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Ask to Join Warrior cats general RP

Doublepaw followed. Her eyes shined. She nodded to everything Deltafang said. She wished that Pebblepaw was able to come as well. "Cool," Doublepaw blurted.

"It seems Doublepaw and Deltafang have already left," Speedbreeze said to Pebblepaw. He led the way to a training ground. Speedbreeze sat and waited for Pebblepaw to catch up.
Deltafang led Doublepaw back to the camp. "Usually, older-apprentices do the scent marking and hunting, and sometimes, they fight in battles. Of course, the Clans have always strived to maintain the peace here, so StarClan knows we're trying." He looked at Doublepaw. "How about this; what do you want to learn right now? Hunting, or fighting? You never know when you're marking borders and a fox jumps at you."
Cinnamonfur walked up to Shypaw."I'm sorry that I have mistaken.Today we are going somewhere with Doublepaw and Deltafang."Cinnamonfur said to her."Oh....okay."Shypaw replied.They walked through the forest until they found Doublepaw and Deltafang."They're they are!"Shypaw said to Cinnamonfur.
"Hunting," Doublepaw said. She didn't notice Cinnamonfur and Shypaw behind her.

Sharpthorn yawned he walked out of the den. A clanmate filled him in on what happened. He nodded. Shar[thorn went to get some fresh-kill.
"Now, copy my move," Speedbreeze demanded. He stood up. Speedbreeze did the move. "Use it on me. Don't worry; I can handle it," Speedbreeze ordered. Speedbreeze stood.
Pebblepaw sprang toward Speedbreeze and copied his action unhesitantly. The apprentice flicked his tail, proud of himself for thinking he did a good job.
Deltafang nodded. "Hunting it is, then," He said, dipping his head. "Now, what you want to do is first taste the air, or inhale deeply through your nose. That way, you can tell what kind of prey is in the general vicinity. So, taste the air, and tell me what you can scent."
"Good! Now... do this. It is harder to pull off," Speedbreeze said. Speedbreeze pulled of a more complex move.

Doublepaw turned around. "Oh, hey Shypaw!" She exclaimed. Doublekit turned around. She sniffed. "I... I smell something really yucky!" Doublepaw exclaimed.
Shypaw smelled a stench of something.She got in a crouch and could tell something was near,she opened her claws and sunk them into the earth.Something was getting closer,closer,and closer."Hi-ya!"Shypaw said and attacked the something."Stop!"Cried a voice.
Deltafang turned around to see what Shypaw had attacked. "Who's there? Show yourself!" He unsheathed his claws, his pelt rippling uneasily. "If you're from another Clan..."
"Shypaw let the cat speak."Cinnamonfur ordered,"Yes."Shypaw said getting off of the cat,Flip was breathless.Cinnamonfur looked at his collar,"A kittypet are you now?"She said to Flip."Y-yes."Flip answered.
Deltafang snorted. "A kittypet? Where are your owners? Did you run away?" He smoothed his pelt and sheathed his claws.

Blizzardkit woke up and nosed Ironkit. "Ironkit! Let's go play! I'm so bored, I wish something would happen."
"Well-well they let me out every day and I come-come in the house at night."Flip said sacredly."Don't put too much pressure on him."Cinnamonfur interrupted.Shypaw stayed quiet.
Deltafang narrowed his eyes. "Hmm. Well, I don't really have much to do with you. Come on, Doublepaw. Let's work on hunting like you said." He padded away from the kittypet and gestured for his apprentice to follow.
Doublepaw was still sniffing. "This isn't the thing I smell. I smell something... gross. I hear a roaring sound. Every time I hear it the stench gets worse..." Doublepaw said. She scrunched her nose up.
Deltafang grumbled as Cinnamonfur called him back. "Fine. By the way, Doublepaw, that's a monster. Four-legged creatures with colored plating so powerful they can crush even a fox's spine with one blow. They roam on the Thunderpath, so if you plan on crossing, make sure you have a senior warrior with you." He nodded to the kittypet with a grunt. "Let's go, then."
Undyne watched from a tree. She eyed Doublepaw. "Leave him... ALONE!" She shouted. She pounced like a warrior at Doublepaw. Undyne knocked her over. Doublepaw screamed as she was knocked to the ground by the kittypet. Undyne had an angry expression.
Deltafang grunted with surprise and wrestled the new cat off of Doublepaw. That was when he noticed the collar. "For StarClan's sake, where are all these kittypets coming from?!" He glared at the female kittypet, eyes blazing.
Undyne was able to scratch Doublepaw before she was thrown off. It left a small gash in Doublepaw. Doublepaw laid on the ground, still in shock because of the attack. "What the heck is a StarClan?!" Undyne blurted. She was growling. She didn't seem afraid, even though she was out numbered. She didn't notice that Flip had fled.
Deltafang sniffed. "StarCLan isn't a what, it's a who. They're our warrior ancestors who roam the skies, watching over us. And your friend," He pointed out. "Seems to have left."
"He might be, but you still attacked him!" Undyne shouted. Doublepaw stood up, shaking. Undyne gaze could scare off an apprentice. Her breathing was heavy.
Pebblepaw's ears twitched. "Something's wrong." He dashed off and found Doublepaw with a kittypet. He hissed with rage and tackled Undyne. "Deltafang!" He yowled at the warrior to help.
Deltafang rolled his eyes, unfazed by the kittypet's glare. He met her eyes evenly. "I didn't touch him. He went into shock when Shypaw surprised him. I didn't touch your friend." Suddenly, Pebblepaw dashed into the scene, tackling the kittypet. Deltafang dragged Pebblepaw off. "Stand down. We don't need any more trouble."
Speedbreeze dashed after Pebblepaw. Ehsaw Undyne. "You again?! I thought I told you to stay off our territory!" Speedbreeze snapped. "I wasn't as scary then, but now I could easily rip you to shreds." Speedbreeze let out a snarl.

Doublepaw inched over to Pebblepaw. "Pebblepaw! Remember when we were kits? We saw Speedbreeze, or Speedpaw, as he was known then, talking to a kittypet, warning it off!" She whispered. It was quiet, so only Pebblepaw heard.

Undyne bit back a snarl. "I didn't even ask to be a stupid kittypet! So why won't you just SHUT UP!" She shouted. She had tears in her eyes.
Deltafang stepped forward in between the two apprentices and young warrior and Undyne. "Okay, guys, calm down," He ordered. "It's obvious there's been a misunderstanding." He turned to the kittypet. "You said you never wanted to be a kittypet, then why don't you join a Clan like ours? If you're suited for hunting and fighting, then you'll be more at home here."
Pebblepaw tilted his head at Undyne's behavior. "Yeah. This must be the same one." He whispered back to Doublepaw. He was surprised at Deltafang's suggestion to the kittypet, and was almost certain she'd turn down the offer. She seemed too prideful to accept it.
"Just shut up! You don't know what it's like to Be ripped from your own clan, never to see your friends anymore! I was knocked out by a stupid Twoleg, and woke up in some sort of cage! All I could remember was that I was apart of ThunderClan. Also the four clans. ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan. And I can't join your clan! I'd put every single one of you in danger! My Twolegs would come into the forest looking for me, and they would find all of you, and put you in cages!" Undyne exclaimed. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I would gladly rejoin my clan. But I can't or you'll all be in danger!"

Doublepaw found her eyes swelling up with tears. The kittypet's story was sad.
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Deltafang's amber eyes softened. "I'm sorry to hear that. And, you're right. I don't know what it's like. But at least let us help you." He touched his tail to Undyne's shoulder. "You said you were in ThunderClan for a while? Bluestar will be happy to see you. At least come with us for one moment. One moment shouldn't hurt anybody."
Flip shut up."Shut up you two!It's all because of you that we were led into this mess!Go to your stupid clan thing now!!!!!!"Zip screamed in anger."NOW!GO!"He shouted and sat down."What are you waiting for?"He snarled.
Undyne stood to let Deltafang's tail touch her shoulder. "I don't even remember who Bluestar is. Most likely she won't remember me. But fine. I'll come with you. But I refuse to come into ThuderClan camp," Undyne replied. She finally released herself from her battle stance, after hitting Flip with her tail.
Flip didn't mind."Back to my clan then."He whispered,"Where is Shadowclan?"He asked himself looking around."Darkpaw think."He muttered looking around.And ran away,"Let's go Shypaw."Cinnamonfur said looking ahead.They ran back to camp and went to the fresh-kill pile.
Undyne sat. She waited for Deltafang to lead her back to camp. Undyne had forgotten the way to ThunderClan camp. Undyne sighed. She was getting impatient.
Deltafang led the way back to camp, gesturing for Undyne to follow her. On the way, he attempted to make some conversation. "Can you at least remember your Clan name?"
"Didn't you hear me? I said I could only remember what clan I was from and the four Clans. I can't even remember if I was actually a warrior. Might've been an apprentice," Undyne replied. Once they arrived, Undyne sat out of sight of any cats from ThunderClan. She let the others go in.

Doublepaw and Speedbreeze followed Deltafang and Undyne.
Deltafang shrugged at Undyne's response and walked into the middle of the camp. "Bluestar!" He called, hoping to get the leader's attention. "We have a guest, one you might recognize." Bluestar leaped down from the Highrock and followed Deltafang to where Undyne was. Bluestar's eyes widened. "Undyne? Is that really you?"