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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I had a dream about affordable housing (yes). I was looking into buying a small, open concept home that cost roughly $129,000, and I was so damn excited because the house was quite nice and actually within my price range! But then I woke up and was slapped in the face by reality. What a nightmare. ;x

And naturally today is my first day back to work too (monies!) after a very pleasant and relaxing holiday. My paid holidays are never long enough. :'D


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
We got sent home earlier because people were worried about the snow getting worse. Started breeding Eevee when I got home so as to train an Espeon, third I hatched was a shiny. ^^


I don't really think I've earned it, hatching three eggs isn't much, but I'm really happy nonetheless. ♥


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Demelza said:
I don't really think I've earned it, hatching three eggs isn't much, but I'm really happy nonetheless. ♥
To be fair, your love for Eevee transcends the ages. You've definitely earned it.

Congratulations! ^_^


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Dark Soul said:
Bard says hey! He's not as grumpy as he looks.

Awww! He's so cute. And he looks happy (if he's anything like my cousin's he'd be black if he was grumpy!) xD

And congrats Demelza! :D
Dear god, I'm dead... I'm dead I am so beyond dead now... My brothers just broke my mom's new coffee table and I had to be the bearer of bad news and sent her a text.... just after she went out...

So if I'm missing after tonight it's because my mom killed all over us... :'|

Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
Anxiety is a real pain.
I keep jumping at the smallest of things. D:

On the bright side, my brothers been helping me through it.
...And I still can't find my PSP charger.

Note to self; always buy a back up.
Yeah anxiety is a pain, I keep jumping at the smallest of things as well and its giving me bad thoughts questioning my existence and thinking lowly of my prospects


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
StellarWind Elsydeon said:
... Thanks, Katie. Now I have to listen to Dark Side of the Moon again. XD

My pleasure. x3

*Even though the shipping costs were a bit ridiculous, I ended up buying the shirt after all... :'D*

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Katie this thing is like colors and Eeveelutions and (super basic optical) physics concepts and oh my gosh I really need this shirt I am so buying it when I have my own income ;;


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Newsflash: Smash just showed off that Mewtwo evolution/forme/thing that did the rounds this week. It is real. What exactly it IS is yet to be confirmed - watch this space.

ETA: Official site updated. You didn't need to understand Japanese to know everything about this Pokémon that was revealed on Smash or otherwise. We've got a picture, a battle video, and a vague Mewtwo relation. That's literally it.

I've created a rather laughable Cryptidex entry; when the press pack drops sometime next week, I'll update with proper images and screenshots.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member


(or alternatively, iMew. Like the iMacs of old, it is sleek, shiny and comes with a convenient carrying handle that can easily be attached to a chain for use as a BOAT ANCHOR).
Maggie Thatcher is dead. I was mosy certainly NOT expecting that this morning.

She did some awful things for the working-class in the North (i.e the Miner's Strike), but one must give her praise for pulling us out of recession.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Dinova said:
Heading out for VGC 13 on Sunday! Desperately hoping I've done enough practice to not get trampled. (Probably will, but oh well!)

You're making me feel nostalgic. I've only attended one VGC event (last year) but it was a great experience. The atmosphere alone made it worth attending. :)

Good luck, have fun! :D

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Luckii said:
Maggie Thatcher is dead. I was mosy certainly NOT expecting that this morning.

She did some awful things for the working-class in the North (i.e the Miner's Strike), but one must give her praise for pulling us out of recession.

*Setting up the financial sector to be completely unregulated so as to lead us into the worst financial crisis the country's ever faced.

Yep. Good as gold that one.
So I went to the midnight release of Injustice: Gods Among Us last night (despite not preordering it). There was a tournament to win a free strategy guide and a t-shirt, and my friend won it all. However, then our other friend beat him, and I beat that guy with Aquaman, so I have come to the conclusion that Aquaman is severely OP, because I suck at fighters and I kept landing combo after combo.

Also I hate having ideas when college is being a butt. "OH WOW THAT WOULD BE AN AWESOME STORY! *gets slapped in the face with a 7 inch text book*"


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I feel the tiniest twinge of rage each morning when I walk into my computer lab and see the chairs in a mess around the room. I know who's class is at fault. He knows I'm OCD about the chairs being pushed in. Whyyy. Why must he do this to me? It's like cruel and unusual torture. ;_;

Today's 3DS Nintendo Direct is at a horrible time for me but I'm going to attempt watching it anyways. I hope something new is announced. :)


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Linkachu said:
Today's 3DS Nintendo Direct is at a horrible time for me but I'm going to attempt watching it anyways. I hope something new is announced. :)

Like I said to you last night, I shall sit here comfortable watching it and think of you. :angel:

We've been having really nice weather the last few days, and which day does it decide to rain on? My one day off college. I mean, it will ensure I get more stuff done because I won't be tempted out into the sun, but still! D:<
Rest in peace, my shiny Mightyena. If only I'd known my little nephew was going to be over at my house a while I wasn't there, and delete my entire save file where I stored all my most powerful and rare PokeMon.

You will never be forgotten.
What's worse then kids stealing games is their bed rooms/toy boxes.
I lost my first firered (which had my female charazard, a shiny tentacool, and a blissey on it) to a stinking toy box. Which I emptied out and still didn't find it.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Dark Soul said:
We do have a resident football, actually, but I can't call her a kid. Shiny's more mature than I am.

Shiny will always be a kid to me. :angel:

In other thoughts of the moment: I'm so, so very glad that today is payday. x.x


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Linkachu said:
Dark Soul said:
We do have a resident football, actually, but I can't call her a kid. Shiny's more mature than I am.

Shiny will always be a kid to me. :angel:
This. Shiny will always be twelve. And will always be my favourite football. >:D
Well, 200th post. Only took me 10 and a half months :D

I'm a little less busy now, but also bored-ish, my show's on break until Season 4 in October, so that's one less thing to do. I guess I'll actually finish Black 2 XD
Well VGC was ton of fun. Also Katie you sold it short, the atmosphere was beyond enjoyable! Tons of fans, gaining a small fan club, and meeting Marilland were just some of the highlights!

Anyway, tomorrow is my college's gaming con, where I will be leading the Eite Four again this year and cosplaying as first season Ash!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Dinova said:
Well VGC was ton of fun. Also Katie you sold it short, the atmosphere was beyond enjoyable! Tons of fans, gaining a small fan club, and meeting Marilland were just some of the highlights!

I'm not quite sure how I "sold it short" (last year I rambled for days about my VGC12 Nationals experience XD) but glad to hear that you had a good time. ^^

How did you place? :)


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
I've realised today that I'd be an awful leader sending people into battles. Killed my archer off so many times today. ;_;

(I've spent the afternoon playing Fire Emblem: Awakening, yesh. :p)

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Teapot said:
Linkachu said:
Dark Soul said:
We do have a resident football, actually, but I can't call her a kid. Shiny's more mature than I am.

Shiny will always be a kid to me. :angel:
This. Shiny will always be twelve. And will always be my favourite football. >:D

dnehfvucfovucjofde have I ever mentioned how much I really love you guys. ;;

Had a pretty bad day today because prom's tomorrow and I'm not allowed to go because of parentals, but you guys really made my day for some reason. ♥

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