispute that. BUT, I have never managed to listen through Dancing Mad. It's just so tedious. It's way too long to be interesting. And let's face it; does Kefka have a choir that screams his name in his theme song? Didn't think so.

2. Kefka has six wings while Sephiroth has only one.
I would like to point out that Kefka has NO wings at all, while Sephiroth has one. Kefka's final form has six wings, sure, but let's have a look at Sephiroth's final form.


Onetwothreefourfivesixseven WHOOOPS.

3. Sephiroth lost his mind when he heard about Jenova, while Kefka was crazy to begin with.
The first part is undeniably true, Sephiroth was normal before he heard about his mother. But Kefka wasn't crazy to begin with, either. Kefka went crazy when he was infused with Esper, as is stated in the game. Argument counter'd.

As I said earlier, I love both of these guys. This is just my contribution to the Sephiroth side. Thank you, and good night.
