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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

So my mum finally came back from Brisbane. It felt so great giving her a big hug as we met at the front of the airport :D
I made some passion fruit melting moments at school for her as a welcome back gift, which she loved. She also came back with a gift for me as well (and my brother and sister) as well which was an awesome Xerneas figure. It's antlers were a bit squished due to the packaging it was in, but I eventually molded them back into place and it's now sitting on my TV looking over my bedroom ^^ Not the best place to put it, but it's the only place available until I move into my new (and much bigger) bedroom.
Also, I'm visiting my Grandma and Pop this weekend, which I'm super excited about!
So whilst mowing the lawn, I think I inhaled a bunch of grass and dust blowing back in my face. I now have an incredibly swollen throat and my nose turned into a waterfall.

This morning I went to take some Dayquil, and I was pretty zonked out. As I was pouring the medicine onto the spoon, my cousin walked into the kitchen and said "Why are you pouring Isopropyl Alcohol into that teaspoon?"

I was so out of it that I didn't even realize I was pouring rubbing alcohol instead of a consumable medicine. :p


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I've got Portal on the brain. Drew all the characters from all the games except Cave Johnson. I will finish them later though :p

I feel meh. Life's gone down hill. At least I got my phone and my 3DS and my Wii and my Xbox.... ;-;
Sorry Stellar...

Well 8th grade is ok. Sorta. But now I'm currently just spacing out. That might be because I'm counting down the days till my moderation ends, and my birthday. Oh well ^~^.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
I'm rapidly running out of Mass Effect 3. I'm both saddened and relieved by this. Relieved because I'll have less of a distraction on my head and could focus more attention on other things. Sad because this series weaseled its way into my favorite-sci-fi-franchises list and running out of things to do is bluh.

... But hey. When I get the new laptop I could always get my claws on the PC versions with all the DLC I missed and experience THOSE. I think I'd play an infiltrator this time. Vanguards are fun as -eff-, but i find that I like sniper rifles a whole lot more than shotguns after all.


Formerly SuperSableye24
Pokemon Go looks soooo interesting~ I can't wait to catch a Torchic and a Sableye :love:
(Of course I live in no fun town so I won't be able to trade or battle anyone just like in the games (': )


✧luzrov rulay✧
Sometimes, you just gotta smack a bitch.
Apparently I "stole" an answer from a kid, and this kid's been bitching about it since. I've apologized about a billion times for something I didn't do, but if this lady brings it up again, I'm getting a restraining order on her ass. Stupid gossip girls.
My reputation is good so far, but if this keep up, I'm as good as dead.
Browsing iFunny, I stumble across this post pertaining to Pokemon Go:
"They've always been here. We just couldn't see them. ...Until now."
(note there's a Nidoran♀'s shadow in the picture, but no Nidoran♀ is actually there)

Top comment for this post:
"So THAT'S what our cats have been staring at when we think it's nothing!"
Gabe: ... But yeah, those are some really good things to infer guys. *tear slowly rolls down cheek*
Me: Gabe, there's no need to cry.
Gabe: I'm not crying, it's allergies!
Gabe: Yeah, I agree with that statement, she does appear to be old in the picture. *more tears*
Me: It's okay Gabe. *places hand on shoulder* I remember getting my first period too.

(^^ One of me and Gabe's playful conversations. He got me back later with a stinger later)
Y'know, I just realized that I've made absolute fool of myself and have been thoughtless on multiple occasions on this site more than anywhere else, really. Maybe I get careless because I'm more open here than I am most places? Whatever the case, I cringe at the moments where I feel I've messed up... and there's a lot of them. :p

Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
So excited to see the Blue Jays playing today!
Just wish I could be in the stadium to see them live and in person.
They've been reminding me of '92 with their game play this season. ♥
Persona makes everything amazing.Anyway,I went to WWE Night of Champions 2015 last weekend and holy crap, it was awesome.It was even better because I was there in the Toyota Center.I haven't gone to a WWE Pay-Per-View since Wreslemania 20,and that was 11 years ago.Also, I've been TOO obsessed with Persona.Like,WAAAY obsessed with Persona.
Ok, I'm feeling LIKE A BOSS today! Sort of. THAT NEW PEWDIEPIE GAME! I WANT! MUCH AWESOME, SUCH WOW! Anywho in French today, we watched a video of a Jamaican worm singing the numbers in French, and nineteen sounded like 'deez-nuts.' The class [including myself, guilty] went nuts XD


Formerly LatiasMusic
After me and my cousin watched Pixels:

Me: *playing Geometry Dash, trying to beat ToE, stuck at 93*
Cousin: What are you playing?
Me: Geometry Dash. I'm trying to finish this level.
Cousin: Oh, I finished it. I just followed the patterns-
Cousin: Yeah.
Me: But you can't even finish Stereo Madness....You finished it in Practice Mode, right?
Cousin: Uhh I got better?

Better luck next time, cousin.


Formerly SuperSableye24
I have been playing Hyrule Warriors so much. I'd barely touched the DLC so I decided to fix that.
Like, omg this game is so amazing.
Young Link is the most adorable little thing I've ever seen x^x


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Tonight has been a night of cleaning and tidying and all such domestic horror. I have no one but myself to blame, as after getting home from work I thought to myself 'It'd be nice to have a little tidy around here'. Boy was I wrong, and now I've fallen down the rabbit hole and discovered a whole world of bleh.

*Cleans computer desk and dusts screen*
I feel like a big douche right now.My bro was playing Persona 3 and kept ignoring me yelling "DON'T USE SHINJI!". What happened? He gets to the part where Shinji dies, and realizes he didn't level Yukari and Ken.And now that Shinji's dead, he's screwed.And I laughed like the douche that I am.Anyway,I won a Persona 4 Arena Ultimax tourney :) . Then I decided to play Smash online because why not and got DESTROYED by a Roy player on FG.So then I decided to practice Little Mac and beat his Mewtwo and then he quit .-. . What's wrong with FG players nowadays? =/

Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
Toronto Blue Jays are keeping me proud with their winning streak!
Really looking forward to their next game tonight.

Raymond found out about my love for baseball and wants to meet
up with me today so that should be... interesting.
Hi, I'm alive, and I hate school.
I've been up past midnight this past week every day working on bs assignments. Only two really have to do with lesson planning, and tbh i know that these things aren't this detailed in real life, I've seen them from my teacher friends and mentors. All I want to do is read to children... Why do I need such an extensive list? Why do I need to look up standards? It's all bs man.

In other news I found out my crush follows me on tumblr and I'm still hoping to god she hasn't seen me blubbing my feelings or making nods towards her direction. I mean i haven't outright said her name buttttt i dunno man. I'm certainly embarrassed from some of the things I reblog from people now >_> she must think I'm a lunatic or something.
Right now I'm really emotionally exausted, I just want to hide under a rock and not deal with anything...
In other news I was thinking about the last time I was actually in D&D, and what do you know I finally figured out what the hell I was actually trying to say in character.... three weeks later, I fucking figured it out three weeks later!! Uuuggghhh I feel so stupid for not realizing this was what I was thinking. It was so simple but for some reason I couldn't come to the conclusion then! OTL I'm a big dumby.
Okay so Laila moved away in June, nearly 4 months ago and I was over her. And yet, when my mom saw her mom at BJs today, and told me about how Laila was doing, it brings in a whole new wave of tears? I don't understand emotion.
Today I have received the best birthday present a non drinking student could ever wish for - the deadline for my essay has been extended. Now I can justify doing nothing all day!