Linkachu said:
Doubled said:
Oh, and I got a Khangasgan from GL, but still no Jolteon. How exactly do you recieve your Eeveelutions again?
Gotta wait for now. TPCi hasn't put them up for download yet, and probably won't until after the event ends in early May. Sorry. :X
Also, my thought of the moment: having been awake for 30 minutes, I feel more tired now than I did when I initially woke up! How does that even work? XP
Meh, that's what I'd expect. Oh well, until then I can experiment with it a little. As for your question, I may not know too terribly much about Human Anatomy and the what not, but I'd think that you need energy to wake up, but afterwards it crashes and makes you feel tired. That'sa just my theory on the matter, anyway
But anyway, finally got my Class Ring back. Sent it in during February, but just got it today. Apparently they had lost the address, even though they sent the ring box, like, 2 weeks after I sent it in. Oh well.
While on to current events, it would seem that the Black and White craze has finally calmed down at school. Out of the 5 kids that bring thier games to class besides me, I've beaten three of them, and have yet to challenge the others, while at the same time managing to convert a non beleiver to Pokemon
yayz! But I've beaten Sam, with my current team (Flareon, Claydol, Lucario, Crobat (the Jackie Chan of the team), Haxorus, and Samurott) almost 8 to 1, and that one time was because of a mix up in teams. He's so mad, he's basically been pointing to me, saying "This isn't over" when we leave school, class, or even when he's sitting next to me. Eh heh....
While I'm at it, remember that book I've been supposedly writing for a while? Well, I have plenty of things to write about, but no continuity in any of them. I was also thinking of posting the first chapter as a teaser on DA. If I did, would anyone read it?