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Ask to Join Warrior cats general RP

Doublekit jumped out of the nursery. She waited for the siblings to come out.

Speedbreeze wobbled over to Deltafang. "Heeeeey... Deltafannnnnng..." Speedbreeze muttered. He yawned. Speedbreeze shook his head.
Shykit followed.She looked and knew at that moment Bluestar would call from the high rock,and she was correct.Shykit ran happily to the high rock and waited for her name to be called up.
Deltafang placed one paw on Speedbreeze's shoulder to steady him. "Whoa, there! Careful." He made his way to the bottom of the Highrock, awaiting the apprentice ceremony.
"Pebblekit! Shykit! You will now be known as Pebblepaw and Shypaw! Pebblepaw, Speedbreeze will be your mentor! Shypaw, your mentor will be Cinnamonfur!" Bluestar announced. Doublekit's eyes widend. Speedbreeze fell onto Deltafang again. "Sorry, I'm tired," Speedbreeze admitted.
Deltafang nudged Speedbreeze to his feet. "Now now, this isn't the time for that," He chided. He pushed Speedbreeze toward Pebblepaw. "You're gonna mentor this little guy."
Shypaw smiled at leapt down from the high rock."Cinnamonfur I want to do training now!"Shypaw said proudly."Okay."Replied Cinnamonfur.They walked to a place they could hunt,"Your first task is to catch a prey."Said Cinnamonfur.
"Fine, fine," Speedbreeze said. He yawned. Speedbreeze walked over to Pebblepaw. "Hey, buddy. Ready for some training? Don't expect much from me. I stayed up all night," Speedbreeze said. He yawned.
Deltafang snorted with amusement. He padded up beside Speedbreeze and nodded. "And because of his sleep-deprivation, I'm going to be helping him mentor you until he's back in his prime."
Speedbreeze nodded. He nodded. "Pebblepaw, let's go hunting. Don't be upset if you don't catch anything, It's your first time out of camp. The same with hunting," Speedbreeze said. Speedbreeze shook his head. He felt like he could just shake the sleep out of himself. Speedbreeze only yawned again.
Deltafang snorted and led the two cats out into the forest. "The first thing you want to do when looking for prey is to taste the air." He demonstrated and was met by the aroma of mice, squirrels, and birds. "That way, you can tell what's in the general vicinity."
Speedbreeze stared into the distance. He blinked a few times. "Yeah... Then if you see the prey, crouch down. Don't wag your tail," Speedbreeze managed to murmur. Speedbreeze shook his head.

Doublekit watched as her friends left the camp. She looked down. Doublekit trotted into the nursery. Doublekit fell asleep.
Shypaw eyed a mouse and at that second She narrowed her eyes."Don't be fast,that will just send the mouse away."Cinnamonfur warned Shypaw,"Right."She agreed.Shykit got in a crouch position and stuck her claws out.The mouse was still,Shypaw leaped on the mouse but the mouse jumped into a bush which made Shypaw leap into a mud pile.
"Okay." Pebblepaw sniffed. "I can't smell anything near." He shook his head, stiffening his tail so it wouldn't brush against anything. He wondered how his friends were doing for a moment, but pushed the thought aside.
Shypaw opened her eyes.when she realized she was in a mud pile she got mad."It's fine........."Cinnamonfur said slowly.Shypaw looked for another mouse by sniffing the air.She went crouch position and leaped on a rabbit.Shypaw picked it up with her mouth to show Cinnamonfur."Well done."Cinnamonfur said to Shypaw.
"Then we move on to the next area," Speedbreeze muttered. Speedbreeze led the two cats to different area. They were next to the RiverClan border. Speedbreeze nodded towards the border. "Don't cross that border. You'll be in RiverClan territory. They'll rip you to shreds," Speedbreeze ordered. "And if you DO cross the border... Don't hunt. Anyway, sniff for prey," Speedbreeze yawned. He was getting less tired.
Cinnamonfur and Shykit followed Speedbreeze and Pebblepaw,"Mind if we go with you?"Cinnamonfur asked Speedbreeze,Shypaw was licking herself clean.
Pebblepaw didn't flinch at Speedbreeze's description of Riverclan. He sniffed again and scented vole under the scent of Riverclan scent markers. "There's something." He crouched down and crawled toward the vole, placing importance on keeping his pawsteps quiet. Right when the vole looked at him, he leapt and landed on it, killing it quickly.
"Good job!" Speedbreeze muttered. "I think we should head back. I might drop to the floor any minute now. Sorry Cinnamonfur. C'mon Pebblepaw." Speedbreeze strted to head back. He stopped every once in a while to stop himself from falling.

Doublekit woke up. She waited for Pebblepaw and Shypaw to arrive back at camp. She wanted to know what hunting was like.
"A group of Riverclan is near."Cinnamonfur said sniffing the air."C'mon Shypaw."She said to Shypaw.They went back to camp and Shypaw ran to the nursery."Doublekit we're back!"She shouted trying to find her.
Doublekit looked inside the nursery. "I'm over here, Shykit!" She exclaimed. Doublekit waited for Shypaw to follow her out. Doublekit's tail was wagging rapidly.
"Everything!" Doublekit exclaimed. Doublekit ran around Shypaw. "Have you been in the apprentices' den yet?! How was it like hunting?! Do you like Cinnamonfur as your mentor?!" Doublekit questioned. Doublekit smiled.
Pebblepaw passed Speedbreeze on his way back. He arrived at camp and put the vole on the pile, and immediately afterwards went to the nursery to talk with his friends. "I caught a vole!" He announced proudly as he sat with Shypaw and Doublekit.
"No,yes,and yes."Shykit replied easily to Doublekit."You'll love it!"She said happily to Doublekit."And I caught my first prey Doublekit!"She said happily.
Doublekit's eyes shined. "I want to be an apprentice!!" She exclaimed. Doublekit ran around her friends. She jumped up and down. "Who do you think will be my mentor?" Doublekit asked her friends.

Speedbreeze arrived at camp. He trotted into the Warrior den. Speedbreeze curled up in an un-owned nest. He fell asleep.
Pebblepaw's whiskers twitched, and he stepped back to keep from being trampled by the two playing. He purred and watched the mock battle carefully, memorizing their moves in case he had to battle them.
Doublekit dodged Shypaw. She lept on Shypaw. Shypaw was pinned to the ground. "Hah-hah! I got you!" Doublekit exclaimed. Doublekit Sat on top of Shypaw.
Deltafang came up behind Pebblepaw, who was watching the other kits intently. "Congratulations on your catch. Later, I can tell Speedbreeze to teach you fighting moves." He chuckled.
Pebblepaw flinched at the warrior's sudden appearance, but didn't take his eyes off the playing cats. "Yeah." He said, thinking of how he would battle against a skilled warrior.
Doublekit jumped off Shypaw. Doublekit trotted over to Pebblekit. Doublekit jumped around him.

Speedbreeze woke up. He trotted out of the den. He walked over to Pebblekit.
Pebblepaw snapped to attention and jumped away from Doublekit. He turned to Speedbreeze, awaiting orders from his mentor.

Bearclaw walked out of the warrior's den and went to eat.
Speedbreeze giggled at Doublekit and Pebblepaw. "Heh, I'm not here to give orders. The first Gathering in a while is happening. They're bringing me, Deltafang, Bearclaw, Cinnamonfur, Sharpthorn, Shypaw, and you. Others, too," Speedbreeze said. "Can I come?!" Doublekit asked. "Sorry Doublekit, kits can't come." Speedbreeze replied. "Awwww..." Doublekit muttered.
"I'll tell you everything." Pebblepaw promised. His eyes glinted with joy. He started running around camp, so excited he felt like he would explode. Bearclaw smiled and watched the 'paw sprint around, and walked up to Speedbreeze. "Gathering?" She said, more of a statement than a question.
"Yep... From what an elder said it's where the four clans meet at a place called the Fourtrees. We have a truce just for that time," Speedbreeze replied. "It's tonight,"

Doublekit chased Pebblepaw around. Doublekit smiled.
"Well then." Bearclaw nodded and left to sit by the warrior's den.

Pebblepaw slowed down for a second, then looked back and realized Doublekit was chasing him. He sped up to try and lose her.
Cinnamonfurwoke up."To night is the gathering."She said to herself,she walked out of her den and was greeted by Shypaw charging at her."To night is the gathering!"Shypaw shouted jumping on Cinnamonfur.
**That night**

Speedbreeze woke up. He yawned. He walked out of the den. "Everyone coming to the Gathering, we are leaving!" Bluestar shouted. Speedbreeze nodded to Pebblepaw.