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Ask to Join Warrior cats general RP

Undyne looked at Bluestar. "Yep. That's my kittypet name... Bluestar was it? I forgot most everything..." She muttered. Undyne looked down. avoiding eye contact.
Bluestar's gaze warmed. "Well, we haven't forgotten you. Come back to us. I can still remember how much you enjoyed being an apprentice, no matter what the task was."
"I can't. Or what happened to me... would happen to every cat in this forest," Undyne explained. She didn't show eye contact. "I would gladly rejoin if you wouldn't all be in danger," Undyne admitted.
Darkpaw(Flip)walked back to Shadowclan.He hated his leader in every way.Brokenstar accupuncture him for things Brokenstar did himself."We will be attacking Thunderclan territory at an second now!"Snarled Brokenstar to Darkpaw.Darkpaw didn't say anything as the cats came charging for Thunderclan.Cinnnamonfur looked in the distance,"Is that..........SHADOWCLAN IS COMING!"Cinnamonfur announced.
Deltafang whipped his head up to the sound of paws trampling the forest ground. "What?" He bared his teeth in a snarl. "Everyone, be ready to defend the camp!" Blustar ordered, then turned to Undyne. "Undyne. Please fight this one battle for and with us. I remember how much you liked battles, even if you do not." Deltafang charged at a ShadowClan warrior and slashed with his claws down the warrior's shoulder and kicked him away.
Darkpaw didn't do anything.Shypaw was attacked by a Shadoawclan warrior.Shypaw managed to bit the warrior's ear,the warrior yowled in pain and bit back.Shypaw shaked the warrior off strongly with sent him flying.Shypaw looked at the nursery,"The kits!"Shypaw shouted to Cinnamonfur.
Deltafang heard Shypaw's desperate cry and raced over to the queens' den. He saw three ShadowClan warriors circling two frightened kits and leapt into action, knocking one into a bush and slashing at another's muzzle.
"I might be a kittypet, but this was my former clan. I'm defending it," Undyne whispered to Deltafang. She dashed after Deltafang. She clawed at the last warrior. It fled, with a gash across it's back. A kit stared at Undyne, not knowing who she was.
Deltafang ushered the kits back to the den. "Stay here, little ones," He soothed, touching his muzzle to their foreheads. "It'll be over soon." He nodded to Undyne. "Let's go. There are more coming."
Darkpaw wanted to help too.He attacked a cat that had stole a kit and was almost out of camp.Cinnnamon looked back at Darkpaw and pinned him to the ground,"Don't think I'm just going to think that your a little kittypet!"Snarled Cinnamonfur bringing a claw out.Darkpaw threw himself up and pinned Cinnamonfur to the ground."I am trying to help!"He shouted and grabbed a kit and set it in the nursery.
Undyne nodded back. She rushed off. One of the kits looked out at Undyne. He saw the collar. The kit tilted his head. Undyne knocked a ShadowClan cat off the ravine. She ripped off her collar and threw it down the ravine too. A ShadowClan cat pushed her off the cliff.
Darkpaw looked at his collar,"I forgot."He said looking at his collar that had a F on it.He took the the inner side of it and ripped it off."Much bet-"A Thunderclan cat pinned him to the ground and noticed it was Shypaw.She bit his face,the apprentice closed its eyes and opened one."Ha!"Darkpaw shouted play tackling Shypaw.
Deltafang sprinted across the clearing to the ravine where a ShadowClan warrior had just pushed her off. Snarling with rage, he knocked the warrior over and sunk his fangs into his forearm. "Go home," Deltafang spat. The warrior turned tail and pelted back to the border. Deltafang hurried to the edge of the cliff and raced down to where Undyne was about to fall. He leaped into the air and grabbed Undyne and twisted so he landed on his back, where Undyne wouldn't be harmed.
All of the Shadowclan cats left.Darkpaw was the only one left,he was shaking.Suddenly a flash of lightning appeared,and a few drops of ran fell on Thunderclan.Shypaw got behind Cinnamonfur as the rain got a tiny bit harder.Darkpaw was so horrified that he jumped into a lake.
Deltafang got up and washed his wounds gingerly. He then picked up Undyne, who was lighter than expected, and carried her back to camp. He looked around. "ShadowClan retreated?"
Undyne quickly thanked Deltafang, and rushed out of the camp. She sat out of the camp. Bluestar nodded to Deltafang to follow her. Bluestar trotted out of the camp. She saw Undyne.
"Yeah... Stupid ShadowClan. I can remember... that was my least favorite clan. I guess I should go now..." Undyne replied. She stood up and started to walk away. "Undyne. You don't have to leave. We're a full clan. We can deal with a couple Twolegs. You can join our clan. Fireheart was a kittypet, but he's our deputy!" Bluestar exclaimed.
Darkpaw quickly got out of the water and sprinted to Shadowclan.Bluestar gave a tiny nod to Cinnnamonfur and to follow him,Darkpaw was out of site and the rain was hard now.It was close to night too.Shypaw sprinted to Cinnamonfur,"I have to come with you."She said to Cinnamonfur,Cinnamonfur nodded and started to.There was a streak of lightning and a crash.As Cinnamonfur and Shypaw sprinted in their drenched coats they stopped in front of Shadowclan territory.
Undyne turned around. She saw two smiling faces. "I can't. I won't fit in," Undyne explained. "And plus, that warrior over there-" Undyne pointed to Speedbreeze. "-Doesn't see very fond of me,"
Deltafang looked over at Speedbreeze. "Don't worry about him. He's always been a little sleep deprived. I'm sure he'll warm up to you sooner or later. And don't worry about fitting in! The other warriors will be kind to you. I promise."
"You really don't give up, do you?" Undyne asked Deltafang. "Fine, I'll rejoin the clan. I need to do something first. I'll see you tomorrow, clanmates," Undyne turned around. She ran from the camp.
Cinnamonfur looked around wanting to go in the heart of Shadowclan."We will bring that Shadowclan kittypet back to our camp."Whispered Cinnamonfur to Shypaw.Shypaw nodded,"How will we get through the camp without anyone knowing?"Shypaw whispered back,"Just follow my lead."Cinnamonfur whispered slyly looking at the heart of Shadowclan.They looked around and saw Darkpaw alone."Perfect timing!"They murmured together.But he wasn't.He was training with his mentor.The mentor looked back and took out a claw."What are you doing here?"He asked scoldly.He swiped at both Cinnamonfur and Shypaw and they were down.The mentor of Darkpaw took them to Brokenstar.The thunder was coming at any second and the rain wasn't dying down at all.
((OCC:Can there be something where Starclan warns someone that Cinnamonfur and Shypaw are in grave danger?))
Darkpaw looked around and ruffled his fur.He saw Cinnamonfur and Shypaw struggling to get free and narrowed his eyes.
Undyne raced through the rain. She heard something coming from the lake. She raced towards it. "Undyne... your friends are in grave danger. In ShadowClan... Save them," A voice said. 'StarClan... Why are they talking to me? I'm still really a kittypet,' Undyne thought. Hse started to head back to the ThunderClan camp.
Brokenstar saw Cinnamonfur and Shypaw and gave them a smirk."As you should know,we have some prisoners."Brokenstar announced,Shypaw growled but Cinnamonfur shut it.
As Deltafang waited for Undyne, he heard a voice that seemed to ring in his mind. Head to ShadowClan, Deltafang. Your friends' lives may be on the line. StarClan! He started to race for the ShadowClan border and ran into Undyne. "Undyne! Did you receive the message too?"
Undyne nodded. "But I shouldn't have gotten it. I'm not in contact with StarClan yet. Yet I did have to go to the lake to hear it," Undyne said. "We can't just go get these people... we need more cats. We won't be able to take on a whole clan," Undyne turned to the border.
Deltafang nodded. "Right. Come on!" He led Undyne to the camp and called out. "Cinnamonfur and Shypaw se under ShafowClan's custody! We need warriors to bring them back." "Agreed," Bluestar nodded. "All right, then. Whitestorm, Undyne, Deltafang, Runningwind, Lionheart, and Firepaw will go. May StarClan walk with you."
Undyne nodded. She heard a voice in her head. 'Hurry! They're in ShadowClan camp!' is what she heard. She whispered the exact word to Deltafang. She nodded.
Ironkit sighed "Forget ThunderClan, i can survive on my own" Ironkit said as he ran out the Nursery, and into the woods he shook some of the water off, and then climbed a tree "Perfect place to sleep" Ironkit said before sleeping.
Speedbreeze saw Ironkit. Speedbreeze dashed after him. Speedbreeze climbed the tree. He grabbed Ironkit by the scruff. "You are not allowed to leave the camp Ironkit!" Speedbreeze exclaimed. Once they got back to camp, Speedbreeze shoved Ironkit into the nursery. He walked up to the mother. "Ironkit left the camp. I brought him back, though," Speedbreeze explained.
"I bet Brokenstar will be very happy to have us as prisoners."Whispered Cinnamonfur to Shypaw as they were led to prison."I bet so."She remarked.Darkpaw looked past Cinnamonfur and Shypaw and didn't smirk at all.It looked like he wanted to help them.
Ironkit pouted "I hate this clan i wanna be free!" Ironkit yelled, "Now to think of a plan of escape, maybe i can leave when they sleep" Ironkit thought.
Ironkits mother replied "Thank you"
Speedbreeze touched his muzzle to Ironkit. "You wouldn't survive out in the wild. You can be decide to leave the clan once you learn to hunt. Unless you want to starve, of course. But, then once your free, if you enter our territory, we will attack you," Speedbreeze explained. "So, if you still want to leave when you learn to hunt, remember that you are no longer welcome on our territory," Speedbreeze walked out of the nursery.
Deltafang led the rescue team to the ShadowClan border. "So, the plan is to surround the camp and close in simultaneously. We won't attack unless we're provoked, which we likely will be. Don't raid anything, just get Cinnamonfur and Shypaw and get out." The patrol circled the camp and Deltafang whispered to himself, "One, two, three... ThunderClan, attack!" He yowled the signal and hurtled into the ShadowClan camp.
Undyne jumped at a ShadowClan apprentice. It was all alone. It ran. She smirked.

Doublepaw ran around the camp. She smiled. She wished she had a kit to play with.