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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Welp, Happy Charms Day. Even though I haven't even here a year, it feels like I've been here so much longer. I do plan to stick around, though, to see 10 more Charms Days!


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Shiny Eevee said:
I really miss everyone and I wish I could talk to you guys more
I miss being able to kick my favourite football </3

(just kidding, ilu Shiny)
Except this one, right?

Maybe make more of an effort and you won't be so invisible elsewhere. Interact with people. If they aren't interested, then guess what? They aren't interested. Find somewhere new!


Formerly Karu
Don't you tempt me with your seductive goods, DS. I'm halfway through series two and just got hold of the books @~@

Which House do you peoples support if you had to?
House Stark, because, as a Western European, when someone tells me winter is coming, I get fucking prepared for it.

Although I guess dragons do a pretty good job of keeping a person warm.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Psycho Monkey said:
Is there a cure for senioritis, because I've got it bad! @.@

You're not the only one~ Everything I try to do just makes it worse so I just gave up and made sure my grades didn't go all the way down.
Stark said:
Except this one, right?

Maybe make more of an effort and you won't be so invisible elsewhere. Interact with people. If they aren't interested, then guess what? They aren't interested. Find somewhere new!

This one is okay. But just about everywhere else it kinda sucks.
And I do try. It just doesn't work.

DS!! Don't do this to me!! I've just gotten into the show and I have to watch the second season before I hear anything about the next one!! Runs and hides from potential spoilers*


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Whee. This has been a lazy day but I'm happy to be home again. Now if only I could figure out why I keep experiencing random dizziness while sitting up, then things would be even better. |D

Also, Disney World has Pokemon representation within a shop in Epcot's Japan area. Why did nobody ever tell me about this? I utterly spazzed when I saw the Pokemon plushie display in the shop's window. Such a comforting sight. ;_;

I should've taken some pictures but, between all the spazzing and actual buying of Pokemon stuff, kinda forgot to. :3:
So I finally found a Dubbed Summer Wars video that isn't on a virus filled website. Ironically, it was Youtube :0 look up SummerWarsMovie and you should find the entire thing. I love the movie now ;w; I really wish that there would be some kind of sequel to it, the digital realm of OZ just seems so freaking cool~
I'm stewing dried pears, apricots and peaches right now. Cook them up in water and they go all soft and caramelly - good with ice cream. The only downside is that I can't have a nap because I have to make sure they don't burn.


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
I found these little guys while out and about yesterday:


Looks like a few different sets are being sold (thankfully the two I bought were the last ones, I didn't have enough money for any more at the time :p), but nevertheless I'm really happy to see sets of TOMY figures being sold over here again. I loved the things when I was a kid, and uh, judging by the grin I had on my face all of yesterday I'd say that feeling hasn't changed at all. ^^;

Simple things please simple people. x3


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Those are really nice Sonic figures. :o Which set are they from?

Also, I can has Bulbasaur? (Bought this guy from the Japan shop in Epcot, Disney World XD)

So I haven't posted much here, but I come here every so often and read a little. But lately I've been wanting to share a few things about Pokemon, so I thought I'd just do it here. =)

Firstly then! I'm watching the anime these days (started on season 1 around New Years) and catching up on what I've missed out on. I'm on season 7 now and I'm really enjoying it so far. It's funny though, because I'm rather impatient, so I watch it in x1,5 speed, so they sound almost drunk when I play it at normal speed. But it's good! I really like May too - she and Beautifly make a really good team! But I find it weird though, not that Ash stays 10 forever, but that he and May actually ARE 10 years old. The seem more like... 16-17, maybe? But everything else I enjoy, so I'll just pretend they're older, I guess.

I've also got all the badges of Sinnoh now! I've been playing Platinum for the last week and I love that I have 32 hours of playing, but haven't finished yet! I like long games. And I've found new Pokemon that I really like - Abomasnow and Weavile! They really meet my expectations of my favourite type; Ice.

Also, I like Sinnoh better than Unova, mostly because I find the region's "infrastructure" more interesting. The route network of Unova is basically a ring road and just boring. In Sinnoh the challenge lies also in finding your way around and I guess I like that.

And I've also started working on my Lapras plush. It's gonna be big! I've found fabrics in the right colours and texture and I've designed the pattern and started sewing some example pieces together. The neck is gonna be the hardest part, but I think I've figured it out. So we'll see what comes out of it. =) I think it'll be a fine tribute to Lapras though!

I kid you not, I'll be so upset if gen VI ruin her with some stupid evolution like they did to my precious Aipom and Lickitung... =(

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
You do realize that Lapras has a 50-50 gender rate so arbitrarily calling it a her is kind of stupid, right? >>;

Sorry. HUGE pet peeve of mine when humans randomly and arbitrarily apply the same gender to an entire fucking species.
I wasn't referring to the entire fucking species though, I was talking about the very Lapras I'm sewing. It is based on a female Lapras that I really love from one of my games. I wrote this and a little more in the post at first, but then thought it'd be too much text and removed it, but forgot to edit the last section, where the 'her' would make sense at first. But yeah, basically I don't want her or any other Lapras to get an evolution in the coming generation, for I think Lapras is perfect they way they are, male or female.

I don't apply genders to Pokémon in general, nor do I care what genders my Pokemon happen to be. It was just an editing mistake. I hope you understand.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I have Bioshock Infinite just waiting for me to play it... but I feel like I should give Tomb Raider the respect it deserves and finish it first. Argggggh! So much awesome to play~
Because you lack common sense? I cant say much about this seeing as if I'm not reminded I'll forget to eat anything, for the day.

In other news I got a new pet~ His name is Grunge and he is a dragon. If you are mean to me I shall feed you to him. Well not really he's tiny right now.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
What's going on here? Today is April 1st and yet the site hasn't been altered in anyway. Is the staff slacking or is not doing anything the joke? Is our confusion and anticipation what you people wanted? D:


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Psycho Monkey said:
What's going on here? Today is April 1st and yet the site hasn't been altered in anyway. Is the staff slacking or is not doing anything the joke? Is our confusion and anticipation what you people wanted? D:
I am currently the only one who does things like this, and I'm half-way across the country at present - I'm moving 200 miles to Leeds today! So, yeah, the elaborate plans I had didn't come to fruition due to lack of time and lack of Photoshop. And the fact that my tower is in a suitcase next to me at the moment. ;p

Also, we have a long tradition of being late with our April Fool's jokes, so there's that.

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