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Ask to Join Warrior cats general RP

Doublekit looked up. The sun was setting. Doublekit yawned. "I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning, Pebblekit!" She exclaimed. Doublekit walked into the nursery. She cuddled up with her mother. Doublekit drifted to sleep.
Pebblekit only now realized how tired he was and headed to the nursery to rest like Doublekit. He couldn't wait to get up tomorrow and play with his friends.
**The Next Morning**
Doublekit woke up. She ran over to Pebblekit. Doublekit woke Pebblekit up. "C'mon! Let's go play!" Doublekit ushered. She rushed outside to wait for Pebblekit.

Speedpaw woke up. He trotted over to Bearpaw. Speedpaw didn't feel like waking her up. Even though he knew Bearpaw had been alive for 12 moons.
Cinnamonfur was tired and went out to hunting duty."Bluh.."She whined.

Shykit woke up.This time she was trebling with fear.She wanted to rest more then play today.
Deltapaw woke with a start from a terrible nightmare. He dreamed about ThunderClan drowning in a sea of war and chaos, with the sound of pelts ripping, and yowls of agony. He shuddered and got up with a stretch. Deltapaw nodded at Speedpaw "Hey, Speedpaw. Did you get much sleep?"
Cinnamonfur looked around annoyed.She quickly caught a rabbit and put it in the fresh-kill pile.She did that thirteenth more times.After that,she went to the fresh-kill pile and started to eat."Finally.Something that actually tastes good!"She said biting down on a juicy mouse.
"Yeah," Speedpaw said walking over to Deltapaw. Speedpaw yawned. "Still a little tired. Bearpaw's been around for 12 moons. I think she'll become a warrior later today," Speedpaw explained.
Deltapaw nodded. "Me too. StarClan knows she's earned it." He walked out into the clearing, yawning. He walked up to Cinnamonfur. "Hiya, Cinnamonfur. Get some sleep last night?"
Pebblekit got up and chased after Doublekit. He saw the other cats waking up and moving around camp. He was bursting with energy. "What should we do today?" The kit asked.

Bearpaw twitched and woke up. She padded outside and went to take food as if it was any other day.
Bluestar called up from the rock. "We might as well listen to the announcment!" Doublekit exclaimed. She walked towards Bluestar's perch. Tawnyspots followed with Speedpaw. "We have two new Warriors! Bearpaw and Deltapaw!" Bluestar shouted. Doublekit's eyes lit up.
Cinnamonfur walked to the high rock sleepily.Shykit woke up,she walked to the high rock and sat next to Cinnamonfur."What could this be for?"Shykit asked Cinnamonfur curiously."I don't know."Cinnamonfur replied looking at Bluestar.
Pebblekit hurried to watch the ceremony. "Bearpaw's gonna be a warrior!" He told Shykit.

Bearpaw stopped and hurried over to the high rock. "Bearpaw, your warrior name is Bearclaw!" Bluestar announced.
Deltapaw padded up in front of the crowding cats, eyes widened.
Bluestar nodded to him. "By the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Deltapaw, from this moment you will be known as Deltafang. StarClan honors your bravery and ambition, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
Deltafang purred as he bowed. "Thank you, Bluestar."
Doublekit hopped around. "Bearclaw and Deltafang are warriors!" She exclaimed. She hopped around Pebblekit.

Speedpaw smiled. He knew that he was a moon younger than Bearpaw. Soon he would become a warrior.
Pebblekit cheered excitedly. "Yeah!" He stayed still except for his tail, which was waving furiously. He didn't feel like hopping around much, but he was still glad for Bearclaw.

Bearclaw's eyes glinted with joy. She didn't say anything. She nodded at Cinnamonfur in thanks and left the high rock like all the other cats were doing.
"Bearclaw and Deltafang!"Cheered Shykit happily.Cinnamonfur looked up at Bluestar.She looked down at Shykit."Soon you will become an apprentice and have a ceromony similar to this."Cinnamonfur said to Shykit.Shykit smiled.
Bearclaw blinked and went to sit vigil too, since she had forgotten for a moment.

Pebblekit tried to sneak away to sit vigil like the new warriors, but was stopped by Rapidrunner. The kit turned away and looked for his friends, but it was difficult to see around the taller cats who were still scattered around.
Speedpaw started to walk away. Doublekit followed. "C'mon Pebblekit! Let's go!" Doublekit exclaimed.

Sharpthorn walked over to Bearpaw. "Hey! Congrats on becoming a Warrior! I have to say, the Warrior den is MUCH better than the apprentices' den!" Shaprthorn exclaimed with a smile. He walked off knowing about having to sit Vigil.

"Hey, Pebblekit, what are Bearclaw and Deltafang doing?" Doublekit asked Pebblekit. Pebblekit was a little older that Doublekit, so She though Pebblekit knew a buch.
"They have to stay up tonight. They're on vigil." Pebblekit told Doublekit. He followed Doublekit, curious about what she was doing. "Where are we going?" He asked inquisitively.

Bearclaw looked up at the rising moon, bracing herself for a long, quiet night.
Deltafang sat through the cold, dark night, barely shivering through the cold. He looked behind him and saw Bearclaw, sitting vigil as well. He didn't know her that much, only the fact that they both were the same age. Deltafang promised himself that he would start a friendly conversation with her and get to know her more. He thought back to his dream and looked down. 'Is that what our Clan is doomed to? If it is, there has to be something I can do.'
**The next morning**

Doublekit's eyes opened slowly. She trotted over to Pebblekit. "Wake up, Wake up!" She exclaimed. Doublekit's tail was wagging.

Sharpthorn woke up. He trotted out of the den.

Speedpaw stretched. He walked out of the den. He had no idea that he had been alive for 12 moons. Speedpaw thought it would be a couple moons.
Deltapaw watched the sunrise. His vigil was finally over. He padded over to Bearclaw, remembering his promise. "Hey, Bearclaw." He shook out his pelt with a yawn. "How was your vigil?"
Pebblekit complained under his breath for a few moments before getting up. "What are we doing today?" He asked, noting Doublekit's cheerfulness and thinking there would be something special.

Bearclaw stood up. "It was fine." She answered. She didn't feel too tired, and was ready to hunt for the clan.
Deltafang nodded. "Same for me." He felt no signs of fatigue, for some reason. "I wonder when we get put on patrol or hunting duties. To be honest, I'm fine with either."
"You and Shykit have been alive for 5 moons! Tomorrow you'll apprentices!" Doublekit exclaimed. Let's Goo!" Doublekit ran out of the nursery. "Before we send out patrols, I would like to announce something. We have yet another new Warrior!" Bluestar announced. Speedpaw walked over. "Speedpaw! From this day on, you will be known as Speedbreeze!" Bluestar announced. Speedbreeze's eyes lit up.
Deltafang's ears twitched at Bluestar's call. He nodded to Bearclaw. "Come on! Bluestar's organizing patrols!" He ran over to the Highrock, where Speedpaw was officially being made Speedbreeze. "Speedbreeze! Speedbreeze!" Deltafang yowled, pride for the young warrior evident on his face.
Speedbreeze found a nice spot. He sat vigil.

"Okay, Patrols will be..." Blustar started. She then organized the patrols. Doublekit hopped around waiting for Pebblekit.
Deltafang listened for the patrols, then perked up. He looked at Bearclaw happily. "Hey, what about that? We're organized on the same hunting patrol!" Deltafang purred, and winked at Bearclaw, amber eyes glinting competitively. "I'll bet I can catch more prey than you!"
"Not a chance." Bearclaw stated. She would not let this cat win. The brown cat walked into the forest, sniffing for prey once she was a few steps away from camp.

Pebblekit blinked and took off after Doublekit after processing what she said. He felt more energetic than when he woke up, already anticipating his ceremony.
Deltafang purred at Bearclaw's response and sprinted off, tasting the air as soon as he got to the forest. He spotted movement under some leaves as a plump thrush pecked at seeds. Deltafang slowly stalked toward the bird, his belly barely brushing against the ground and tail low. He got a few inches closer and pounced, giving the prey a swift bite to the neck. He burned with pride and started looking for more. He caught some small mice and another thrush before he headed back into camp. However, the amount of prey was so large he had to carry it with his paws and padded into camp on his hind-legs. 'This must be so humiliating!' Deltafang dropped the prey at the pile and looked around. 'Bearclaw isn't back yet. Perhaps she's still hunting?'
Doublekit saw Speedbreeze sitting still. "Speedbreeze must be sitting vigil!" Doublekit exclaimed. She raced around the highrock. "I can't wait until I'm an apprentice! Then I can hunt!" Doublekit exclaimed.
Bearclaw returned to camp with two squirrels. She set them down and flicked her tail. "Wait." She commanded and strode back into the forest, returning with a rabbit. "Did you top that?" She mumbled and set it down with the rest.

Pebblekit sat and purred. He watched Doublekit sprint around.
Deltafang nodded. "Sadly, yes. I got two thrushes and two mice." He tried to cheer her up. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be a great hunter." He tilted his head and smiled. "I believe in you."
Doublekit pounced on Pebblekit. "To be a warrior, you have to be ready for an attack at all times!" Doublekit exclaimed.

**The next morning**

Doublekit awoke with a start. She rushed over to Pebblekit. She woke him up. "Pebblekit! You've been alive for 6 moons! So has Shykit!" Doublekit exclaimed.
Shykit opened her eyes slowly."Whah?"She said with one eye open.Memories can back to her,"WE'RE APPRENTICES NOW!!"She said loudly jumping into the air and landing on four legs.
Deltafang looked over at Shykit and purred. "Shykit's finally an apprentice. She must be ecstatic by now." He padded over to the kit, mrrowing with laughter. "Bluestar has to officially give you your apprentice name, don't forget," Deltafang reminded her. "But, congratulations."