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The Stupid Game!

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Because if it were flat, there wouldn't be night or day.

Who likes metal music, other than me?
You can't say that, because you don't know. I could say yes, you did know. But you don't know, because I'm not saying that. See? I bet you didn't know I was going to say all this. I also bet you didn't know I wasn't going to say that your monkeys raided my house last month!? See! Look at your face, you didn't know I was going to say that last sentence. Your own questions are LIIIEEESS!! ... *collapses*

Do you like ranting?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I love a good rant. Esspecially when the rant turns into a conversation between me and the voices in my head.

Do you believe that I actually knew how Brendan would answer my question?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
To answer your nonexistant question, yes you are a moron

Permission to kill the next person to do something stupid?
*has just devoured a container of ice cream* Huh?

Why did Darcy suddenly decide to stalk me for my handball then try to get it off me and when I fought back, bite me?
You said I was tasty... and that you knew... and that I have a bite mark that isn't from my little sister at all, but from you!



Is Tunduli a vampire?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
*Staps Tunduli with a wooden stake* Nope, just a creepy stalker.

Can you help me dispose of the body?

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The n00bs are irrelevant. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

(shoots the drone with a 50mm Desert Eagle from point blank range) ADAPT TO THIS, YOU CYBER-ZOMBIFIED BITCH. (feeds the remains to Species 8472)


Do you eat your pants in your wildest dreams?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Because you are.

Why is it that last time I beat Kingdom Hearts II Demyx was a challenging but managable boss, but this time I'm getting my ass handed to me? Keep in mind it's the same difficulty as before.
Because the first time you fought him he didn't know what you were capable of. Now he knows, he won't go easy on you and you get your ass whooped. Simple.

Want me to haunt him?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
No, I'd rather fight my own battles. (So long as Donald and Goofy can stay alive long enough for me to use Summons and Drives when needed >:()

Why did my back suddenly spasm?

We're sorry, the person typing this just exploded for reasons beyond man.

To continue, please repair him.

Scream at the top of your lungs and pound the keyboard in fury to continue.


"Where's the 'ANY' key?" ~Homer Simpson

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Because, like me, you have an erratic metabolism. You are never full, just less hungry. It takes a full gormet meal to satisfy your hunger.

Did I spell gormet right?

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Because you know how to spell words.

Why do I feel like I'm loosing what little sanity I have left!?
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