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Ask to Join Warrior cats general RP

Speedpaw stood up. He had bags under his eyes. Speedpaw left the den. He left for the woods. Doublekit watched Speedpaw leave. "He didn't even stop by us..." She muttered to Pebblekit. "Should we follow him?"
"Yeah. Something's wrong." Pebblekit agreed and started tracking after Speedpaw, doing his best to stay quiet. The kit crouched awkwardly, but his steps were still silent as he moved into the forest.
Doublekit followed. Speedpaw stopped. He was by the Twoleg border. "Is that a border? I don't reconize the smell," Doublekit whispered to Pebblekit. A kittypet hopped up. It started to talk to Speedpaw. "I think that's a kittypet. My mom told me about them. They're owned by things called Twolegs. They don't have to hunt for food, the Twolegs get it for them," Doublekit explained. Speedpaw was having a conversation with the kittypet.
Ironkit had just been born in the nursery, Ironkit was sleeping while his mother was trying to lick him clean. She was a bit suprised that she only had one kit, but she was glad because she did not wanna take care of a whole bunch of kits.
Pebblekit nodded worriedly. "I heard kittypets are weak and should be chased out of the territory." He tilted his head in confusion as he watched Speedpaw talking with the unfamiliar cat. He suddenly felt exposed in the forest and began imagining eyes were watching him. He shivered in fear but stayed quiet, knowing that if he made too much noise, either a fox or Speedpaw would get him.
Speedpaw growled at the kittypet. It ran. Speedpaw sighed. "That kittypet needs to learn to stay out of our territory..." Speedpaw said out loud. Speedpaw sighed. Doublekit jumped at Cinnamonfur. "Speedpaw just chased it off.." She muttered to Cinnamonfur. Speedpaw was walking back to camp.
Pebblekit flinched and stepped back when he heard Cinnamonfur. He kept watching Speedpaw, doubtful of the apprentice's intentions. Realizing he might get in trouble for sneaking out, he ran under a bush and back to camp as fast as his legs could carry him.
"Do you know I just saw that?"She said slowly to Doublekit,and followed Speedpaw.

Shykit woke up and walked outside of the nursery.She started tumbling and playing in the grass."I miss Doublekit."She said sadly and quietly.
Doublekit followed Pebblekit. When they arrived back in camp, Doublekit said, "Did you hear Speedpaw? He just said something about the kittypet invading our territory! He was protecting the camp!" Doublekit saw Shykit. She raced over to her. "Guess what happened!" Doublekit exclaimed. She explained what happened.
"Really?"Shykit said."I would like to go on mysterious adventures like you!"She said loudly to Doublekit getting in a crouch position.Then she leaped into the air and did a flip.
Pebblekit collapsed at the edge of camp, exhausted from running so fast. He panted to catch his breath, taking a few minutes before he stood back up. He forced himself to go with Doublekit instead of resting at the nursery and arrived as soon as she finished her speech.
Speedpaw arrived back at camp. He walked over to Pebblekit and Doublekit. "I'm sorry I was mean to you around the apprentice den. I was mad about something. I shouldn't have taken it out on you two," Speedpaw said. Doublekit looked up at her big brother. "It's okay Speedpaw!" Doublekit said. Speedpaw giggled. "Finally got my name right."
Shykit looked at Speedpaw with a deep glare and hissed.Something was wrong with her.Cinnamonfur looked over and ran to Shykit."What's wrong Shykit?"Cinnamonfur asked.Shykit hissed at Cinnamonfur too.
Pebblekit simply stared at Speedpaw, partly because he was still breathless from sprinting all the way here, and partly because he wasn't sure what to say. He jumped when Shykit hissed. Tired as he was, he managed to get away from her quickly.
"Shykit stop this instant!"Cinnamonfur growled.Shykit skratched Cinnamonfur near her neck.Cinnamonfur stopped dead.She snapped out of it and whipped Shykit with her tail.Shykit snapped out of it and ran to the nursery.
Pebblekit shuddered nervously. "I'm not sleeping in there." He found a bush at the side of camp and lay underneath it, planning to sleep there. Whatever had just happened scared him, and he didn't want to go in the nursery if Shykit was attacking the warriors.
Doublekit gasped. She ran after Shykit. "Shykit! What's wrong?" Doublekit asked her.

Speedpaw was taken back by Shykit's actions. He shrugged. Speedpaw walked off. Sharpthorn walked over to Cinnamonfur. "Hey Cinnamonfur," He mumbled. Sharpthorn blushed a tiny bit.
"Yeah?"Cinnamonfur said slowly.She looked confused and looked around and looked at Sharpthorn.

Shykit was was trying to hide, she was crying.
"You wanna talk together? I just woke up. I didn't really spend much time with you this morning..." Sharpthorn said.

"Shykit, I can see you! Tell me, what happened? Why did you attack Cinnamonfur?" Doublekit asked. She had worry in her eyes.
Shykit ignored Doublekit,"No!"She said whimpering and turned to the other side.

"Sure."Cinnamonfur said shrugging and waited until Sharpthorn to talk.
Pebblekit saw Doublekit go after Shykit and shook in fear, then anger as Speedpaw walked off, seemingly unconcerned. He ignored the two warriors chatting and strode into the nursery to protect Doublekit if she was in danger. Why are the older ones so...dumb sometimes? This and similar thoughts were running through his head as he saw Shykit crying. The kit sat next to Doublekit, less worried about his fate and more of everyone else's.
"Shykit! Has someone been bulling you? Just tell me!! I'm your friend!" Doublekit said. Her eyes swelled with tears.

"So, do you have any close feelings with anyone? Like, you feel that they're connected to you somehow," Sharpthorn asked. Sharpthorn secretly had a crush on Cinnamonfur.
Pebblekit stiffened up. He wasn't sure what was wrong, but he would do his best to keep these two from being hurt. He shot a hateful glare at the entrance of the cave. He considered completely distrusting all older cats, but he remembered it wasn't all their fault. Bearpaw would help, but she was sleeping. He got frustrated and his tail moved in wide, swift arcs.
Speedpaw trotted into the apprentice den. He woke Bearpaw up. "The kits are in some deep water. Shykit for some reason scratched Cinnamonfur," Speedpaw explained. Speedpaw was worried, despite his calm reaction.
"Got it." Bearpaw sprinted over to the entrance of the nursery. She peeked in and assessed the situation. She backed up so she wouldn't be seen by the kits and waited.

Pebblekit saw a shadow at the entrance and relaxed slightly. Now that he knew he had trustworthy backup, he wasn't as concerned about what would happen.
"What?! Who was it?! I'll tell Bluestar!" Doublekit exclaimed.

Speedpaw looked around the apprentice den. No one was in it.

"Hm. I'm sorry. My family's not around either. My sister didn't live through the night," Sharpthorn said. He looked down. He looked up at Cinnamonfur. "Thanks for talking with me. I'm going hunting; Would you like to come with me?" Sharpthorn asked.
Pebblekit growled quietly. Whoever the bully was, he would make sure it stopped. And he would let Bearpaw help. Not one of his friends deserved to be treated like this, and he would let the bully know. The fur on his back bristled up in preparation to find the cat, and he sprang to his feet.

Bearpaw heard a soft growl from inside. "Shouldn't be long now." She commented mostly to herself, waiting for a familiar gray blur to come speeding out.
"Sure."Said Cinnamonfur happily.She looked around and saw a mouse.Cinnnamonfur licked her lips and went in a crouch position.

"Y-Yellowf-f-ANG!"She whimpered loudly.
Pebblekit scowled. His fur fluffed up, making him seem twice his size as he stalked off to find the previous Shadowclan member. Bearpaw was caught off guard by the kit's resolve and stared as Pebblekit made his way over to the medicine den, where he was sure to find Yellowfang.
Doublekit rushed out of the den. She ran to Bluestar. She explained the situation to Bluestar.

Speedpaw left the den. He saw Pebblekit heading towards the medicine den. He wondered if he should stop the kit.

Sharpthorn caught a rabbit and squrill. He dropped them off in the fresh-kill pile.
Pebblekit arrived at the medicine den. He saw Yellowfang there and began yelling at the cat. "How dare you bully my friend!" He lunged angrily at her but stopped midair, resulting in him tumbling in a heap inches away from Yellowfang. He regained his composure and sat up, glaring coldly at her for a few moments before stalking away.
Speedpaw walked over to Pebblekit. "What was that about bullying?" He asked. Doublekit rushed over. "Yellowfang has been bullying me, Pebblekit, and Shykit! She even pushed me!" She exclaimed. Speedpaw eyes widened in disbelief.
"What did Bluestar say? You were in the leader's den." Pebblekit asked Doublekit, ignoring Speedpaw's shock. Bearpaw stopped staring at the kits and walked over to see what would happen.
"She said that she would deal with Yellowfang. The meanie!" Doublekit replied. "I wish I was a warrior already! Then I wouldn't get in as much trouble if I slash Yellowfang!" Doublekit hopped around. She made a sketch of Yellowfang in the dirt. Then she destroyed it.
Pebblekit stared at Doublekit in surprise. He didn't like that Yellowfang had bullied the three, but he wasn't willing to hurt the older cat. "It's just words..." He tried to calm his friend down.
Speedpaw had already walked away. "It's just that he's so mean! I wish he would stay with ShadowClan!" Doublekit said looking down. She had tears in her eyes. "I wish the clan had more faith in us kits," Doublekit mumbled to Pebblekit.
"It's okay. We'll get older and smarter, and cats will listen to us." He replied, feeling awkward now that the situation had passed. Bearpaw had left sometime while they were talking and was seen slipping into the den.